Earth and Fire [Toph Beifong...

By JonahHex5

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Suhara is a runaway prince of the Fire Nation, presumed dead by his family. He was taught fire bending at fi... More

South Pole Travels
The Boy in the Iceberg
The Avatar Returns
The Southern Air Temple
The Fortuneteller
The Waterbending Master
Siege of The North
The Swamp
The Blind Bandit
The Chase
The Library
The Desert
The Serpent's Pass
The Drill
City of Walls and Secrets
Tales of Ba Sing Se
Lake Laogai
The Earth King
The Guru
The Crossroads of Destiny
The Awakening
The Headband
The Runaway
The Puppetmaster
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of Black Sun
Western Air Temple
Sozin's Comet

Firebending Masters

1.2K 26 0
By JonahHex5

At night, Suhara was sitting next to Toph, eating stew when Zuko walks into the room as they were all having supper around.

Zuko: Listen, Everybody! I've got some pretty bad news. (He hung his head) I've lost my stuff.

Toph: Don't look at me! I didn't touch your stuff!

Suhara: Why would you?

Zuko: I'm talking about my fire bending. It's gone.

Katara started laughing.

Katara: I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the irony. You know how it would have been nice for us if you lost your fire bending a long time ago?

Zuko: Well, it's not lost. It's just weaker for some reason.

Katara: Maybe your just not as good as you think you are.

Toph: Ouch.

Suhara: No. I have seen this before. It had to me once as well.

Katara: Your bending was weak as well?

Suhara: Yes. It was when I left Fire Nation. Because of that, my fire bending became weaker. But, I don't know how Zuko's fire bending became weak.

Zuko looked away before turning back.

Zuko: I bet it's because I changed sides.

Katara: That's ridiculous.

Aang: I don't know. Maybe it isn't. Maybe your fire bending comes from rage. And you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to.

Sokka: So, all we have to do is make Zuko angry. Easy enough.

He began poking Zuko with his sheathed space-sword, pointing and laughing.

Zuko: Okay! Cut it out!

Sokka got so startled that his sword flew into the air, falling back and landing on his head

Zuko: Look, (Pinch the bridge of his nose) even if you're right, I don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore. Like how Suhara does. There has to be another way.

Suhara: If you're want to use fire bending like how I do, you're gonna need to learn to draw it from a different source. The original source.

Sokka: How is he supposed to do that? By jumping into a volcano?!

Toph: No. What Suhara's saying is Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is.

Sokka: So, is it jumping into a volcano?

Toph: Not that he told me. (Sets down the bowl she was eating out of) For earth bending, the original benders were badger moles. One day, when I was little, I ran away and hid in a cave. That's where I met them. They were blind, just like me. So we understood each other. I was able to learn earth bending, not just as a martial art, but as an extension of my senses. For them, the original earth benders, it wasn't just about fighting. It was their way of interacting with the world.

Suhara: (Scoots closer to Toph and rests his head on her head) In a way. I'm glad they found you, otherwise, I would've never met you.

Toph: (Wraps her arms around Suhara) I guess so.

Aang: That's amazing, Toph. I learned from the monks, but the original air benders were the sky bison. (He leans back so that he could see Appa) Maybe you can give me a lesson some time, buddy.

Appa stopped eating for a second to roar in response.

Zuko: Well, that doesn't help me. The original fire benders were the dragons, and they're extinct.

Aang: What do you mean? Roku had a dragon, Suhara's fire-bending master is a dragon (Ghidorah popped out from the bowl he was eating in), and there were plenty of dragons when I was a kid.

Zuko: Well they aren't around anymore okay?!

Aang: Okay okay, sorry. But there's got to be another way.

Ghidorah: Might I suggest the first people to who my kind taught fire bending.

Suhara: You're right.

Zuko: What did he say?

Suhara: Ghidorah suggests that you should go see where the first people learn from his kind.

