life is full fill with you

By sumellika99

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🦋in short🦋
🦋 chapter 1 🦋
🦋 chapter 2 🦋
🦋 chapter 3🦋
🦋 chapter 4 🦋
🦋 Chapter 5 🦋
🦋chapter 6🦋
🦋 chapter 7 🦋
🦋 Chapter 8 🦋
🦋 chapter 9 🦋
🦋 Chapter 10 🦋
🦋 Chapter 11 🦋
🦋 Chapter 12 🦋
🦋 Chapter 13 🦋
🦋 Chapter 14 🦋
🦋 Chapter 15 🦋
🦋 Chapter 17 🦋
🦋 Chapter 18 🦋

🦋 Chapter 16 🦋

202 18 2
By sumellika99

You know things changed in my life in seconds o don't know how I feel now it is mixed feelings maybe this is what is my destiny to happen this is what God wants . I am not that bad that God will be so cruel somewhere in my life he would have planned happiness for me the love I am logging for things change and now I need to change don't know how or why I have to change but yes I have to move on forget what happened I need to get out of it . But yaa one thing can't be changed that is my love for him it will never erase in my life nor I won't let anyone remove him he will stay in my heart forever and ever . I want his happiness more that him of he really happy with riya then yes is I'll support him as a best friend I will love him as a best friend just something's wouldn't change even if we want maybe it is my destiny that it should happen like this . I went inside the washroom and sat in my tub with was full of warm water not so warm not so cool they are in medium temparature.  I sat in tub closing my relaxing myself  remembering what just have few movements before which wasn't a dream and unbelievably reality who h is one of the bad memory in my life.  Hours passed like seconds I lost the count of time in the I heard the knock at my door . I got up from the tub and got myself dressed ina siple frock still it looked beautiful and I opened the door to find Monica there

" Hey mon what happened you here is anything wrong and you look dull what happened " I asked seeing she looked so dull

" I just got in to fight with basantt and it is very bad that he is not even talking with me and I have no idea what I have to do I came here that I could really myself a bit with you " she replied sadly looking at me

" Come on come inside just relax everything will be fine and normal we all know about his temper right give him some time let him cool down everything will be normal again you just relax stop worrying come on get inside " is aod at her smiling

Monica came in and I closed the door and turned towards her .

" Come on sit what are you standing " i said
Listening me she sat at the edge of the bed I went and sat beside her

" Every thing will be fine naa mallika " mom asked me

" It will be mon you just relax everything will be alright " I said her patting her back

" You know mallika our life won't be as we expected we expect something and here something happened just our life is not in our hands " Monica said

" Our life is in our hands mon what to do what not to do we can decide no one have right to say us to do a particular thing what happens might god write but with our willpower we can change that have trust and faith in yourself be strong you can just do it we are not weak mon for little things don't imagine these all ' I said

Ok did I really wait am i really myself I never gives lecture right so why did I give towards ok something happened and I just gave it that's it

" Mallika is that really you who is talking or am I taking to a wall or some kind of invisible gost " she asked

" Ofcourse it is me " I said

" But I don't think that it is you Mallika you never talk these kind of words what happened is everything fine with you " she asked

" Every thing is fine mon just Northing I just felt it to say so I just said it that's it " I said

" Mallika I am like you sister I am understand you what happened what wrong mal come say it if you see me really as your sister " she said

I looked at her and tears just started flowing I couldn't stop myself so o hugged her tightly and started to cry .

" What happened mallika . Say me I am here right what happened " mon asked

" Sumedh he just ----,,,”

" What happened mallika what did sumedh do did he hurt you " she asked

" He he lied he lied he lied ... On that day .. he said he loves me but no he didn't he didn't love me he just lied he lied to save me just to save me he said that " I said while crying hard .

" How did you know that mallika " she asked

" He himself said that he just did that to save me and he don't feel anything for we are just friends " I said

" When did this all happened " mon asked

" Just after the meeting with the chief ' I said

' oh my god mallika I am really sorry i don't know that it is going to happen like this how can sumedh do like he gave you hopes and said that it northing I really didn't expect this from sumedh huh just don't cry mallika everything will be fine everything will be normal just stop crying " she said while rubbing my tears 

" You know Moni my Life just changed in seconds I decided that from now I am going to be strong I am not weak just for sumedh I am not going to cry it is his fault he rejected me from now I am mallika I am a CBI agent and I will do my job Northing other than that " I said

" That's my girl I am really so proud of you you are great come on let's leave all out sad movement and memories away and let's hangout where do you want to go " Moni asked

Hangout ok wow that is going be a change and also a good start for new thing hmm where can we yep this is going to be amazing

" Moni we will go to shopping have dinner and a second show movie "  i said

" That's great choice mallika I am going to my room I will get ready and you to get redy and call me I will be waiting in the parking ok " Moni said

" Ok " I said

" Ok then I am going bye " Moni said

" Bye " I replied

She went out ok now it is time to get ready wow now let's get ready for the hangout

Well hi hello how are you all and yes i know it has been so long I updated a part but I am really so sorry my offline classes started and my exams are very near so I couldn't update and here this part is on accounts fo


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