Is it Fate?

By LesbianInNeverland

543K 16.7K 3.1K

Lisa and Jennie are happy. They're engaged and about to have a baby. Just as they're about to get their happy... More

Special Epilogue (Mrs. Kim)
Special Epilogue (SooElla)
Special Epilogue (The Twins)
Special Epilogue: (SooElla+JealousLili)


4.9K 142 31
By LesbianInNeverland


I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday! I'm in a slump because this story is almost over and I'm kind of sad about it so I got writer's block for a second. Wahhhhh. Anyway thank you all so much for sticking with this, it means so much! Here's the next one.

Carry on.


Yongsun showed everyone the sneaky picture she had taken of Jennie and Lisa at the hospital.

"Oh my gosh I have one too!" Rosie giggled as she pulled out her phone and showed them the picture she had taken of them cuddling together.

They were both giggling and joking about the fact that even way before they had anything figured out the two had been so inseparable. So much that even in their sleep they reached out for each other.

"This is when I knew you guys would make it." Rosie said with conviction. Showing Jennie and Lisa the picture. "I've been saving it this entire time."


This time Lisa was the one who couldn't wait anymore. She loved celebrating with her friends, but she wanted some alone time with her wife already. She clung to Jennie for the rest of the night, not letting her go for even a second, always needing to touch her in some way. She was glad that Jennie didn't even seem to mind. She curled into Lisa each time.

Lisa would touch the small of her back as they talked to someone and Jennie would unconsciously lean into her touch. Lisa would sit, grabbing Jennie's hand to keep her close and Jennie would opt to sit on her lap instead of her own chair. It made Lisa's heart race. Lisa would stand behind Jennie, holding on to her waist and Jennie would interlace her fingers with Lisa's own, wrapping Lisa's arms tighter against her body as she did so, making Lisa hug her. Lisa stopped paying attention to what people were even saying. Letting Jennie take the lead and just enjoying the comfort of her wife being near her.

Rosie must have noticed Lisa's anxiety to finally be alone with Jennie because she grabbed the box of sparklers she had bought for her friends. She told Felix to get ready for the pictures and then proceeded to hand the sparklers out to all the guests.

She helped everyone light them up and then winked at Lisa who had caught on to the fact that Rosie was giving them an out to start their honeymoon early.

Lisa grinned so hard she almost ran up to Rosie to kiss her in gratitude. Jennie just sported her best gummy smile when she saw all the sparklers light up at the same time, delighted at the sight.

Lisa didn't even hesitate. She grabbed Jennie's hand, dragging her out as they ran through the crowd who waved their sparklers around and cheered for them.

Lisa being Lisa stopped them in the middle of it abruptly, catching Jennie off guard. Jennie looked at Lisa questioningly, not realizing Lisa's intentions. Lisa shot her a mischievous smile before picking Jennie up and throwing her over her shoulder as Jennie shrieked for her to put her down.

Lisa just giggled and waved to their friends as she ran holding a squealing Jennie who kept halfheartedly hitting her back in faux anger and tried not to laugh too.

"Bye mommies!" Ella said happily, waving her sparkler around and making heart shapes with them next to Soo-in.

Lisa stopped and put Jennie down for a second so they could talk to her before they went.

"Be good to your aunties okay baby?" Jennie said.

"Yes Mommy."

"We'll miss you so much babygirl." Lisa added.

"I'm going to miss you too mommies."

Jennie couldn't help but hug her daughter.

"You're the best daughter I could have ever had baby. Don't ever forget that," She said, a little emotionally.

Ella had been her rock. Ella was the only reason she had gotten through anything after Lisa was gone. Ella was her baby. Jennie changed her mind, turning to Lisa.

"Baby," Jennie said to Lisa a little teary eyed, "can we take her too?"

Jennie felt an overwhelming emotion not to be separated from her daughter and her wife now, even if it was their honeymoon. She knew what she would be sacrificing but it just didn't feel right leaving Ella behind.

Lisa smiled, "Of course my love."

Ella shook her head.

"No mommies."

Jennie looked at her.

"Its okay mommy. I know you want me to be there but you and mama need alone time."

