Sweet As They Can Be, But Their Minds Are About Gone

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Piper's POV:
I had got into a car... we were moving... there was white smoke... and then I blanked out. The last thing I remember is waking up... here. In the centre of what seemed to be bushes with two paths leading out. I turned around as I gained consciousness and stood up before stumbling backwards at the movement of someone behind me. I screamed, "Lev?!"
"Piper?" He ran towards me, engulfing me in a hug. "Piper, why are you here?"
"I don't know, Lev. I was in a car... a black car. And then... white smoke and I guess I passed out. Why are you here?"
"Same reason happened to me." He shrugged before continuing. "I got mail saying I had to compete? In a game."
"Was it in a yellow envelope?" I asked.
"Yeah, it was!" He perked up.
"I got one too." I sighed before continuing to look around and I was shook by what I saw. I gasped because there were bodies all around me but not just any bodies. The squad's bodies. "Lev..."
"Piper, just come close to me." He pulled me closer.
"Lev... are they..." I stammered.
"Don't think that! They can't be... right?"
"What if they're dead, Lev?!"
"They can't be dead! Check their pulse."
"I don't want to check their pulse!" I screamed, turning to face him.

Jentzen's POV:
I looked around as I sat up from the uncomfortable position on the ground. Piper and Lev had been talking... or arguing  in one corner and many other bodies were placed around me. Slowly, I stood up to gain control over my balance and I made my way over to where Lev and Piper had been chatting before. "Hey guys." I waved before resting a hand on my best friend's shoulder.
"Jentzen!" Piper screamed, causing Lev to refrain her from screaming any more by clasping a hand over her mouth. I guess she had licked his hand before he pulled it away.
"Eww, Piper." He gaged.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, pointing between them.
"We could ask you the same thing but I bet you don't know either." Lev raised his eyebrows. I thought for a moment before nodding as a way to say I agree. "So then what and how are we here? Why is Elliana, my girlfriend, on the floor?" I screamed as I saw her state. I ran towards her, falling at my knees and putting her head in my lap. "Elliana, can you here me? Elliana, wake up."
"I don't think she can hear you Jentzen..." Piper trailed off.
"C'mon bro." Lev took my hand and pulled me up and just after, I almost had a heart attack when someone placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Ahhh!" I screamed.

Jenna's POV:
"Sorry Jentzen, I didn't mean to scare you." I apologized before looking down at Elliana. "Is she ok? Where are we? Is Emily ok?" I gestured to Emily laying down on the dirt not far beside me.
"Add that to the list of questions." Lev shrugged.
"No but seriously guys, where are we?" Piper looked around so I did the same. Jentzen and Lev followed. After taking a look of our surroundings, Lev, Jentzen and I stepped away from Elliana's body and more towards Piper, forming a small circle or square.
"Ok we'll there's two ways out but we can't think about that until we wake up Emily and Elliana." I began.
"We tried." Lev rolled his eyes. "It was no use."
"Maybe we need to try harder. Shake her, Jentzen." Piper gestured to Elliana on the floor.
"I'm not going to shake her!" Jentzen objected.
"Shake her." Piper urged.
"Guys!" I interjected so they could all stop talking. "Stop!"

Elliana's POV:
"Yeah, stop." I mumbled as I propped myself up using my elbows. I brought one hand to my forehead. I had a pounding headache.
"Elliana!" My boyfriend yelled before rushing to my side. He placed my head in his lap and I gazed up at the sky.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"I... I don't know." Jentzen replied.
"Elliana, are you okay?" Jenna asked as she extended a hand outwards. I took it and lifted myself up using her weight.
"I'm... fine. Been better." I raised my left hand back up to my head.
"Are you sure?" My boyfriend asked again before taking my hand and holding it. He brought his other one to my forehead. "Yeah, you're warm."
"She was laying in the sun, Jentzen. Of course she's warm." Piper rolled her eyes.
"Here, I'll take you into the shade." Jenna nodded before taking my hand and leading me into a shadier spot. We were also accompanied by Jentzen, my boyfriend.

Emily's POV:
"Elliana? Jenna? Piper? Lev? Jentzen?" I asked, standing up.
"Emily!" Piper screeched before running to my side and hugging me. I hugged back, no doubt.
"Piper? Where are we?" I let go and took a look at my surroundings.
"I don't know. None of us know." Piper gestured to everyone around her.
"How you feeling?" Lev asked.
"Good." I replied, nodding.
"That's good." Piper nodded before turning to the three in the shade. "Does anyone remember what happened last?"
There was a moment of silence and everyone looked to the ground. Lev began to comfort Piper by hugging her.
"What if we never get out of here?" I heard her mumble.
"We will." Lev whispered back.

Lev's POV:
"Everyone group up!" I ordered, causing everyone to form a circle. I was comforting my girlfriend and Jentzen had an arm around Elliana as well. "We need a plan and we need one now!"
"Ok then let's start with talking about the last thing we remember." Jenna suggested.
"Good idea." I snapped my fingers and pointed at her before bringing my arm back down to my side. "You start.
"Okay... well... I was at or should I say in my dorm room when I remember going on my computer... doing something on it but I don't remember what and then vaguely remember walking outside. Next thing I know, I see the green bushes around us." Jenna instructed. It was Jentzen' turn.
"I don't remember anything to be honest." He shrugged so we moved on to Elliana who was only half awake. Jentzen was practically holding her.
"I- I don't remember... anything." She mumbled before Emily began speaking.
"Oh, my turn? Ummm, well I remember walking out of my house door. That's it." Emily shrugged and Piper began speaking right away.
"I just remember coming downstairs, seeing Hunter, paper on the kitchen island and... feeling shocked." Piper looked down at the ground. Almost as if she was sad. But about what?
"Well, I only remember being with my mom. We were reading something or watching something but I'm not quite sure." I shrugged before catching myself looking at the ground and I brought my gaze to the other squad members.
"Now what?" Emily asked.

The truth is, no one had the answer. What would this group of teenagers do now? Should they find a way out of this impossible maze or call for help if possible, giving up? And what about Elliana, what is truly going on?

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