Chapter 7: Once And For All

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(Shantae's POV)

{Monday February 15th, 2021}

After a whole morning of shopping to replace my hair routine kit, I returned back to Damian's house. He was with me the whole time cause he wanted to come and get out of the house. Knowing how Damian is, he doesn't really like staying in the house for too long. "I didn't know you would need all that stuff just for your hair." He says as we stepped inside. I replied with a hum and nodded. "Yes. You think it's easy to keep this hair luscious and silky? And I have a lot of it, as you can see." I let my long black and blonde skunk streak hair out of its messy ponytail, causing it to drop down to my mid-thighs. "And my blonde streaks need a touch up." I added. Damian looked and nodded. "You do have beautiful hair, though." He says to me. "Mhm. And I plan to keep it that way." I said back. "I'ma put these in the bathroom. Do you have extra bags? I'm gonna need something to put my stuff in when I klep them back from Austin and Carmella." I asked him. "Yeah, I have a few extra. Check in my closet." He tells me.

I nodded and went into his room. I put my hair stuff in the bathroom and I made my way over to the closet. I looked and found the duffle bags. But they were on the top of the closet and too high up. "Yo, Damo!" I called for Damian. "Yeah?" I heard him answer back. "I need your—" I cut my own sentence off with a snicker when I saw Damian poking his head through the doorway. I don't know why but I found that so funny and cute how he just came running. "What? What's so funny?" Damian chuckled as he walked into the room. "I like how you popped up like that." I giggled, causing him to smile. "Did you need anything?" He asked me. "Yes. I need your height. The bags are up there and I'm too short." I told him. "Alright, I'll get 'em for you." He reached up on top of the closet and grabbed the bags for me.

"Thank you, papi." I thanked him as he handed them to me. When I called him papi, Damian started blushing. "Papi, huh? It's been a while since I've been called that." He grinned. I nodded with a smile of my own. "Why not? You give me nicknames. So I'll give you one." I said. "Fair enough." He nodded.

For the rest of the afternoon, I fixed my hair before we went back out again and had some fun before we got ready for Raw. As soon as we arrived at the Thunderdome for Raw tonight, Damian and I linked up with Bad Bunny. "Hey, guys!" He greets us. "Hey, man! What's up?" Damian dapped him up. "Hey! Dude, congrats on getting booked for SNL! That's dope!" I said to him. "Gracias, mamita. 'Preciate it. Enough about me, though. Are you okay about what happened?" Bad Bunny wanted to check-in with me.

"I'm good. My house isn't, but I'm good." I replied to him. "Damn. I'm sorry." Bunny gave me an apologetic look. "Everything was a wreck. He also stole some things from her. It was insane." Damian chimed in. I nodded, confirming what he said was true. "That's why I have these duffle bags to steal my shit back." I revealed the duffle bags to Bad Bunny. "This guy is something else. He's out of pocket." Bunny shook his head. "Way out of pocket. And I'm sure Carmella helped him. I'ma get my shit back and put an end to this once and for all. I'm sick of this crap." I said to him.

"You mean we." Damian corrected me. "We?" I looked at him. "Yes. As in you and me. Like I said. I'm not letting you deal with Austin and Carmella by yourself. The fact that Austin had the audacity to destroy your home gives me another reason to wanna whoop and trash his ass. And we're gonna do it together." He insisted. And he held my hand when he said that. I gave him a small smile and he nodded as he winked at me. "Just kiss already. I know y'all want to." Bad Bunny spoke up, causing both me and Damian to laugh.

"Hush." Damian swatted at him. "What? Just saying." Bad Bunny chuckled. "Anyways, all jokes aside. Can you still live in your place, mamita?" He asked me. "I could. The house itself is fine, it's just everything inside is all jacked up. I could still live there but it's gonna take an eternity to clean and replace everything. And Austin might do it again and might actually try to blow it up. So I think it's best if I stay with Damian." I said. When I said I was gonna move in with Damian, I saw his face light up out of the corner of my eye. This man is so adorable without even trying. "Okay. That's good." Bad Bunny nodded. "Aight. I'ma go get my stuff back and get ready. I'll see y'all later." I said to the two boys. "Alright, mija. See you later." Damian says, giving me a hug. "See you, papi." I said back, returning the hug before walking away with the duffle bags in hand. Time for 'Operation: Steal My Shit Back And Rescue RuRu' to start.

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