Unexpected Guest ⭐

By jenica1988

79.5K 2.7K 772

~*COMPLETE*~ Little sister of Laura Barton is living with her while her Clint is working with the Avengers a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - Final
Author's Note

Chapter 19

2.2K 90 6
By jenica1988

A couple days later I was sitting in my cell. I hadn't had anyone come by to tell me why they took me or I had yet to see the person who knocked me out. I refused to eat whatever food was brought to me since I wasn't sure if there was anything done to it. I was starting to get weak and just didn't care anymore.

"Andie, you need to eat something." James said and I groaned.

"You are positive it's safe?" I asked.

"Yes, please eat Andie." James said and I groaned taking a dinner roll of the tray and eating it slowly.

"So you have no clue who took you?" James asked.

"I know how hit me to get me here but that's it. I don't know why he would do it....I mean I do but it would be so stupid." I said.

"Why do you think they did it?" James asked and I groaned.

"Because I got him fired from his job. I was his trainer. He was defiant and disobedient." I said and James laughed. We heard footsteps coming down the hall. They stopped at James cell.

"Let's go!" The gruff voice said.

"NO! JAMES!" I yelled terrified.

"I'll be okay Andie, just stay calm, please for me." James said as they dragged him down the hall. I was left alone and I started crying. I wasn't even sure if James was going to be brought back. I moved to the corner of my cell when I heard James yelling somewhere further in the area we were and coward there just waiting. I heard more footsteps coming and I looked to see him standing at the gate and he laughed.

"Bet you wish you had treated me better don't you." Drackner said and I groaned.

"You wont get away with this. Steve, Clint and Nat will find me." I said and he laughed.

"They have no way to track you! They will only find you when your body gets dropped off on the Avengers doorstep." Drackner said.

"He's ready." A voice said and Drackner unlocked my cell and came in grabbing me by my hair and pulling me up.

"Come on. Time to put that combat fighting of yours to good use." He said and dragged me a room that was one big cage. I was thrown in the cage and the door was shut. I looked up from where I was shoved to the floor and I saw a guy on the other side of the cage. They were reciting a list of words to him I did not understand, finally he looked up at me.

"ya gotov otvechat." James said. I was terrified about what that meant but I also knew the voice from the cell beside me.

"James?" I asked and he didn't respond. I then looked at him and realized who it was. I saw him when I went to the museum with Steve.

"Bucky?!" I asked in shock.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He asked gruffly.

"Attack." A voice said and he charged me. I panicked and just went into fight mode and started fighting him off. I figured out instantly James had a metal arm and there was no stopping it. He wrapped his metal hand around my throat and pinned me against the bars.

"James...James....stop....please...." I begged gasped for air hitting the arm trying to break the hold. I finally found the seam on the arm and grabbed ripped off a piece and he released me. I fell to the ground gasped for air. Before I could get up James was hitting me in my back and punched me in the back of my head knocking me out.


"Andie! Andie please wake up!" I heard a voice yelling for me. I sat up off the floor and groaned.

"Andie?! Are you awake?! Are you okay?" The voice yelled.

"Yeah...I think so." I said I heard him sigh.

"God I am so sorry." James said and my eyes filled with tears.

"Why James? What the fuck?!" I scream at him.

"OW!" I scream and grip my head.

"It's hard to explain but I can try if you want." James said.

"First of all just tell me one thing...." I said and I heard him sigh.

"What's that?" James asked.

"Are you Bucky Barnes?" I asked and he sighed.

"How do you know about calling me Bucky?"

"Well...this is going to come as a shock to you but Steve is alive...and my boyfriend." I said and I got nothing but silence.

"Steve's alive?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah, it's a long story...he is Captain America." I said and Bucky huffed a laugh.

"Now why the hell did you attack me?" I asked.

"I didn't want to Andie, please believe me. Did you hear the words they were saying to me when you walked in?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

"They are trigger words, they set off something in my brain that switches to The Winter Solider, a murderer, an assassin." Bucky explained.

"James...Bucky...god I don't even know what to call you." I said and he chuckled.

"You can call me Bucky doll." He said and I laughed.

"Are you flirting with you best friends girl Bucky?" I asked and he laughed.

"No way...I promise you though Andie, I will get us out of here and get you back to Steve. You just have to help me out." Bucky said and I groaned.

"How?" I asked and Bucky groaned.

"They are going to make sure we fight again, I know they will. Just keep calling me Bucky. Say your name, Steve's name and Bucky over and over again. I will fight the conditioning as best I can." Bucky said and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"How will I know you are out of the conditioning?" I asked and he sighed.

"I will wink at you." Bucky said and I nodded. He must have felt we were safe talking out this plan because he was being very open about it.

"Who is in charge of all of this Bucky?" I asked.

"I don't know exactly but I have heard the name Pierce thrown around a lot." Bucky said and I groaned.

"Alexander Pierce....doesn't surprise me." I said and Bucky huffed a laugh.

"Friend of yours?" Bucky asked and I giggled.

"Not exactly." I said. I then got thinking too much and started crying.

"I'm going to die here Bucky. I never got to tell Steve how I felt about him. Please promise me if you make it out you will tell him I loved him. We have barely been together but he needs to know I was working my way there." I said and Bucky growled.

"No doll, I won't be delivering that message because we are both getting out of here. I just need to tell you that when I put this plan to get us out of here in motion I'm just going to take your hand in mine and we run." Bucky said and I groaned.

"I can't super solider run Bucky." I said and he laughed. Then I will carry you if I have to but you have to be ready to go." Bucky said.

"Do you trust me Andie?" Bucky asked.

"I trust you with my life Bucky." I said and I could tell he was smiling. 

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