Zuko: The Ancient Sun Warriors.

Suhara: Exactly.

Aang: Sun Warriors? Well, I know they weren't around when I was a kid.

Zuko: No, they died off thousands of years ago, but their civilization wasn't too far from where we are now. Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins.

Aang: It's like the monks used to tell me, sometimes the shadows of the past can be felt by the present.

Sokka: So, what? Maybe you'll pick up some super old Sun Warrior energy, just by standing where they stood a thousand years ago?

Zuko: More or less, either I find a new way to fire bend or the Avatar has to find a new teacher.

Aang then looks down, worried.

~ ~ ~

The next morning, Aang and Zuko got Appa ready to go on their field trip to the Sun Warrior ruins until they were stopped by the second prince.

Suhara: Wait! I'm coming with you guys.

Sokka: But why should you. Your fire bending is still good and you can all the... (Gestures with fingertip shooting) Pew pew pew! (Makes a dragon mouth with his hands) Roar! (Stick his chest to show strength) Dragon Power!

Suhara: It's because Aunt Wu told me that I will be told the secret to fire bending by its original users. And she didn't mean Ghidorah, it could possibly mean that there could be dragons still around even if-

Sokka: Even if what?

Suhara: Nothing. Besides, there are a few things I need to learn.

Katara: Okay.

Suhara: Sokka could you look after Sheba for now?

Sokka: Sure. (Sheba then walked to Sokka rubbing her head on his arm) But, what about Ghidorah? (Pointing at the dragon on Suhara's shoulder)

Suhara: His kind taught the Sun Warriors, it could be a visit home to him.

Toph: Good luck, (Hugs him) I love you.

Suhara: (Hugs back) I love you, too.

~ ~ ~

The Avatar and the two Fire Princes have been flying on Appa for a few hours over the ocean. Zuko was bored.

Zuko: We've been riding for hours. I don't know why, but I thought this thing would be a lot faster.

Appa growls.

Aang: Appa's right, Zuko. In our group, typically we start our missions with a more upbeat attitude.

Zuko: I can't believe this.

Suhara: Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.

They then see an island. Appa descended to land on some ruins. The ruins made Aang, Suhara, and Zuko full of awe. Ghidorah, on Suhara's shoulder, felt well at home.

Aang, Suhara, and Zuko: Whoa!

They landed and started their hike.

Zuko: Even though these buildings are ancient, there's something eerily familiar about them.

Suhara: I know. I can tell the Fire Sages' temples are somehow descended from them.

Aang: Okay we learned something about architecture, hopefully, we'll learn something about fire bending too, the past can be a great teacher.

A tripwire was pulled when Aang walked by. He tripped and yelled, as an overhead shot showed a small portion of the path in front of him going down and some spikes coming up from holes. He nearly fell on the spikes but blew a blast of air from his mouth which thrust him up, and somersaulted onto the other side, as he managed to regain balance.

Aang: Zuko, Suhara, I think the past is trying to kill me

Suhara: And that is why you should always look ahead of yourself.

Zuko: (Kneels down to inspect the trap) I can believe it, (Picks the tripwire and examines it) this boobytrap must be centuries old, and it still works.

Aang: There's probably a lot more, maybe this means we shouldn't be here.

Zuko took two steps back and ran toward the wall adjoining the path He ran on the wall before jumping on the other side of the spikes. Suhara used his Flaming Wall run to get to the other side.

Zuko: (Dust off some dirt on his shirt) Where's that upbeat attitude you were talking about? Besides, people don't make traps unless they have something worth protecting.

~ ~ ~

Suhara, Zuko, and Aang continue on the building by stairs.

Aang: Look, this seems promising.

They see a carving of a person being surrounded by two dragons who were breathing fire at him

Aang: Though, I'm not sure what this tells us about the original source of fire bending.

Zuko: They look pretty angry to me.

Aang: I thought the dragons were friends with the Sun Warriors.

