Nanny Dearest

By Datpigglet

1M 54.9K 10.9K

Started- September 2019 Competed - October 2022 Oh I didn't know it would be this big. Looking out the window... More

Chapter One New Nanny
Chapter Two Attention
Chapter Three attached
Chapter Four Whore?
Chapter Five You're not his mother
Chapter Six Friendly Talk
Chapter Seven I'm the Goddamn Nanny
Chapter Eight Met Your Match
Chapter Nine Have respect
Chapter Ten Finally adults
Chapter Eleven Uncomfortable information
Chapter Twelve Unease
Chapter Thirteenth Is there an option?
Chapter Fourteenth He cares
Chapter Fifteenth Why do you work here?
Chapter SixteenthOddly use to this
Chapter Seventeenth Dont make it weird
Chapter Eighteenth Eventful night
Chapter Nineteen One step forward two steps back
Chapter Twenty Just adjust
Chapter Twenty One Poker Face
Chapter Twenty Two Bad Communication
Chapter Twenty Three Acknowledgment
Chapter Twenty Four Reality Hits
Chapter Twenty Five Good Morning
Chapter Twenty Six Reveal
Chapter Twenty Seven His Name
Chapter Twenty Eight Comfortable
Chapter Twenty Nine Caught Feelings
Chapter Thirty Opening Up
Chapter Thirty One First Step
Chapter Thirty Two Outbreak
Chapter Thirty Three Angry Birds
Chapter Thirty Four Growth
Chapter Thirty Five Takes Time
Chapter Thirty Six Temper Team
Chapter Thirty Seven House Warming Gift
Chapter Thirty Eignt Fix it
Chapter Thirty Nine Don't Change
Chapter Forty Secret Problem
Chapter Forty One Normalized It
Chapter Forty Two Build Your Respect
Chapter Forty Three Unwelcomed guest
Chapter Forty Four One Problem At A Time
Chapter Forty Five Decisions
Chapter Forty Six Mood?
Chapter Forty Seven Stormy Night
Chapter Forty Eight Family Past Issues
Chapter Forty Nine Parent
Chapter Fifty A Honest Life
Chapter Fifty One Charming Pain
Chapter Fifty Two No Goodbyes
Chapter Fifty Three Mother Russia
Chapter Fifty Four Daily Life
Chapter Fifty Five My Family
Chapter Fifty Six High to Low Day
Chapter Fifty Seven Reconcile
Chapter Fifty Eight Afternoon Stress
Chapter Fifty Nine Caught
Chapter Sixty Family Values
Chapter Sixty One Planning
Chapter Sixty Two Trigger Word
Chapter Sixty Three Letting go
Chapter Sixty Four Swallow Your Pride
Chapter Sixty five Prepare Future
Chapter Sixty Sixty Good Days
Chapter Sixty Seven Quality Time
Chapter Sixty Eight Sticky Situations
Chapter Sixty Nine New Leaf
Chapter Seventy Pretty Lady
Chapter Seventy One New Layer
Chapter Seventy Two Foot Down
Chapter Seventy Three Love silent
Chapter Seventy Four Checkmate
Chapter Seventy Five YingYang
Chapter Seventy Six Go Be Safe
Chapter Seventy Seven Shit Changed
Chapter Seventy Eight Strange Suggestion
Chapter Seventy Nine Fun
Chapter Eighty Lovely Mornings
Chapter Eighty One Mommy Dearest
Chapter Eighty Two Dug A Whole
Chapter Eighty Three Fresh Set
Chapter Eighty Four Blackmail
Chapter Eighty Five Reassurance & Safety
Chapter Eighty Six Untouchable?
Chapter Eighty Seven First On The List
Chapter  Eighty-Eight Good News
Chapter Eighty Nine Under Pressure
Chapter Ninety Fresh Routine
Chapter Ninety One Phone Calls
Chapter Ninety Two Compare
Chapter Ninety Three Actions To Consequences
Chapter Ninety Four Common Ground
Chapter Ninety Five Get Some Help
Chapter Ninety Six Profits Decision
Chapter Ninety Seven Ol Happy Day
Chapter Ninety Eight Shut Off
Chapter Ninety Nine Feel Free
Chapter Hundred Only You Darling
Chapter One Hundred And Two Honey Bee & Flowers
Chapter One Hundred And Three Envy
Chapter One Hundred And Four Perspective
Chapter One Hundred And Five Back-Back & Forth-Forth 
Chapter One Hundred And Six Home
Chapter One Hundred And Seven Settle
Chapter One Hundred And Eight Peace
Chapter One Hundred And Nine Nothing More Nothing Less
Chapter One Hundred And Ten Sorting
Chapter One Hundred And Eleven Upper Hand
Chapter One Hundred And Twelve Tower Of Lies
Chapter One Hundred And Thirteenth Whats A Watch Compare To A Ring
Chapter One Hundred And Fourteen Rats
Chapter One Hundred And Fifteen Blessing
Chapter One Hundread And Sixteen Off Days
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen The Race
Chapter One Hundred And Eighteen The Cat & Mouse
Chapter One Hundred And Nineteen Blaming Is Dangerous
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty SpinBack
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One Knight Fallen
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Two Violated
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three Bad People?
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Four Family Strings
The End

Chapter One Hundred And One Fresh Air

2.8K 218 15
By Datpigglet

"This is cute yes?" I held up the newborns dress that was was blue with dove pattern on it.

