Braxton Academy

By KA0827

201K 3.4K 1.1K

Braxton Academy is a disciplinary (non-academic) school for minors. Naomi Taylor is a fourteen-year-old girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
New Chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Q&A w/ me
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Room 113 Poll
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 28

4.3K 76 31
By KA0827

~ 2.5 weeks later ~


School started almost three weeks ago, and I've been adjusting quite well, especially since there were a lot of familiar faces in my classes. Katie, my closest friend, was in four out of my six classes, and we had the same lunch period, it was great to catch up with her but she's still processing everything that's happened to me. She snagged me in the hallway right before first period and began hammering me with annoying questions about that day at the campground on the Fourth of July. I forgot I never filled her in on why I needed her to scope the place out, and she was utterly shocked at my explanation.

Most of the other students, a majority being my friends, ask an awful lot of questions about life at a disciplinary academy, as if they were expecting me to behave like a programmed robot. I've become the talk of the school. Everyone is so fascinated with the change that it distracts them from realizing how painful of a situation it is. I don't feel comfortable talking about it with anyone, not even Katie.

Don't get me wrong, there are some that offer their condolences and apologize, which is nice, but then they immediately badger me with the same boring questions. Do you really not know where your parents are? Your headmaster is your guardian now? Is he cute? Are there a lot of rules? How many students do you live with? Do you really sleep on the same floor with boys? You don't have any other relatives to stay with?

At the end of almost every day, I'm ready to rip my hair out. Sometimes I just want to shout at them, tell them to leave me alone and that nothing I do or anything about me is any of their business.

Good news really travels fast I guess. I'll admit I first thought the rumors began with Katie, but then I heard a few students mentioning the police at my house. Word of that event, combined with the lack of maintenance to my house must of caused widespread rumors in the neighborhood. But this inadvertently spread to their kids. Isn't that strange? Children: we 'never pay attention to anything' and yet we know all the gossip.

We love drama, it's so dramatic. Wouldn't you say the same? 

Anyhow, most of my classes are going well. I know I shouldn't jinx it since it's still early, but I can tell there are going to be some real winners. World Cultures and English are by far my favorite core subjects, and Journalism narrowly beats Mock Trail. I was even given my first article assignment this week. Biology is mostly slow, Mr. Snyder mostly lectures about plants, which we've been scheduled to learn about for almost the entire school year. I thought Biology would encompass a little more than that.

"How was school today?" Mr. Davis asked, opening the door to let me inside.

I decided to spend the first week of school at the Academy but, with Mr. Davis' recommendation, I agreed to take him up on his offer of staying at his house for the second and third week. He deemed it necessary in emphasizing that this was now our home, so I think it would be a good idea to show him that I'm willing to at least try to make this my home.

"Good, really good actually," I somewhat lied, I didn't want to mention that kids were still hounding me over my new lifestyle. "I got my first article assignment for Journalism and we're starting a new case in Mock Trial."

"That's great, what's the case and the article about?" He hung his coat up and removed his shoes before walking to the couch to make himself comfortable.

"Well, the case is contributory negligence, concerning a member from a hunting and firearms club where he was employed. The article will be able the school's homecoming football game."

"Oh perfect, the stadium isn't too far from here, but I'll drive you there since it'll be a night game. Just let me know when it is."

I nodded, awkwardly debating on whether to stay or turn to go to my room.

"Got any homework?" He spread his arms around the back of the couch.

"I have a chapter to read for Biology and then I'll probably read this case summary and try to figure it out."

He nodded, "Well if you need any help with your homework, let me know or if you just want to talk about it..." He offered.

"R-really?" I did the same, throwing my bookbag over my right shoulder.

My parents, specifically my dad, were always too busy with their jobs to really get involved in my schoolwork. They were there if I needed help, but mostly they didn't take interest in it. As long as I maintained good grades and did my work in a timely manner, they couldn't care less what I was doing nor how I was doing it.

"Sure," He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I'd love to hear about it."

"Okay." I said shakily, nodding my head and smiling. "I'll let you know when I finish with reviewing everything over the next few days."

"Sounds good."

I continued upstairs to my room, throwing my book bag on my bed and removing my uniform to change into something more comfortable while I did my homework. As strange as this may sound, things were actually starting to feel somewhat normal. This house was beginning to feel normal, life at the Academy didn't feel as archaic as it used to...the only difference that still felt unusual was the replacement of my family at dinner time. 


"Mr. Davis?" I came into the kitchen where he was chopping vegetables.

We always had at least one vegetable at every meal, sometimes I wish we would just order pizza, but I guess you wouldn't get his figure without eating healthy.

