A To Z

By SmlAlwaysOriginal

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Angelo finds his dream guy but how hard is it going to be to be together. Excerpt: "Ouch." I focus beyond my... More

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By SmlAlwaysOriginal

I'm having to suffice with texting after the after school program ends just before thanksgiving break. All through thanksgiving I'm text him. He's traveled home for the day and I'm missing him. So halfway through dinner I start sexting him. As he texts back I know he's having trouble eating his dinner. Of course so am I. I'm just getting to a really good part when Andy reaches over and takes my phone.

"Hey give me my phone."

"No." He says. Mom laughs.

"He interrupting you texting with the boyfriend you don't want to introduce us too."

"It's not that I don't want to I just have to wait till he's back from college. Andy got to meet him." I say on spur of the moment.

"How was that?"

"He got to meet him before he went back to college. I wasn't sure about introducing you guys but Andy just showed up. It wasn't planned for." I say glaring at him. He smiles.

"You'll like him when you meet him." Andy says. So mom spends the next hour interrogating him. I just wait till dinner is done and try to get my phone back. Finally after holding him down I get it by searching his pockets. I don't bother texting but call him when I see the twenty two texts from him asking if I'm alright. Quickly I dialed him. Slipping onto the back porch I wait for him to answer.

"Hi. There you are. I was getting worried."

"Sorry. Andy stole my phone during dinner."

"That was at a critical point the sudden silence and worry killed the raging hard on I had going at least."

"Because of him I had to tell them he met you. So they've been pumping him for information. I had to sit on him to get my phone back. How goes your dinner?"

"We are past dinner and at the expand your belts and watch sports numbly. Mom says hi by the way. No you can't talk to him. Because you'll embarrass me." The phone is snatched and I hear a woman laughing.

"Hi, you must be this Angel that he keeps talking about."

"It's actually Angelo but he likes to call me Angel." I tell her.

"Well that's sweet. Are you having a nice holiday?"

"I am. I'm home with my family. Mom, dad, brother, little sister."

"Zach tells me that your sister is only four. Must have been a surprise for your parents."

"Oh yeah. They love her but she's a handful. Anise is her name."

"That's so sweet. I can tell you are a sweet young man. I'm trying to get him to bring you here for Christmas but he's saying you can't you'll be with your family. So how about after school ends. He'll be out and so will you right? You are one of his students right?" I hear him in the back ground.

"I never told you that how do you even know these things." I laugh.

"Yes ma'am I am. How did you know?"

"He got dodgy about how he met you, what you do for a living, can we meet you, among other things. When you graduate you will come visit then. I'm looking forward to this. He's never loved anyone like he loves you I can tell by how he talks about you. What about you?"

"Mom stop. Give me my phone."

"Not until he answers my question." I laugh again.

"I love him a lot. I've never been in love before so I can't really say what measurement it is. I can say that I love my family more but I've known them longer. Let me spend 18 years with Zach and I'll probably love him the same."

"Good. You have a good holiday dear."

"You too ma'am." I hear Zach get on the phone.

"I'm sorry she's been insatiable since I said I was seeing someone. She always starts in on me about being single this year I got to tell her I was seeing someone and she's driving me nuts about you. Now that she knows you she'll want a picture."

"Here." I take a selfie and send it. He sends it on to his mother.

"She's saying what a handsome young man you are." I hear the back screen pop open. It's Andy.

"Stop having phone sex and come in the house."

"No." I tell him and head off the porch so he couldn't take my phone again. "I swear he's worse then mom. But he had an idea about that phone sex."

"I don't think I'll get privacy for that."

"Oh well." I hear the back door slap and this time it's dad.

"This is a family holiday. If he's not going to meet the family get off the phone and come inside to play board games with your family." I groan.

"They want to torture me with board games. I love them but they are old people. I tried to get them playing video games last year but it was a wash. I better go though. I'll text you tomorrow okay?"

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you too." I hang up and head inside. Luckily they don't quiz me more on my boyfriend.

By Monday when I was missing him terribly and managed to get to see him only once during the day. By Thursday I was seriously missing him and managed to lip off and get myself detention. He always did detention so I'd get to see him at least. When all the kids were gone I hurried up to him and was clasped into his arms and got a tight hug and my mouth devoured.

"I see you ever day but I've missed you so much." I tell him. He grips my hips and just takes his time to make out with me.

"Mom will be coming eventually I'd like to cum before that." He moaned and finally retch for my pants. I'm spun around and bent forward so my ass sticks outs. He pushes deep inside making me whimper and moan.

"Yes. I wanted this for weeks. It's not going to be easy to get you alone anymore." He's got a hand wrapped around me and is pounding my ass.

"What the hell is going on here?" I jerk at my mothers voice. Zach quickly pulls from me and I grab for my pants.

"Mom. What are you doing?"

"Wondering why you are taking so long to get out of here. What are you doing?" She asks staring at Zach. "He's your student."


"Don't mom me. This is against the law. This is wrong. Get your ass over here we are leaving. You can be sure I'm going to be calling the superintendent on my way home."

"No mom. Don't... you don't understand. This is him."

"This is who, he's your principal."

"The guy, my boyfriend you've been bugging me to meet. This is him. He and I met months ago before school. I'm eighteen, true that eliminates the law thing. I'm graduating this year can't you just forget you saw anything?"

"No. He is taking advantage of a student. I'll have his job for this."

"Mom please. He's not taking advantage of me please just think about this."

"Boy get your ass over here we are leaving." She stomps over but I jerk back from her hand. Zach stops me retreat.

"Go with her Angel, it won't help anything if you stay."

"But Zach you'll lose your job they could arrest you."