Zuko: Well, they had a funny way of showing it.

Suhara: There must be a story behind this.

For a moment Zuko looked down and started to walking with Aang looking.

Aang: Zuko, (Zuko stopped walking) something happened to the dragons in the last hundred years. Something you and Suhara are not telling me.

Zuko: Our great-grandfather Sozin happened. (Walks away with Aang following him. The three started walking on a bridge) He started the tradition of hunting dragons for glory. They were the ultimate fire benders. And if you could conquer one, your firebending talents would become legendary, and you'd earn the honorary title "Dragon".

They approached a path which has one dragon statue on both sides, and they stopped walking.

Suhara: The last great dragon was conquered long before we were born, (Suhara placed one of his palms on one of the dragon's eye) by my father.

Aang: But I thought your dad was, I don't know, good?

Suhara: He had a complicated past. Family tradition, I guess. But I didn't, I'm the only one who wouldn't conquer a dragon.

Zuko: Let's just move on.

~ ~ ~

Zuko, Suhara, and Aang walked past a vertical column with a sunstone in the center. They walked towards a wall with two gates. Zuko stopped walking, Aang ran to the gates, dropped his staff, and unsuccessfully tried opening the gates.

Aang: It's locked up.

Zuko rubbed his head, and looked behind, before quickly going aside to the sunstone from the column in front of the gates beaming light.

Zuko: Wait.

Zuko and Suhara realized and Zuko took a step back and looked at the position he stood at a moment before. The light from, the sunstone beamed on a circular carving in the ground.

Zuko: It's a celestial calendar. (Zuko and Suhara stood in front of the column as they looked at the gates) Just like the Fire Sages have in their temples. (He looks at the sunstone above the gates) I bet that sunstone opens the door, but only when sunlight hits at just the right angle.

Suhara: On the solstice.

Aang: Monkey feathers! The solstice again? We can't wait here that long

Zuko: No, we can't. (He unsheathes one of his broadswords') But we might be able to speed time up.

He placed his sword on the light from the sunstone that was being beamed on it at an angle, causing it to reflect the light. Zuko reflects the light from the column.

Zuko: Let's see if we can outsmart the sunstone.

Zuko's sword moved the light's reflection to the other sunstone on top of the gates.

Aang: Nothing's happening.

Zuko: Come on...

The sunstone made the gates started to open. Aang picked up his staff, and Zuko unsheathed his sword, and he and Suhara walked up to the gates.

Aang: You know, Zuko, I don't care what everyone else says about you. (Nudges Zuko with his elbow) You're pretty smart.

Zuko smiled at Aang's compliment, before realizing what Aang actually said. Aang and Suhara walked inside the room and looked around it. Aang narrowed his eyes as he saw a statue of a man with an angry expression. Aang gasped.

Zuko: Relax. They're just statues.

In the room were many statues lined up in a circle as the three walked into it. Suhara felt like he recognized the forms the statues were in.

Suhara: I recognize these forms. Ghidorah me these.

Aang: (Walks up to a stand and read something on it) It says this is something called the Dancing Dragon.

Aang placed his staff to lean on the statue. He took the same posture the statue was in. His leg pressed a button on the ground. Aang came out of the posture and examined the button. He looked at all the statues and ran toward Zuko and Suhara.

Aang: (Grabbed Zuko's arm) Zuko, Suhara, get over here! I want you guys to dance with me!

Zuko: What?

Aang: Just do it.

Two of them stood in front of the two statues that were to the sides of the path that lead into the circle, while Suhara stands in the middle near the door.

Aang: Let's follow the steps of the statues.

Aang and Zuko took the posture of the statue in front of them and moved to their right and left, respectively, the postures of the statues in front of them all. Suhara was doing the same in the middle.

Aang: Don't you see? These aren't dance moves These statues are giving us a lesson. I think this is some kind of Sun Warrior fire bending form.

