Last Chance

By FeelingsFileIsTooBig

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When the squad is tricked and put in a maze, they must survive and find a way out with starvation, sickness... More

The Invitation
Sweet As They Can Be, But Their Minds Are About Gone
Don't Go Where I Can't Follow
Time Of The Season
Three Things You Could Get Fired For
What Just Happened?
Wasting Time

I'm Trying To Help You

164 1 0
By FeelingsFileIsTooBig

Jenna's POV:
"We need to find a way out of here, that's what." I spoke up after a moment of silence. "I think... I think we should split up. There's six of us here so that's three groups of two. Simple, okay?"
"I disagree." Lev spoke up from beside me. I gave him a questionable look. "If we split up, how will we find each other again? We're in a maze!"
"Well, at least those two can find the police or something and get the rest of us out." I suggested.
"Let's just take a vote." Piper cleared the air between us, stepping in between. "Okay, everyone who thinks we should stick as a team, raise your hand." This included Emily and Lev. "Okay, now raise your hand if you agree with Jenna's idea." The people who took part in this action included Piper, Jenna and Jentzen.

Lev's POV:
"Really, Piper?" I blurted out, facing my girlfriend. She let her arm drop to her side.
"Maybe we can get out of here faster, wouldn't you like that, Lev?"
I huffed before breaking the intense eye contact and gestured to Jentzen with Elliana leaning over him. "What's wrong with her?"
"I don't know." Jentzen shrugged.
"Well she didn't vote so..."
"Elliana." Jentzen attempted to wake her up by gently pushing her off his shoulder. It did no use until he repeated the action. "Elliana. What do you vote for?"
"Uhh... I don't know. I don't really care. I guess what you voted for?" She said, groggily.
"Great, that's just great." I rolled my eyes.
"Lev, it's fine." Piper reached for my arm and pulled herself close before Jenna began making a plan.
"I think I got it figured out. Jentzen, do you think you can take care of Elliana?"
"Yeah." He nodded slowly.
"Great. You guys team up, Liper team up and Emily, that leaves you and I."
"Okay." She replied innocently.

Emily's POV:
I didn't know how I felt about this. It was kinda nerve wracking and if you didn't know, I'm claustrophobic meaning I hate small spaces. That's also why I'm afraid of boxes and elevators but at least I'm not like Jentzen who is afraid of a pointy stick being purposely stuck in your arm, no. So being in a maze right now isn't exactly helping with this fear. Plus, I'm the youngest and Jenna is the oldest of the squad so of course I'll look like a lost puppy following her through the maze. Great, just great.
"Whatever, let's just go." Lev muttered as he began to walk through one of the aisles. Piper running after him as they bickered. I turned to Jentzen and Elliana.
"Are you sure you can handle her?" I asked, fully aware of him knowing who I was talking about. In one motion, Jentzen took one arm under Elliana's legs and heaved her up into his arms where she lay, almost passed out.
"Yeah, I got it." He reassured me.
"Okay." I mumbled before we split and each took a different aisles, hoping for a miracle.

Elliana's POV:
I faintly heard Emily, my best friend next to Piper, mumble is Jentzen would be able to take care of me. How could Emily think that? Of course I can take care of myself! I'm just... tired. I'm currently laying in Jentzen's arms but I must say, it's not that comfortable the more he moves. I managed to open my eyes as I asked him if Emily really did say what she meant. He nodded before speaking. "Just relax Ellie or do you think you can walk?" I shook my head.
"No, Jentzen, I'm just... tired, okay?"
"Elliana, I'm worried."
"Okay well then... don't be. I'm fine, believe me." I forced a smile before reaching up and kissing him on the lips briefly. Immediately, I began to have another headache so I lay down, back in his arms.

Jentzen's POV:
Fine yeah alright, Ellie. I know something is wrong, I can feel it and I don't know what to do. I'm just trying to help.

A few minutes go by, which feel like hours, and every step seems heavier than the last. I take some lefts, I take some rights, I find some dead ends and repeat. I'm really starting to hate it here and my feelings grow the more I look at Elliana practically passed out in my arms. I wish I knew what's wrong but right now, she's my motivation. If 8 can find a way out, I can get her to a hospital. Yeah, I'm determined, what can I say?

Piper's POV:
It feels like we've been walking for days but the sun hasn't even set. Lev and I refuse to talk to each other and now I feel bad. Although, I don't know if I should be because I can have my own opinion! Just because he votes against me, doesn't mean we need to stop talking. "Lev." I grab his attention even more by grabbing his arm. He spins around.
"What, Piper?" He says a little annoyed.
"Are you alright?"
"No! Im sweating and we have no food or water or a phone and I have a hunch this maze goes on forever. How do we even know there's an end?!" He gestured around himself.
"Cause every maze has a end." I reassure him.
"Sure about that? This might be the first." He throws his hands in the air before turning around and I stop him.
"Lev, trust me. There has got to be a way out, I just know it."
He stares into my eyes with a firm glance before speaking. "Okay, I trust you."
"As you always should." I smile and give a slight nod before we continue walking hand in hand but I can tell the anxiety is still on his mind.

Now something is wrong with Lev?! What is happening and more importantly, where are they? Is Lev right? Is there really no way out? What will the squad do? Will they become one again or continue with the plan? How will they find each other? This is a genuine concern. Also this is totally unrelated to the story but hypothetical question here: Let's say time travel existed, okay? And you go back and meet your younger self and decide you hate them. So you kill them. Is it suicide or murder?

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