"She'll be four months next week right?" My husband asked looking through the racks.

"Yes, very excited to see what she's going to have but. Pretty sure it's a girl." I told Oleg who hummed pulling out a yellow dress that's said 'god moms favorite'. I smiled nodding my head watching him put the dress in the cart.

"How you so sure?" He question, we slowly walk looking around at the different baby clothes.

"Her stomach is sitting up, usually when it's low it's a boy. Speaking of boys, I hope they don't stress her out. I know how our children can be." I comment and stop seeing a cute pink and white zebra top that said princess. I picked it up showing Oleg and he tilted his head staring at it for a second before shaking his head no.

"She'll call us if there's a problem." He said and the pointed at something from the rack. I looked at a blue top with the word Angel on it with white lettering and a yellow halo slightly above the letter.

"Problem problem, that's all this family does is have problems." I said laughing a little, my husband move from the front of the cart just to get behind me and hug on me as we walk.

Affectionate man. Couldn't hurt a fly.

"Your brother is still coming to visit us right? It's been years since we have a full house." He expressed how he felt and I smiled to myself a little.

"He's arrived when we came back on our trip just been staying in a hotel. He said he doesn't want to bother us." I explained and I heard my husband huff, my brother and him are close friends I'm actually bless to have that. without my brother I really wouldn't be with Oleg, my family hated him.

Yeah being a shady politician is easy but getting involved with the mob was a no no. I couldn't help it Oleg a sweetheart so leaving him wasn't an option.

"We have a big house . . . What's wrong with our house it have seven rooms what the fuck is his excuse." He said and I laugh at how offended he is, we take family to heart love it.

"You act like it was my idea to have him in the hotel. Also I wanted to run it by Marya too she is staying with us for a while until Ruslan and her sort shit out." I said picking up a Mommy & Daddy shirt. "They are sorting shit out right?" I question. Marya is not a bother living with us if anything I fucking like it, I don't get along with a lot of women I pick a choose so having my best friend live with is completely fine.

"Ruslan went to see Hazel yesterday, if she could help me I figured she could do the same for him. I never guide him to Hazel because why have a client who doesn't want help." He explained to me and I hummed while we got in line to buy the clothes.

"Damn Ruslan need a drink." I comment and Oleg laugh.

"Vodka is always in the man system he's fine." We shared a laugh as my husband move from behind me getting in front of the register to pay.

"You think we bought to many?" I asked seeing that we filled the cart with almost newborn clothes.

"What will she do? Complain about clothes? No woman should complain about clothes, especially baby clothes. If not, I'll return it." Oleg pulled his card out and I smile watching him swipe it. "Maybe rich but still cheap." He rants making me and the cashier laugh.

A ringtone chime in making me look down at my purse and opening it taking my phone out looking at the contact.

"Speaking of the devil." I smiled shaking my phone a little showing Oleg who's calling before I answered the phone.

"Yes, Vasili?" I answered my brother call.

"Why do Americans take extra steps? I pay for hotel they give me room, I go to pool they said I need ID. Why the fuck do I need my ID to go to the pool." He complained.

"Good morning to you too Vasili, oh how I'm doing? Im doing fine thanks for asking." I said being sarcastic.

"Oh ... I'm sorry sister how is your day?" He fixed his tone and I laughed.

"I'm doing good just shopping with Oleg." I said watching my husband smile having small talk with the cashier.

"Oh tell my brother I said hi, we need to catch up. What are you two shopping for?" He asked and I try to listen to the background trying to figure out where is he.

"Baby clothes, where are you?" I asked while Oleg and I started to leave the counter heading towards the door to leave.

"Беременная!?" (Pregnant!?) He semi yelled on the phone making me pull the phone from my ear.

"No my best friend is I wanted to get her gifts." I said linking my arm with Oleg as he held the bags walking out the store.

"I thought I was your best friend." He tease and I sucked my teeth.

"No this one is actually sweet and harmless. Marya like fami-" I slow what I was saying down seeing Oleg give me a look. Pressing mute on my phone I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

"I like your brother, do not play matchmaker." He warned me and I looked at him shock.

"I wouldn't do that to Ruslan . . . Even though the two said they don't go out." I mutter and unmuted myself.

"Hello!? America have dumb connection." My brother complained, making Oleg and I laugh.

"I'm here I'm here sorry was doing something." I said walking to the car.

"Why are you in a hotel. We have a house you do know that right." Oleg raised his voice a little so Vasili could hear him.

"That's an invasion of privacy." He said and I sucked my teeth and looked at Oleg who was putting the bags in the car.

