save me, the hunger games

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Before Katniss Everdeen, before the liberation of the districts, two victors fell in love and uncovered a sec... Daha Fazla

𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒈𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒚
02. Reality Sets In
03. Mentorship
04. Let The Games Begin
05. Secrets Unearthed

01. The 46th Annual Hunger Games

626 22 33
fireestar tarafından

SOFT, YELLOW SUNLIGHT CREPT its way through the curtains, shining on the tangled mass of limbs and bedsheets that was Dove and Andor. Both victors stirred, their peaceful slumber disturbed. Andor cracked his eyes open, staring into the face of his love. Dove's eyes remained closed, hoping that if she did so long enough, she would drift back off to sleep.

"Morning..." Andor said groggily. Instinctively, Dove's face heated up at the sound of his morning voice. But, she still kept her eyes closed, only a small smile gracing her lips. Andor chuckled deeply, maneuvering his hand out from between their bodies and moving it to her cheek, which he stroked softly. "Sleep well, my dove?"

"Yes," She replied quietly, still not opening her eyes. "And you?"

He laughed at how formal she was being. "As well as I can the night before the Reaping..." At the mention of the Hunger Games, Dove's eyes finally snapped open. Immediately, Andor regretted mentioning it. "Dove, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's okay," She shook her head, beginning to detangle herself from him. "I forgot, that's all."

But it was more than that. Ivy and Heath, her younger sister and brother, turned twelve this year and thusly, they would be entered into the draw for the games. Though both their names would only be in there once, there was still a chance, however slim, that they would be chosen. The thought of either of them having to go through the horrors that she had to, made Dove sick to her stomach.

As she sat up, so did Andor. For two years, she had been worried about this day and now it was finally here. He placed his hand on the small of her back and rubbed in circles. "I'm with you. If you need me, I'll be there."

"You have to prepare. We're both mentoring," She glanced at him sadly.

"You're more important to me than any tribute," He said sternly.

She whipped her head towards him. "Don't say that! We need to be the best we can possibly be for our tributes if we want them to survive. Their children, Andy. We can't just turn a blind eye if one of us is a little sad."

Andor reached out to take her hands, encasing them both in his callused ones. "You're more than 'a little sad', Dove. I know that it tears you apart knowing Heath or Ivy could be chosen, but like I've told you a million times before, I will always be here for you."

Dove swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded. "I know..." She whispered. "We need to get ready if we want to be at our Districts in time."

Andor nodded softly. "Of course,"

Their hands disconnected and they both stood. They began to putter around their bedroom, grabbing their clothes lazily. Dove pulled back the curtains to let the entirety of the sun in, revealing the grand buildings of the Capitol. She hated living in the Capitol, but it was the only way Andor and her could actually be together. She remembered President Snow's words, "Travel between the Districts if forbidden, even for you Victors." His voice made her skin crawl.

So half of the year, she lived in District ten with her family and the other half in the Capitol with Andor -- a compromise. And when the day of the Reaping comes around, she's back to District ten, but not for a reason she likes. She changed into her farm overalls, the blue denim forever stained with dirt. She could never quite get the smell of cow out of it, either, no matter how much of the fancy Capitol detergent she used. As she slipped on her muck boots, Andor smiled. "There's my cowgirl."

"Call me that again and it's your tongue," She snapped playfully. Though she was kidding, she genuinely hated the nickname and that's why Andor called her it.

"Me? An Avox?" Andor smirked, pointing to his chest.

Dove chuckled. "Maybe I'd finally get some peace and quiet," She kissed his cheek as she walked by him, grabbing her travel pack -- it would take almost a day to get to District ten.

"You wound me, my dove," He sighed dramatically, following behind her. "An arrow to my heart."

"Oh no," She pouted jokingly.

Andor shoved her softly and opened the front door of their apartment. "Ladies first," He bowed to her.

She curtsied with a soft giggle and took a step into the wide hallway. Andor was right behind her, shutting and locking the door. The entire journey to the train station they were silent, clutching each other's hands. They were stopped a couple of times for autographs from excited Capitol residents and finally they reached their destination. The train to take them home was waiting. Dove stopped for a moment and Andor looked back, confused. "What's wrong, Dove?" He asked.

She gulped, shaking her head. "I can't watch the Reaping knowing Ivy and Heath might be picked."

Andor sighed quietly. "If you don't go...they're as good as dead. You know that."

"I do..." Dove nodded. "Let's go before I do something stupid," She snapped suddenly, rushing ahead and pulling Andor behind her. He chuckled nervously as he allowed her to pull him onto the train. They turned into the dining car and they were greeted with an excited shout.


She recognized the voice before she saw the face. Dee in all his extravagance was rushing towards them. His arms came around her shoulders and pulled her away from Andor. "Dee..!" She wheezed in surprise.

