The Archer's Princess

By KylaxMings

12.8K 241 20

Shantae Imani had just moved up to Monday Night Raw and she's the youngest superstar in the WWE. Rhea Ripley... More

Character Info
Chapter 1: Meet The Princess
Chapter 2: Royal Rumble
Chapter 3: In Case Of The Ex
Chapter 4: Messy Smackdown
Chapter 5: Move On
Chapter 6: Valentine's Day
Chapter 8: Catching Feelings
Chapter 9: Jail Time
Chapter 10: Fight To The Top

Chapter 7: Once And For All

829 17 1
By KylaxMings

(Shantae's POV)

{Monday February 15th, 2021}

After a whole morning of shopping to replace my hair routine kit, I returned back to Damian's house. He was with me the whole time cause he wanted to come and get out of the house. Knowing how Damian is, he doesn't really like staying in the house for too long. "I didn't know you would need all that stuff just for your hair." He says as we stepped inside. I replied with a hum and nodded. "Yes. You think it's easy to keep this hair luscious and silky? And I have a lot of it, as you can see." I let my long black and blonde skunk streak hair out of its messy ponytail, causing it to drop down to my mid-thighs. "And my blonde streaks need a touch up." I added. Damian looked and nodded. "You do have beautiful hair, though." He says to me. "Mhm. And I plan to keep it that way." I said back. "I'ma put these in the bathroom. Do you have extra bags? I'm gonna need something to put my stuff in when I klep them back from Austin and Carmella." I asked him. "Yeah, I have a few extra. Check in my closet." He tells me.

I nodded and went into his room. I put my hair stuff in the bathroom and I made my way over to the closet. I looked and found the duffle bags. But they were on the top of the closet and too high up. "Yo, Damo!" I called for Damian. "Yeah?" I heard him answer back. "I need your—" I cut my own sentence off with a snicker when I saw Damian poking his head through the doorway. I don't know why but I found that so funny and cute how he just came running. "What? What's so funny?" Damian chuckled as he walked into the room. "I like how you popped up like that." I giggled, causing him to smile. "Did you need anything?" He asked me. "Yes. I need your height. The bags are up there and I'm too short." I told him. "Alright, I'll get 'em for you." He reached up on top of the closet and grabbed the bags for me.

"Thank you, papi." I thanked him as he handed them to me. When I called him papi, Damian started blushing. "Papi, huh? It's been a while since I've been called that." He grinned. I nodded with a smile of my own. "Why not? You give me nicknames. So I'll give you one." I said. "Fair enough." He nodded.

For the rest of the afternoon, I fixed my hair before we went back out again and had some fun before we got ready for Raw. As soon as we arrived at the Thunderdome for Raw tonight, Damian and I linked up with Bad Bunny. "Hey, guys!" He greets us. "Hey, man! What's up?" Damian dapped him up. "Hey! Dude, congrats on getting booked for SNL! That's dope!" I said to him. "Gracias, mamita. 'Preciate it. Enough about me, though. Are you okay about what happened?" Bad Bunny wanted to check-in with me.

"I'm good. My house isn't, but I'm good." I replied to him. "Damn. I'm sorry." Bunny gave me an apologetic look. "Everything was a wreck. He also stole some things from her. It was insane." Damian chimed in. I nodded, confirming what he said was true. "That's why I have these duffle bags to steal my shit back." I revealed the duffle bags to Bad Bunny. "This guy is something else. He's out of pocket." Bunny shook his head. "Way out of pocket. And I'm sure Carmella helped him. I'ma get my shit back and put an end to this once and for all. I'm sick of this crap." I said to him.

"You mean we." Damian corrected me. "We?" I looked at him. "Yes. As in you and me. Like I said. I'm not letting you deal with Austin and Carmella by yourself. The fact that Austin had the audacity to destroy your home gives me another reason to wanna whoop and trash his ass. And we're gonna do it together." He insisted. And he held my hand when he said that. I gave him a small smile and he nodded as he winked at me. "Just kiss already. I know y'all want to." Bad Bunny spoke up, causing both me and Damian to laugh.

"Hush." Damian swatted at him. "What? Just saying." Bad Bunny chuckled. "Anyways, all jokes aside. Can you still live in your place, mamita?" He asked me. "I could. The house itself is fine, it's just everything inside is all jacked up. I could still live there but it's gonna take an eternity to clean and replace everything. And Austin might do it again and might actually try to blow it up. So I think it's best if I stay with Damian." I said. When I said I was gonna move in with Damian, I saw his face light up out of the corner of my eye. This man is so adorable without even trying. "Okay. That's good." Bad Bunny nodded. "Aight. I'ma go get my stuff back and get ready. I'll see y'all later." I said to the two boys. "Alright, mija. See you later." Damian says, giving me a hug. "See you, papi." I said back, returning the hug before walking away with the duffle bags in hand. Time for 'Operation: Steal My Shit Back And Rescue RuRu' to start.