"C-can I do my homework down here?"

"You can do it anywhere you feel comfortable enough." He said sincerely. "Is there a problem in your room?"

"The overhead light is so's giving me a headache."

Furrowing his eyebrows, he nodded. "I have some dimmer lights I use for the bathroom upstairs; I'll change your bulb. Hopefully that'll help." He dried his hands and began walking in my direction. "Go ahead and sit wherever."

"Thank you."

Exiting the kitchen, I heard him climb up the stairs. I've been so sensitive to anything bright, especially at nighttime. I don't know how I'll make it through the night games during the season. Especially the loud noises from the audience.

"Alright, I changed it. Let me know if that's any better."

"I will, thanks again." I sat at the island on the opposite corner from where he was prepping the vegetables.

"What're we having for dinner?" I pried as I flipped through some of the pages in my World Cultures textbook.

"Steak." He chopped down hard on the onions. "How do you like yours cooked?"

I shrugged, "Uh, well done?"

We never had steak much at our house, and I'm pretty sure we haven't had it at the Academy since I've been there.

Putting his fingertips on the side of his head, he closed his eyes and sighed. "Okay, try again."

"W-what..." I smiled. "Well how do you eat it then?"

"Medium rare, like any decent person. It's blasphemous to cook a well-done steak in this house."

"Oh okay." I rolled my eyes, scoffing at his wit. "Isn't medium rare with all the blood inside?"

"Not as much as you think, it's mostly a warm pink center."

I made an unsure face at the thought of how disgusting that must taste in your mouth.

"I'll cook yours well-done and let you try mine." He smiled, continuing to chop.

"What else are we having besides cow?"

"Very funny. Mashed potatoes and green beans."

"At least those sound good." I whispered under my breath as I returned to my book, reading about the wonderful world of the Khan Dynasty, while trying to memorize the difficult spelling of these names.

I was always so good at taking notes, this year especially because they now allow students to take notes on Chromebooks in the class and save them so you can review them at home. I didn't have a computer at home but at least I can write everything down and transcribe them during my study hall period.

"Do you prefer taking notes by hand?" Mr. Davis asked, watching me more than the vegetables in front of him.

"Um, I did until we started taking notes on computers in class. I could type them on my phone through my account if I really wanted to...but I'd rather do it by hand and then type them during study hall."

He nodded, "How about we get you a computer?"

I would love to have a computer of my own, I've asked my parents for years on every holiday and birthday that came around.

"No thank you, they're expensive."

"They can be," he agreed. "but it would be good for you. You can do a lot on a computer, especially since I know you like to read and write..." He waited for my response, but I wasn't sure how to show my gratitude. "plus, it will aid in your schoolwork."

"It's okay," I shook my head. "really, I'm happy to do things this way."

I didn't feel comfortable allowing Mr. Davis to buy me something as grand as a computer.

"Then why don't you at least use mine? You can sign into your account from it." He walked to the dining room table and pulled out his laptop from his bag.

"B-but you use that for work..."

"And now you can use it to make school easier." He said surely as he opened it in front of me. "Just don't go through anything you're not supposed to."

"I won't. Thank you." I smiled, showing him the browser, and my directory.

"Looks good." He returned to cooking.

It was a lot easier taking notes on the computer, I was a much faster typer than I was writer even though I've never had much computer-exposure. In fact, I was able to take all my notes for three-pages in the textbook within a matter of minutes.

There was a loud sizzling coming from the non-stick pan as Mr. Davis laid down the steaks, one a few minutes before the other, and mixed in the veggies in another pot. He stood there watching over it as if it would run away if he moved even slightly away from the stove.

Grabbing a fork and forcibly stabbing both steaks in their centers, he flipped the first over with ease but lost some grip on the second one.

"Woah." Mr. Davis said as a large flame took over the pan.

"Mr. Davis." I said loudly in surprise.

"I got it, I got it." He took the pan from the stove and carefully wiped the bottom of it where some oil must have spilt over.

I laughed after he had the situation under control, glad that he didn't burn down the entire kitchen.

"Are you sure you know how to cook?"

"Ask me that after I have dinner finished." He laughed with me.

 He added a few cubes of butter and some herbs to the pan before grabbing a spoon and basting them both. After a few spoonsful of splashing, he transferred them to a large wooden cutting board and moved his onions to the skillet instead.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, everything in the room smelled so good and it made my stomach linger for a taste.

"Alright, set that aside and come get dinner." He said from the other side of the kitchen, near the stove where he was searing off the vegetables.

