Kill the Light

By LABloomfield22

309 2 0

Clytie managed to enter the most prestigious magic university in the empire by getting a scholarship. In a un... More

1 - Arrival
2 - Affinity
3 - The First Death
4 - Regroup
6 - Infiltration
7 - Cross Roads
8 - The Second Death
9 - Enigma
10 - Revelation
11 - Collaboration
12 - Answers
13 - Azure
14 - Defeat
15 - Divergence
16 - Reverie
17 - Inception
18 - A Night To Remember
19 - Domineering

5 - Ally

22 0 0
By LABloomfield22

Of all the absurd things that I had done my entire life, this was the most absurd.

I was standing in front of Duke Durrant's residence in the imperial city.

You might be wondering how I entered the imperial city or how I even knew the address of their home. Well, I didn't.

Two days ago, after my "pleasant" encounter with Lord Caleb, I immediately ditched school and explored Durrant City the whole afternoon.

I was stressed and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to enjoy my time for a bit before devising a plan. I needed to calm myself so that I could think straight. After all, it is my life that is on the line.

I was buying churros with a melted chocolate dip to lift up my mood when I suddenly saw an opportunity to enter Duke Durrant's residence.

Right then and there was a flyer posted on the stall where I was buying churros.

Coincidentally, the flyer said that Lord Marshall's little sister was looking for a lady-in-waiting. It was at that moment that it seemed like luck was finally on my side for once.

Although I am basically living as a commoner now, I was technically still the niece of a baron and a daughter of a former baron, so I was qualified, barely.

I'm not really the type to work as a lady-in-waiting but it was my only chance to be able to reach out to Lord Marshall.

So, I applied for the job, and two days later, here I am standing in front of the gates of hell, the duke's residence in the imperial city.

Thank goodness I was able to pass the first screening or else I wouldn't have been allowed to come with them in the first place.

As much as I hated the name of my uncle, I wanted to get in so bad that I used his name so that I could even qualify. I almost threw up as I wrote his name on a piece of paper. It was as if I had to offer up my dignity just so I could live another day.

Since it was the weekend, I didn't have to worry about taking a leave of absence in school. That, indeed, was quite a relief. With all that had happened, I didn't want to add another problem to my plate.

Though I have no experience in serving others, I was still quite skilled. Well, at least I think so.

After my dad died, I have been basically taking care of myself and doing chores, so I was more than capable of being a lady-in-waiting. Though, I do doubt in my skills in fashion.

I just hope I get accepted.

All in all, there were 15 of us who had passed the first screening.

Today, only 3 ladies will be chosen to become Lady Lisa Durrant's lady-in-waiting.

Honestly, I don't even know anything about Lady Lisa.

Lloyd said that Lady Lisa grew up with a weak constitution, that's why the lady has never made any public appearances.

However, she will be making her first public appearance in the founding ball a few months from now.

Since the empire's only princess will be coming of age, and Lady Lisa's older brother will be finding a fiancé, I guess it was finally time for her to enter the outside world.

I'm sure that the Durrant household doesn't lack maids and manpower, but I guess Lady Lisa will be needing more lady-in-waiting.

After all, after she makes an appearance, she will surely be invited to a lot of parties and get-togethers. Being the daughter of a prominent family is quite hard.

A maid greeted us at the gate and escorted us inside the front yard.

As expected of a rich family, there was a grand fountain upon entering.

The front yard was landscaped beautifully and elegantly with white stones and marbles.

The scent of roses was traveling in the air as the yard was rich of it. The bushes were neatly trimmed with no leaf out of place.

There was even a trimmed bush shaped into a lion, the Durrant family's symbol.

Pebbles sat aesthetically on the side of the pathway leading to the front door.

Of course, knights were situated on the front door as well. We were searched before we could enter the mansion for security purposes.

After a thorough search, we were finally allowed to enter.

My heart was beating right out of my chest.

What are the odds that I will be accidentally meeting Lord Marshall?

For a guaranteed meeting with him, I need to be chosen and hired. But if I somehow accidentally meet him right now, I can save all the effort that I'm about to exert.