"I knew it was possible. I love you, I was willing to chance it. Go with her. I'll deal with what comes."

"But..." I protest but he kisses me lightly and pushes me toward her. "What will you do? What will they do? I don't want to just leave and let you handle it."

"You don't have a choice." mom says and drags me out of the building. In the car I stare at her.


"No. I can't believe this. You were being taken advantage of. We taught you how to look out for yourself. Why did you just let him take advantage of you."

"He didn't take advantage of me. Mom I love him."

"Men like him know how to manipulate people and get sweet people like you to do what they want."

"Oh please, don't talk to me like I'm Anise and to much of a baby to understand what I was doing. Shall I point out that last year Andy was my age and dating and you had no trouble with that. Why am I different?"

"He wasn't a high school student having his principal take advantage."

"Stop saying that. He didn't take advantage of me." At home I go straight in and to dad. "Before she can tell you what a child I am. I knew what I was doing and I don't regret it. I love him."

"Okay. Love who?"

"His principal. I walked in on that man having sex with our son." My fathers eyes went wide.

"He's older than you by how much?" Dad asks.

"He's twenty five." I tell him.

"Not a lot of difference."

"He's the principal. This is wrong. I'm calling the superintendent."

"No dad, stop her. Zach will lose his job he could get arrested. You can't do that. I'm legal. I knew what I was doing. I love him. Mom." Dad stood and took the phone from mom.

"Lets just talk about this calmly."

"I am not going to let that man get away with taking advantage of my baby." She says tears in her eyes.

"Mom, he didn't. Listen to me. I love him I knew what I was doing, am doing. He's sweet and wonderful and he loves me. I'm not some kid."

"Angelo why don't you let me talk to her." I headed for my room and ran into Anise in the hall.

"Why was mom yelling?" She asks. I wince. How to explain this her.

"She met my boyfriend and doesn't think he's any good for me. She's upset."

"No good for you? Then you should stop being his boyfriend."

"I would but I love him I want to stay with him." She was trying to understand but I knew she wouldn't. I took her into my room and sat on my bed with her.

"She's trying to protect me even though I don't need protecting. It's hard to explain. But I love him and he loves me. I promise he won't hurt me or anything. Trust me?" She nods and just leaves a little confused. I sit on the edge of my bed and wait, and wait and wait some more. I'm playing with my phone waiting for either my parents to talk to me or Zach to text me back when I hear the door bell. Since I have nothing to do I head down and see mom answer the door and invite two men into the house. I see badges on their belts.

"Mom, what did you do?" She'd called the police. One of them turns to me.

"Hi, I'm detective Anderson. This is my partner detective O'Neill. Are you Angelo?"

"Yes I am. Mom you called them?"

"No." She says frowning.

"The Superintendent called us. He explained what happened. Can we talk to you a minute?"

"About what?" Oh god they'd called the police.

"Why don't we sit down?" I turn for the stairs.

"Dad." I yell. He comes down and after introductions again I turn to him.

"He didn't do anything wrong. You have to help him. No one is listening to me."

"Lets sit down." Dad pulls me down next to him. "Tell us why you are here gentlemen."

"We understand that it's been reported that your principal and you have been seeing each other. Do you realize that's against the law." I growl and stand up.

"I am not under age, he did not take advantage of me. We love each other. For god sake why won't anyone listen to me."

"It's alright, just sit so we can find out what's been happening. If he's done nothing wrong then we'll find out. Just tell us how did you meet him?"

"It was last May I had taken my little sister to the store. We were being funny I ran into Zach with the cart. We talked, we flirted he gave me his number. We started texting."

"Did he know you were over eighteen?"

"Yes. I told him I was legal. We talked for months before we even met in person again. He was nice. He got my humor. We enjoyed each others company."

"Did he know you were one of his students." I sighed.

"Not at first. We were texting toward the start of school he said something about me going off to college and I said I had one more year of school left."

"Did he tell you he was your principal or try to call of the relationship?"

"No." I say sighing. "I didn't know until the first day of school. At assembly he introduced himself. I was pissed I know it's against the rules but I'm legal. We kept talking and I got to see him at school. Then I participated in an after school program he had. We fell in love."

"How long have you two been intimate?"

"Two or three weeks but it's only been a couple times. We don't exactly get a lot of privacy."

"Did you ever worry that if you broke it off he'd retaliate."

"What?" I ask wondering where that came from. "No, not at all. First off because I didn't want to but two because even if I had wanted to he'd have let me go and probably tried to forget I was anything more than one of his students. He's a little soft around the heart. He'd be totally crushed and want to distance himself. But don't think I stayed so I didn't hurt him like that. I love him. I really do. He's sweet and he listens to me when I talk. He encourages me but he doesn't let me get away with crap if I'm being stupid. He texts me to make sure I'm safe and I do my homework. He told his parents all about me and wants to meet my family." They nodded. I sat forward and worried my lip before asking, "Did you arrest him?"

"He's been taken into the station for questioning but he's not been arrested."

"Can I see him?"

"No, I'm afraid not. Did anyone know about your relationship?" I hesitated but sighed.

"Yeah, my brother. He's off at college. One of the guys from school. Robert Wander. That was it. What will you do with him?" I ask. They smile in sympathy but don't answer my question.

"For now we'll investigate some more and then present what we find to our boss and the DA. For now just try to go on about your life. We'll be in touch with more questions." Dad thanked them and showed them out.

"Angelo..." Mom started I just jerked away from her and run up to my room. I knew she'd just meant to protect me but she had gotten the man I loved arrested, or taken in at least. He'd lose his job. He could go to jail if they were being stupid about this. I lay on my bed and pull my pillow to my chest as tears run down my cheeks. Now I knew why he'd not returned my texts.

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