Av joymoment

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"This book is the perfect mixture of deep and hilarious. I'm in love with that" - crackhead4ever Teen fictio... Mer

Bam! Author's Note Coming At Ya!
Chapter 1 - "What are you the welcoming committee?"
Chapter 2 - "Why do you have an Elliot McKenzie book?"
Chapter 3 - "Got into a fight with a bear."
Chapter 4 - "A dress with pockets."
Chapter 5 - "Lose your pompoms, princess?"
Chapter 6 - "Your Senior Class President is now..."
Chapter 7 - "That makes two of us."
Chapter 8 - "Just leave him alone."
Chapter 9 - "Let's get this party started!"
Chapter 10 - "But you said he had a bad boy vibe every girl loved."
Chapter 11 - "Is that how you noticed me?"
Chapter 12 - "Couldn't miss out on the fun."
Chapter 13 - "You are more than a pretty face."
Chapter 14 - "I'm going to need your muscles."
Chapter 15 - "Can I ask you something?"
Chapter 16 - "You stole the happiness out of the peanut butter."
Chapter 17 - "Currently it's a whale."
Chapter 18 - "It's not the same without you."
Chapter 19 - "I said attractive, not hot."
Chapter 20 - "Please go away."
Chapter 21 - "You're not no one."
Chapter 22 - "Twenty-three unread messages."
Chapter 24 - "I'm not fake."
Chapter 25 - "I love him but no."
Chapter 26 - "Why do you look so pretty?"
Chapter 27 - "Have you ever beaten someone up?"
Chapter 28 - "I don't hate you."
Chapter 29 - "You are brilliant and I love you!"
Chapter 30 - "I love you, Cory. But..."
Chapter 31 - "It will be okay."
Chapter 32 - "This will be fun, Angry Biker Girl."
Chapter 33 - "Micah, I think I'm having an existential crisis."
Chapter 34 - "Did you say something to Max?"
Chapter 35 - "Aiden?"
Chapter 36 - "Why are you leaving?"
Chapter 37 - "Am I still your Wise Ole Sage then?"
Chapter 38 - "That literally makes no sense."
Chapter 39 - "I bought happiness."
Chapter 40 - "This won't be a problem, will it?"
Chapter 41 - "Cheer is stupid."
Chapter 42 - Wise Ole Sage?
Chapter 43 - "The weather isn't a metaphor."
Chapter 44 - "You sure you don't want me to stay?"
Chapter 45 - "You can talk about it with me if you need to."
Chapter 46 - "Just leave already."
Chapter 47 - "We were both at fault."
Chapter 48 - "Your senior Homecoming Court King is..."
Chapter 49 - "The real you is perfect."
A Note Before The Epilogue
Micah's Closet

Chapter 23 - "I'm willing to take that risk."

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Av joymoment

Twenty minutes later, the glorious smell of rice, beans, meat, and everything happy in life heralded Miguel's arrival. The smell was so heavenly Courtney half expected angels to appear before Miguel.

They didn't but the sight of him walking into the theater holding two plastic bags was a beautiful sight indeed. She threw up her hands.

"My hero!"

"Calm down, it's only food."

"He said to the starving man."

Miguel merely shook his head and set down the food on the floor. Courtney pushed her work to the side and Miles managed to come out of his work coma to lay down his tablet.

"Miguel," Courtney said, scooping beans and rice into a tortilla. "Do you ever compare yourself to others?"

Spoon in hand, Miguel paused and gave her a long look. Not sure how the look could be long when he wasn't far away but it was a long look.

"Where is this coming from?" he asked, wrapping up his food.

"Something I talked about with Micah today."

"Who's Micah?" Miles asked, around a mouth full of food.

A sight that contradicted the heavenliness of the food.

"He's a friend," Courtney said.

"Well he can't hang out with this trio," Miles said.


"Because we already have two names starting with m-i, adding a third would be overkill."

Logical and stupid.

"Fine, but I'm serious, do you compare yourself to others?"