"Oh, I've missed you! Happy Hunger Games!" He squeezed her even tighter. Dove's stomach dropped. She had almost forgotten that Dee actually found the games entertaining. He pulled back, still holding her shoulders. "How are you, dear?"

"I'm...alright," She answered stiffly. "How are you?"

"Wonderful!" He cheered. She started to find his Capitol accent annoying. He glanced around her at Andor. "And how are you, my boy?"

"Great, Dee," Andor turned on the charm that he was famous for. "A little tired, but with this blanket-hog, I don't get much sleep!" He laughed with Dee as he slyly pulled Dove away from him. She let the tease slide this time.

Awkwardly, Dove laughed along as she and Andor worked their way to a private car. It was hard to get rid of Dee, but they managed. She let out a long sigh as she flopped onto the small twin bed. "Happy Hunger Games? Makes me sick," She spat. "How anyone can enjoy the games is beyond me."

"He's from the Capitol," Andor shrugged, sitting next to her. "They're all like that. They don't know anything different."

Dove chuckled dryly. "I'd like to see him spend a real day in District ten."

"Throw 'em to the cows, huh?" Andor smirked, nudging her shoulder playfully.

His smile was infectious. A smile of her own somehow made its way onto Dove's face despite the sorrow she was feeling. She rolled her eyes, pulling her travel pack off her shoulder and tossing it across the room. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that, right?"

"We both are," Andor smiled at her lovingly and threw his arms around her, planting small, light kisses all over her exposed skin -- cheeks, forehead, neck, collarbone -- everywhere. Dove couldn't help her giggles. Andor adored the sound, he lived for it.

"Mercy, mercy!" She cried joyfully. Andor pulled away, allowing her the room to catch her breath. Her face was flushed and her eyes were wide with excitement. His breath caught in his throat -- she was beautiful. "You done staring?" She threw a pillow in his face, snapping Andor out of his trance.

He caught it before it fell into his lap. "At you? Never."

His charm never failed to make her blush. Dove rolled her eyes and turned away from him. "I'm gonna get something to eat before I lose my appetite. Want anything?" He shook his head as she stood up. "Be right back," She promised, trying her best to ignore the feeling of his eyes on her back and of the butterflies in her stomach.

When she returned to the dining car, Dee was nowhere in sight. The tension in her shoulders dropped and she began to freely grab whatever she wanted, including a hefty helping of the lamb and plum stew. Her arms and hands were full when she returned to their room, requiring her to push the door open with her foot. Andor was immediately at her side to help. "Planning on eating yourself to death?"He joked.

"Maybe," She shrugged, cradling the bowl of stew as she sat in the very back corner of the bed. Andor watched her eat the entire thing in silence. When she was finished, she let out a satisfied moan. "This might be the only thing I love about the Capitol." She sighed, leaning back onto the soft pillows.

"What about me?" Andor jokingly pouted as she grabbed one of the cookies she had brought.

"You're not from the Capitol, so you..." She pointed at his chest with a flexed foot. "Don't count."

"Ah," He nodded, plopping down on the bed next to her. "Of course." He popped the cookie into his mouth.

Dove wanted to point out that he said he wasn't hungry, to tease him, but she decided against it. They both needed the food. The coming event would take a toll on both of them, and like most Victors, they couldn't eat after the Reaping. One, because they were too sick to do so, and two, because their tributes would need the food more than them. Stretching her arm over to the bedside table, Dove placed the empty stew bowl down. When she returned to the pillows she snuggled in and let her eyes shut.

"Naptime already?" She heard Andor's voice and felt him begin to move towards her. She smiled softly as his head found its way to her stomach and nestle in. Silently, she reached one of her hands down to his russet hair and began to softly play with it. It didn't take long for the both of them to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Dove woke up to a kiss on her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open to see Andor standing above her, a sad smile on his face. She noticed the train had stopped moving and it dawned on her. They made it to District nine. She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "See you soon," She mumbled into his hair.

His arms snaked around her waist and he squeezed tightly. "I love you,"

She kissed the nape of his neck. "I love you, too."

He let go and readjusted his bag on his shoulder. She could see the fear in his eyes. This was only his second year of mentoring. Dove knew that look would never leave his eyes, it was the same look she saw in Sorrel's the day of her Reaping and she was sure she had the same look in her eyes, too. Andor nodded and mumbled a goodbye before leaving the room and after about two minutes, the train started to move again and Dove's stomach flipped. Only twenty minutes and they would reach District ten.

With shaky legs, she stood and grabbed her travel pack from the corner she had tossed it in earlier. Slinging it over her shoulder, she left the room to the dining cart. Dee was there, strangely silent as she entered. "Nervous, Dee?" She questioned him as she sat across from him. Normally, she'd try to be as far away from the escort as possible, but she wasn't feeling normal, she wanted the company, no matter who it was.

"No..." He didn't meet her gaze, continuing to look down at his painted nails.