He put this giant slap of meat on my plate, it took up almost a third of it! I'd barely have any room for my mashed potatoes and green beans, the things I had been looking forward to the most. Using my steak knife, I slowly but surely cut the monster in a giant pile of slices to make it look somewhat more edible.

I took a bite of my steak, enjoying the seasoning but not so much the actual meat. It was a little chewy and felt so dense in my mouth.

"Try this." He handed me a piece of his.

"That's so much blood..."

"Think of it more as juice." He laughed. "How do you know you don't like it if you won't try it?"

Oh great, he pulled out that card.

"Ugh, alright fine."

Picking it up with my fork, I stared at it for a moment, trying to process that I was about to put a chewy piece of blood in my mouth. When I began chewing though, it turned out to be extremely tender and seasoned so well. It didn't taste like blood at all! It was completely different from the tough piece sitting in front of me.

"That's really good." I said surprised.

"Yeah, I know. Audrey reacted the same when I convinced her to try it my way." He smiled, reminiscing before taking ahold of his plate and swapping it with mine.

"W-wait, you don't like well-done steak."

"Nope, and clearly neither do you." He smiled, reaching across the table to get a bottle of A1 sauce.

"Don't do that. Take it back, I'll eat mine. It was my fault..." I pushed my plate toward him, but he shook his head. 

"It's okay, go ahead and eat. I'll take this one."

"Did you switch plates with her too?" 

"I did, yeah." He took a bite of my former steak

"Thank you." I shot him a smile before taking another bite. 

"You're welcome." 


~ The next day ~

"Ms. Taylor?" Mr. Snyder asked, putting his hands to his sides. "Are you paying attention?"

Don't lie. Lying only makes everything worse.

"Yes sir." I said in a low whisper.

"Then answer my question." He glanced down at my hands, which obviously held my phone.

"I don't know the answer." I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as everyone began whispering.

"Can you repeat the question back to me?"

Looking around, turning to Katie specifically for help, no one seemed to have any way of passing along the question secretly.

"No sir." I finally said.

"Bring me your phone, you can have it back after class, but I will be reporting to the principal's office and calling your parents."

I slugged myself up to his desk near the chalkboard and put my phone down in the center. A small part of me wanted to correct him in saying guardian and not parents, but I don't want him to tell Mr. Davis I was disrespectful either.

Assuming my seat, I took out my notebook and did my best to focus on the lecture rather than everyone's judgmental stares and whispers. I needed anything to distract me from the frightening thoughts in my head.


"Here." He handed me my phone back. "You're excused."

That was easier than I was expecting. I thought for sure I'd have to wait with him or in the principal's office while they called Mr. Davis...oh god. Up until this moment, I had gone the entire class without thinking about it. What is Mr. Davis going to say? What's he going to do?

Those were ridiculous questions; I know what he's going to do...I'm just not ready for it. He's made it very clear that school was the utmost importance and here I am not, paying attention to it.

I remained silent on the bus ride home, not even Katie could get a smile out of me. She did her best though, but all she got from me was a 'goodbye' when the bus arrived on her street. Mine would be next.

My parents always prioritized my schoolwork, and I learned to prioritize it as well but Mr. Davis was a much harsher, much stricter person. My parents would generally give me the usual lecture followed by a slight punishment of extra chores or grounding...I'd do anything for that right now.

"Have a good night." The bus driver said as I made my way to the front.

Have a good night. My night will be spent in pain, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be shown any bitterness. "Thank you, you too."

There was no car in the driveway and Mr. Davis was usually at the Academy during school hours, probably trying to adjust the leftover students to their new schedules and get his other work done as much as he could.

Slipping the key into the lock, I carefully made my way inside.

"Hello?" I waited but there was no answer.

I took off my coat and shoes, placing them neatly in their place next to the door and then took my book-bag and sat it down on the couch. Mr. Davis was at the Academy, so thankfully I have some time to breathe and prepare.


Looking down at the caller-ID, I felt a wave of any calmness I had leave my body.

"Hello?" I answered hesitantly.

"Your phone goes upstairs on my desk in my bedroom and your nose will be in the corner in the living room when I get there." He said slowly.

"Yes sir." I said hoarsely, my voice draining as I tried not to cry.

"I'll see you in ten minutes."

"Okay." I hung up before he had the chance to.

Ten minutes, ten minutes, ten minutes. The number was replaying in my head, hindering my comprehension of the time-sensitive issue to quickly comply with his orders. The one that was clear though was putting my phone on his desk.

I went up the stairs as fast as I could and entered his room, not even bothering to look around me I placed my phone on his desk and shut the door behind me. Trying to remember what else I should do before he gets here, I stopped in the hallway to take some breaths.