"Ella," Lisa tried to start.

"It's okay mama. I get to hang out with my best friend and my aunties. I can go with you guys next time."

They both looked at her dubiously.

"Its okay mommies. Besides, what kids want to hang out with their parents anyway?" Ella tried to joke.

Lisa laughed and Jennie rolled her eyes and smiled back at her.

"Okay, but just know if you ever get a boyfriend or a girlfriend I'm going to tease you back for that joke."

Ella just giggled back. "Bring it on mommy."

"She's going to be trouble," Jennie told Lisa.

Lisa had been frowning.

"No boyfriends or girlfriends until you're thirty, Ella." Lisa said very seriously.

"Oh please stop," Jennie giggled, noticing how quickly Lisa's demeanor had changed.

"I'm serious!" Lisa said adamantly. "She's not allowed!"

"You do realize we started dating when you were seventeen? And I liked you since I was fifteen? And you were only fourteen at the time!"

"That was different." Lisa said pouting.

"Don't listen to your mama Ella. If you ever find someone you like talk to me first so this one doesn't freak out on you." Jennie said motioning to a glaring Lisa.

Ella blushed again because she was pretty sure she did like someone and she was standing right next to her.

"Okay mommy."

They both hugged her again and kissed her and made her promise to call them everyday before leaving. They'd spend the night at their hotel together before officially leaving for their honeymoon in the morning.


The dance still kept going for a few hours despite Jennie and Lisa not being there anymore.

"You know you can stop now chipmunk."

"Hmm?" the blonde asked thoughtfully. She had been scanning the room, making sure no one needed anything.

"I mean you were perfect. You made this perfect for them. Everyone had a great time. You don't have to make sure anymore."

Rosie melted into Jisoo's hug.

"I know. I'm just really happy. I wanted them to have a perfect night like we did when we got married. They deserve it."

"They did my love, I promise. Now come on, dance with me."

Jisoo held her hand out for Rosie to take and she followed her. They held each other tight and swayed despite the music being more upbeat.


"Okay so I think you wrap it around like this?" Ella said, twisting the vines.

Soo-in huffed, trying to follow. It didn't look right though.

"Its not working Ella."

"You're right," Ella agreed, looking at her own creation. "I can fix this. Hold on a second."

Ella padded inside the deck again, looking around until she found them dancing together. She made a bee line straight to them before tugging on their shirts.

"Uncle Taehyung? Uncle Jimin?" Ella asked pleadingly as they stopped swaying to look down at her.

Jimin almost started crying at the term of endearment.

Jimin leaned in to whisper to Taehyung, "We're not Oppas anymore, we're uncles babe," he said proudly.

Taehyung held himself together a little bit better but was emotional too. "I know, let's get it together so we don't scare her away though."

Taehyung crouched down and spoke once he recovered, "What's up Ella?"

"We need your help."

Taehyung looked at her curiously, "with what doll?"

Ella leaned in to whisper in his ear so no one else could hear. She didn't want to spoil the surprise.

"Oh, okay. I see. We can definitely fix that."

Taehyung grabbed Jimin by the hand and dragged him outside to where Soo-in was. They both helped them with the vines, teaching Soo-in how to do it so she could make it herself.


Soo-in was nervous. She turned back around as soon as she walked in and saw them. She couldn't do it.

Ella stopped her, holding her by the arms.

"I can't do it Ella."

"Of course you can!"

"No. This isn't for me."

Soo-in tried to run out but damn was Ella strong. Ella had immediately grabbed onto her left arm as she tried to flee, unwilling to let her go and Soo-in couldn't pull away.

"Just remember what we talked about."

"I can't do it Ella." She answered defeatedly.

"Yes you can, it's just like we practiced remember? We can do it again before you go if that helps."

Soo-in looked panicked so Ella grabbed her face in between her hands and made her look at her.

"Will you trust me? You're my best friend ever and I want this for you. Please?"

Soo-in sighed.

"What if you're wrong Ella?"

"Trust me please? I'm not wrong, I promise. Do you trust me?" Ella said, almost squishing her best friend's cheeks.