Dove's eyebrows knitted together. "Is everything okay? You were so cheery earlier." Why was she asking? She didn't care. But she need to talk to someone now that Andor was gone.

Dee sighed dramatically. "Fine! If you insist!" He stuffed a cookie in his mouth before speaking again. "This is my last year of being an escort!"

Well, Dove was not expecting that. She tilted her head like a confused dog. "What?"

"Spare your tears, dear one!" He cried. "I know this must be hard to hear!"

"Uh...of-of course," Dove shook her head, still confused. "What do you mean it's your last year?"

"I'm retiring!" Dee placed the back of his hand to his forehead as if he was going to faint.

Dove inwardly scoffed. Being able to retire is a Capitol thing or the Career districts, but in the other districts, you work until you die. She wanted to snap at him, to tell him to be grateful, but she kept it inside. At least she would only have to deal with his insufferable cheerfulness for one more year. "Lucky you," She said through gritted teeth. "You must be excited."

"I am, but I will miss this," Dee frowned. "The Reaping is my favourite time of year."

Dee was lucky the train had stopped before Dove could say anything. The audacity of the Capitol residences never failed to astonish her. She stood quickly, telling him she'll see him at the Reaping before rushing off of the silver train. Her hand gripped the strap of her travel pack so hard that her knuckles began to turn white. But that tension snapped at the sight of Sorrel waiting for her. Dove couldn't help it. She rushed to her old mentor and threw her arms around her. "Oh, Sorrel!" She gasped.

"Was the trip with Dee really that agonizing?" The woman chuckled as she warmly hugged Dove back.

"Let's go, please," Dove begged quietly. Sorrel chuckled and obliged the girl. They were gone and out of sight before Dee even touched the wooden platform. "He told me he's retiring after this year," Dove explained as the two of them walked slowly towards the main square.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Sorrel sighed with relief. "That can only take him in small doses."

Dove snorted and quickly covered her mouth. "Sorrel!" She gasped, shocked at her mentors' words.

Sorrel merely chuckled and shrugged. They continued to the main square, making light conversation. But as they got closer, silence fell, the dread of what was to come settling over them both. Dove caught sight of the mayor along with two Peacekeepers standing guard. The mayor, newly appointed two years ago, just before Dove's Reaping, was shakily going through his cue cards, mumbling to himself his speech. They gave him a polite nod and made their way to their seats on his right. Dove had never been on this side of the Reaping, it was intimidating. She couldn't imagine what it would look like when the children arrived.

"It's intense, huh?" Sorrel nudged her. Dove nodded silently, watching as Dee now made his way to the mayor and began instructing him. Sorrel leaned in. "It never really gets easier. Mentoring is a hard job."

Dove looked at her through the corner of her eyes. "Was I your first tribute to survive?" She didn't call it a 'win' because I didn't feel like it.

Sorrel nodded. "The first of twelve tributes."

Dove's stomach dropped. She found she couldn't say anything. Her mouth dried at the thought of what Sorrel had to endure, from winning her games to watching two tributes die for six years. Neither of them had anything else to say and so, they sat in silence until the people of District ten began to arrive. Dove felt like she would be sick, watching the children check in and move to their assigned age group. And when her eyes caught sight of Ivy and Heath standing with the twelve-year-old boys and girls, she nearly vomited then and there.

Once everyone was situated, Dee began his usual speech, cheering, "Happy Hunger Games!" to all, before allowing the mayor to make his speech as to why these games happen and then the same boring video was played. Dove's eyes searched the crowd beyond the children for her parents, whom she spotted rather easily. Her mother had the same large curls as her. Their eyes connected in a silent prayer -- a prayer for Ivy and Heath.

"Well, isn't that splendid!" Dee clapped as the video ended and he returned to the mic. "Shall we draw the names?" He looked out at the crowd, who had no response. He went ahead anyway. "Ladies first!" He chimed, bouncing over to the bowl that held the names of all the eligible females. Dove's stomach tightened as she watch him swirl his fingers around the paper. Ivy's name would only be in there once, that was Dove's one comfort. Dee delicately lifted his hand to show the piece of parchment before heading back to the microphone and opening it. He seemed to pause at the name before calling it. "Ivy Mildfall!"

No. Dove's eyes widened in horror and shock. She found herself shaking her head as slowly her little sister began to walk up to the stage. Dee greeted her cautiously and led her to his left. Dove didn't know if he was doing so because he knew she was her sister or because she was twelve. Dee cleared his throat. "And the male!" He seemed to be rushing it as he simply picked a name from the top of the pile and returned to the mic with the parchment already opened. Dove knew something was wrong when all he did was stare.

It couldn't be, she thought nervously. It's impossible odds.

Dee cleared his throat, his voice now void of all joy. "The male tribute for District ten is...Heath Mildfall." His head dropped in what had to be shame.

ah, the first chapter! I'm so proud of this guys, like it's a little embarrassing how much I love it! I hope you love it just as much!

Okumaya devam et

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