Zuko: This better teach us some really good fire bending.

Aang, Zuko, and Suhara continue performing the same movements to the statues. At the end of the technique, part of the ground started detracting and a vertical column emerged from it, as the three looked behind at it. It was a yellow, egg-shaped sunstone on the column,

Aang: (Raised his arms in triumph) Hurry. Wait, (Rubs his head) what exactly is that?

Zuko: It's some kind of mystical gem stone. (Ran towards the pedestal)

Aang: (Raised his arms) Well, don't touch it!

Zuko: Why not?

Aang: (Turned to look at the side) Remember what happened out there with those spikes? (Gestures by pointing his arms up) I'm just very suspicious of giant glowing gems sitting on pedestals.

Suhara: Be suspicious all you want, something about this gem feels familiar.

Zuko picks up the gem.

Zuko: It feels almost alive.

Suhara: Let me feel it. (Zuko give the gem to him) It does. Almost like it's an egg.

Ghidorah: It's a dragon egg.

Suhara tries to put the gem back but a geyser of viscous slime erupted out from the pedestal and pushed him and Zuko toward a grate in the ceiling, sticking. While Ghidorah was outside before he flew off Suhara's shoulder. Aang grew worried and turned to look at the gates of the room. which closed.

Aang: Oh no, it's another trap!

More viscous slime came from the column, causing Aang to walk back. Zuko and Suhara were stuck to the grate and unsuccessfully struggled to break free.

Zuko: Ugh, I can't pull free. It's like some kind of glue.

Aang jumped across the slime and grabbed his staff. He climbed up a statue's head, jumped onto another, and air bended a gust of wind toward the two Fire Princes, due to which Zuko was pushed from his back to his font. Ghidorah was trying his best to help Suhara get out of the trap.

Suhara: Ghidorah, just go get help, we're fine.

Ghidorah flew off to get help. The slime kept rising and Aang was still on the statue's head. His staff was stuck in the slime and he was not successful in pulling it out. He jumped up toward the grates. Aang tried to pull his hands from the grates.

Aang: I can't move! Zuko, do something!

Zuko: Me? I can't move either!

Aang: Suhara, use your dragon power!

Suhara: If I do, I kill you both!

The entire room was being filled by the slime. The slime continued pushing them against the grates. The slime stopped

Aang: It stopped.

Zuko: At least we have air. Maybe if we stay calm, we can figure a way out of this.

~ ~ ~

At night, the three were still stuck to the grate with their heads sticking out.

Aang: You had to pick up the glowing egg, didn't you?

Zuko: At least I made something happen. If it were up to you, we'd never have made it past the courtyard.

Aang: Help!

Zuko: Who are you yelling to? Nobody's lived here for centuries.

Aang: Well, what do you think we should do?

Zuko: Think about our place in the universe?

Suhara: Don't worry, Ghidorah will be back with help.

Aang sighed, and a man stepped near them.

???: Who is down there?

They looked up as they see a man in paint and odd clothing approaching them, with Ghidorah on his shoulder. After they were pulled from their trap. More people with the similar clothes surround them. Aardvark sloths on either side of them and one on Suhara right were licking the slime off of them. The Sun Warrior Chief walked toward the three.

Sun Warrior Chief: For trying to take our sunstone, you must be severely punished!

Zuko: We didn't come here to take your sunstone. We came here to find the ancient origin of all fire bending

Ham Ghao: (Stepped forward) Yeah, right. They are obviously thieves (Holding the egg) here to steal Sun Warrior treasure.

Aang: Please, I don't normally play this card, but... I'm the Avatar.

Suhara: You always play that card.

Ham Ghao looked toward the chief from the side, puzzled.

Aang: Just hear us out.

Zuko: (Stood up) My name is Zuko, Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. Or at least I used to be. I know my people have distorted the ways of firebending, to be fueled by anger and rage. But now I want to learn the true way, the original way. The way my cousin Suhara has. When we came here, I never imagined, the Sun Warrior's civilization was secretly alive. I am truly humbled to be in your presence. (The three bowed their heads) Please, teach us.