It's not like I can just ask the knights or the maids where Lord Marshall is. They'll probably become suspicious of me.

Besides, I need to be as discrete as possible if I don't want any gossip reaching the second prince's ears that could lead me to my death.

Upon entering the mansion, I paid little attention to the details or the design.

I wasn't listening to the maid's words either since I immediately scanned the hall for any signs of Lord Marshall.

Much to my dismay, no one was in the hall, besides the knights.

We followed the maid's footsteps as she led us to the end of the hall.

It was quite overwhelming to be inside such a magnificent mansion. Although my father was a baron, our house could never compare to the residence of Duke Durrant.

Just by walking from the front door to the end of the hall felt like I had already travelled a mile.

I had no idea who was going to interview us, but I got a bit of a clue as I saw the marvelous double doors that shimmered with gold as it stood before us.

I was secretly hoping that Lord Marshall would be the one to interview us, but it was unlikely.

Most likely, it would either be the head maid, head butler, or Lady Lisa herself.

I predict that it would be the latter since the double doors that stood before us was too grand.

As if it was even possible, I felt my heart, beat even faster than before.

Not only is my reputation on the line but so is my life.

I could die at any moment at the second prince's behest.

"Remember, Lady Lisa is a soft-spoken person, so do not shock her with any frivolous actions or else you'll be escorted out of the premises right away," the maid explained.

I already expected as much but I was still shocked that Lady Lisa would interview us directly.

Usually, trivial matters like this are taken care of by the head maid or the head butler, but it seems the lady wanted to personally choose her lady-in-waiting.

Understandable, but still, it was quite shocking.

After the maid's not-so-motivational monologue, she finally turned her back to softly knock on the double doors.

"My lady," the maid's stern voice suddenly became soft and warm as she called upon her master. It was like she had turned into a different person entirely.

"Come in," a soft, angelic voice answered back at the maid's words. The sound was faint yet very distinct. You could hear the dignity as well as the innocence that came with the lady's voice.

I could only imagine what the future has in store for this lady who was like a lamb being offered up to the wolves. Finally entering society is not as wonderful as one might think, even if someone was of noble birth.

In all honesty, I could relate to that. Being once a naive child, I had to learn things the hard way. No one was actually there to teach and guide me through the rules of nobility and the dangers of politics.

I am confident that I can be of help to this lady since I have first-hand experience with the sad truth of reality.

As the doors in front of me slowly opened, only one thought lingered in my mind. My fate was entirely in Lady Lisa's hands, and her decision could mean life or death for me.

My eyes couldn't help but stay glued to the beautiful and frail lady in front of me. Her beauty caught me in a trance, one in which have already caused me my first strike.

"-lytie!" the maid's loud voice snapped me out of my ridiculous trance as I realized that I was the only one left standing on the doorway. 

The maid's eyebrows were already scrunched in frustration and the wrinkles in between became so well-defined. Behind her was a startled Lady Lisa, as she looked at me with questioning eyes.

I blushed hard. I murmured an apology and scuffled my way inside the room.

As if nothing had happened, I forced myself to exhibit a smile on my face as to recover from the first impression that I had made.

Although I had already expected Lady Lisa to be beautiful, I was quite startled at her uncanny resemblance to her older brother Lord Marshall.

They had the same glistening red eyes and beautiful long curvy blonde hair.  Her skin was pale white, almost too pale to even be considered human.

Although their looks were completely alike, their eyes did not glisten the same way. Lady Lisa's eyes were full of innocence and curiosity while Lord Marshall's were strong and stubborn, to say the least.

I could feel the shy yet proud aura that was coming from Lady Lisa, while Lord Marshall was oozing of plain arrogance. What complete opposites. Call me biased, but I like Lady Lisa more.

The same maid gave me a distasteful expression towards my direction as if I was some vermin.

How bold of her to give me such a look. Though I have been stripped of my birth right, I was still the niece of a baron.

Being able to work for the duke must have given them this type of courage. Hiding behind the oh-so-naive Lady Lisa must have made their lives easier. 

"A pleasant morning, everyone. I'm Lisa Durrant," Lady Lisa said cutting through the silence like a knife. Though she had seemed shy, her elegance upon introducing herself was befitting of the Durrant title.

