chapter four

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"Ms. Parkinson would you like to continue and explain what these ingredients are for?
No idea? Well I didn't expect anything", Snape admonished Pansy.

"How about you Ms. Malfoy?"

"I guess we'll be talking about Dragon Tonic"

"That's right.
Is there anybody else who has some information about Dragons?
Mr. Weasley, you should know something about them since it's your brother's job".

"They spit fire", Fred tried to be funny and gave me a wink.

I simply ignored him.

Fred and I well, we had a Crush on each other in the first year at Hogwarts, but I knew I couldn't be with him.

"Looks like the Weasley twin isn't over you yet huh?", Pansy whispered.

"Sure but I'm so over him", I whispered back.

"Yeaah I'm sure you are".

"Ms. Parkinson if you want to pass this year I would listen to me".

That's how it went on and on until the bell rang for lunch.

I sat down next do Enzo because Draco and Pansy had some other lessons.

Theodore sat in front of me and I once again noticed his beautiful brown eyes, his jawline and the full lips he had. I probably stared a little too long because his lips suddenly started moving.

"Hey you alright?"

"HUH, what, oh yeah, uh I'm fine".

"Seems like someone has a staring problem", Enzo commented.

"Nah I'm surprised Theodore can actually speak and isn't dead".

"I just don't like talking to spoiled little girls that's all", he said.

"Excuse me, you fool may be one of my brother's friends, but that doesn't mean you don't have to show me some respect".

"Like I said, spoiled little girl", he murmured.

"Theo leave her alone it's not her fault, Mary broke up with you", Enzo defended me.

Now he just hissed "idiots" and walked out of the great hall.

"What the hell was that", Cedric suddenly stood next to me.

"I have no idea but let's just go to the field. The training in Beauxbatons was definitely worth the few hours of sleep. C'mon!"

"See you later En"

"Bad nickname, but have fun", he commented.

"Bad nickname, but have fun", he commented

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