I walked down the corridor until I found his green room. Here we go. I thought as I approached the door. I turned the doorknob and to my surprise, it was wide open. I swear this man is too stupid for his own good. If you're gonna steal my stuff, at least pretend you don't want me to get them back by not making them so easy to access. Moron. I swung the door open and saw neither Austin or Carmella. And honestly, I could care less if they're in here or not. I just came to get my stuff and dip. I opened the duffle bags and got them ready to get stuffed with my belongings. "Alright. Where did this mothafucker hide my stuff at?" I mumbled to myself, going around the greenroom and looking for my stuff. I looked on the table and saw my Nintendo Switch. I went towards it, grabbed it, and threw it in the bag. I looked some more and found my PS5 and XBox. I grabbed them and put them in the duffle bag with my Switch, cables and all. Gently, though. Don't wanna break them.

I looked in the vanity drawer and saw all my jewelry. I grabbed them and put them in the other duffle bag. I'm cleaning house here. Now I need my clothes, shoes, and find where RuRu is. I looked in the closet and there, I saw my clothes and shoes. I also found that none of my shoes are in their shoe boxes. And not only that. Some of my Jordans were creased and dirty. Which means he probably stepped on them. He must have a death wish. I grabbed my clothes and shoes and stuffed them in the bag. I also found my makeup stuff. I didn't know this was stolen, too! Carmella probably took it. She's so lucky we don't have a match tonight. I'll have her by her head.

"I think that's everything. But I don't see RuRu." I muttered to myself. I looked around the greenroom one more time for my RuRu plush. But I couldn't find him anywhere. "Ugh! Where is he??" I fretted. If RuRu is not in this room, Carmella must be walking around with him. I zipped up the duffle bags, picked them up and left Austin's dressing room. I walked around the hallways of the Thunderdome, searching for Carmella holding a giant marshmallow-looking plushie. After a few minutes of looking, I eventually find her. She was talking to Eva Marie, showing off MY RuRu plushie like she bought it or Austin got it for her. She makes me sick! In that instant, I just saw red. It's on sight!

I put my duffle bags down and ran to Carmella. "You dumb. Fucking. Bitch!!! I'm gonna fuck you up!!!" I yelled as I punched her in the face, sending her to the floor. "Aaaahhh!!! My face!!!" She screamed. "What the hell??" Eva was caught off guard. "Give me this!!! This is mine, not yours!!" I snatched RuRu away from her. I examined RuRu to make sure there wasn't any dirty spots or tears. He was clean and not ripped. I glanced down at Carmella, who was still on the ground, holding her face. She tried to scoot away from me but I stepped on her foot, stopping her. "Nah-ah-ah. Get your dumbass back here." I dictated. "Let me go!" Carmella tried to move her foot from under mine. But I kept my foot there. I crouched down, tucking RuRu under my arm. I grabbed her hair and forced her to look at me. "Listen here, thief. You got lucky. But if you ever think about stealing from me again, I'll rearrange that face so bad even plastic surgery won't help you. Don't ever touch my stuff again! Got it?" I glared daggers through her eyes before I shoved her head back down. Holding RuRu with both of my hands, I removed my foot off of Carmella's before turning on my heels and walked away with a flip of my hair.

I'm glad I have RuRu back. I missed him so much. I gave the plush a loving squeeze before I picked up my duffle bags and went to my own greenroom. I went into my greenroom and put RuRu and the duffle bags in a safe place. I then decided to get ready. I don't have a match but I do have an interview segment with the boys. So I wanna get ready for that. I already took a shower before coming to the Thunderdome but I freshened up for good measure. I got changed into my outfit, which was this.

I left my hair down and straight and I did my makeup. I checked myself out in my full body mirror and I nodded to myself, happy with my fit. I think this is one of my favorite outfits. I really like this. It's edgy and badass. And Goddess-like. I like this one a lot. And it's giving me Blackpink vibes and I love me some Blackpink. I'm a huge Blink. Teume-Blink, if you will. I took some mirror selfies and posted them before I left the greenroom. I went to go meet up with Bad Bunny and Damian. I saw them and there was some commotion. There was a referee and Akira Tozawa had successfully taken the 24/7 title from R-Truth and he had ran into Damian when he was busy celebrating. I didn't walk up to them yet 'cause I wanted to watch what happens next.

Damian stares down Akira, who's much shorter than him, and Akira is just standing there frozen. Damian then proceeded to throw him against the equipment boxes, knocking him out. I flinched at the impact. I know that's gotta hurt. Bad Bunny just looked at him and Damian stepped aside. "Go ahead. Cover him." Damian encouraged him to take the title. Bad Bunny hesitantly covered Akira and got the 3-count, getting the 24/7 title. "Ayy!" Damian smiled and BB celebrated happily. I chuckled at their happiness. They're so cute. I proceeded to approach them as they were walking away with the title. "Hey, guys!" I caught up to them. "Hola, mija! Woah." Damian smiled warmly and then he saw my fit.