The Sun Warrior Chief then walked to Suhara and looked at him in the eyes.

Sun Warrior Chief: You're the one Master Ghidorah sent for help, are you not?

Suhara: Yes, my name is Suhara, Son of General Iroh, the Dragon of the West, student of Ghidorah, and now Child of the Dragons. I have been learning the original fire bending by the last dragon Ghidorah, but there is still more I want to learn.

Sun Warrior Chief: Very well. If you wish to learn the ways of the sun, you must learn them from the masters' Ran and Shao.

Aang: Ran and Shao? There are two of them.

Sun Warrior Chief: (Walks toward Aang) When you present yourself to them, they will examine you. (Looks at Zuko) They'll read your hearts, your souls, and your ancestry. (Steps toward Zuko and towering over him) If they deem you worthy, they'll teach you. If they don't, you'll be destroyed on the spot.

~ ~ ~

The chief lead them to a massive chamber on top of a building, and within it burns a giant flame.

Sun Warrior Chief: If you're going to see the masters, you must bring them a piece of the Eternal Flame. (Standing in front of the fire from behind him) This fire is the very first one. (Turns back at Zuko and Aang) It was given to man by the dragons. We have kept it going for thousands of years.

Zuko: I don't believe it.

Suhara: It looks like the one at the Fire Nation capital plaza tower.

Sun Warrior Chief: You will each take a piece of it to the master, to show your commitment to the sacred art of fire bending.

Aang: (Unsure) Umm, Mister Sun Chief, sir? Yeah... I'm not a fire bender yet. (Points at Suhara) Couldn't my friend here carry my fire for me?

Sun Warrior Chief: No.

Aang looked very uneasy, the chief, took a part of the Eternal Flame in his hand and turned back toward the two.

Sun Warrior Chief: This ritual illustrates (Splits the fire on his palm into two) the essence of Sun Warrior philosophy. You must maintain a constant heat. The flame will go out if you make it too small. Make it too big, and you might lose control.

Zuko stared at the flame and bought his arms forward to take the flame. The chief offered Aang the flame from the side

Aang: I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous.

He took the flame in his hand and his expression changed to a relieved one.

Aang: It's like a little heartbeat.

Sun Warrior Chief: Fire is life, not just destruction. You will take your flames up there. (Points up at the mountain) The cave of the master is beneath that rock.

Suhara: (Confused) Where's my flame?

Sun Warrior Chief: You will present something better than a piece of fire to the masters. (Offers his hand to Suhara)

Suhara confusingly grabbed the chief's hand. Ghidorah then crawls from the chief's arm back to Suhara's.

Sun Warrior Chief: You will be presenting the masters your dragon, Ghidorah, showing that you protected the last dragon in the world.

~ ~ ~

Aang, Zuko, and Suhara walked through the steep forest, before changing to the steep surface. Zuko had reached the top of the steepness, Suhara was following his pace, they turned back to look at Aang who was lagging behind.

Zuko: Hurry up.

Aang: I can't If I walk too fast, my flame will go out.

Zuko: Your flame's gonna go out because it's too small. you're too timid, give it more juice.

Aang: But what if can't control it?

Zuko: You can do it. I know you can.

Zuko: You're a talented kid.

Aang smiled at the compliment.

Suhara: Now that's something I don't hear you say to anyone.

~ ~ ~

Zuko, Suhara, and Aang reached the top of the mountain, and see the warriors were already there. There were two vertical rocks with a bridge in the center. The Sun Warrior Chief accompanied by two other Sun Warriors walked up to the three.

Sun Warrior Chief: Facing the judgment of the fire-bending masters will be very dangerous for you. (Looking at Zuko) Your ancestors are directly responsible for the dragons' disappearance. (Zuko looked away to the side) The masters might not be so happy to see you.