Miguel nodded, looking a little like some strange fashion ad with his slacks and button-down while eating a burrito. Not sure what the ad is trying to sell... Burritos? Clothes? Miguel? Pretty sure all three would sell.

"I don't know how I couldn't," Miguel said, unaware that he was apparently for sale in some strange world in Courtney's head. "You know my family. Everyone is successful. I'm the youngest cousin and I'm trying to live up to titans. Even though I don't play baseball, it's hard not to look at how talented and accomplished Jace is and not compare myself to him."

He shrugged. "It's what humans do. Look at social media, half that is staged, edited, and still people compare themselves to it, thinking its a real."

Okay, that was true.

"What about you, Miles? You don't compare yourself to others, right?"

She didn't know how he could, he was the one others would compare themselves to.

"Sure, I do," Miles said. "Heather. She was in high school when she started her career. It took me till college."

Sigh. There is no hope for me. Oh, cruel world giving me two geniuses for siblings.

Heather popped in as if called by Courtney's thoughts. Though most likely it was the savory scent of food.

"Heather do you compare yourself to anyone?" Courtney asked, watching her sister quickly make a burrito.

"Yeah, Aunt Lillian. She started a company in college. I'm only working for her."

She wrapped up her burrito, which was far bigger than Courtney thought it should be.

"Hey! That's our food," Courtney said.

"And now it's mine," Heather said, walking away.

"I can't wait for Micah's dad to find you a place."

"I'll miss you too!"

Courtney settled back. "Miles compares himself to Heather, Heather compares herself to Aunt Lillian. Is anyone sane enough to not compare themselves to someone else?"

"Probably not," Miguel said. "Who do you compare yourself to?"

Everyone. No, not true. You, Miguel. My siblings. My parents. Everyone who has it worse. Everyone who has it better. But not the people in between... so that's something.

"Have you thought that you're someone a lot of people compare themselves to?" Miles asked.

Miguel pointed at him. "True. The coin flips both ways. How many students would want to be a pretty, popular, blonde cheerleader? They fail to see the costs that come with it. That's why comparing never works, no one ever sees the whole of a situation."

"Or the struggles that come with it," Courtney said.

"Exactly," Miles agreed.

"So everyone in the world should stop comparing themselves to other people and focus on their own lives and how they can make the best of them."

"You have just solved world peace," Miguel said. "Congratulations."

Courtney gave a princess wave like she was a beauty contestant.

"Thank you. All I've ever wanted is world peace."

Both boys chuckled and focused back on their food. A focus that could be world peace if everyone understood the magic of Mexican food.

Finished, Miles went back to his seat and picked up his tablet, submerging in his work again. Like a submarine. But only he lived in the yellow submarine, everyone would be pushed out the doors and left to drown.

Bit of a morbid thought. Though most likely true.

"Why are you watching Endgame?" Miguel asked, starting to collect all the empty containers.

"'Cause it's a great movie..."

"I thought it was because it's about people facing a serious setback and how they overcome it and how that symbolically aligns with what you're currently facing."

"I'm blonde, you can't give me that deep of a thought process for a movie I'm half watching."

Miguel grinned. "Is it?"

"No, but now I'm going to say it was because it makes me seem more intentional about my choice beyond the thought of 'Chris Evans: hot'."

Tying a knot in the plastic bag, Miguel stood.

"Are you going to leave me?" Courtney asked.

"No. I'm going to throw this away then fall asleep on the chairs."

"Don't go too crazy, your parents might have to rein you in."

Miguel disappeared through the doorway and when he returned, he went to the second row and lowered the armrests, creating a long couch. He flopped down and draped one arm over his eyes.

Two hours later, as the movie entered its final battle, the front door opened and Courtney heard the bright laughter and voices of what could only be a squad of giddy girls. Half the cheer team burst into the theater accompanied by the aroma of fries and filling the room with a pallet of red and white uniforms.

"Miles!" some of them called out.

Instantly, Miles stood and tucked his tablet close. "Yeah, I'm out of here."

