Sacrifice (itadori x reader_)...

By pastelqtdotcos

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Prologe: adventure begins
Chapter 2: reasoning
Chapter 3: Y/n daycare!
Chapter 4: useless
Chapter 5: minnie gojo's day away.
Chapter 6: my name is not mazoku pt.1
Chapter 7: my name is not Mazoku pt.2
Chapter 8: more friends and ememys.
Chapter 9: minnie gojo a menace to old men
Chapter 10: meeting a edge lord
Chapter 11: Nanami kento enters the frame!
Chapter 13: investigation on my sweet little brother~
Chapter 14: my sweet little brother pt.1
Chapter 16: my sweet little brother part 3 end
Chapter 18: awakening

Chapter 15: my sweet little brother pt.2

51 5 0
By pastelqtdotcos

Y/n pov

"Damn pei that was a-" I yawned and stretched my arms out wide almost smacking junpei
"-Really good movie choice" me and him watched a long slasher film that made me kinda tired but only because of how long it was
"Are you sure you liked it? If you didn't you can tell me cause we don't hav-" I stopped him right there before he went into a frenzy for apologies.

I pleaded my hand on his head and grew so I could pull him to my chest for a side hug.
"It's cool pei I really did like it, now can you explain it to me cause I am sure I didn't catch it as much as you" he smiled and hugged me back with some hesitation but he quickly got used to my show of affection.

Next thing I knew while we were talking we made our way to a park, there were no children considering the time of day. The sun was going down and younger kids were home probably eating dinner.
"I really liked the gore, it was a bit hard to watch at first since it looked so real." I could only nod at pei's words, it was really bloody.
"Yeah the scene with the barf all over Jackie and having to keep it on her face and hair the rest of the film is what got me, anything but that I wanted to cringe so bad!" The two of us went to sit down on the swing set while laughing our asses off.

"Yeah y/n your face was priceless, I heard you groan and the look in your eyes was just so much I almost laughed on the spot" I snapped my head to him quickly and I felt head rise to my face
"You saw my face in the theater! How!" He just laughed at my expression even more, how rude of him~
'Well since I have seen this movie before I wanted to know how you would react, like how you seemed to space out during the memory scenes, I actually have been meaning to ask you something" memory scenes? Oh yeah, the victims would have random memories of family,friends,lovers or anyone of importance before they died. It reminded me of my own little 'visions' I have had recently
"Ask away my boy~"

"Since you're a curse and you...remember your family?" Pei looked worried to ask, I'm just surprised he didn't ask sooner knowing how curious he is about curses now.
"Sometimes I think I do." He just looked confused at my wording.
"Well to go into more detail I think I'm starting to remember, I call them visions. Sometimes certain people tend to fade away and I see some people who are so familiar in their place. Sometimes when I look at you smile I see this much younger figure and hear a voice call me 'y/n-nee-San"

He seemed to be in thought looking at his feet just swinging slowly, the small creaks of the swing made the silence more tolerable so that's nice.
"Really, do you think... you were a big sister before you died?" He stopped moving and looked at me, making eye contact which is rare for him to do, it happened again. He flashed but only for a moment
"Possibly, if I was I must have been a horrible big sister. I know they were killed with me and if he was my little brother then I failed to keep him safe."

I brought my hand up to the flower in my instinctively playing with the pedals.
"I think you were a great big sister. I mean if even after death and forgetting everything you still care enough to remember them deep down, I think you're a great sister figure to me." He quickly covered his mouth and I was only able to look at him wide eyed.
"I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just see you like a big sister. I hope I don't offend you" I got off my swing and hugged pei tightly as if he would fade away like the boy in my visions.

"That's ok pei,really you remind me of a little brother so much. I know this may be soon but I love you pei and I won't fail as a big sister this time, I will protect you." My eye began to burn but no tears came out.
"I love you to y/n goodbye."


I felt myself start to wake up from sensing a huge amount of cursed energy building slowly and a bunch of laughing from beside me. I opened my eyes and saw that junpei was right in front of Itadori laying dead, he's really dead.
"Hahaha~ oh dead already? Oh well I was rough when changing his shape, that's just how it goes~" right then and their itadori punched him square in the face doing some damage but patchwork backed off to the top of the stairs before he could do more.

"Nice blow~ but sadly it won't work as long as I maintain-" he stopped talking when his nose started gushing blood. I stood up and went straight it itadori's side
"Itadori be careful remember what nanami said, don't let him touch you with his hands" all he did was nod at my words, probably wasn't even listening.
"Y/n I'm guessing you're angry just as much as I am" itadori's tone made a smirk crawl onto my face.

