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Jenna's POV:
"Emily, are you okay? You're acting different." I nodded to her but continued my pace.
"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." She faked a smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."

We continued walking for a couple more minutes. Taking some turns, some lefts, some rights and more before I couldn't hold it back anymore and I blurted out what's been on my mind. "You know, I'm scared too."
"What?" She turned her head to me quickly.
"Yeah, we might never get out of here. But there is still hope. Just remember that."
"Jenna." She tried but I didn't stop.
"Like, I'm really scared."
"But I know there's hope and I'm holding onto that hope because that's important."
"Jenna, can you please,"
"I know, Emily. Just believe."
"No, Jenna!" Emily marched in front of me and I took a step back, startled. "I'm not scared! I'm not a-..." she paused and I felt something wrong. "Is that what people think of me?" Her hands went loose from fists and tears welled up in her eyes.

Emily's POV:
"Do people- does the squad really think of me as some girl who just... who just cries all the time?"
"What? Emily, no. That's not true at all." She rested a hand on my shoulder, reaching out but I tugged away.
"No, that is what people think of me. I knew it!"
"No, no you have it all wrong. People don't think of you like that."
"Yes they do." I protested. "Don't lie." I shook my head.
"Emily, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jenna stepped back as if I was evil. I looked up to her before turning to look in another direction.
"Let's just go." I huffed, marching away.
"I'm sorry! Really!"
"I said let's go!"

Lev's POV:
Ever since I screamed at Piper, I've felt bad about it. We haven't spoken a word to each other since and I keep replaying in my head as to what I should say.
"Piper?" I grab her attention. She doesn't know weather to look down or into my eyes, I can tell. "I'm sorry for screaming at you earlier."
She purses her lips. "It's okay. I know you meant no harm."
"No, Piper. Like, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have."
"Lev, I'm saying it's okay. And it is. Why would I lie to you?" She smiles causing me to smile.
"Now c'mon, we have an exit to find." She continues walking but this time, hand in hand.

Now it feels like we've been walking for days and I'm getting hungry. Piper is feeling dehydrated and those are never good together. I see Piper dragging herself through.

Piper's POV:
"Piper, let's take a break." I hear Lev panting behind me.
"No, we're doing this." I'm panting too.
"C'mon, let's take a break." He grabs my hand and slowly sits down against a hedge. I reluctantly sit down beside him and he turns to look at me.
I smile in return.

A few minutes pass before I jump back onto my feet and outstretch a hand. "C'mon. We need to keep moving." Lev takes my hand but instead of pulling himself up, he pulls me down. I fall onto him.
"Lev." I say in a serious tone. "C'mon, let's go."
"Piper, relax. We're not getting out anytime soon I think." I crawl off and next to him and sit down, refusing to look up at him but he continues. "Piper, seriously. Someone will come looking for us, I know it. And if not, let's just catch our breath before continuing, okay?"
I don't talk. I just sit there and refuse to before sighing. "Okay."

Jentzen's POV:
I'm dragging myself through this intense maze with Elliana in my arms. We or I still haven't found the exit... yet. I'm determined to get Elliana to a hospital because it's strange but... she's getting pale. Fast. I try to quicken my pace but then it only quickens my breathing and my lungs can't catch up. Soon, I'm gasping for air. Quickly, I feel something wrap around my neck and feel it almost close up. In reaction, I drop Elliana and she weakly tumbles onto the ground. I bring my hands up to my neck and feel something around it. Metal. I pull and tug before realizing someone must be holding it. I take a risk and stop trying and instead elbow the person in the ribs. They let go. I turn around and kick them before recognizing the black hair.

Elliana's POV:
I wake up as my body meets with the dirt. I wake up and notice Jentzen kick someone before gasping. I can barely keeps my eyes open I'm so drained of energy yet I've done nothing but rest.
"Jentzen." I murmur. He turns around and looks at me, his hair messed up but he brushes it back with his hand before kneeling to my side.
"Elliana, are you okay?"
I nod. "Who's she?"
"That's..." he sighs. "My ex."
The girl with black hair looks at me with a smirk as she holds her side, leaning over. "Hi."
"You almost killed him." I choked.
"Yup. Don't worry, I wasn't actually gonna kill him but wow, this is fun." She laughs.
"Sophie, what are you doing here?" Jentzen abruptly stands up beside me almost as if ready to fight.
"Maybe you should be asking yourself why am I here." She smiles.

Sophie's POV:"I know why I'm here

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Sophie's POV:
"I know why I'm here." I shrug. "And I know why you're here. But you don't know why you're here, do you? I also know Piper, Lev, Jenna, and Emily are here with you too. I also know you all received yellow envelope's yet none of you told each other." I smirked, knowing what my information would just do to them.
"You didn't tell me that." Jentzen looks to his new girlfriend.
"Neither did you." She points out but I can't resist myself. I interrupt.
"You guys need me." I smirk.
"We don't need you." Jentzen smirks, lifting up his girlfriend who looks as pale as a ghost.
"You do. Well, not you but Ellie here does. You see, I know the way out and I'm the only one who knows the way out. You need me."
The couple stay quite and don't dare to speak a word but I know Jentzen speaks for the both of them when he says, "fine. Show us the way out."
"Once we find the others." I smile.

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