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By _Alixxandra_

37.8K 1.3K 750

"๐—๐˜‚๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐—œ ๐—ฎ๐—บ ๐—ฎ ๐—ด๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—น, ๐—ถ๐˜ ๐—ฑ๐—ผ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ป'๐˜ ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—œ ๐—ฐ๐—ฎn't throw punches!!" "Girl p... More

Thirty- three


536 28 6
By _Alixxandra_

[ RIOT ]






Third Person's Pov

EVERYONE TURNED THEIR HEADS TO THE DIRECTION of the man that just walked in the middle of the crowd, saying he was the one who shot Hinata.

"Why would you do that to a mere kid?" She hissed, intensely glaring at the man who had a smirk in his disgusting face.

He dares to show up in one of her fathers parties when he isn't even invited in the first place. And how the fuck did he know that Tzar was having a party? Who told him? Unless...

"I just don't like him." He bluntly spoked.

This enraged (Name) more, so mad that she just want to pull a gun a shot him multiple times, shop his body and feed him to the sharks. Though she cannot do that.

"Aren't you gonna shoot me too?" He mockingly said with a smirk on his disgusting face.

"You don't know how bad I want to murder you right in front of everybody right now." She stated while clenching her fist so hard that droplets of blood was seen.

Her father, Tzar who was observing the seen with calm and collected expression even though his lovely daughter was bleeding. It was odd of him to act calm when normally he would freak out just seeing a small drop of blood seen in (Name).

But unknown to everyone, he was clutching his gun under the table and was pointed at the man standing in front of (Name). Ready to shoot if everything goes south.

"You shot a kid just because you don't like him?! How fucked up can your brain be?" She stepped forward, closer to his face.

He smirked down on her as one of his disgusting arms wrapped around her slim waist. This made her uncomfortable and wanted to puke. On the other hand, Tzar stood up seeing this motherfucker touched his girl.

"Lets be calm now darling. I just wanted to talk to you." He said in a whispering manner, leaning his face close to hers. Everybody was tense while some of them was ready to pounce at this son of a butch for being so close to her.

"We have nothing to talk about. And don't ever fucking call me darling. It disgusts me to my core." She spoke with venom in her tone. She despised how he was so close to her and how his arms were wrapped around her like some goddamn snake.

"Oh, I thought you liked being called darling? Especially by me." His smirk grew wider as (Name)'s rage just burts and punched him.

The volleyball and basketball team was relieved when she punch that guy. Tōman was cheering (Name) on to bearing him more.

Tzar praised and cheered on his daughter as Kiyoko on the other hand was relieved that she wasn't the one got punched.

"Fuck him up (Name)!!"

"Kill that bitch!"

"No you're not allowed to go there!"

"Let me at him!! That sonuvabitch deserves to die!!"

"Go bestfriend!!"

Everyone was cheering her on until this bitch pulled a damn gun and pointed it on her forehead. Tzar was startled and got his gun then pointed it at his head from where he was standing, ready to blow his brain out.

"That is cheating.." she panted while smirking "Its a proof that you are weak without a weapon."

This got him mad and smacked the gun on the side of her head making her stumble and bleed. He then threw it away and said— "Fine then! I'll fight you fair and squa—"


He wasn't able to finished his sentence when some random fist collided with his ugly face. He flew a few inched away and his nose was bleeding. Turning his head to see who the fuck did that made him more angrier.

Kuroko who was known to be calm at all times, even when angry. This time he cannot hold it in anymore, he was the one who punched the bitch.

A few seconds passed, (Name) stood up, wiping the blood that was running down her temple. Smirked as he look at him dead in the eye.

"So you have a death wish.. Mikha."

"Bring it.." he responded as his men jumped right behind him and charged at her.

She stayed there, standing with a relaxed face as she watched her friends clashed with his men. Her smiled grew as she saw Mikha panic.

Every guest walked up to the second floor where they watched as the first floor became a battlefield. They were fun to watch, reminding them of their younger days.

Tzar has his eyes glued on his precious one. He cannot afford to loose her, what will her mother think of him? He was the one that took (Name) under his arm so he should do anything and everything in his power to protect his precious baby.

In the middle of the battle, (Name) snuck behind Mikha who didn't even notice her presence. He was so busy not to get give by those rampaging idiots.

He took a step back and stop when he felt like he bumped into someone. Slowly turning around, he was met with a smirking (Name), holding a knife up, ready to poke holes in his body.

"Didn't I tell you to not harm any— and I mean ANY of my companions?" She pointed the gun at his temple, giving it a harsh push while itching to pull the trigger.

"Y-You did! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry..! Please.. I'll never do that again!" He pleaded, so much that he even went on his knees in one swift moment.

She smiled warmly but still pointed the gun straight on his forehead while he kneels and begs to spare his poor life.

"You look so cute when you beg~" she smirked watching him blush and feel embarrassed. In front of many big named guests. Sure this will bring humiliation to his family and want him dead the next day so.. "Of course.. You can't harm them anymore."

Mikha's face lightened up assuming she'll forgive him and let him go. While doing so, he was plotting on how to kill her if he ever get out of this place. A wicked smile formed in his lips which it didn't go unnoticed by (Name).

"Because dead men tell no lies~"

"Wha—" *BANG*

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