The 4th Winchester - Book 2 (...

By HopefullyPerfect

27.6K 832 72

"'You're letting me go?' I questioned in shock. Crowley shrugged as he unlocked one of the chains around my w... More

00. Welcome Back, Katia Winchester
01. Everything Has Changed
02. A Hunt and a Reunion
03. Meet the Robertson's
04. Demon Drop-In
05. What's this About Purgatory?
06. The Men by the Lake
07. Alone on the Road
08. Katia, Revealed
09. Help From the Wicked
10. Final Hope
11. Rest is For the Weak
12. Pure-Blood
13. What Crowley Says, Goes
14. The Missing Ingredient

15. Fate

1.3K 54 5
By HopefullyPerfect


<Katia's POV>


That was the only feeling I could currently comprehend. The feeling of teeth sinking into my arm before shaking violently, the feeling of claws digging into the flesh of my thigh before ripping in a downwards direction slowly. My face was free, a Hellhound had been stood over me- just staring down at me- at one point before moving on to tear the skin away from my arm.

And then, all at once, the things that we making me feel this horrendous pain vanished. The throbbing pain was still there, but the actually givers' of pain had vanished.

Was I already in Hell? If so, that had been a lot quicker than last time...

My right arm, the one that hadn't been attacked by the pointed teeth of the hound, moved to hold the wound on my left. I could have screamed out in pain, but I kept the noise down whilst clenching both my teeth and eyes closed. Instantly, my right hand was covered in the crimson liquid which was my blood.

'Katia,' a voice spoke; it sounded foreign to me and I tried to blank it out as I took in deep breaths. The voice was probably one belonging to the demons that were prepared to torture me forever more.

A hand was placed against my leg, more specifically against the wound on my leg. The same sharp pain that had hit me when I covered my arm reoccurred as pressure was applied to my leg. Immediately I tried to flinch away, unfortunately my body didn't want to cooperate with my mind.

'Is she unconscious?' a different, still unfamiliar, voice questioned. I tried to work out who was speaking; instead the only noise I heard clearly was a sort of high-pitched noise. 'Katia.'

Instead of moving, this time I tried to call out to whoever was applying pressure to my leg. My mouth wouldn't even open, every part of my body had come to some sort of standstill that my mind hadn't been invited to.

And then everything went black, everything went silent.


Beep beep.

Beep beep.

The high-pitched screeching had been replaced with a peaceful, almost soothing "beep beep". Also, the pain that had once occupied my leg, and left arm, had stopped.

'Is she waking up?' that same, unfamiliar voice spoke once again.

Followed by the voice was a loud screech, almost like something being dragged across a tiled floor. And then I felt the surface that I was lying on sink a little. Although I wanted to see my surroundings, for some reason my eyes didn't want to open.

'Call for a doctor or something,' the same voice continued; this time it seemed a little more familiar, but I still couldn't recognised who it was that was speaking to about me. There was obviously two people surrounding me, too bad I didn't know who either of them were.

After the instruction had been given, following it was the sound of a door opening. I don't remember there being doors in Hell, maybe Crowley made some upgrades or something...


For the first time, I recognised the voice completely; it was Dean! But wait, what was Dean doing in Hell; he didn't get dragged down with me as well did he?

I was getting desperate now; it practically took all of my strength to make my eyelids move just a little bit. However the second that first bit of light flooded in, I managed to open my eyes the rest of the way. At first I was blinded by the bright light, my eyes quickly managed to adjust though.

When they finally did focus, I was staring directly into the green eyes of my eldest brother. Dean stood above me with a beaming smile on his face.

'This is your fate, Katia,' he spoke whilst continuing to stare down at me. 'You survived your deal with a demon,' he smiled before backing away a little.

But how? The last thing I remember was Crowley Hellhounds attacking me, they were prepared to drag my soul to Hell so how did I get out of that situation?

                Following the announcement that Dean had made, I ended up drifting back to sleep. When I awoke once again, Dean had been replaced with Sam. My older brother was cradling a cup of coffee whilst staring down at a book which was placed on his lap; he had probably been waiting for me to awake for quite some time.

'Sam,' I managed to croak out whilst staring at the long haired man; I was beginning to agree with Dean, his hair was starting to get stupidly long.