"I'm livid, I'm going to kill this bastard no matter the cost." I grew to my max height and took my scarf off laying it on junpei's body. I'll come back for him once this guy is dead.
"Good, because I." Itadori was interrupted by patchwork who seemed to be talking to himself out loud.
"You're actually aware of the outline of your own soul!?" His voice is irritating, we have to stay in control but any longer and itadori is gonna lose it. Scratch that he is, his cursed energy that has been building up suddenly exploded out of his body and enough to even make me freeze for a moment.

"I.will.kill.You" was all he said, his cursed energy was raging so much I could feel my skin tingle at the sensation.
"Don't you mean you're going to exorcize me jujutsu sorcerer~?" Patchwork licked his lips and spread his arms waiting for an attack.
"No dumbass, we are going to kill you instead! You took Junpei from us and many other innocent lives so now we will take yours as payment." Itadori finally got his cursed energy back together but I could see him shaking from trying to contain it. He might as well let it out since I have his back but that could make a bad habit.

"GRAHHHHHHHHHH!" Itadori screamed and jumped for patchwork, he was swinging and missing, patchwork made wings out of his own arms and literally started flying up the stairs slowly to mock Itadori.
"Damn it!" I jump out the window behind me and climb up as they go up the stairs, I need to be the calm one and watch his back. Itadori seems to be able to hurt him the most so he is vital to this fight.

I broke though when they stopped moving right behind itadori, I haven't done this before but it might be needed
"Cursed technique: five meter crush x2" instead of one fist I made two but they only went three meters infront of me but just enough to cradle around itadori and give him room to move at the same time.
"Y/n, my hits seem to not reach him all the way so I'm going to pound him into a pulp. I'll count on you to have my back alright"

"Always, let's do this but calmly." He prepared a divergent fist and we waited for patchwork to move, and his normal nasty grin only grew and his hand started bubbling and changing.
"Get ready itadori!"

He swung his body back with his arm and quickly moved Ed as if he threw something at me and itadori, it looked like?
"Whips move back!" The shine that came from behind him was enough for me to notice how sharp it it, the little hooked blades look like if we touch them it can do lots of damage

He launched the whips at us and quickly advanced towards us, I grabbed itadori and started backing away as much as I could. The ground looked as if you put your finger on the icing of a cake and swiped your finger and that could be us if we aren't quick.
"Y/n a hole!" I listened and let one of the razors make a hole in the wall and we jumped through.
"Nice one itadori, now we just have to get him out of the building."

We had barely any time to talk when a drill head came right between us into the ground, itadori grabbed the flesh behind it and pulled.
"No way your limbs can keep stretching forever!" I got to grab it with him but I realized what could happen
"Itadori let go of his flesh!" He looked confused till spikes entered his hand and went out the other side, damn it that can be a damning injury. I grab on myself and pull hard getting spiked as well.
"Keep pulling!" We got him out of the hole and sent him to the other side of the courtyard right into a wall.

The flesh retracted itself and made its way back to patchwork.
"You know...most people would have let go~ but I guess you aren't like most people Hmm?" I used a crush rush to get him while he is still changing his shape, if I'm fast enough I can get to him before he can change. Itadori smashed the ground behind me giving us cover with dirt and lucky me I already know where patchwork is.

I grabbed his head and began to crush it but I was so focused on crushing his head he kneed me in the stomach with a shark spike and kicked me away. Itadori came in right behind me punching him in the stomach before I couldn't see with all the dust everywhere, crap.
"Itadori, Don't let him touch you at all no matter what!" The smoke eventually cleared but I felt my blood go cold for only a moment.

Itadori was impaled by a lot of spikes but I felt something else, sukuna was not out but patchwork had definitely triggered him in some way so I stood back for the perfect opportunity. I forgot that itadori is a vessel meaning if patchwork tried to touch his soul then he would touch sukuna and with how strong he is I know he wouldn't accept that.
"No...I am not going to switch because...I will right now!" Itadori grabbed his face and started bashing it in with his own skull over and over till the spikes disappeared.

Itadori kicked his face with a roundhouse and when he turned I punched him right back for that spiked knee. We both went to end patchwork but one second he was there and the next only his clothing was in front of us.
"What?" I looked up and ran for itadori, patchwork was standing over him with some kind of spiky weapon over his head.
"NO!" He swung down fast, way too fast for me to stop him but me and itadori were pushed back and I recognized the cursed energy infront of us.

"Nanami!?/nanami?" Me and itadori watched as his attack chopped off patchworks arm leaving it to dangle on a few pieces of flesh.
"I'll lecture you both later, tell me what the situation is." Nanami is probably pissed, oops
"The students are alive but unconscious, two died and I failed to save them..." Itadori is trying to take blame for something he couldn't prevent, no way am I letting his adorable ass take the blame alone.
"We both failed to save them." Was all I said since all I can focus on is that damn patchwork asshole.