How much time has passed? Reflexively I reached into my pocket for my phone but then remembered that I just placed it on his desk. What's wrong with me today?

Ignore that. I continued downstairs and stared into the living room: did he say which corner to go into? Does it matter? The apprehension was festering inside of me like a ticking bomb. I didn't want to vex him any further by stalling but I didn't want to make the mistake of choosing the wrong one. Spontaneously, I just picked the one parallel to the front door. This will have to do.

I rubbed my hands against my stomach to relax my breathing and just this instant realized that I didn't even change out of my uniform. Being eight-months into the Academy, I shouldn't be this nervous for a spanking. Especially since we're not even in the building. But the idea of being completely at the mercy of Mr. Davis sent chills down my spine.

My second visit to my new home and I've already found myself getting a punishment. Again.

I heard the lock switch ignite as he turned the key and my stomach con caved. Slowly the door creaked, as if he opened it completely before stepping inside. It was followed by a slight swishing noise as he brushed off his raincoat before snagging it on one of the hooks. The sound of his every movement intensifies the goosebumps on my arms.

I flinched as he slammed the door.

"Your principle stated that this was the third time you've had your phone confiscated in class. He made it apparent that the first two were mere warnings since you were mostly on it during break-times but this time it was during your biology lecture."

I wasn't sure whether he wanted me to turn around, I know he likes to be looked in the eye when he speaks, but I was afraid of making any move that would bury me in my grave any deeper.

"What were you doing on your phone during a lecture?"

He spoke clearly, and I heard the question but my brain couldn't formulate a reasonable answer. It was taking me a considerable amount of time to find my voice, and he grew more impatient with every passing second.

"Naomi." He barked.

"P-playing a game sir."

"And why were you not paying attention?"

"I...I already knew what was going on," I buried my chin into my chest, realizing how stupid my excuse is. "I read the chapter and it was easy."

"At what point did your teacher notice you were on your phone?"

I inhaled, knowing this would infuriate him even more. "When he cold-called me and I didn't know the answer."

"You didn't know the answer, but I thought the chapter was easy." He mocked.

"It was, I probably would have been able to answer if he would just have repeated the question." I responded bitterly.

"Why should he?" His voice raised, causing another flinch to suppress my body. "If you had been paying attention you would have heard."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"This is more than your violation of a school rule, this is about a complete lack of respect. You are to give school and all its components your utmost attention. By violating this rule, you disrespected four important parties: your teacher, fellow classmates and your school's administration."

He took a step closer to me, his hands resting on his sides as depicted by his shadow.

"Can you explain how you were disrespectful to your teacher and classmates?"

Sniffling, I knew the answer to his question, but I felt so ashamed to actually admit it.

"I wasn't listening to my teacher, who is trying to give me knowledge and build my education, and my classmates had class disrupted when the teacher waited for my answer and then reprimanded me for having my phone out."

"And did you know this before or after you were reprimanded?"

I sighed, again realizing that my answer would only bring me closer to my death.

"Before sir."

"Which makes your actions even more offensive." I could see his shadow reveal him shaking his head. "The administration; You are placed in advanced classes because the administration recognized your intelligence and dedication, which means they placed their trust in you that you will do your best to be a model student."

I nodded, wiping my nose on the hem of my sleeve. As much as I hated being scolded and hearing that I did something disappointing, I know that I deserve to hear all this.

Hearing him exhale, I glanced to the left at his shadow again to indicate some body language, but he stood perfectly still.

"Naomi, look at me."

I wiped my cheeks before slowly turning to my right and facing him. Backing myself against the corner, as if I thought it would actually save me, I tried to keep my eyes focused on his but he looked very dark today.

"Do you know who the fourth party is?"

"Y-you?" I asked, fear of answering incorrectly rushing through my head.

"No, to hell with me. It's you."


He took a step forward, kneeling to my height. "I believe you've reached beyond what a person of your age contains. You're bright and very mature, well read and have an extensive vocabulary, you also have a good span of common sense, despite your actions today."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"A person does not acquire these qualities naturally Naomi, which means you've clearly disciplined yourself to obtain them." He cupped my chin in his hand. "You have great potential to be the best you that you can be, you owe it to yourself to become a good student and a good person. Anything less than that is disrespectful to the progress you've made and the time and effort you've dedicated."

"Yes sir." I focused my eyes on his as he released me and stood up.

Crossing his arms over his chest, his shirt tailored to his muscular outline. "The golden rule is that anything you're doing is important, because you're doing it."

Even though I nodded immediately, it took me a minute or two to process that.

"You deserve to be happy, with a successful future. I want you to have everything you want and achieve everything you set out to do and I know you can achieve please do not disrespect yourself by building habits that could jeopardize it."