"I welcome you all to my humble home," She added as she flashed a soft smile and slightly nodded her head. Despite her choice of words, this home of hers was far from 'humble.'

I could tell that the paintings that were on the walls of the hallway we passed through was expensive and came from foreign kingdoms and empires.

Her attire alone was much to envy. Though she was not draped in any jewels, the fabric of her dress was made of mulberry silk and the fabric draped around her shoulders were made from vicuña wool.

These fabrics were one of the most expensive since they were rare in the empire. They are actually imported from other countries. Not just anyone can buy them due to their overpriced costs.

Though I am not a fashion expert, I know that much.

The grumpy maid softly clapped her hands twice, trying to get all the ladies' attention.

"Very well, introduce yourselves to the Lady," she said as she turned her head to the right.

"We'll start with you," she added and nodded for the lady to start her introduction.

"I offer my greetings, Lady Lisa. I hope you have been well," The lady said as she bowed her head before the lady.

"I am Angela Faiella, the second daughter of Count Faiella," She had said before she raised back her head.

Though she was only the second daughter, her stature was way higher than mine, making my chances of getting this job closer to zero. Not to mention all the other ladies. 

They were all sophisticated and demure while I was just, well, me.

As they all introduced themselves one by one, my confidence started to dwindle. As if like a burning candle that burned so bright but slowly losing its spark as time goes by. I was that candle.

Slowly, the ladies' words became distant as the loud beating of my heart became the only thing resonating in my ears. My blood was rushing to my head at the thought of failing.

Even though I wasn't confident and that I was scared shitless, I tried my best to compose myself and took steady breathes. I've come this far; I mustn't give up now.

It felt like a century before it was finally my turn to introduce myself. I felt sweat trickle down my temples as all eyes landed on me, but I kept on my most elegant smile.

Though I used to hate my etiquette lessons, I never knew that it could be one day useful in saving my life.

"Good morning, Lady Lisa. Words cannot express how honored I am to be in your presence," I humbly said as I placed my right hand on my heart and lifted my skirt with my left while taking a short bow. 

I lifted my head only to see Lady Lisa's captivating red eyes looking straight at me as if trying to lure me in. Her beauty seemed unreal.

"I go by the name of Clytie Jones. I am the daughter of the former baron, Richard Jones, and am currently the niece of the current baron," I said and flashed a gentle smile.

I heard a soft snicker to my right, but I quickly ignored it as to show my elegant demeanor.

Despite the negative feedback that I was getting from my fellow 'ladies', Lady Lisa unexpectedly gave me a warm smile.

"You mean the one who aced the entrance exams at IUB?" Lady Lisa said as she clapped her hands in excitement.

I have always said that I didn't want to get attention for acing the entrance exam at the university, but how the tables have turned. 

For once, I was relieved that someone had recognized my efforts. Efforts that could possibly save my life.

"Yes, my Lady. It is an honor to receive the favor of the imperial family though I may not deserve it," I said back in return though I almost threw up at the thought of the imperial family's 'favor'

"Could you show me some of your skills?" the lady eagerly said as her eyes became sparkling, almost pleading.

I hesitated for a second as my eyes traveled to the maid beside her. The maid must have noticed my dilemma and nodded her head towards me, assuring me. 

What trick to show her was harder on my part. I was sure that she had already seen a lot of amazing magic growing up as the daughter of the Durrant family. Regardless, I didn't have any time to think up a good trick and just performed whatever came into my mind.

I lifted my hand and waved it around gathering mana into one space before turning it into water. The trick I was about to do was hard and required a lot of focus, so I took a sharp breath before continuing.

I felt goosebumps as adrenaline pumped into my veins. It felt like everything around me resonated with every breath I took.

With my other hand, I gathered the mana surrounding the lady so that I can trace her image into the water. That way, I can create an ice sculpture that's almost identical to her appearance.

It took me a few years before I actually got to master this art. Sometimes, even I myself get surprised by how much I have improved.

Suddenly, I felt a painful stab to my foot. The lady to my right had stepped on my foot with her heeled shoes. 