Soo-in couldn't help but nod because she did. Ella then grabbed Soo-in's hand reassuringly and pulled her in.


Jisoo started freaking out on Rosie because she hadn't seen Soo-in in over twenty minutes.

"I'll be back." She said, intent on finding her to make sure she was okay.

Rosie held her hand though, immediately knowing what Jisoo was panicking over.

"Relax baby, she's with the boys. They texted me earlier to let me know Soo and Ella wanted to make something and they asked for their help. They're just outside love."

Jisoo looked unconvinced. She wanted to check on her anyway so Chaeyoung texted Jimin asking him for a picture and he sent it right away.

All four of them were waving and blowing kisses at the camera.

"See? All good love."

Jisoo finally relaxed.


Despite the confirmation of Soo-in being safe, Jisoo couldn't help but run up to her when she saw her come back up the stairs to the deck.

"I'm going to need you not to do that anymore Soo. You need to tell me where you are at all times." Jisoo almost scolded. She relaxed a bit when she saw Soo-in shrink a little. Fuck, was she too harsh?

"Please?" Jisoo added gently, she just wanted her to be okay. She wasn't angry at her or anything.

She saw as Ella squeezed Soo-in's hand reassuringly before walking off.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Soo-in responded looking down a little.

"It's okay baby fox, I was just worried about you." Jisoo said as soft as she could. Too afraid that she had scared her off. "I just wanted to make sure you were safe. You scared me a little when I didn't see you around anymore. That's all."

"Miss Jisoo?" Soo-in asked tentatively. "Can I talk to you and Miss Rosie maybe?"

Jisoo panicked. She scared Soo-in. She obviously just scared her away and now she wanted to be taken back to the orphanage. She cursed herself for being so stern with her. Maybe something bad just happened and Jisoo wasn't there to protect her. Jisoo cursed herself, feeling like whatever Soo-in wanted to say was about to be confirmation of how Jisoo had already failed.

She eventually swallowed the internal panic down and answered.

"Of course, Let me just go get her real quick."

She found Rosie by the kitchen where they were still putting out appetizers.

"Oh gosh babe, you have to try this!" The blonde said excitedly when she saw her wife, holding up a piece of the kimchi pancake she was munching on.

Jisoo took a bite of it before speaking.

"Soo-in needs to talk to us love." Jisoo said a little apprehensively.

Rosie dropped the pancake worriedly.

"Did she say why?"

"No. I'm worried. She looked nervous."

"I'm sure it'll be okay babe."

"What if she wants us to take her back?"

"Then we take her back." Rosie said, almost in tears at the thought but meaning it. All she wanted was for her to be happy and if she wasn't happy with them Rosie wouldn't hesitate to let her go.

"I don't want to though." Jisoo said fiercely. She was entirely too attached to her already. She had fallen in love with Soo-in just as fast as she had fallen in love with Rosie.

"I know, me neither, but we have to if that's what she wants."

Jisoo looked to her wife sadly, knowing she was right. She threaded her fingers in between Rosie's own before walking back to Soo-in, bracing themselves.


They went outside to where the tents were set up near the waterfall.

Soo-in was very quiet but neither Rosie nor Jisoo wanted to push her so they just followed her quietly.

They sat inside one of the little tents that were set up, sitting cross legged on the cushions and waiting for Soo-in to speak.

Jisoo held on to Rosie's hand a little harder then she meant to, incredibly nervous about what their kid might have to say. So scared to hear it. She squeezed even harder.

Soo-in didn't look at them when she finally spoke.

"So like, I kind of want you guys to be my mommies or whatever." Soo-in said as nonchalantly as she could, to the surprise of the other two.

Jisoo clutched Rosie's hand even harder now. Was this real or was she hallucinating?

Rosie felt like it had gotten harder to breathe.

"Ella said you guys were my mommies already when you adopted me but I didn't really believe her." Soo-in continued.

Then she looked out into the ocean, still super nervous about asking. She thought about Ella and what she had said. She forced herself to keep going, Ella was the smartest person she had ever met after all. She trusted her. She wasn't like the other kids that bullied her. Ella was nice. Ella actually cared about her. Ella said they would want to be her mommies so she forced herself to ask.