"Sup, girl." Bunny says. "Damn, you look beautiful, mamita." Damian complimented me, checking me out. "Thanks, papi." I grinned. "Did you get your stuff back?" He asked me. "Yeah, I did. And I found RuRu." I smiled. "Oh good. He was in good condition?" He said, causing me to nod in response. "She got lucky with that one." I answered. "Excuse me, you three." Sarah came up to us. "Sarah, hey." I greeted her. "What's up, Sarah." Bad Bunny grins. "Hi, guys. As of late, you three have been turning heads and making yourselves known. Damian Priest with your debut at the Royal Rumble, Bad Bunny with your appearance on SNL and Shantae with your amazing Monday Night Raw debut. How does it feel to be riding this high?" She asked us. "It feels great, Sarah. And it's even better when I'm hanging around our little princesa, Shantae Imani and a megastar who's performing on Saturday Night Live, Bad Bunny." Damian speaks first. "That's what's up." Bad Bunny smiled. "Yessir. BB just became 24/7 champ. How's that for turning heads?" I added on. "As I saw. Congratulations, Bad Bunny." She smiled at him. "Thank you so much. It's an honor." Bad Bunny thanked her. "My guess is we're gonna be seeing the 24/7 title on SNL tomorrow night. What if R-Truth or any of the other superstars show up?" Sarah asked him. "Good question." Damian chuckled. "We'll figure something out." I answered.

"There she is!" I heard Carmella's voice. I looked ahead and saw Carmella with Austin walking up to me. "Ugh...not you over here interrupting our interview." I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" Damian questioned them in an irritated tone. "I want all of my stuff back, thief. Including Carmella's plush." Austin walked up in my face, pushing me. "Motha--" I was cut off before I could finish the word. "Back off her, man." Bad Bunny got in front of me. "Who are you pushing, asshole?" Damian shoved him back. Austin chuckled, "Oh, what's this? You got these two to be your lapdogs." He snickered. Carmella giggled, "Looks like the little girl can't fight her own battles." She ridiculed with a laugh. I stepped in between Damian and Bad Bunny and stood in front of them. "What? You jealous?" I smirked. "Either way, you're not getting all that shit back. Know why? Because all that shit doesn't belong to you. The clothes, shoes, jewelry and consoles, all that is mine. I bought all that with my own money. The only thing I didn't pay for was RuRu. Damian bought it and gave it to me. Your name is nowhere on any of the receipts. And you say I'm the thief, but who were the two dumbasses that broke into my house and stole everything? Right. Y'all two." I went on.

"I think you forgot, Shantae. What's yours is mine. Regardless if I bought it or not. So just give them back to me and no one gets hurt." Austin says to me. "Forget it, Austin. That's her stuff and hers alone. I bought that plush for her and only for her. I know you probably can't comprehend that. But you'll comprehend this." Then Damian suddenly socked Austin Theory right in the face, sending him tumbling to the floor. "Austin! Are you kidding me?? Who do you think you are??" Carmella had the nerve to push Damian. "Back up, bitch!" I threw her down and started slugging her with punches. "Get off me!" Carmella tried to fight back. I continued to drag her and I heard Damian, BB and Austin going at it. The commotion caused the officials to come out. "Hey! Break it up, guys! That's enough!" They shouted as I felt myself being pulled back. "Let me at her!!" I tried to squirm my way out of their grasps. "Shantae, chill! It's over with!" The officials said back.

"What's going on here??" I heard Sonya's voice. I looked and Sonya Deville had walked up. "What's the problem?" Sonya asked. "This hobbit stole our stuff!" Austin said. "No she didn't, Sonya. Those two broke in her house and took everything." Damian defended me. "You weren't even there! How would you know?" Carmella says. "Your names were on the walls, stupid ass!!" I said back. "Alright!" Sonya barked, causing us to be silent. "Now Shantae, I heard about your house and I know it was Austin and Carmella cause they wouldn't stop bragging about it when they came into the Thunderdome." Sonya looks over at the two of them and they rolled their eyes. "I should report you both to the police and I will. But before I do, I'm sure you two wanna get your hands on them one last time." She added, turning to me and Damian. "Yes. I wanna end this once and for all. I'm sick of it." I said. "And you will. Next week in a mixed-tag match. You and Damian Priest versus Carmella and Austin Theory." Sonya says to us. "What?!" Carmella squeaked. "You heard me. The four of you. Mixed-tag match. Next week." Sonya said before walking off. "What's wrong, Mella? Too pretty to fight?" I mocked her. She stood there, glaring at me. "Ain't no running and hiding anymore, Austin. See you next week." Damian said before me, Bad Bunny and Damian walked away.

"We're finally putting an end to this." Bad Bunny sighed. "Yes! This whole situation is tired." I rolled my eyes in exhaustion. "And on top of that, they'll be in jail for what they did." Damian added on. "Yessir!" I grinned and we hung out for the rest of the night before going home. I'm so glad I have all my stuff back. Damian shares his bed with me and I snuggled with my RuRu plush.


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