"No sir, I won't." I dried my face and took a step forward, even though I hesitated for a moment I decided to go to him and wrap my arms around his stomach.

He did not return the hug completely nor with as much appreciation as I, instead he patted me on the back and gave me a small arm squeeze.

"I hope you understand. Do you have anything you want to say?"

"Only that I'm sorry."

He took my forearms and moved me back some.

"I'm taking away your phone for a week, which also means you are grounded for a week. You know the terms of that, yes?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright then." He went to the dining room table and pulled out a chair that he turned to face me.

Before assuming the seat, he quickly motioned to the kitchen. "Go outside and bring me back a switch."

Reflexively, I shook my head and kept it down. "No, no, please not a switching."

Anything but that: his belt or my hairbrush even, just not another switch.


"No! Mr. Davis please..." I cried. "Don't make me pick one again. You already have..." I pointed upstairs.

"Picking it is part of the punishment, now go."

"Can't I have something else?" I rejected again.

"Don't make me say it again." He gave me his Administrator look, his solid threat. "Because if I have to," He stood up, rapidly unbuckling his belt to pull it through the loops of his pants. "You'll get a preparation spanking." 

I've never been subjected to a preparation spanking. It was used by the Administrators for students who aren't compliant with their original punishment. It was like a subsidiary punishment.

"Do I need to give you one?" He folded the belt in half, motioning it to me.

I could feel my face burning with heat from the predicament I was in.

"No sir." I said quietly.

"Then go."

I turned around, heading back to the front door to slip on my coat and rainboots before opening the door and rushing outside. All these branches are going to be wet, which will no doubt contribute immensely to the already-established stinging nature. Hopefully there would be no one outside due to the weather, so I could subtly pick one.

Grabbing the first one I saw, not even examining it, I brought it back inside where Mr. Davis was waiting with a hand towel.

"Let me have it."

I relinquished it over, shielding my eyes from it as he wiped it down and wrapped it in the towel on the table.

"Mr. Davis...please don't. I understand, I really do."

He sighed, "Three times Naomi, three less than three weeks." He unbuttoned the hem of his sleeve and untucked his shirt some before assuming his seat on the chair. "The first two were warnings, which you clearly did you heed from the administration, so they felt that my attention was necessary."

Motioning me forward, he sat straight with his dominant hand resting on his knee. 

"But I just..." I sighed. "... yes sir." The bitterness in my tone came out somewhat quiet.

"Come here." The impatient tone in his voice was growing.

I rubbed my hands over my skirt, trying to suppress the nervousness. My feet managed to cooperate despite flight-sense trying to convince my brain otherwise.

I dried my eyes quickly again before draping myself over his lap, instantly putting my hands flat on the ground to keep my head somewhat elevated. It was spinning from my brain generating fearful thoughts as I stared at the dull corner, waiting for him.

"From now on your phone stays in your locker or book-bag. I don't want you bringing it to class any longer." SMACK.

I know there's no way for him to tell, or at least I hope there isn't unless I get caught again, but I don't think taking that risk would be in my best interest. I really enjoy reading my digital books on my phone during our lesson breaks, but now I supposed physical books are my only option.

SMACK. SMACK. He only laid those three down before pulling my skirt up, laying it across my back, and continuing. SMACK. SMACK.

SMACK. SMACK. The sound of the snacks echoed off the wall as he began giving everything, he got into it. SMACK. SMACK. He was going in an unfamiliar pattern; consistently rotating between my sit-spots and the middle of my bottom. SMACK. 

"Ow! It hurts." I cried.


"Don't exaggerate Naomi, it has only just begun." SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK.

I started hiccupping a lot sooner than I expected, maybe because of the shortness of breath or because of Mr. Davis' tight grip on my waist. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK.

"Ow!" I yelped again. "I'll make sure he doesn't catch me again." I cried under my breath.


"What did you say?" Asking abruptly, he twisted his torso to look toward my head.

How could he have heard that? The sound of his smacks was echoing off the walls, and he was laying them down rapidly. I could barely hear myself think, so how did he hear me?

SMACK. SMACK. "What did you say?"

"N-nothing." I said instantly.

SMACK. SMACK. "You'll make sure he won't catch you again?" SMACK. SMACK. "Did you honestly say that?"

I didn't want to answer that, we both knew that's what I said. Verification on my behalf would only result in self-destruction. 

"Look at me," he helped me upright and grabbed my chin to focus my attention to him. "if you truly understand the lesson then you wouldn't have made such a snide comment...."

"I know, I know I didn't mean it..."

"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to you." He said fiercely.

"I'm sorry sir."

