Reset (Rwby X Male Reader)

By WriterNPC4564

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Sometimes you have to start over again to get the better end First story so just testing the waters More

Chapter ??? Is This The End?
Chapter 1:Back to The Start. (edited)
Chapter 2:Blasting Off Again. (edited)
Chapter 3:First Day of School. (edited)
Chapter 4:The Start of Change.(edited)
Chapter 5:Time For a Celebration.(edited)
Chapter 6:Helping A Kitty Cat.(edited)
Chapter 6.5:Going to Vale with Ruby
Chapter 6.5:Training with Yang
Chapter 6.5:Rewarding Jaune's Training.
Chapter 7 Another Day. (Edited)
Chapter 8:Meeting A Old Friend. (edited)
Chapter 9:Some Bonding Time with Elijah.
Chapter 10:Dance Dance. (edited)
Chapter 11:Hunter Mission Inbound.(edited)
Chapter 12 Recovering.
Chapter 13 The Vytal Festival Begins!
Chapter 13.5 A Small Date With Ruby.
Chapter 14 Meeting The Uncle (Second Dad).
Chapter 15:I've Seen This Before. (edited)
Chapter 16:Back to Where I Left Off.(edited)
Chapter 17:Waking Up Again.
Chapter 18:Facing the Guilt
Chapter 19:New Feelings.
Chapter 20:Making Plans
Chapter 21:Leaving the City
Chapter 22:Reunited
Chapter 23:The Truth Can Be A Curse
Chapter 24:Talking About the Pain a Little
Chapter 25:Meeting An Old Enemy
Chapter 26:Ending a Friendship
Chapter 27:What a Trainwreck
Chapter 28:Revealing an Old Secret
Chapter 29:Stressful Events
Chapter 30:Making a Quick Getaway
Chapter 31:Seeing a Redhead Again
Chapter 32:A Small Bump in the Road
Chapter 34:Leviathan!!!
Chapter 35:Welcome Back to Atlas
Chapter 36:Keeping Secrets Are We?
Chapter 37:First Part of the Plan
Chapter 38:Wanting Revenge
Chapter 39:What a First Encounter
Chapter 40:A Rigged Election
Chapter 41:A Downhill Slope
Reset Finale Pt.1
Reset Final Pt.2 (needs edited)
The Good Ending (edited)

Chapter 33:"Borrowing" an Atlas Ship

514 21 4
By WriterNPC4564

Weiss, Saphron holding Adrian, and Y/N was walking behind Caroline with the two guards from yesterday stomping behind them. Weiss was pulling along a suitcase with wheels passing by guards with the same uniforms.

Caroline:I was relieved to hear that you have come to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart.

Weiss:It was time to get my act together and go back to my roots. (Again.)

They stopped near a Bullhead, and Caroline looks at Weiss.

Caroline:Oh I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps.

Weiss:[fake smiles] Absolutely.

Caroline:I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you and your male friend. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part.

She gave them a wink with the last sentence. But what she said about Y/N being able to come along peaked their interest.

Y/N:Wait, I thought I couldn't go along?

Caroline:When I gave my report of Miss Schnee coming to my base with her "friends" they went of my description of you all and said you were to come back too. Why they want you at Atlas is beyond me, but I shall do what I am ordered.

Y/N:(Must have been someone I met, or uncle just told them about me."

Caroline walks back towards the base as one of the guards offered to handle Weiss's bag, which would ruin their plan if a certain someone was found out.

Guard 1:My, what a heavy bag.

Weiss:That's alright. I can have my friend help me.

Guard 1:Nonsense.

Guard 2:Allow me to assist as well!

Weiss:We can take care of it ourselves.

Y/N and Saphron notice Caroline stoping as Weiss tries to take her "luggage" back. Saphron starts talking to Adrian about what they practiced for. Adrian nods his head before he started to wail in "sadness."

Saphron:Oh no! Look at that, he's just going to miss you two so much! You should hurry on out of here.

Adrian was flailing around and being dramatic as he cried.

Y/N:(He's gonna a be a good actor when he's older.)

Guard 1:A crying child!?