"So I guess I kind of wanted to ask because I trust Ella. Are you guys really my mommies now?" She asked in a small voice.

Soo-in didn't look at them. She just pulled out the threaded necklaces her uncles helped her and Ella make and unceremoniously threw them towards Rosie and Jisoo.

"I made these for you."

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. She was supposed to ask them as she offered them the necklaces but Soo-in had already had too much bullshit in her life that she really couldn't go through with it like that.

What if they said no?

Miss Rosie had immediately scooped Soo-in up in her arms, crying the whole time and holding her tight.

Jisoo couldn't even breathe, she was frozen in shock. She really thought Soo-in wanted to be taken back. She didn't expect this. Not from this kid who had probably already suffered way more than most adults had. She knew that to be the truth. Soo-in had survived more than anyone she knew.

"Soo? Does this mean what I think this means?" Rosie asked before setting her down. She looked at her gently, wishing and hoping she understood correctly.

Soo-in took a deep breath before asking.

"Will you guys be my mommies? Can I call you that now?"

Jisoo had never willingly cried in her life until that moment. She jumped at her two girls, holding them to her. Rosie sobbed and nodded and held them tightly back too, unable to even speak and answer her.

Soo-in knew then that Ella had been right all along. Miss Jisoo, her new mama, never cried and she was crying now. She was crying and holding Soo-in like she was family too. That was all the answer she ever needed.

Soo-in had never felt like she belonged anywhere in her entire life until now. She hugged her new mommies back.

She couldn't believe it. Soo-in had mommies now. She felt Miss Rosie—she felt her mommy's hand touch her face. Soo-in didn't even know it had been wet. Her mommy wiped her tears away. Her mommy. Her new mommy wiped her tears away as her new mama hugged her. She couldn't take it, she let herself cry for once. She had mommies. She finally had mommies.

"We love you Soo, we love you so much," Rosie said as she gently touched Soo-in's face, caressing it.

Then her mama gave her a forehead kiss and Soo-in had never felt so loved in her entire life. This was what it felt like to have a family? Soo-in promised to herself that she would always try her hardest to make them proud. She was so lucky they had found her.

"I—I think I love you guys too. Thank you for rescuing me," Soo-in admitted. Her new mommies saved her and she wanted them to know that.

Jisoo lost it, outright sobbing now.

"We're so happy we found you baby fox. I'm so sorry it took us so long." she said in between gaps. Jisoo had never ever cried like that before.

Jisoo regretted the fact she had been so scared to be a mom. If she had only been braver. They could have had Soo-in sooner. Her baby wouldn't have suffered so many years on her own. It made Jisoo's heart clench. Rosie seemed to read her thoughts because she looked at her with tender eyes and Jisoo knew what she was saying.

It's okay. Everything happens for a reason. We have her now and that's all that matters. She's safe with us now. Our baby is with us now.

Jisoo pulled them all in again. She forced Rosie to sit next to her and she had Soo-in sit on her lap, her little legs stretching out into Rosie's lap. She held them all as close as she could.

She still couldn't believe her kid loved her back too.


Ella looked on from a distance with her uncles as they took pictures of her best friend and her new mommies. They wanted to capture the moment for them. Ella was crying happy tears too. She knew her aunties loved Soo-in the way her mommies loved her. She was so happy that her best friend finally knew that too now.

"Thank you Uncle Tae, Uncle Jimin." Ella said, turning to the boys.

They both hugged her. Jimin had been crying too and Taehyung's eyes had watered so bad he might have let a few tears drop as well.

"Thank you little one. We were honored to help."

"You're a pretty special kid you know that?" Jimin said.

Ella smiled smugly, "I know."

The boys just laughed at her answer. They each grabbed one of her hands as they pulled her back inside, swinging her up in the air as they walked to the delight of Ella. She giggled the whole time she was flown in the air.

She was so happy. She liked her new uncles. Her mommies were together finally. Her aunties were happy. She met the bestest girl in the entire world and now she was her best friend.

Ella really couldn't be happier.



I promise this will be as close to a double update as possible! Just give me a couple hours to edit.

I know what you guys want. 😈

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