"Make sure he won't catch you again." He mocked. "You should be ashamed for even thinking that!"

"I am. I swear I didn't mean was, it was just me rambling about the situation to calm myself down."

He studied me for a moment, torn whether to believe me but then decided not to say another word about it. Releasing me, I took a step back but then was summoned again over his knee. 

"Oh no, no please Mr. Davis..." I adverted the cold look he gave me.

"Should I finish it all with the switch?"

"No, no, no..." I wiped my eyes and then forced myself closer to him.

He brought me to the inside of his lap and bent me over his left knee. Using his right, he forced my legs higher up and pushed me farther forward, resulting in my bottom being high and ultimately vulnerable.

SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. The heat radiating from my backside against his calloused was causing a dry sting, almost as if I could feel my flesh becoming withered. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK.

"Mr. Davis." I said quietly.

He had his arm raised, about to deliver another blow, but after hearing me call for him, he slowly put it down and waited for me to continue. I, of course, wanted to immediately plead my case but I had to catch my breath first. The pressure of his delivered smacks and being forcibly bent over for so long was mounting in my head, prohibiting my ability to speak clearly.

"I-I'm sorry for w-what I said." I used my palms to wipe both my eyes.

"The lesson you should take from this is not that you need to work on not getting it caught, it's that your actions were disrespectful to something that is essential in your life." He said sternly.

"I-I, I know. I'm sorry I s-said it, I was just panicking from the spanking." My breath was beginning to steady despite the immense pain radiating from my backside.

"Stand up." He released the force between my hamstrings and his knee.

I forced myself to do it instantly so I could try to get myself together before the real punishment began. I know it's far from over.

"Come to the center of the room, life up your skirt and bend down to touch your knees." He said plainly, picking up the switch and removing it from the towel. 

"W-what?" He's never put me in a position like that, never forced me to suffer the harsh blunt of a spanking without something to lean on or hold on too. 

"Come here," He pointed with the switch." face the staircase, bend forward and grab your knees." He restated. 

I wiped the tears from my face and did as he said: I walked to the middle of the archway, took a deep breath before pressing my knees together to bend my waist and then lifted my skirt from behind me. Trying not to bend too far forward in fear of falling, I exhaled slowly to keep me concentrated and calm in this painful position. 

"Mr. Davis?" I cried, slightly standing. 

His eyes met mine, a small curious expression formed on his face.

"P-please can I move..."

"No. Keep your knees together and your shoulders hunched."

I went back to the position he stated, making sure to adhere exactly to his instruction. 

"As I said, the administration felt that contacting me was necessary. I will do what I must to make sure you understand how unacceptable this is." 

"Yes sir." I nodded. "I was on my phone and that was disrespectful to my teacher, my classmates and myself. School is more important, and I need to focus and do the best I can." I was hoping my willingness would result in a quicker punishment.

CRACK. CRACK. He seemed to have ignored my comment and just began flexing the whip across my exposed backside. CRACK. CRACK. Even though he dried it off, the wetness of the switch fostered an extra series of stings that I didn't think were possible, it made the branch denser. CRACK. CRACK. Unfortunately, though, it accelerated the transfer of heat from his swing. Undoubtedly, I will sit with pain for the next few days. CRACK. CRACK.

"Mr. Davis, please stop!" I edged forward some, trying to keep myself balance.

CRACK. CRACK. "Stay still, don't move forward or I'll give you extra." CRACK. CRACK. CRACK.

"I-it hurts so much." I cried, covering my mouth with my hand so I couldn't yell.

CRACK. CRACK. He was moving all over the place, sometimes making sure the lashes overlapped with one another and it was causing an insurmountable pain that traveled to my stomach. The snot running down my nose distracted me some from the few strands of hair sticking to my cheeks from their wetness, but the pounding in my head from the assault couldn't be ignored. CRACK. CRACK. CRACK.

"I'm s-so s-sorry." I whispered under my breath as I squeezed my knees tighter, trying to let the tension build in my thighs to distract me from my backside.

Putting his hand on my lower back, he forcibly made the last few especially hard. CRACK. CRACK. 

"Get dressed." He moved away, setting the switch on the dining room table.

When I went to straighten my back, my entire body just gave up and I found myself kneeling on the floor. Trying to catch my breath, I felt Mr. Davis' hands grab mine as he hoisted me up and let me use his arm to steady myself.

"Calm down, breathe." He told me.

I began taking deep breaths through my mouth, reaching over to the coffee for a tissue I blew my nose and dried my tears even though new ones replaced them. He waited until I had calmed down enough before handing me the bottle of water sitting near the couch, forcing me to drink to steady my breathing.