And the yellow submarine swims away, not to be seen again until it surfaces on the morrow.

"Here you are!" Aubrey said, presenting Courtney with an In and Out milkshake. "Your servants have done your bidding."

Courtney hurriedly brushed aside her project so it didn't get trampled on and accepted the milkshake.

"We missed you out there," Lynn said, settling in beside Courtney.

"Hey! Miguel is here."

"Is he sleeping?"

"Oh maybe I should wake him with a true love's kiss," Kimber said.

"Do it and die," Miguel said.

"I'm willing to take that risk."

Miguel rolled off the couch and saluted Courtney. "Food is on you next time."

"Thanks, Miguel."

"Stay, Miguel."

"Yeah, don't leave."

"We'll be nice."

"We promise."

"We have fries."

"And milkshakes!"

The pleas of the squad did nothing to convince Miguel that staying was worth it and he left with a backward wave at them.

"What a grump," Rosa said.

"Does anyone know if he has a date to Homecoming?" Kimber asked. "Because I want to go with him."

"Good luck with that. Andrea broke his heart and he's never dated since."

"Speaking of dates, who are you all going with?"

"Ted. Even though he hasn't asked me."



"I'm still waiting for Darrel to get his head out of his-"

"Courtney, you missed a great game."

"Who doesn't have their dress yet?"

"It was a really good game."

"Aiden made this amazing play where once the ball was hiked, he ran it for a touchdown," Lynn said.

"Does anyone want to go shopping this weekend?"

"Can't do tomorrow, we have Lynn's birthday party."

"That's right! What bathing suits are you wearing."

"Aiden's play was good but that is nothing compared to how Ted intercepted the ball. Beautiful!"

"Did you see Matteo's defense? Nothing more attractive than a man who knows how to handle a linebacker."

"I literally have no bathing suits I want to wear."

"Do you want to come over to my house and go through my selection?"

"Yes! Thank you! Do you still have that yellow one?"

"The game was good, but did any of you see Oscar leave with Henley?"

"I saw it! Since when did that happen?"

"I thought she was going out with Ritchie."

"I thought that too!"

Okay, so maybe Miles and Miguel had solid reasons for slipping away when they did. Courtney sipped her milkshake even though she had a lingering taste of Mexican food in her mouth. Odd combination.

Abruptly, the chatter all lowered and cut off. Courtney looked to the doorway and found Micah standing there, looking uncomfortable and rather attractive with his new haircut and an outfit that fit him well.

"Hi!" Rosa said. "Who are you?"

"Uh...I'm Micah," he said, gazing out on the sea of cheerleaders before finding Courtney. "Sorry. Your sister let me in. I wanted... I wanted to see if you were okay."

"That's nice!" Rosa said. "Wait, don't I know you?"

Micah looked like he wanted to back away but couldn't seem to make his legs work. Clearly, having Alisha at the barber's talk to him and eventually be pushed away by her father was one thing, half a squad of cheerleaders staring at him was another.

"I...I uh don't know."

"We have English fourth period together," Rosa said.

"I love your shirt," Ashton said. "Yoshi is my favorite character too! I kill it at Mario Kart."

Micah glanced down at his shirt as if he'd forgotten which one it was. "You play Mario Kart?"

Ashton hopped up and pulled him further into the room. "Yes! It's a classic. What's your favorite level?"

"I...Bowser's castle."

"I've played that!"

"You know, I always see my brothers playing and have never played with them."

"You should come over to my house and I'd teach you how to play then you could cream them."

"Can I come too?"

"We should make a party out of it! A Mario Kart party."

"Micah, you could come. Be the only boy allowed."

Courtney watched as Micah looked startled, confused, and elated all at once. He smiled distractedly at the tidal wave of voices and it seemed to raise the water level.

Courtney pushed herself up to her one working foot and found her crutches. She suddenly needed a breath of fresh air.

"Cory, where are you going?" Lynn asked.


That quieted any other inquiries and Courtney moved from the theater towards the center of the house. A ring of the doorbell drew her into the foyer. She opened the door, surprised to find Aiden standing on the other side, with his hair still damp and looking tired.