"He said it's an invasion of privacy." I said in a hush tone which cause Oleg to sucked his teeth.

"Where is he? We'll pick him up." He told me and I nod getting in the passenger seat.

"Where are you?" I asked Vasili.

"Hotel lobby about to make complaint." He said as if he does it all the time.

"I know you at a hotel, which one genius." I said messing with the radio trying to see what I can listen to.

"Oh Plaza Central." He said and I nod my head.

"Okay we should be there around fifteen you can wait right?" I asked because knowing him he's the type to want things done on his time.

"I can wait fifteen, fifteen minutes should get me my money back." He said and I laugh telling him we on our way.


"So you use alcohol to relieve stress?" Hazel asked as I boredly stared at the clock. Only been here for ten minutes, and this session supposed to be an fuckin hour.

"Yes but I don't see it being a problem for me. It never affected my relationship with others." I said tapping my finger on the arm of the couch I was sitting in across from Hazel. Her office was alright, a lot of plants and colors. I prefer black & white.

"And what did you do to relieve stress before you found alcohol?" She asked writing something in her little notepad. I raised an eyebrow looking at the women.

"What are you writing?" I asked and she looked up bringing her attention my way.

"Once again Ruslan, how am I supposed to help without taking notes?" She said but more so question. I hate this, feel like I'm talking to the feds. She asked questions upon questions.

"I don't know, ain't you supposed to like give advice." I said and she cracked a smile.

"Can't give you advice if your not opening up." Hazel sat the notepad on her lap uncrossing and crossing her other leg over, I shift my eyes to the picture the hung on the wall above the office desk.

". . . What was your question?" I asked bringing eye contact back to her.

"What did you do to relieve stress before you found alcohol?" She asked again and I seen a flood of memories pop in my head.

"Sex and . . . Work?" I said shrugging my shoulder.

"Before your recent relationship or after?" She questioned me.

"Before." I answered

"And what have you been doing after?" She asked and stretched a little in my seat.

"Trying to co-parent and I was force to do some shit for Makar book fair since Marya think it's important to get involved with Makar school." I said and Hazel hummed writing something down again.

I don't know why that irritates me.

"Force? Why didn't you just say no?" She asked tilting her head.

"Complicated." I mutter and she let out a small laugh.

"I'm pretty sure I dealt with more complicated things." She said and I scratched my head.

"I figure . . ." I trailed off trying to think. "Marya does this thing when you don't wanna do something but she starts doing the 'what if's', what would happen type bullshit. That pisses me off then it's like I have to show her I'm right or at least prove it to her." I said and she continued to write down. If I wanted a fucking journal I could've bought want.

"Would you say you always have to prove people right or-

"No, I'm always right." I interrupted her and she look a bit shock but another smile was place on her face.

"You're always right?" She asked and I nod my head.

"Yea, when it comes to my job I'm right, when it comes to relationships I'm right, I feel like the problem is people refusing to listen or just do what the fuck I need them to do." I said and she tap her pen on the notepad.

"Because you like being right." She stated.

"No, it's not a like. I just always end up being right." I told her while running my fingers through my hair.

"Care to give an example, an exclamation ." She said and I became silent, nothing was said no noise was made beside the ticking of the clock.

"When Franciszka had lung cancer um I got the best doctors I could get for her and uh she was put on a treatment. She didn't like it, she hated the pills and constant doctor visits. I told her the more we don't keep up with her heath things could end badly." I said and reached for the water bottle on the table grabbing it and twisted the cap.

"And you were right?" Hazel asked and I nod my head.

"Yeah." I drank from the bottle of water.

" Ruslan I don't think the problem is people not listening to you. I think what the problem is, you always think the worst when others don't listen to you. From what I'm getting you are comparing others to Franciszka when it comes to serious situations."  She stated and I couldn't really find a response. " Who took care of the funeral while you was grieving?" She asked and I shift in my seat.

"I didn't grieve and I was taking care of it, when she passed everyone was in a state of shock. No one didn't know what to do so like . . . I had to suck it up quick, her mother couldn't help she severely depressed." I said feeling my voice getting quiet, I'm fucking uncomfortable.

"And Makar how did he take it?" She asked and I bit my lip looking at the door while stroking my beard.

"He showed no reaction, I even went as far asking him time to time how he feels and you know just trying to be a parent. My son just kept saying he's fine." I took in a deep breath letting a shaky one out.

"Would you say he suppresses is feeling like his you." She asked and I nod my head.

". . Yes." I answered.

"Was he close with his mother?" She asked and I nod my head again.

"Attached." I said and Hazel smile nodding.

"Was his behavior different?" She questioned and I let out a dry laugh.

"Yeah he was hell to his nannies." I said and she laugh a little.

"If it's not sadness it's anger, does he still act out?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"When we met Marya it stopped." I smiled a little and she started to write on her notepad again.

"Marya was a breath of fresh air for you two." She commented and I smile a little more.

"Mhm." I said looking out the window.

"Let's talk about her."

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