"Have a seat the table." He motioned to the dining room.

Looking at the hard wooden chairs, I instantly reached behind and began rubbing my sore bottom. I had to force myself to gently sit down, wincing almost immediately at the contact.

"Your principal would like you to write 'I will not use my phone during class' on three pages of paper, front and back." He handed me a pencil and then a stack of lined paper.

I spread the paper out, noticing that there were five pages rather than the exact amount the principal demanded. We made eye contact.

"You're going to write five to ensure the message sinks in."

"Y-yes sir." My shoulders slumped, but I knew anything more would lead to more trouble.

It shouldn't take me that long, and I don't have a lot of other homework to do tonight but I longed to throw myself on my bed.

"It had better be neat and easy to read." He demanded, motioning for me to begin.

I nodded, clicking my pencil to push out lead before writing my name in the top left-side of the margin.

Mr. Davis sat on the couch, the television playing lowly parallel to him and adjacent to me

I tried to silence my crying, but it was too forceful, I found myself wiping my cheeks after almost every written word. The pain of contact was causing a burning sting that radiated in my thighs.

I stopped halfway through the first page, again to dry my eyes, but mostly because there was so much pain going on that I was getting a headache. This time, I wiped my cheeks on my shoulders.

"This is child abuse." I said spitefully.

"I don't want to hear any backtalk Naomi, do you understand?" He shot me a warning look.

"Yes sir."

He turned the volume down, coldly staring at me from the couch until he reached the staircase as he went upstairs. 

The sound of a doorknob had filled the silence, then the latch unclicked and the front door opened. There's no way Mr. Davis would have made it downstairs that fast. There were two people that came to mind, even though one was more pleasant than the other, I was hoping it was Mr. Patry. He at least has seen me like this before, but then there would be no one at the Academy. So, it must be Sarah. 

The sound of her heels solidified my theory, "Just popping in to see how everything is going..." She stopped immediately, probably when she pulled sight of me.

"H-hi Sarah." I tried to say clearly.

"Hi honey," she came forward, not sure of how to address the situation. "where's Howard?"

There was some disturbance in her voice, as if she were shocked by this. I can't imagine why she would be; after all, her bother is an Administrator at the most renowned disciplinary academy in the state. And, as he is now my guardian and since I cannot seem to keep myself out of trouble, she should have known one day she would see me like this. 

"He w-went upstairs." I put down my pencil.

She nodded, glancing over at the switch. "Okay, do you mind if I wait here for him?"

"N-no ma'am." I shook my head before picking up my pencil to continue writing. 

I could feel the sear of her watching eyes reading my writing, and even though I knew she was not judging me, I still felt ashamed to be writing this. 

Boldly standing, not being able to withstand that pain combined with the emotional suffering, I involuntarily squeezed out a few more tears in front her. 

"Hey," She came closer to me, wrapping me in her arms. "it's okay. Take a few breaths." She motioned for me to follow her demonstration of deep breaths. 

Her hug was warm, her arms had went around my neck with her left hand curling to the back of my head. Exactly how my mom used to hug me. 

"Sarah." Mr. Davis said as he entered the room. 

I immediately broke free and sat back down, afraid of getting in more trouble. 

"Naomi don't stop on my account." He said with a sigh, motioning to Sarah. "You can hug her for as long as you need." 

I looked back up at Sarah, but ignored her sympathetic eyes and picked up my pencil. "I'll go back to writing so I can finish." 

They both gazed at me for a moment, before Mr. Davis put his hands on the rim of one of the chairs and addressed Sarah, "We'll speak in the kitchen." 


"Coffee? Water?" I offered her.

She shook her head, leaning her palms against the island counter while I walked toward the fridge and grabbed a water for Naomi. Twirling it in my hands, I leaned against the kitchen sink and waited for her to speak. She kept her eyes on her hands, not able to look me in the eyes.

"Alright," I sighed. "let's hear it."

"What?" She responded defensively.

I shook my head, resting my crossed arms against my chest, "You're not a supporter of corporal punishment so out with it."

"We don't agree on the subject." She glanced over her shoulder, hearing Naomi sniffling in the other room.

"You think I like doing it?" I asked, my finger immediately pressing into my chest.

"Then why do you do it?"

"Because it's an effective form of discipline..."

"Studies have shown that children subjected to corporal punishment are more likely to develop aggressive behaviors..." 

"I know the statistics Sarah, don't 'report' them to me." She gave me a smug face. "I agree that corporal punishments do not work in every instance nor with every child, but Naomi learns well from them. Her behavior and the progress she's made since transitioning to the Academy has shown that." 