In that instant I lost my focus and the water dropped down to the ground and splashed to everyone around, including Lady Lisa. 

I knew, right then and there, that the almost zero chances of me getting picked, came to a negative. I was doomed.

Though it wasn't completely my fault, blaming the lady beside me would just sound like an excuse and would even get me in trouble for seemingly falsely 'accusing' her.

I was at a loss, and before I could even open my mouth to defend myself, the ladies already beat me to it.

"How insolent!" The lady to my right shouted despite her being the root cause of my lack of focus. 

All the other ladies clamored in protest as it left ringing in my ears, and for a moment, I felt light-headed, and it was as if the world spun out of control.

I was left speechless, all the while, Lady Lisa just looked at me with wide eyes, still taking in the events that had happened. I myself had widened my eyes. There was only one thing that I could do in this situation.

"I'm so sorry for my carelessness, I hope everyone can forgive me," I said as I groveled on the ground.

"Unforgivable! How dare you show this kind of behavior in front of milady," The maid shouted so loud that I flinched while my head was still glued to the ground.

"I can fix this, I promise!" I said as I shuffled my feet to stand.

I flicked my hand as I absorbed all the water particles on all of the ladies' clothes. In an instant, they became dry.

"This does not excuse your incompetence!" another lady said as she rudely pointed at me. Everything started to jumble, and I felt a headache coming along.

"No, I-" I said in defense but was interrupted by the lady herself.

"Enough!" Lady Lisa shouted with authority and in an instant, the room went silent.

My eyes traveled to where she was, and the creases between her eyebrows was not a good sign. I felt my heart beat even faster, if that was even possible.

She stood up from where she was sitting and made her way to my pathetic self.

"But mila-" the maid attempted to stop Lady Lisa on her tracks, but the Lady gracefully raised her hand to signal the maid to stop talking.

When the lady and I were face to face, I could see her shy expression long gone, replaced with a stern one.

"Get out," the Lady whispered calmly as if she was trying to compose herself. I was left speechless. 

"But I-" I tried to argue but I wasn't even given a chance.

"I said get out!" Lady Lisa interrupted me with a strong tone, making me flinch.

I bowed and hurriedly made my way out with tears in my eyes.


I was crying. Not because I was yelled at, or that my reputation has been ruined, no. I was crying out of frustration due to the situation that I find myself in. 

I am getting forced to testify against a friend, some weirdo tried to shove fireballs down my throat, the second prince is out to get me, and now, I have bad blood with Lady Lisa.

I might as well kiss my future career goodbye, or even worse, my life. I was running out of options, and it felt like the only choice left is to succumb to the second prince. 

It left a sour and bitter taste in my mouth. The thought of getting involved with any of this, makes me want to just quit school, but I know I can't. I have worked too much for this, and I'm not just about to give up my dreams for some stupid prince.

I wiped my face with my left hand as my right held unto the wall for support. I didn't care about the maids that were whispering around me. I just wanted to take a breather.

I needed to calm myself so that I could plan for my next move. How the hell will I be able to get close to Lord Marshall now?

I closed my eyes and smacked my head a few times.

"Come on, think!" I whispered to myself trying to find ways on how I could avoid dying.

"Whoa, easy there," a deep voice forced my consciousness to resurface to the real world.

My eyes snapped to the direction of the voice and saw long pure silver hair tied in a loose ponytail. If it weren't for his broad shoulders, I would have mistaken him for a girl for he had feminine features. His eyes glistened like the color of the sky, his nose long and thin. His delicate lips laid there as if they were just waiting to be kissed.

His face was not one I recognize nor was his face any similar to Lord Marshall. However, one thing was for sure. I could tell he had a high status due to his demeanor. I mean, no one could just freely walk the halls of the Durrant residence if you're not "noble" enough in the first place.

I smiled at him and offered a small bow.

"I appreciate your concern sir..." I said, waiting for him to give him his name.

"Lucius," he said and offered me a bow.

His movements were graceful as he was, and he looked bright, befitting of his name.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Sir Lucius, my name's Clytie," I said and offered a small bow in return. 