"I want to know your condition itadori, I'm sure y/n is fine but what about you" nanami looked to me for confirmation and I nodded.
"I fine I just have a few holes." Me and nanami just look at him like he is crazy, being full of holes is not fine. At all.
"My my it seems you survived mister 7:3~ should we share a little hug for our reunion?"

I wanna wipe that smug look off of patchwork's face so damn bad since it is right there just saying 'hit me hit me~' when looking closely nanami notices that patchwork has a nose bleed, it must be significant if it can cause nanami to freeze for a moment.
"Y/n,itadori why is his nose bleeding"
"Because I smashed his face in?" Oh my innocent boy itadori never knowing what's going on.
"Did he touch you?" He nodded and Nanami looked at me for confirmation once more, what am I a fact checker?
"Yeah it touched him, I think it has something to do with sukuna."

"Alright then. Y/n, itadori my attacks won't do anything to him so I'll find you an opening and once we do we will shower him with blows. We are going to exorcize him right now" itadori wipes the blood off his lips and I clench my fist ready to beat patchworks back to the grave.
"Let's do this!"

Patchwork finally did something and made one arm a long ass blade while the other hand has an eye pointed at itadori, he's going to focus on nanami since he has the most experience. He dashed towards us and swung his arm diagonally to hit all three of us but some dumb move like that won't work like he wants it to.

The three of us move away and I charge right at him from the side. We try to keep our moves coordinated but their straight attacks are a little bit faster than my heavy blows. I'm gonna have to crush him right when the other two are halfway done with an attack.

Patchwork jumped into the air and became a big spike ball separating us.
"What is this guy and spikes!?" We smash all the weaker parts of patchwork to try and get him down.
"Y/n you need to focus"
"R-right sorry Nanami!" Patchwork released his spike ball thingy and dropped down, he used my skill and became a child before nanami or itadori could strike him but I'm in luck with this.

"Think you can take my tricks buddy~" he turned and saw me eye level with him and I kicked and punched him with my little fist, since he became a small target I'll just make him the same size as me.
"My I almost forgot you could do that Mazoku~"
"Shut up with that shit will you!" he grew back into an adult and tried to kick my head but I grew as well and blocked the kick with my own.

"You may be able to change more than just your size but you don't know the first thing about how to properly use it like me!" I kicked him with my other foot and sent him flying. I would have gone after him but he threw up some beam looking things and threw them at me.
"Now then you guys go after the short haired brat~" I returned to nanami and itadori's side as those beans were actually transfigured humans now chasing itadori.

"Nanami I'm goin with him!" I run for it but the back of my shirt gets held.
"Hey let me go nanami!"
"No he will be fine by himself, I need you to use your crush alright now just follow my lead." I look at itadori already on the roof trying to keep those people off of him, he's gonna have to kill them won't he.

"Got it" we kept trying to him over and over till nanami and I got caught in that big fist he used in the beginning of the fight to stop itadori. Nanami is behind me so if he can't be transfigured but I can, with nanami here I can just rip the area apart or I might rip him up too.
"Should I have him kill you guys next? He can tell the difference between reality and his ideals, he is nothing but a fool."

I bite this guy's hand as hard as I can, all my rage is starting to show and I don't know how much longer I can be the calm one for itadori.
"You're wrong, he's coming to terms with that right now and I would say that you're the fool for thinking that" just then itadori came smashing down on patchworks arm holding us letting us all go.
"Thanks itadori!" Now that we have the opportunity we shower him with blow after blow and I can see he's almost out cold from so many hits at once, this is what he gets for killing my little brother.

After about ten seconds I noticed a sick look on patchwork's face, he's happy about something and it just doesn't sit right with me. He stopped moving and opened his mouth wide as hand emerged from behind him, all three of us retreated but me and nanami got caught inside. It's a domain. We are fucked.

"N-nanami, we are in his domain!" I stand close to him as a bunch of hands start linking, making us our cage. This is not good since the guaranteed hit rule of domains.
"I know, stay calm." I nod and grab onto his sleeve, we can get out of this and besides itadori is outside so that's a relief.
"Hehe~ night now I am just so...grateful to you two" my vision starts to blur and I feel dizzy out of the blue.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" I look Over and see that nanami is giving me a concerned look, I can barely hear what he's saying but I nod anyways.
"Im fine I just feel dizzy right now" a strange sensation come out of my chest and rushed out, I closed my eyes as it felt like something was pulling at my core.
"Y/n! What is that!" Nanami's words start to sound more clear and the dizziness went away

"Domain expansion: unconditional love" a weird red ribbon with changing gold strung patterns surround me making a domain of its own, it's not mine since I can't make one yet. It feels really warm.
"Unconditional love will give you another chance,but I can only do this once." The fucking ribbon just spoke to me!? I could only nod and slowly fall into a warm sleep from the ribbon wrapping me like a small blanket.

"But I"


I'm going to be updating this story every two weeks and I have finally got motivation for the story again, every two mondays I'll post again.

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