Ham Ghao: I know I wouldn't be.

Aang: But once they find out I'm the Avatar...

Sun Warrior Chief: Have you forgotten that you vanished, allowing the Fire Nation to wreak havoc on the world? The decline of the dragons is your burden, too.

Aang looked away to the side.

Suhara: But what about me? What's so special about me?

Sun Warrior Chief: The masters had a vision, of a boy, born of the Fire Nation who has a deep connection to the dragons. Even though they disappeared for a hundred years.

Suhara: Me. That explains why I have visions of dragons in my dreams.

Sun Warrior Chief: Yes. You are the Child of the Dragons, it's not just a title that Master Ghidorah gave, but a prophecy from the dragons, a boy who has a deep connection to the dragon. Haven't you notice when you get angry, you grow red scales on your arms and face or when your eyes turn in yellow, or even when flames appear around you even during a solar eclipse?

Suhara remembered on the day of the eclipse that his body was in flames and he was able to fire bend.

Suhara: I do.

Sun Warrior Chief: You are a part of a prophecy that will restart the era of dragons. The masters will be very happy to see you.

The chief planted his staff into the ground. The other two Sun Warriors got onto their knee positions and the chief walked toward Zuko and Aang, he took a small portion from each of their flames and gave the flames to both of the Sun Warriors, who go to each of the sides. The chief turned back and walked to the warriors. The Sun Warriors stood and sat alternately, as the two warriors stand up, creating a circle made of fire. Aang, Zuko, and Suhara watched the chief walk.

Aang: (Turned to Zuko) We could turn back now. We've already learned more about fire than we'd hoped.

Zuko: No, we're seeing this through to the end. We're gonna meet these masters and find out what's so great about them.

Aang: What if they judge us, and attack us?

Zuko: Well, we're the Fire Prince and the Avatar, (Unsheath his swords slightly) I think we can take these guys in a fight whoever they are. And besides, I'm sure Suhara could vouch for us.

Suhara: Yeah, I could vouch for you.

All alternate Sun Warriors had made their fire circles. Zuko turned toward the Sun Warrior Chief.

Zuko: Bring 'em out!

Sun Warrior Chief: (Stretched both his hands out on both sides) Chanters!

The chanters played the music. The Sun Warriors were sitting, beating their drums in a synchronized rhythm.

(Ignore the flutes)

The other Sun Warriors held the fire circle in their crouched positions Zuko, Suhara, and Aang walked toward the stairs. At the other side of the circle, the warriors alternatively raised and bowed. The three neared the steps. The chief and the other two warriors stepped aside to let Zuko and Aang passed. Zuko and Aang looked at each other, with Suhara, they took a deep breath before climbing. The warriors were still beating the drums and holding the fire circle. Zuko, Suhara, and Aang were climbing the steps. They reached the top as the sunset was shinning at them. The chatting stopped playing as soon as they reach the top. Both of them looked at the caves on each side of the bridge. While Suhara could almost hear something talking. A Sun Warrior used a sound-amplifying device that was a horn.

Sun Warrior: Those who wish to meet the masters, Ran and Shaw, will now present their fire.

Aang and Zuko turned toward the caves and bowed down with their hands stretched toward the caves. Presenting their flames.

Sun Warrior: The Child of the Dragons, present your master.

Suhara stretched his arm and Ghidorah climbed up it.

Sun Warrior Chief: Sound the call!

The warrior took a deep breath and blew the horn. The sound from the horn sent a flock of birds to scatter. While Suhara flinches and drops to his knees, covering his ears. The cave Aang was facing rumbled, causing him to tremble. Aang accidentally placed his hand down, extinguishing his flame.

Aang: What's happening?

He looked at Zuko, who turned his toward Aang. Aang cringed and quickly returned back to his position, and realized that his flame was extinguished and gasped. He then turned to Zuko.