As he heard my name, his lips curled into a smile like a child getting a present for his birthday. His eyes were indeed like the sky as it lit up at my introduction.

"What a pretty name," the man said.

"Now, could you possibly indulge this kind sir on what you are worrying about?" Sir Lucius continued as he furrowed his eyebrows while scanning my face filled with dry tears.

"Oh, it's nothing," I said as I wiped away the remaining tears on my face.

"Doesn't look like nothing," Sir Lucius said as he raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

I had no idea if he was just concerned or was just plain nosy. Either way, I couldn't turn him away a second time.

"I'm just having a bad day," I said as I made the fakest smile yet.

"Is that so? Maybe some words of advice from a stranger can take you a long way," he said.

I was drained, and I wanted our conversation to end, but I had no other choice. I gave a small nod in return and managed to pop out a small smile as I waited for his next words.

"A poisoned heart can only be cured by an antidote, and if there isn't one, then you will surely meet your end," Sir Lucius said as I smiled as if I don't already know that!

"However, if you ingest poison little at a time, you become somewhat immune that you won't need an antidote," he continued on his ramblings, saying things I already know.

"Uh... Thank you for those wise words, sir," I reluctantly said as he finished his monologue. In return, he just chuckled lightly as if I had said something funny.

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned in confusion, wondering what he meant by what he said or why he was laughing. He must've noticed my confused expression for he had composed himself from laughing.

He cracked a smile and slowly leaned forward, getting closer to my ear. I felt goosebumps as I felt his breath along my neck.

"Who knows? You might discover something important about the poison... if you ingest it," Sir Lucius said, sending chills down my spine.

His words were something I already knew, but somehow, it felt like it meant something else. He retracted from my ear and smiled mysteriously.

"I will keep that in mind," I said as I offered a small bow.

"But unfortunately, I must be on my way," I continued as I made my attempt to escape. Thankfully, it worked.

"Of course, sorry to have kept you," Sir Lucius said as he unexpectedly took my right hand and kissed its back. I was a little shocked at his gesture that I almost flinched.

As he let go of my hand, I couldn't help but notice the glint in his eyes as the light reflected from them. I felt like I was being engulfed by a warm flame in a harsh winter. I didn't give it much thought but deep within my bones, I knew he was someone special.


It was a long day, and all I wanted to do was jump to my bed. I had a looming problem hanging around my neck wherever I go, but I was too tired to care at the moment.

As I entered the dorm, I noticed a figure sitting on a chair with her back towards me. I felt my heart sink to my stomach.

That was it, someone has been sent to kill me. Though I knew they were going to kill me, I wasn't going down without a fight. Especially since I've worked so hard to make it this far.

I gathered all the water particles in the room and engulfed the girl's body except for her head. I froze the water and ran to her side.

"Who are you? Who sent you?" I shouted to her ear, and I could see her flinch.

She turned her head to my direction and angrily broke the ice with sonic waves that almost made my ears bleed.

I covered my ears with both my hands as I watch her stand from the chair.

"Who are you? This is my dorm!" She shouted back at my pathetic figure.

What she said immediately dawned on me, and I realized who she was. I never thought my day could get even worse.

"I'm sorry!! It's me, Clytie Jones, your roommate!" I shouted over to her as I tried to get closer, but the sonic waves were blasting me away from where she was.

"How dare you? You commoner!" She yelled and got even angrier.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else," I said but to no extent did she stop her attack.

My hair was all over the place as it flew from the impacts of her waves. My flesh was pressed backwards as the pressure pushed me away.

"Please, calm down!" I shouted at her, attempting to appeal to reason but she didn't make a single budge.

I had no other choice but to retaliate. I once again gathered all the water particles in the room and made frozen crystals above our heads, successfully making her stop her attacks.

"Your waves will break those crystals and will crush us both, so calm down!" I exclaimed at her, losing my breath.

Though I could still see the anger in her eyes, she agreed for a ceasefire.

Oh, what a great first impression did I give to my other roommate. Not to mention the fact that she's a noble. Lady Emilia will surely have my head.

It seemed like the people after my head just increased.

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