[Fanfic] I want you to know [...

By Maliksaa

150K 3.8K 1K

[Completed] Arisa Masamune is a new transfer student at Kaijō Highschool. On her first day, she was forced b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Attention 2
Attention 3
Bonus chapter: First date

Chapter 4

10.1K 262 33
By Maliksaa


"Arisa-chan?" Kairi voice realize me from zoning out.


"You've been quiet, did something happen?" When Kairi said that, yesterday experience flashes through my head.


"Does it happen when i can't go home with you?!" Kairi starts to worry. She must be feeling guilty leaving me.

"Yesterday i bumped to a guy. He looks scary and he had friends with him. He was about to do something terrible to me."

"Im so sorry Arisa-chan! You have to experience that."

"It's okay, someone helped me yesterday."

"Eh?! WHO?!" Kairi's shouted, everyone in the class turned to our direction.

"Sssh Kairi-san, not so loud..." I pulled her arm.

"Sorry...but really, who was it?"

"It was a guy named Aomine."

"Aomine......AOMINE DAIKI?!" Kairi shouted again.


"Sorry sorry...you were saved by him?"

"Well, im not sure if its that guy you mention. Maybe."

"I heard he was bad."

"He did have a bad personality."

"You better tell me all the details!"

"Alright, but don't shout like that again."

"Promise." Kairi closed her mouth with her hands. I chuckled and start telling her what happen yesterday.


"Oh?" I was walking through the corridor and find Kasamatsu-senpai.

"Masamune." Kasamatsu-senpai called me. I let him approach me.

"Y-yes, is something wrong senpai?"

Isn't this the first year building? What is senpai doing here...

"I want to tell you that today there's no practice. But, tomorrow is. The gym is cleaned, you don't have to go to the gym for today." He said.

He came here just to say that..?

"Okay, thank you. Why don't you just text me for that....senpai..?"

"I-i don't have your number." He said as he looked away from me.

"Oh right, t-then..." I let out my cellphone. "Do you want to exchange numbers?" I look at him.

"W-wha?! I can just ask Kise for it. I should go back." He said.

I nodded understand.

"See you, senpai." I bowed then smiled at him.

His eyes widened before turning around and walk away.


Since today both of us have no club activities. Kairi and i go home together.

We went to the cake shop nearby the station, went to buy some cute stationary, and i do a little grocery for today's dinner

It's not dark yet. But, i want to get home fast.

Kairi have to take the train, so i go with her until the station. After that, i take my usual way to go home.

I go to the konbini near my house. I was thirsty, i take a milk tea in bottle from the refrigerator. When i was about to pay, a magazine caught my eyes.

it's a basketball magazine.

I take the magazine and pay for it with the milk tea. The magazine have a red haired guy with a white and blue jersey on the cover.

He must be really famous and great, if he can be the cover of a magazine.


I arrived at my house. I open the door.

"Im home."

"What took you so long?" A light voice was heard. A boy that is still wearing Junior high uniform welcomed me.

"Im home, Arashi. I bought ingredients for dinner." I said as i ruffle the boy's hair.

"Father and i is really hungry! You have to make it quick."

"Yeah yeah." I walk to the kitchen and put the ingredients on the table.

"Wait, shouldn't you get changed. Arashi?"

"Right. I was waiting for you i forgot." Arashi run upstairs to his room.

I can see father is sitting on the chair while reading newspaper.

"How's work?" I said, start to cut the ingredients.


"Do you really need to eat with those suit? Get changed." I ordered him.

Father close the newspaper and move lazily to his room.

I sighed. It's always like this. Since mother left, i was in charge of mother place.

Father was a messy man. He can't take care of himself, he often blame himself.

Arashi is still at Junior high school. But he acts like he knows everything. He often doesn't like how i settle things.

And mother...she left to marry another men. She said father was too overprotective of her. But i think father is a nice men, i know he loves mother so much that he doesn't want to lose her.

Arashi should've lived with mother. But, he found it not comfortable so he moved and live with us.

I chose father because, if its not me. Who's gonna take care of him.

I love them both. But, reality have to split them. So, here i am....

I finished cooking and put it on their plate. They came back when i already arrange they're plate on the table.

"Dinner's ready."

"Alright! Itadakimasu!" Arashi start to eat and father follows.

I take my chopstick and start eating too.


The next day,

I come to the gym and see the boys are gathering. Did i miss something?

I approach Kise who is smiling excited.

"Kise-san, what happen? Did i came late?" I ask.

"No, you didn't. Day after tomorrow we're going to have a friendly match~"

"Friendly match?"

"Actually, its already told from last week. That's why we practiced a week."

"With who?"

"The friendly match? With Touo academy. Finally i get to face Aomine again!~" I can see Kise is really excited.

Wait, Aomine..? Aomine that helped me?

"Kise-san, is thi-"

"Oi Kise, can you help me with the defense?" My question is interupted by Kasamatsu-senpai that calling Kise from the court.