"Think about it Howard, giving a spanking for every infraction? Wouldn't you expect even children to become used to the punishment? Thus eliminating the very purpose of giving it in the first place." 

"We never repeat the same spanking. The severity varies. We mirror it to the unpredictability of life." I spit back. "For example, whenever you do some wrong, irresponsible or anything adverse in your life, you can always expect a consequence.... but you don't know anything about that consequence, which is why we emphasize learning through experience. Yes, she knew she was going to be punished, specifically spanked, for this, but she didn't know when, how many, what item will be used...the entire nature of the spanking in unpredictable. Much like in life."

That seemed to have made her quiet. Probably the longest I've ever witnessed her silent.

"Please don't think I'm doing this out of anger, look at it more as I'm coursing her through difficult waters in the best and most caring way I know how."

She smiled, "You're so good with words, I don't see why you need to hit and then send her on her way."

"I'm not a perpetrator Sarah. Of course, Naomi and I discuss her actions and the resulting consequences before and even after the punishment. But sometimes words alone are not enough to get through to children. I know good people who were subjected to corporal punishment..."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, really like who?"

"My wife." I said point blank.

She took a moment to consider it, the epiphany coming clear on her face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry that wasn't fair."

"I would like to think I turned out okay." I added.

"You did. I wasn't trying to make you feel incompetent." She reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Believe me, the day I find Naomi's behavior no longer needs a spanking as a form of corrective discipline, I will immediately put an end to it."

She looked down, not entirely satisfied with me. "Do whatever you think is best for her, you're her guardian and...and I trust your judgment."

"Then you could at least act like it in the presence of her." 

"Are you referring to the fact that I hugged her....?"

"No! No, of course not. It made me happy to see that you comforted her, I'm only asking that you don't, through indiscretion or carelessness, contradict me in front of her." 

Nodding, she crossed her arms. "I won't."

"Thank you." 

"I'll see you another time." She hoisted her purse strap up further on her shoulder before turning to leave.

I stayed in the kitchen to gather me thoughts, I had heard her and Naomi exchange their goodbyes before she walked out the front door. 

"Are you saying that you're against corporal punishment?" I asked, watching as she rested her feet on the wall. "I don't know if I agree."

"No, not necessarily. I don't disagree with the discipline methods my dad used for my brother and I, I'm just saying that I don't think I would be able to do it." She looked at me upside down, her hair spread out around her on the brown bedsheets. "I think you should be the disciplinarian." 

"You want to do a good-cop, bad-cop form of parenting?" I smiled. "And being the disciplinarian would make me bad-cop." 

"You'd be firm cop, not bad-cop." 

I sighed, putting my pants back on. "I have no idea what I'll do when we have our first kid." 

We had been talking about it for sometime and, not that I didn't enjoy the time we spent in bed, ever since we put the plan into action it's been like a ticking time-bomb in my head. There was still so much I think we should learn before we have kids of our own. 

"You're going to be a great dad. When the time comes, you'll know what to do." She reached over her head and grabbed my hand, smiling at me upside down. "Trust me." 

She always had a way of instilling confidence in me. I bent over to plant a kiss on her forehead. 



"Naomi." He said, the sound of his unexpected voice causing me to jump.

I turned around, trying to pull focus of my dizzy vision enough to realize he wasn't anywhere near me. Walking to the doorway, I could see he had moved back to the couch. Still crying, still in shock from the assault, I walked uncomfortably to the other side.

"How much of that did you hear?"

I knew what he was referencing, and to be honest, I barely heard a word they said. My sobbing mixed with the cheering audience on the tv blocked a lot of the sound around me.

"I-I didn't hear anything sir."

"It's okay if you did, you can tell me."

I shook my head, "I really didn't hear anything."

He looked at me with soft eyes, he was trying to keep his Administrator appearance intact, but I could see right through it.

"You can continue writing in a little." Motioning me forward, he leaned forward. "Come here sweetheart." 

I hesitated but then walked to him quickly, sitting myself on his lap. He pulled me into a hug, allowing my arms to wrap around his neck.

His warming embrace made me burst into tears, my mind aching to confide in someone. "Mr. Davis it hurt so much." I cried into his shoulder.

"I know, I know it did." I could feel him try to nod, "I hope you understand why I did what I did." 

"I do, I learned my lesson." I tried to assure him, hoping that he wasn't angry with me anymore.

"Good, good." He rested his chin on the top of my head. "Why don't you go take a bath and change our of your uniform, I'll have dinner ready when you finish."

I nodded, "Okay." 

I had consented to his offer but I couldn't convince myself to let him go. He felt so tender, his hug made me want to close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep. 

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