Never love

By notyourbitch1024

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Here are some information about yourself: Your name is y/n Malfoy, which means Draco Malfoy is your older twi... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine

chapter six

134 1 3
By notyourbitch1024

The next morning when Pansy and I were walking into the great hall, I heard some of the slytherin boys whistling in my direction.

"What was that about?", she asked.

"Well let's say a red bra underneath a white and wet blouse isn't very practical"

We sat down next to Blaise and ate our cornflakes.

After breakfast we all walked to Care of Magical Creatures.
I really enjoyed this subject because it was interesting to see all these special animals.
I couldn't say the same for my brother.
He always acted like a fool around Hagrid and I really didn't understand why. He was probably just to proud of his blood status.

Care of Magical Creatures were the only lessons of the day because our teachers hat to discuss something.

It was a beautiful day, so I decided to go outside and read a book.
Reading was something I enjoyed since I was little.
My dad and I always used to sit in the library of the malfoy manor and we just read. For hours and hours.
We never talked a lot but we also didn't need to.
It was just the way he showed he loved me.

So I sat down on a bench and read a few minutes, when suddenly someone came up to me.

"Hey Enzo wassup?"

"Nothing much, I hope I'm not bothering you am I ?"

"Don't worry, you could never.
And thanks again for yesterday".

"Your welcome. By the way what book are you reading?"

"Oh just something about the dark arts"

,,Sounds boring and probably is very boring, soo I suggest we should spend some time together what do you think?"

,,Alright, I'm in, but only if we'll get something to eat, because those cornflakes were not enough this morning"

,,Sure, you wanna go to hogsmeade?"

,,Why not but you'll be shocked how much butterbeer I devour''

After Enzo and I went to Zonko and Gladrags Wizardwear, we both headed to the three broomsticks and took a seat near the entrance.

We sat there for about half an hour when I saw the golden trio entering the pub.
I didn't have a problem with Ron and Harry, but Hermione oh my lord she was such a show-off and not even the best of our year.
Harry's gaze met mine and they walked over to us.
,,Hey y/n and uh Enzo was it right?''
,,Yeah and you're the ,,chosen one'' ''
,,Uhh yeah well anyway, y/n I wanted to ask if you're coming to the party at the lake this evening''
,,I haven't decided yet but I guess. Why are you asking?''
,,Oh let's just say that there's someone who would be very happy about your presence''
,,Well then I won't let this someone down right''
,,Sure then I'll see you there'', Harry went off to his friends.
,,Uhm y/n what was that about?'', Enzo asked
,,No idea but we better get going so I can get ready"
,,Y/N we have like 3 hours left"
,,AND YOU'RE STILL SITTING THERE?! Get your ass up and hurry!"

Time skip: Right before the party
,,Ughh Pansy what do you think, I can't decide if I should wear the corset top or the cropped one. What do you think?''
,,Take the corset top, you didn't wear it that often''.

Just imagine that is your outfit

I turned to look at Pansy and ,,Holy bitch if I wasn't straight, I would definitely fall in love with you''
,,Yeah and if you weren't my bestfriend, I would have fallen for you. And now c'mon we have a party to attend to''
We walked down the stairs, where my brother and his friends already waited for us.
,,Wow Y/N, you look really great'', Enzo complimented my outfit.
,,And you too Pansy. What a shame you don't like guys'', my brother tried it everytime, but as you could tell no success.
Theodore and Mattheo didn't look at me - or us at all.
They just went off to the party with the four of us following.

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