Across the Dimensions (A Disn...

By publisher14

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Across the extreme universe of Disney and Dream Works, there are lots of things that us fans love to fantasiz... More

Authors Note
Part One: Accidents and Magic
Part Two: Corination Day
Part Three: The Girl with Golden Hair
Part Four: Dreams and Changes
Part Five: Journey Strong
Part Six: Cold and Dark
Part Seven: Earn her Trust
Part Eight: Feeding on Lies
Part Nine: Beginning of a Dark Age
Part Ten: Aquainteces and Sibling Rivalry
Part Eleven: A Daring Escape
Part Twelve: Find the Holder of the Cure
Part Thirteen: Going After Jack Frost
Part Fourteen: The Island of Berk
Part Fifteen: Beware Her Frozen Heart
Part Seventeen: Horrible Fates
Part Eighteen: Together we are Strong
Part Nineteen: Make Things Right
Authors Note

Part Sixteen: The Rosetta Shard

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By publisher14

"I'm going to kill you!" The words no one ever wanted to hear escaped from Elsa's throat. Polaris blinked back tears as he ran over the frozen ocean. He knew Elsa didn't mean this but it hurt nonetheless. Polaris's paws were burning in pain. His muscles were being strained terribly. Polaris noted there was a small cave on an island up ahead. He pushed himself harder to reach it. Polaris winced in the pain he was forcing himself in. Reaching the cave, Polaris ran inside to catch his breath. He stopped below a large statue though he didn't pay attention to what it was. "I know you're in there..." Elsa's voice was dripping with insanity. She had been pushed too far. Elsa's heart and mind had finally snapped. Polaris looked up to see the statue. It was Anna and Elsa hugging each other as their adult selves. No doubt Anna had made it. "I'm coming in..." Elsa's sick voice ran out into the air. Polaris jumped behind the statue both to hide and shield him. Elsa entered the room now, her movements jittery and unsure. But she said nothing.Polaris looked out from behind the statue. Elsa was staring at the statue trying to comprehend what she was seeing. Polaris took this as an opportunity to escape. He darted out from behind the statue and ran past Elsa.In her confusion, Elsa shot a blast of ice in attempt to catch Polaris but missed and hit the statue, shattering it. Polaris ran out of the cave with Elsa following and the chase was on again.

Anna was slouched over, laying upon Toothless's back, sulking in her despair. Hiccup could only look at the sad princess, helpless in her situation. As the black Nightfury keep on flying, he look back and whimper. Anna sympathetically pet the side of Toothless's face.

"I'll be alright." She tried assuring. "I would be mad too if some stranger's sister froze every square inch of the place I loved..." Anna's words trailed off as images of her enraged sister Elsa began to swarm her mind. Just as that happened, she was hit by a powerful force of feeling an energy. It was Elsa's magic. Back to make a statement. And it was more torn apart than ever. Anna gasped out in pain, feeling such evil explode like a volcano with in her. Something must have snapped in Elsa. There was no doubt that she was to a breaking point.

"Anna!" Jack and Hiccup yelled together. Anna keel forward, moaning in agony, then fell off Toothless, despite both the Dragon's and Hiccup's attempts to grab her. Astrid gasped, and not thinking twice, she vered her dragon toward the falling Princess. Astrid swung herself onto her dragon's big claws and the hold her tight. Astrid reached out, catching Anna's limp hand. Lukily enough there was an island below, for when her dragon got close enough to the ground, Astrid gathered up Anna and held her head on her own lap. Everyone landed, running over in a panic. No one spoke for a good while as Anna lay unconscious, but then Hiccup gasped, kneeling down over Anna as well.

"H-her hair..." He whispered horrified. It didn't take long for anyone to notice either. Years ago when Anna had been hit by her sister's magic, a white streak had appeared in her hair, and it had never left since. Up until a few weeks ago when this all started, she had believed to have been born with it... in place of that white streak, was pure black one, glinting dark purple in the sunlight.

There was a sudden cry from Olaf and he suddenly collapsed in Fishlegs arms. "Little buddy!" The over weight boy said in agony, holding the snowman. Purples and blacks began mixing in with his white body.