Aang: (Whisper) Zuko, my fire went out.

Zuko: (Whisper) What do you want me to do?

Aang: Give me some of yours. (Reaches for Zuko's flame)

Zuko: (Pushes Aang behind) No, just make your own.

Aang: I can't. (Reaches back for Zuko's flame again)

Zuko: Get some from those warriors. Hurry! Stop cheating off me!

Aang: Quit being stingy!

Aang tried to reach for Zuko's flame; he was unable to do so as Zuko raised his hand high up in the air. Aang continued his attempt to get Zuko's flame but he stretched his arms away. Aang pulled Zuko's arm down, extinguishing the flame. They both look at each other. Two rumbles came from inside the caves. The two had a worried expression. They turned to look at the other cave. Two eyes glowed yellow from inside a cave and a red dragon came out, roaring, circling around the bridge. The boys took a step back, while Suhara stood his ground. Zuko and Suhara looked at the dragon. A blue dragon came out of the other cave. It joined the other dragon as they circle the bridge. Ghidorah then joined in with them and circles the bridge.

Zuko: These are the masters

Suhara: (Astonished) Their dragons.

Tears shed down his eyes as he sees more dragons other than Ghidorah.

Aang: Still think we can take them?

Zuko: Sshh. I never said that.

The dragons circles the bridge from below. The warriors bowed down.

Ham Ghao: Oh, here it comes. Any moment now. Dinner for the masters.

Sun Warrior Chief: (Turned toward Ham Ghao) Quiet, Ham Ghao!

Ham Ghao: What? (Turns his head away) Everyone's thinking it.

At the bridge where the dragons were still flying around the bridge. Aang looked at them flying

Aang: (Whisper) Zuko, Suhara, I think we're supposed to do the Dragon Dance with them.

Suhara: You mean the Dancing Dragon?

Zuko: (Turns his head toward Aang) What? What about this situation makes you think they want us to dance?

Aang: Well, I think they want us to do something. Let's just try it.

Zuko: (Unwillingly) Fine.

Aang, Zuko, and Suhara get into the first posture of the Dancing Dragon and change their posture to the first posture of the Dancing Dragon and change their posture to the next, Aang spread his arms out as the blue dragon flew behind him following the shape of his arms. Aang turned his arms to his side as the dragon turned as well. The dragons performed the same movements as each other. Zuko, pushed his hand up as the red dragon behind him went up as well. Suhara dipped and Ghidorah dived down accordingly. The dragons fly above the bridge as the three below performed the Dancing Dragon. They performed the final move. They look to either side as the dragons had stopped moving and were hovering on either side of the bridge. While Ghidorah was in the middle.

Sun Warrior Chief: Judgment Time.

The blue dragon stared at Zuko, as Aang trembled. Zuko looked at it, with his mouth wide open. Aang trembled, as the two dragons sat, with their legs at the bottom of the bridge. The red dragon breathes fire at the three. The blue dragon did the same. Zuko and Aang yelled and covered their faces as they were engulfed by a multi-colored flame vortex. The boys looked at it, shocked. The dragons continued breathing fire. Inside the vortex and the three stared at the scene in awe.

Aang: Wow.

Zuko stared at the flames.

Zuko: I understand.

Suhara also saw Ghidorah flying higher and growing bigger into the same size as Ran and Shaw, making Suhara shed a tear again. The vortex slowly dissipates and Ran and Shaw curled their bodies, fly up, and stares at Suhara. They talk to Suhara, while Aang and Zuko could only hear growling.

Suhara: They're talking to me.

Aang: What are they saying?

Suhara translates while they were talking to him.

Ran: You have made it to your destiny our child.

Shaw: It seems you have allies with you. Very trustworthy allies.

Ran: Now that you came.

Shaw: You are ready to know the truth.

Ran: You are not only just proof that dragons will return.

Shaw: But they're key to it.