Guard 2:We must console it!

They walked over to it and started to act goofy and do goofy posses and acts. Weiss and Y/N quickly get on the Bullhead.

Weiss:That was close.

Y/N:Wonder how well she's doing in there?

Maria:[muffled] Get me out of here! I'm gonna show him in calling me heavy! It's all muscle!

Ruby:[over Bluetooth earphone] Is everything okay?

Maria:[muffled] I'll show them heavy!

Weiss:We're on board.

Ruby:Alright, we'll all watch our scrolls. The second Weiss is out of range of the Comm Tower, that'll mean she's out of range of the radar too.

Yang:[over Bluetooth earphone] And that's when Blake steps in. We're almost at the drop off.

Y/N:We're getting ready to take off soon it looks like. Adrian seemed to quit his acting and the guards are heading our way.

Ruby:Y/N, be careful.

Y/N:No promises.

The two guards boarded the Bullhead as they muted the others.

Guard 1:Miss Schnee, and co, we are taking off in two minutes. Please be seated and enjoy the ride.

They sat down and waited for take off.

Y/N:Ready for the excitement?

Weiss:No. This isn't exciting, and we're probably gonna regret this.

Y/N:Do you really think so?

Weiss:You should know karma bites everyone in the ass at some point.

Weiss had her Scroll out to watch the signal of the others Scrolls. Y/N was readying himself as he watch the connection bars go lower the further they flied away.

Y/N:Seems it's time.

Weiss:Seems so.

They both walked to the cockpit to start their plan. Weiss was going to go in first to catch their attention.

Guard 1:Miss Schnee! For your own safety, we must request....

Y/N then appears and punches the other guard as Weiss dealt with the first one.

Guard 2:What?

Guard 1:Traitors!

After getting the two together, Weiss uses a glyph to hold them together near the side door.

Guard 1:This parachute won't excuse you of your treachery!

Y/N:Meh. Have a nice flight.

He pushes them off after pulling the string to activate the chute. He then looks over to see Weiss giving him a deadpan expression.



Y/N:They will one day understand why we did this. Even if they don't, oh well.

She rolls her eyes and follows Maria, who they set lose after handling the guards.

Weiss:Are you sure you can fly this?

Maria:Missy, I was the Grimm Reaper!

She pushes a button that raised her seat.

Maria:What part of the best huntress of her generation don't you understand?

Y/N:Different models.

Maria:And? I can still fly it the same. Plus, I keep up with the times I'll let you know.

Weiss:But your eyes.

Maria looks around to see a plug in. She pulls out the wireless plug and plugs it into her her goggles.

Maria:You were saying.

Weiss:That you said your eyes were in desperate need of repair!

Maria:Bup bup bup.


Y/N:Might as well give up, Weiss. She's as hardhead as you.

Weiss:What does that mean?

Maria:It means you are a strong woman who can think for herself.

Y/N:And are very hard to persuasion out of an idea you have set. But she is very experienced, so if Maria thinks she can do it, then I say let her.

Weiss:Ugh. I don't like this.

The radio suddenly goes off as a random guy speaks.

Air Control:Manta 5-1, this is Argus Base. We see you've circled back. What's your status, over.

Weiss:Why can they see us?

Y/N:Something must be going on with the others.

Weiss:I hope it's nothing bad.

Maria:Don't worry, I've worked with Atlas forces before. I know their jargon. [Clears throat] Argus Base, this is Manta 5-1. Feel free to gaff off.

Y/N:We're so getting shot down.

Maria:Thought we were going to scrub due to FOD, but we're back up and green across the board over.

Air Control:Manta 5-1 return to base immediately, or you will be treated as hostile, over.

Weiss:Why did you say that?

Y/N:Cause I didn't think it'll be true! ...Completely anyway.

Weiss:And I thought you said you knew their jargon!

Air Control:Jargon was fine, but our pilots aren't elderly women.

Matia:Oh well, they got me there! Woo, My mind is really going! Why would you kids let me fly this thing?

Y/N:We really might die with you.

Weiss:Don't say that!!