Jack was trembling in fear. He didn't know what to do... he could only envision Anna and Elsa as children when this all had started. How the two inseparable sisters went their separate ways based on a trolls advice! He had heard all about it when he bunked with Elsa all those years. He knew it had been hard for the girl, but it was even more severe than ever.

"Everyone back on the dragons." Hiccup demanded. "We have to find that shard!"

"Hiccup, how? Anna was our only means of finding it!" Astrid cried, hopping back on her dragon.

"Just keep heading north." He replied. "She will wake up soon. Toothless, up." The dragon complied, and once again everyone was back up in the air, only now there was no time to waste. The shard had to be found, or else all would be lost, and their efforts would have been for nothing.

Polaris looked behind him at Elsa as he ran. Her eyes were clouded reflecting her now insane nature. It pained Polaris to see Elsa like that but he had no choice. This was the only way to make her better. Polaris looked ahead of him. He could see the dragons flying ahead of them. Polaris howled at them to show he was there. Surely they had the shard that could make Elsa better by now. During all this no one had even thought about Sven or Maximus. The two four legged animals were abandoned during all the action of weather these world were ever going to be saved. Maximus had managed to free Sven and together, the two had started off toward the beach of Berk. It was when they noticed the frozen ocean that they knew there was trouble. Sven encouraged the big brute of a horse onto the ice, and once they both got a feel for the new surface, they began running as fast as they could.

It wasn't long until both animals were nearly breathless after running so far. Over the ocean it was like a deserted wasteland. Nothing but a an impending blizzard that began to take over this world. Sven didn't like it, neither did Maximus, and he yearned to be back with Rapunzel. The two stopped to catch their breath, then noticed a curious scene.

A small wolf pup, seeming to have only one eye looked as if it was running for its life toward them. In only mere moments they found out why. The Ice Queen herself was chasing the poor thing down. The blizzard was so thick it was hardly even possible to see. Sven swallowed down his nerves, ran out, snatched the wolf pup by its neck and retreated back to Maximus, urging the horse to run the other way.

There was possibly some information to be heard from the small wolf. It began struggling in protest, but Sven dropped the small creature into the satchel on Maximus's saddle, sealing the wolf inside until they could safely get away from the enraged Ice Queen. Sven knew they couldn't risk being captured. Something told him internally they had to make it to Anna, and fast. Something was amiss in the air. It was evil, and above all else cold... it was the most terrible feeling he had ever felt, and he just wanted it to go away.

Polaris had struggled in the reindeer's mouth but it proved fruitless. He peered out of the satchel on the horse's side. Elsa was no where in sight. Polaris assumed she must've given up on the chase with him and began to pursue something or someone else.

And he was right.

Elsa had given up on going after Polaris and started a new one against Anna and the dragons.

In Elsa's hazy and fogged mind, she pinned the source of her current pain on Anna. Her mind couldn't tell what was real from fake or right from wrong.

Elsa could see the dragons flying above her. She could sense Anna ahead and what dragon she was on. Elsa shot a blast of ice at the dragon in hopes to down it.

Up in the sky, it was unmistakable to hear the whining of some unknown force coming toward them all. Anna had weakly regained her consciousness, but by now her hair was almost completely covered black except for the last few strands in her braids and across her bangs. She was startled when Toothless let out a yelp of protest, swerving somewhere off to the right avoiding something that had been hurtled at them.

"She can't be already here?" Astrid shouted out amongst the blizzard, her hair a tangle mess. No one wanted to answer the question, simply because they already knew the answer.

"Anna... Anna, please tell me we are close to the crystal... please..." Jack had pleaded, jumping over onto Toothless and supporting the Princess's head. Not long after he had said it, Anna abruptly sat up groaning in pain. An echoing voice boomed inside her head.

Everyone else depends on you... everyone Anna! The voice had shaken Anna to reality and she could feel a strong pulsing energy vibrate though her body. "Down there!" She whimpered weakly, pointing to a small island built like a cave.

