Blood Bound [Book Two] ✔️

By xxSinxx

64.1K 3.9K 280

Chloe has lost everything. She fights to prove herself as a true Alpha but more secrets become unraveled and... More

Blood Bound (Book Two)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Blood Rush

Chapter 2

2.8K 168 15
By xxSinxx


Just like that the bubble Vincent was trying to suck me into popped. Kyle's voice registered in my mind. I saw annoyance in Vincent's face. I jerked away from him as if his touch burned my skin. He didn't seem to like that. Vincent growled and reached out to take hold of me again.


I turned around and saw Kyle making his way towards me. He was alone. Of course Kyle would be the only one to follow behind me. By doing so he was breaking one of the rules.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kyle asked, grabbing a hold of my arm.

In one swift movement I was pushed behind Vincent as he stood toe to toe with Kyle. He looked threatening and ready to attack.

"Don't you ever put your hands on her. She's mine." Vincent growled viciously.

"Are you serious? Don't act like she means anything more than a prize to you."

"You don't know anything. It's you who treats her as if she's a prize. The daughter of an Alpha. Who wouldn't want to be mated to her? You made sure it was you who was chosen for her."

I looked at Kyle in confusion. He didn't say anything to deny it. He simply stared at Vincent with a venomous look. I didn't want to believe Vincent especially after what he did, but Kyle wasn't trying to deny it or defend himself.  It didn't make him look good.

"I've looked over Chloe since the very beginning. Her father did a lot for me and saw me as family just like I saw him as family. If there was anyone her father trusted to look after her it was me." Kyle said. "Chloe, you never knew it but we belonged together from day one. Not because your father asked me to but because in my heart I always knew. I was there for you every step of the way even though you never paid me any attention. Who held you when your dad was lost in himself and you were alone to grieve your mom?"

A brief memory of those days came to mind. He looked after me even though I didn't see it then. Now I could only think of the times he was there. I remember Kyle telling me once that he kept his distance from me before and respected my dad's wishes. It wasn't because he didn't want to show me that he felt some sort of way towards me, it was that he was waiting until the right moment came along.

"What a pathetic way to declare your love for my mate. You're a little too late, mutt."

"Laugh if you want, Vincent, but people like you always end up the same." Kyle shook his head at Vincent. "You'll end up dead because everything eventually comes back full circle."

Vincent laughed. "Don't get your hopes up."

I barely felt Vincent brush his lips on me cheek before he was gone. He had taken off full speed. I was thankful that a fight between Kyle and Vincent. I was however disappointed that he was gone so soon. I yearned for his presence and I could get over how much of an idiot it made me feel like.

"Why did you come after him?" Kyle asked.

"I wanted to kill him." I admitted. "I should have done it yesterday, but I realized that's not really what I wanted."

"You can't keep putting yourself in these situations. Things are very fragile with the pack. Do you know how this makes you look?"

"You're right. I know. I just...," I couldn't hold back the tears, "I just can't control it. It's like he's calling to me and I can't ignore it. I want to but I can't. I just..."

Kyle sighed and he wrapped his arms around me. We stood there while I cried my heart out. At first it was because I hated that I couldn't feel everything that I should be feeling towards Vincent. Then, it was because I felt so alone and the weight of the world was falling down on my shoulders now. I couldn't do what he was asking of me. I would ruin it just like I ruined everything else.

"We should head back before everything really starts to fall apart." Kyle said, pulling away from me.

I brushed the tears away from under my eyes and took a deep breath. I could do this, right? I mean, if my dad thought I could run a pack then surely I could do it even with him gone. It wasn't like I was completely alone. My dad probably had people to help him.

"Kyle, what am I supposed to tell these people that are counting on me?" I asked as we started heading back. "I doubt anything that I'll say will ease their minds."

"If the pack didn't want you as their Alpha someone would have tried to challenge you. Everyone respected your dad and loved him. He was truly a great Alpha. I'll help guide you and teach you everything you need to know. There are other people who will help too. I've already taken liberty of asking around."

"You have?" I asked surprised.

"It seemed like the right thing to do. Don was getting the preparations ready for today. I haven't gotten together with him. I'm sure he will be by your side as well."

"After yesterday and now this I don't know how the pack will be able to trust me."

Kyle stopped walking and turned to me. "Stop doubting yourself so much. Have you tried to mind-link with anyone from the pack since you turned?"

"Tried to what?" I asked.

"Mind-link. Werewolves can communicate through a connection we have. As wolves we can't speak but we need a form of communication."

I didn't want to offend Kyle by telling him that sounded crazy, but after finding out werewolves were real how crazy could it actually be?

"Okay..." I said unfurled, "how do I do this link thing?"

"The first thing I want you to do is close your eyes." Kyle instructed.

Despite how silly I felt I did as he asked. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't know if this was going to work or not or even what it would feel like when it did. I wasn't sure if I was nervous because I wanted it to connect me more to the wolf side of me or because it did connect me more to that side of me.

"Now I want you to relax and open your mind. Think of it as being a sliding door made out of glass. You can see everyone in the outside of it. Now slide it open and let everyone in the pack in. It doesn't matter if you don't know them, just trust and let them in your mind. Listen to their voices and what they're saying."

I relaxed my mind and pictured a door just as he had told me to do. On the other side stood the pack members I had seen only a few moments ago. Some of their faces were so fresh in my mind. I could see a few so clearly I saw their lips moving as if they were yelling but I couldn't hear it. I imagined myself slowly sliding that door open.

Everything hit me at once it felt so overwhelming. I cried out and held my head in my hands as if it physically hurt. So many voices filled my mind. They were so loud and they sounded angry. Slowly snippets of pictures started filling my head. It was like a movie playing in my mind but the video camera was set at several different angles.

"Chloe, are you okay?"

I felt Kyle's hand on my shoulder. His voice was the loudest. I couldn't open my eyes but I knew if I did I'd find him in a close proximity.

"They're so loud and so many." I cried.

"What are they saying? What do you see?"

There were people shouting in anger and some were even starting a fight. Something strange suddenly happened. Every single image turned to focus on one area. I watched intently as I tried to understand what was happening. There was confusion in my mind and I felt guarded.

"Chloe, what's going on?"

"I-I don't know." I said honestly.

I snapped my eyes open and just like I had guessed before. Kyle was standing too close for my comfort. He seemed to be spacing out. I could only assume he was mind-linking. A few seconds passed before he let out a string of curse words.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"We have to get back. Something bad is happening."

I didn't think twice before taking off in a run. Panic was starting to set in. I wouldn't put it past Vincent to try to attack all those people just to get back at me again. This stupid idea he had in his head about revenge. In a way I now understood him. It was exactly what I wanted to do to him.

Right before we got back to the gathering I stopped in my tracks. What the hell was I supposed to do if something happened? Was I just supposed to handle the situation and expect everyone to just do as they are told? Who was I to even start handing out orders?

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. Let's go see what all the fuss is about."

"Are you sure you're okay with doing this? I can handle it if it's too much."

"No, it's okay. This is what I'm supposed to do, right?"

Kyle smiled and nodded at me. Even I didn't buy my bullshit confidence. I was way in over my head if I thought I could handle this. A new turned werewolf trying to lead a pack, what could possibly go wrong?

Follow me on Instagram: OfficiallySin

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