Caroline:Calavera!!! You and those insolent children are up to something, aren't you? You thought you coule undermine my authority? If you don't return my ship this instant, I will make an example out of you. I will show you the true might of Atlas!

Y/N:So she's one of those kinds of people.

Weiss:The crazy delusional kind? Yes.

Maria:Hold on. I got something for her.

She pulls out a small sack of cashews from seemingly nowhere and starts to eat them. Then she makes sure the specialist could hear her.

Maria:You hear that, Cordo? [Chews some more] That's the sound of me not caring!

Maria then starts to laugh like a mad woman. Weiss manages to get in touch with Ruby.

Weiss:Ruby, we're in trouble. Cordo's onto us, and Maria isn't helping! Why is the radar still up?

Ruby:We don't know. Blake isn't responding.

Yang:Keep the ship in one piece.

Y/N:Sounds easy enough. Now how long till they send either their fighters or missiles?

Weiss:You don't actually think they'll blow up the Bullhead with me and you in it, right?

Y/N:If it'll settle her rivalry with Maria...maybe.

Matia:What's going on at the base?

They look to see the small mountain at the base start to shake and rumble. Weiss then let's the others know about it.

Weiss:Guys. She's not sending fighters.

Parts of it started to break off as a giant mech was seen leaving the doors that opened up inside the small mountain.

Caroline:Clearly the people have forgotten that they live in peace thanks to the awesome might of Atlas!

Y/N:Dear lord, how brown is her nose?

Weiss:I have to agree. People in Atlas are smug about Atlas, but this is a whole new level.

Nora:Is Cordo piloting that?

Caroline:Consider this a reminder!

She aimed one of her arms, which was a cannon, and charged up a shot at their Bullhead.

Y/N:I hate being right.

The cannon shot missed, but caused the ships controls to go haywire for a few seconds.

Weiss:Are you okay?

Maria:I am, but I think Y/N is right about her being crazy!

Caroline:And that was merely a warning shot! All Atlas personal standby, and watch your leader maintains order!

She started chasing the Bullhead while still talking.

Caroline:It is time to asked yourselves children. Do you truly wish to defy me?

Ruby:Hurry back, Weiss. I'm gonna need you and Y/N on the ground if we are going to take this thing down.

Weiss:Why is the radar still up? Do you need-

Another shot went my their Bullhead, cutting her off. Y/N looks at his revolver.

Y/N:Maybe I should have gotten something bigger...

Weiss:Are you joking, Ruby? You want to fight that thing?

Ruby:We've fought giant monsters before. This is just a tiny old lady. With one very big robot.

Caroline:You little spider-roaches thought you could creep your way to Atlas? Well, let's see how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlesian Military.

She fires on of her many missiles at the Bullhead, but was shot mid-air by Ruby. The action seemed to only add more fire in making Cordovin's anger.

Caroline:So be it.

She moves closer to those at the cliff side and charges up another shot.


Maria dives to the others as Weiss and Y/N open the side door and Weiss uses a glyph to block the ice shot as they jumped out.

Oscar:That was close.

Ruby:We need to figure out how to stop Cordovin and protect the airship until we do.

Jaune:Let's give her more targets to focus on.

Nora:You mean us, don't you?

Y/N:Come on, Nora, you should be glad to cause destruction against your enemy.

Nora:Only to those close to me! She's out of my reach right now.

Jaune:Look at that thing. It's not designed for small enemies. It's probably meant for giant Grimm that come from deeper waters.

Y/N:Which means we won't have anything on deck to cause anything but a few scratches or small dents. But I guess we won't have to do that if we just get her attention. I say Jaune's plan is the way to go right now.

Jaune:See. We just have to play smart and use our known advantage.

Ruby:Maria, could you keep the ship out of harms way?

Maria:They can take my driver's license, but I won't let them take this ship.

Ren:Very reassuring.

Y/N:Try flying with her. Especially when she starts talking.

Ren:I'll very much pass.

Oscar:I'll be more useful if I go with her. From high up I can try to spot a weakness.

Qrow:He's not the only one who can grab a bird's eye view.

Weiss:You said you needed us on the ground?