It was the first times since the ocean had frozen over, that Hiccup's mom took action. She motioned everyone to follow her and cloud jumper as they landed outside the entrance. Jack ran over to Toothless and lifted Anna off the Dagon, cradling her against him, Astrid came over to help, and Hiccup did as well to situate the Princess in the Ice Boy's arms. Everyone sprinted into the cave and stopped dead in their tracks at the scene before them.

It was a beautiful cave. So much so, that it could make anyone cry. The interior was covered in multiple different colored crystals. They sparkled and dazzled like something beautiful but yet the current situation was far from that.

Anna had let out another groan of pain and Jack gently laid her down among the ice. She could barely keep her eyes open, and her energy was slipping away at a fast pace. But even so, Anna wasn't mindless to the fact that Elsa was nearly there, and that the ice shard was somewhere in that cave.

Everyone began to search frantically for it, hoping that Anna hadn't been wrong. Or else everyone would die, surround by such beauty... A cruel ironic way saying goodbye to everything they loved.

"It isn't here!" Astrid cried, searching through the multiple crystals. "Shouldn't it glow or something? Shouldn't we know what it looks like?" Hiccup came over and gathered her in a hug.

"Shh... It's okay..."

"No it's not!" Astrid said between sobs. "We are running out of time and... And Anna is dying!" Everyone had noticed some sort of close connection between the two girls, but know one expected Astrid to shed tears. Never, in all the years Hiccup had known her, had he ever seen this hard core girl cry. Now that she was, it made himself fall under feelings of despair.

"I always promised Elsa I would keep Anna safe. Even from herself... And I can't even do that..." Jack had suddenly said looking to the darkening princess with dread. "Here she is... Losing her life as we speak..."

"Hold on just a minute." Hiccups mother suddenly barked. "All of you are giving up because Anna looks ill? She can still move. She's still breathing. We can still do this. Maybe she looks so bad right now, because of the evil feelings. Our dread, our sadness, our fear is what she feels right now, on top of Elsa's darkness! It's our fault she is fading so quickly!" Everyone stayed quiet in wonder at Hiccup's mothers words. It had them all thinking the same thing: that she was right.

Anna made a slight moaning sound, opening her eyes that now seemed to be losing their liveliness. The color was dull, and streaked with a weak red. But even so, Anna was determined to sit up. She couldn't let her body's protest stop her from getting Elsa back, and by now, the Ice Queen was nearly there. Mere feet away from the cave actually.

"There... there isn't much time..." Anna whispered though a strangled voice. "Jack help me up. Walk me around the cave..." Jack nodded feverishly, not to keen on the idea of Anna up and walking since she could barely stand. But he complied in her command and supported her body that felt like a dead weight. Slowly, he led Anna round the cave, her body shaking to its effort.

Finally, Anna planted her feet into the cave floor. Some sort of trance suddenly took over her body, and she left Jack's arm's ignoring his protests to stop. Although her body hurt terribly, her legs never stopped. There was a bright light suddenly. At the back of the cave it illuminated everything and was so bright everyone wanted to believe it was a sign of hope. And could very much be one. A long sharp Ice shard appeared at the center of many multi colored crystals, sparkling like magic. Anna went forward, wrapped her fingers around it and pulled. Almost as easy as plucking flowers, she grasped it in her hand and felt an intense amount of energy begin to surge with in her. It was just enough for her to stand and function well on her own.

"I-I got it." Anna confirmed, holding the shard to her chest, tears slowly dripping down her dull cheeks. But now it was just a matter of getting it inside her sister.

"I can hear you..." Elsa said appearing at the mouth of the cave.Her eyes were glazed over, reflecting her current state of insanity. They looked over to Anna and a small smile formed on Elsa's lips.Though it was not out of happiness or recognition. Only the poor loss of Elsa's lack of sanity. In her current state of mind, Elsa thought it was Anna's fault this had happened. To Elsa, if Anna was dead, everything would be fine again. She would regain her mind and be at least somewhat happy. Slowly Elsa raised a hand to shoot the shard of ice that would end her sister's life...

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