"Just a minute! What is it Arisacchi?"

"I-it's nothing! Please go back to practice." I smiled. Kise smiled back then run to the court.

I sit on the chair that i usually sit while watching them practice.

I watch all of them carefully. I try to look what is their weakness and what needs improvement.

I don't know all of their names yet, so i give them nicknames myself. But i know which one is the guy.

I write everything on the paper on the board i was holding.

I occasionally talk to the coach about it and always get praised by how the coach is really glad having me around. And of course i always embarrassed by it.

The coach blowed his whistle, it's break time.

I hurried to my bag and take a thermos bottle.

"Umm...g-guys i made this...." I said with my voice fading away.

No response, i don't think they heard me. I sighed.

I hug my thermos and about to put it back on my bag, when..

"What is that? Ribbon." A voice heard and a hand reaching for my thermos.

A short black haired guy that have a very narrow eye are looking at my thermos curious.

W-who is he?!

"Do you make something fol(r) us?! That's l(r)eally nice of you!" Said a boy that have a problem of pronouncing R. He has short, light brown spiky hair and a bushy eyebrow.

"Hm...is this tea?" Said another guy with a spiky hair that styled in an abstract mohawk. He take my thermos from the other guy hand and smell it.

Kise runs to our direction and take the thermos from them.

"Hey! Don't bully Arisacchi!! Look how confused she is!"

Everyone looks at me. My face become red.

"U-um...i-im okay Kise-san."

"Yeah of course, i would never bully a girl this cute." The short black haired guy smile at me. My face become more redder.

"Break time almost over and why you guys still here?" Kasamatsu-senpai cross his arms while walking towards us. And with his deathly stare.

"Tch Kasamatsu, you always ruin the moment."

"Yeah? What moment is that Moriyama?" Kasamatsu-senpai glare at the guy.

"We'l(r)e just cul(r)ious about oul(r) new managel(r)."

"Hayakawa, i don't understand what you're saying..." Kise said.

"I better go back to practice."

"Kobori-senpai the coach is looking for you." Shout another guy on the other side of us.

The guy called Kobori-senpai leave.

"Kise-san...this guys are...?" I lean to Kise. I was so confused, i often see them. But, i don't know who they are.

"Oh right you haven't remember all our names yet. Well, meet our starter team!~" Kise said cheerfully.

"This one is Moriyama-senpai. Our shooting guard. Be careful with him Arisacchi!" Kise said while he grab the guy with short black haired and has a very narrow eye on the shoulder.

I look shyly at him and he winked at me. I blushed and looked down.

"Aand this one is our power forward. Hayakawa. Sometimes we can't understand what's he's saying." Now kise grab the guy with a short, light brown spiky hair..

"I speak nol(r)mally. It's you guys that don't undel(r)stand me." He said as he furrowed his bushy eyebrow.

"Yeah, right." Kise laugh. "Oh, that guy is Kobori-senpai. Our center." Kise point at the guy that is now talking with the coach.

"Then there's me as small forward and Kasamatsu-senpai as point guard. Yup, that's our starter team."

I remembered all of them in instant. I nod at Kise to make him understand that i already know now.

"So are you gonna stand there or going to give us that tea you're making? Ribbon." Moriyama-senpai said.

"O-oh, right..." I take a cup from my bag. Ask kise for my thermos and pour the tea. I offer it first to Moriyama-senpai. He taste it first then drink it in one gulp.

"Wow, it taste great." Moriyama-senpai shouted.

"I want to try too!~" i pour the tea to Kise's cup. Kise drink it fast.

"It is! What is this Arisacchi??"

"I-its just jasmine tea...." I pour tea to Hayakawa's cup.

"You made this youl(r)self?" As Hayakawa finishes drinking.

"Y-yeah...i have lots of jasmine leaf from my grandma. She lives on the village."

"Hmm what is that smell?""that's a nice scent.""is this jasmine?""hey, i want to try it too!" The boys starts to circle me and ask for the tea.

I panicked and start to pour the tea for everyone even for the coach.

They give a very satisfied look. Im so glad they like it.


It's almost empty.

I look at Kasamatsu-senpai that's entering the locker room when everyone is still on the court.

I pour the last of my tea to a cup and chased Kasamatsu-senpai to the locker room.

Im actually really nervous. But, i have to give this to everyone.

I open the door and found Kasamatsu-senpai just closed his locker.

Our eyes met. I blushed and looked down. He let out a sigh and sit on the chairs.


"i-i made you this. Everyone already get their shares." I offer the cup still looking down.

He took my cup and slowly drink it.

There's silent.

I don't like this situation. I better leave.

"Well, i-i should get back." I turned around and grab the doorknob.



I couldn't see Kasamatsu-senpai expression. But i can hear the softness in his voice.

I smiled before opening the door.

To be continued...


Ohoho i know, it looks like that Arisa and Kasamatsu-senpai are going to have something.

But, who knows?

What about Aomine?

Wait for the next chapter.


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