"Hey," he said, rubbing the back of his head.


He shifted and glanced behind him as if he wasn't sure if he should run away. Not sure what he'd be running from but it would be an interesting sight.

"Look, I'm sorry if me being here isn't okay, but." He toyed with something in his hand and Courtney noticed it was a bag of mini Reece's pieces peanut butter cups. "After how you looked this afternoon, the fact that you weren't at the game, and you're still on crutches. Well, I thought you could use something to cheer you up."

He held out the package of peanut butter cups.

"I know these are your favorite," he said.

"Because the peanut butter isn't dry," they said together.

Courtney smiled at him and he stopped fidgeting and returned the look.

"Thanks, Aiden."

He nodded, still holding his smile, and took a step back. "Of course. I hope you have a good night, Cory."

He turned to leave but Courtney's voice stopped him.

"I heard it was a good game," she said. "I'm sorry I missed it."

"Me too. Like I said, if you need anything, you can tell me."

"I appreciate that."

He sent her one final, soft smile and headed out to his car. Courtney watched him drive away then looked at the candy he'd bought for her. Smiling a little, she closed the door. As she made her way back to the theater, Micah appeared from the hallway looking overwhelmed.

"You survived," Courtney said.

Micah let out a breath that sounded a bit like a laugh. "Uh...yeah, it was... a lot. I wanted to come find you since I have to get home."

"Well, thanks for stopping by to check up on me. Did you have fun at the game?"

At that, Micah looked bashful. "Actually, Max spent the whole game in the sound booth with me."

Oh...that's nice.

"That's great."

He shrugged. "It's cause Blake was on the bench for the game since he skipped practice Wednesday."

"Okay, not as great." She nudged his shoulder playfully. "But hey, from the way the girls were responding to you, you now have a bigger pool of admirers if you want to find your girl somewhere else."

"You think I'm good enough for a cheerleader."


Courtney poked his chest. "That is not the question, my dearest Micah. The question is if the cheerleader you choose is good enough for you."

Micah flushed and ducked his head. Aw, my Micah is still there, a haircut hasn't made him completely disappear. I mean, not my Micah, but Micah... the frantic-haired Micah. That Micah.

"Good to know," he said, drifting towards the front door. "Goodnight, Cory. I'll see your tomorrow."

"You mean Sunday, for the raincheck dinner."

He blushed deeper. "Um...Rosa asked Lynn if I could come to her party tomorrow and...she said yes."

Okay then... That's... something.

"I'll see you there then. 'Night, Idiot."

He grinned. "'Night, Old."

The second Courtney entered the theater, Rosa rushed up to her, eager.

"Okay, where did you find Micah, and is he available? Because that boy is cute!"

"Actually, it was a mutual discovery," Courtney said. "As for available I'm currently helping him shift his look to get the attention of another girl."

Rosa deflated. "Oh. Okay." She perked up. "But if he changes his mind about that girl let me know because I'll snatch him up!"

Courtney felt a strange twist in her stomach. Guess that's what I get for mixing Mexican food and milkshakes.


Buttered biscuits!!

(Have I done that one before? I feel like I have. 🤔 Dagnabit!)

*hits a bucket with a spoon* All right spill it, thoughts, comments, emotions, exclamations, frustrations. I want it all!

(🎵I want it, want it, want it
The fame and the fortune and more 🎶)

Okay! Micah is discovering what's it's like to be seen as a hot commodity! Where are you at:

I'm completely nervous!


I've got no qualms, I'm qualmless! As a qualmless sea.

Okay, since this is the the second part of a double update, this little duck still doesn't have anything to quack about you I'm taking another poll!

Aiden. Let's see how you feel about him now.

Seems like a nice guy just not Cory's guy.

If Micah bails on the Corah ship I'm all for the Corden one.

I still don't like him just because.

Since my quackers brain is still not working I shall use emojis for this last part ⭐️💬💬🐾🐾🐾

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