The second his name left my lips he was up from the chair and at the side of my bed in an instance. 'Katia, do you need anything?' Sam questioned as he picked up a glass of water before moving it towards my mouth. I sipped it carefully; my mouth was super dry; that was probably one of the reasons for me not being able to talk too well.

'How?' was the second word to slip through my lips.

'Blood,' he replied simply as he placed the glass back on the table by the bed. 'The missing ingredient was blood of the demon that created the deal,' he proceeded to inform me.

'I almost died; I wasn't supposed to survive.'

Sam's lips curved upwards; if it wasn't for the fact that I was focusing directly on his face I probably wouldn't have noticed the hint of a smile that appeared on his mouth. 'But you didn't die; you're completely alive,' he spoke softly as he crossed his arms.

I eyed the bandage that was wrapped around my arm, 'I wouldn't say completely.'



'Dean, watch out!' I yelled as I inched a little further back. Instantly, my eldest brother scooted sideways.

My arms were outstretched and in my hand I held a little, digital camera whilst staring up at The Statue of Liberty from some tourist boat. I don't know how I had done it, but I somehow managed to convince my brothers' to travel to the state of New York with me; now we were acting like your average family, and doing actual tourist things in this amazing place.

Dean was currently staring over the outside of the boat whilst eating a corndog; he had already eaten about three on the boat ride to Liberty Island. I think that the cuisine which New York had to offer was the only reason the Dean actually agreed to drive us here.

Like usual, Sam was seated on a bench whilst staring up at the colossal statue in front of us. He held a brochure- that I brought previously- which had quite a bit of information on the various tourist attractions of New York. I hadn't actually opened the brochure; I don't even think Sam had, it was just sort of a souvenir to show that we had actually been here.

'Katy, you got any of those cookies left?' Dean questioned. How he could eat so much and still be hungry was beyond me.

I shook my head; the fact that Dean could actually eat on a boat without throwing up shocked me. My phobia of swimming also started a phobia of water; persuading me to come on this boat- which had been Sam's idea- had taken an entire car drive from Nebraska.

Dean sighed in disappointment, however the second he turned around to see a rather pretty looking female stood behind him the smile reappeared. 'I will be right back,' he announced before stalking off after the attractive lady who had now vanished into a crowd of people.

Now that Dean had gone I decided to return back to Sam.

                When we actually arrived at Liberty Island, the first thing Sam had wanted to do was go to the top of The Statue of Liberty. Dean somehow managed to sweet-talk a worker into giving us passes- which were supposed to have been booked in advance- which gave us access to the crown of the statue.

Dean, being the child he is, asked me either Sam or I to race him to the top of the statue; although there was constantly people walking up the thin, spiralling staircase I couldn't deny his offer. It probably wasn't the safest, or most suitable, thing to do but Dean and I raced anyway.

By the time we got to the top- Dean won but that was probably due to the fact that I was absolutely terrified of knocking a poor person over whilst running past them- the pair of us were both completely out of breath. Even with the job of being full time hunters, we're more about the combat side of things, and fast reflexes rather than cardio.

Sam joined us about five minutes later- he had been stuck behind a young child and parent so it had taken him a while to meet us. He had insisted that I took about fifty pictures of the sites from the top of the statue; it was rather beautiful so I didn't really resist.

'I bet I can beat you back to the bottom,' Dean announced as he nudged my shoulder with a smirk.

I looked back to him before shaking my head. 'Not gonna happen,' I responded as I panted extra loudly just to show that I was still out of breath.

'What do you say, Sammy?' the eldest Winchester questioned.

'In your dreams,' he muttered in response. Dean gave in with a defeated sigh; he then walked down the stairs with us. Every so often he would mumble something about Sam and I being boring but he didn't really mention anything else on the topic of racing to the bottom of the Statue of Liberty.


Once we had caught the ferry back to Manhattan, Dean had decided that he wanted to go to Times Square. However when we actually arrived at Times Square he then decided that he was "starving".