Ran and Shaw: Good luck. Child of the Dragons. And farewell.

They circle one more time and go into their caves. The boys still remain on the bridge along with Ghidorah as a full-size dragon. Ham Ghao was annoyed, the warriors holding the flaming circles moved their arms in a circle, extinguishing the flames and ending their hands in a bow position. Zuko, Suhara, and Aang descend from the steps with Ghidorah flying behind them.

Zuko: Their fire was beautiful. I saw so many colors, colors I've never imagined.

Aang: Like fire bending harmony.

Sun Warrior Chief: Yes. They judged you and gave you visions of the meaning of fire bending.

Suhara: I can't believe there are still living dragons. My father told me he faced the last dragon and kill it.

Aang: So your dad lied.

Sun Warrior Chief: (Smiles) Actually, it wasn't a total lie. Iroh was the last outsider to face the masters. They deemed him worthy and passed the secret onto him as well.

Zuko: He must have lied to protect them, so no one else would hunt them.

Sun Warrior Chief: That and another reason. After he learned the secret, he told us he had a vision, that his youngest son will have a deep connection with the dragons. We then thought it was connected to the same vision that the masters had of that boy. So we promised him that when his son comes here, that we will show him to the masters and request them to teach him.

Suhara: But it still doesn't explain how Ghidorah was able to grow full size.

Sun Warrior Chief: It's the fire of dragons. When dragons aren't able to grow up, the ones who have, use their fire to help them grow.

Suhara: So all Ghidorah needed was extra dragon fire. Amazing.

Aang: All this time, I thought fire bending was destruction. Since I hurt Katara, I've been too afraid and hesitant. But now know what it really is. It's energy and life.

Zuko: Yeah. It's like the sun, but inside of you. Do you guys realize this?

Sun Warrior Chief: Well, our civilization is called the Sun Warriors, so yeah.

Zuko: That's why my fire bending was so weak before. Because for so many years, (Turning towards Aang) hunting you was my drive. It was my purpose. So when I joined you, I lost sight of my inner fire. But now, I have a new drive. I have to help you defeat my father and restore balance to the world.

Zuko delivered two fire blasts more powerful than in the Western Air Temple. Aang also bends a similar blast and was successful. Suhara then did a spin kick of a green flame and then punch an orange flame and arm thrusts a purple flame. The three of them, walk toward each other, smiling. The Sun Warrior Chief walked toward the three.

Sun Warrior Chief: (Seriously) Now that you have learned the secret, and you know about our tribe's existence, we have no choice but to imprison you here forever. (The three were shocked while the chief smiled) Just kidding. (The three looked relieved. His expression becomes serious again) But seriously, don't tell anyone!

~ ~ ~

Aang and Zuko demonstrated the Dancing Dragon to the rest of Team Avatar and friends.

Aang: With this technique the dragons showed us, Zuko, Suhara, and I will be unstoppable.

The two get into their final postures and Team Avatar applauded.

Sokka: Yeah, that's a great dance you two learned there.

Zuko: It's not a dance. It's a firebending form.

Sokka: (Moves his fingers in a dancing manner) We'll just tap-dance our way to victory over the Fire Lord.

Zuko: (Walked toward Sokka) It's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old!

Katara: Oh, yeah? What's your little form called?

Zuko: (Embarrassed) The Dancing Dragon.

Team Avatar laughed, and Zuko shut his eyes and cringed in embarrassment.

Toph: So where's Ghidorah? I haven't felt his vibrations since you got back.

Suhara: That I have another surprise for you ever one.

Suhara then starts to perform the Dancing Dragon as he starts with the first posture, Ghidorah flew up from under the temple and follows along with Suhara, and at the final pose Ghidorah landed and breaths multi-colored fire out of his mouth. Everyone except Aang and Zuko stared at him in awe.

Sokka: I thought you said he couldn't grow any bigger.

Suhara: Turn out the dragon fire help him grow this big.

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