Ruby:Not exactly.

Y/N:Why do I have a bad feeling?

Ruby just lets out an evil giggle as she told them her plan. Team JNR runs one way as the ship flies away. Then Weiss uses a glyph that shoots Y/N and Ruby up in the air, and shot their weapons at Cordovin's operator glass. They created two cracks in the glass, which made her more mad. Cordovin shoots missiles at them, but Pyrrha and Y/N start shooting some of them that wouldn't hit the barrier Weiss made from before. Ruby jumps off the few not blown up with her Semblance and falls towards the water Weiss freezes.

Ruby:Let's go!

The two started jumping off icebergs Weiss made for them and Nora caught Cordovin's attention by shooting her grenade launcher at her. The explosions were pink dust clouds.

Jaune:Hey, over here!


She sees them running along the cliff side.

Nora:And you said it wasn't beach season.

Y/N:(Seems they did their part. Now we just have to ours.)

Jaune, Ren, and Nora hid behind rocks, and Nora fires more grenades from her rotary grenade launcher. Caroline raises the mech's hand to form a shield that blocked the three grenades. She laughs at their shocked faces after blocking the hits.

Cordovin:Surely you knew Atlas was the father of hard-light Dust, or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education?

Y/N:Oh my gods, shut up already!!

He shoots his revolver again and the bounce off her armor. She aims her cannon and shot two black crystal dust rounds at Jaune's group first, and Y/N grabbed Pyrrha as the last one was aimed at them.


Y/N:Welcome. We just have to watch her cannon even more now.

Caroline they got busy with trying to catch Maria again. Qrow, who was in his crow form, transformed back to his human form and uses his scythe to stab into Caroline's mech. He then shoots inside the gap he made and tells everyone they'll have to be up close and personal to deal with it because of the shields. Then Ren was heard over their ear piece.

Ren:That's easier said than done.

Ruby tells them her and Weiss were on it.

Y/N:I feel useless back here.

Pyrrha:I can move myself, even with my injury. Go ahead and help them,

Y/N:As nice as that sounds, I can't leave you here. I already promised Jaune and Ruby I would stay near you. All I can do is watch and take pot shots.

Caroline fires missiles at Ruby and Weiss, who tripped her beforehand, and Weiss summons a Queen Lancer for them to ride. Ruby jumps down and spins before digging her scythe into the mech's armor and slides down. The mech stumbles backward and falls against the cliff side, making Caroline scream in anger again.

Y/N:Dear lord, she screams too much.

Pyrrha:Seems like that's all she can do.

Y/N:Then she best start getting better. Cause for a Specialist she sucks.

Pyrrha fires her sniper into the spot Qrow made in the armor and watches the rest of her team start beating the down mech. Caroline managed to get it up, most likely not seeing Ren hanging on the left arm, and tries to slap Ruby, who slid down far enough to be seen through the cockpit window. Weiss catches her after Ruby jumped off. Ren was busy climbing the back of the Mech as Y/N and Pyrrha continued to shoot their guns at it. Ren and Qrow destroy the shield generator, letting their bullets do more damage. Nora then shoots her grenade launcher again.

Nora:You get back here with my man.

Caroline walks towards Nora as she blocked the grenades with her arm.

Cordovin:I've had enough of you ingrates.

Jaune ran over to Nora as Caroline goes to swipe at her. He grabs Nora and reinforces their aura to tank the hit, but both their auras broke after being hit back into a boulder. Then the cannon was aimed at the Queen Lancer Weiss summoned with the others on it and blew it up. Qrow, Weiss, and Ren managed to get back on the cliff side, but Ruby was a few inches short of making it. Y/N acted quickly and jumped down to her and planted his sword in the rock to hold them up.


Y/N:Glad I could get you in time.

Ruby looks away sheepishly.

Ruby:I had it under control.

Cordovin:You see what happens when you think you know better than those rightfully in charge.

They look back to see Caroline readying another cannon shot at them. Maria readies the missiles on her Bullhead and fires one. Caroline catches the missile and threw it back at Maria.

Y/N:(I think Pyrrha and I have jinxed it...)

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