Now the three of us sat in a rather busy restaurant whilst eating some classic "New York" styled food. Sam even made an exception to eat an actual meal- rather than the "rabbit food" that he usually gets- and was now pigging out on a large pizza slice. Dean on the other hand had ordered some sort of chicken which was drenched in a sauce, before sitting there and eating them with his fingers; his hands were a complete mess- and looked absolutely disgusting- but he didn't mind. I had decided to get a hamburger, which ended up being gigantic, and only two bites in I was beginning to feel full.

'You know what I really want?' Dean questioned; it's probably something food related. 'Cheesecake; a nice big slice of that New York goodness,' he confessed with a hopeful smile.

'Dude, you're seriously gonna eat New York out of food,' Sam muttered as he took another bite of his pizza. As he ate, Dean eyed his food.

Dean shrugged at Sam's comment. 'How often do we get to eat food in New York? I don't know about you two, but whilst I'm here I'm gonna enjoy myself,' he continued before picking up his glass of soda- with his still sticky fingers- and took a large gulp. Once he had finished drinking, he put the glass back down before wiping his mouth with the back of his jacket sleeve.

'Cheesecake it is,' I smirked as I dropped the second half of my hamburger down. There was still a large amount of it left but I couldn't eat any more; I was still going to find some sort of way to manage to eat a slice of cheesecake, even if that meant waiting a couple of hours or taking it back to the hotel in a doggy bag.

                Even though Sam had initially been against ordering cheesecake, Dean and I had managed to persuade him into at least sharing the slice that I was getting. After all, just like the hamburger, the cheesecake slice ended up being absolutely enormous.

By the time I managed to pick up my spoon Dean was already munching the first bite of his whilst moaning to himself. After all of these years, he still moans at his food.

'So, I've been thinking,' I spoke up as I swallowed the small bit of cheesecake that I had put in my mouth; it was actually really good.

'Oh great, you thinking has never been a good thing,' Dean announced through a mouthful of food. 'Next thing you know, you've sold your soul to a crossroad demon,' he added on in a joking tone, I just shook my head at him with a slight smirk.

Even after the severity of the incident with Crowley, once Dean had realised that I was completely fine- after spending a week in hospital with my wounds, and then an entire month of hunt-rest due to my broken shoulder blade- he decided that it was completely fine to make a joke about the situation whenever he could.

'No,' I replied. 'Do you think that Bobby's yard would still be unoccupied?' I questioned.

Dean and Sam both shrugged; once I had mentioned Bobby's name I seemed to have attracted the men's full attention. 'Why do you ask?' Sam asked.

'Because I was thinking that maybe I could take a break from hunting,' I answered simply. 'I could move back to South Dakota, and maybe try to sort things out on his yard. I'm sure there are people who will be willing to help me restore the house a little; I've sort of missed having a place to call my own.'

Dean was nodding slowly, and Sam's expression didn't seem to change.

'What do you two think?'

'If that's what you really want to do, then go for it; I'm sure Bobby would like his legacy being kept alive,' Dean responded; that was the first serious comment he had made since we got into Manhattan. 'And then we'll have a place to crash when we're on that side of the States.'



'Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done,' I sung as I drove down a dirt road of South Dakota. A smile had been plastered on my face the entire time, and when I saw the Salvage yard my smile only widened.

'Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more,' I continued whilst staring up at the house; whilst staring up at my home.



And that's a wrap!

I wanted to wrap up all loose ends in this chapter. Plus I wanted to end it on a happy note and I thought that maybe bringing part of Bobby back would do that.  

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the length of this second story. I feel like this was not up to the standards of the first story but I really did try. For some reason I just could process the information that I needed for this- I had initially planned for it to be longer than the first book- and nothing seemed to be working out. I'm not sure if it's due to the stress of school and stuff, but yeah...

Either way, I hope you enjoyed it!

Also, I was thinking about maybe starting a new "Supernatural" fan-fiction series or something. Whether that is another series with a sister, or maybe something completely different; like another younger brother, a female love interest for one of the brothers', or just another friend like Charlie or Garth. So if you'd like that I will totally try to create something like that- however it probably end up happening quite a while away from now as I would want to plan it to an extreme so everything fits together perfectly and it's never lacking in drama.

Finally, enough with all the negativity; I hope you all enjoyed "The 4th Winchester — Book 2".

-T xox 

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