We'll Protect You

By shadow_sky20

53K 1K 238

Gabriella Smith has lived her past 10 years a living hell. At the age of 2, her mother, Arabelle Anderson, ki... More

Characters descriptions
Chapter 1, The beating
Chapter 2, Cleaning
Chapter 3, The news
Chapter 4, Brothers?
Chapter 5, Lorenzo
Chapter 7, He knows
Chapter 8, Shopping
Chapter 9, House Tour
New Story
Chapter 10, Broken glass
Chapter 11, Breakfast
Chapter 12, Memories
Chapter 13, Period

Chapter 6, Meeting them

3.7K 80 26
By shadow_sky20


First the expensive looking SUV'S then the
private jet and now a huge mansion. Before I knew it, we were infront of the mansion and needed to get off of the car.

What if my brothers don't like me?

What if I'm to fat and ugly for them to accept me?

Would they talk to me?

How would they react, when they see me?

My anxiety started to come but before it can, I heard a familiar voice telling me to calm down.

"Gabriella, don't worry, you're brothers will love you." The voice that now I recognize as Lorenzo, says.

I nod my head in response and get out of the car.

Here I go.

Gabriella's pov

As I walked in, in the huge mansion, next to my older brother, I felt stressed.

This mansion was huge.

It was a lot more bigger, than my old house.

As I walked in, I saw a guy, coming down the stairs.

He looks like a model.

He has all the fietures, to be one.

"How are you, Lorenzo?" He asked Lorenzo.

Pretty sure he didn't know I was here cause I was behind Lorenzo.

"I'm good, and you?" Lorenzo asked.

"Normal, btw where is she?" I think they are definitely talking about me cause next thing I know, Lorenzo moves to his left to let the unknown man see me.

The guy came closer as he stepped, to the last staircase step.

"Hello" he said.

Should I talk to him?

I don't want to sound rude, especially when it's my first time meeting him.

"H-hi" I say not looking, at his eyes.

"We all missed you" he said.

I didn'tsaysomething.

What am I supposed to say back?

He continued talking when he knew I wouldn't reply.

"I'm River, your fourth older brother." He said.

Waw, okay so I'm getting a lot of informations since my parents are gone and I don't think I'll be able to remember all of their names.

"River take her to her room" Lorenzo, says.

Wow, I get to have a room and not sleep in their basement.

That's a lot.

Maybe they aren't that bad, after all?

"Sure, come on, little one" River said and started walking off.

I start getting up the stairs and not even in the middle of it, I start getting tired.

Gosh, they have a lot of stairs.

We walk for about five more minutes, before standing in front of a room.

River opens the door and what I see is beautiful.

This room is so beautiful.

The theme was pink, grey and white.

My three favorite colors.

"Do you like it?" River asked, a little but hesitant.

"If you don't, we can redecorate it or add and remove some things."

"N-no, I love it" I say.

The room was beautiful.

Gabriella's room

"I'm glad you love it! Rodrigo and I have worked hard, for your room" River say.

"Who's Rodrigo?" I ask.

River looked at me with a hurt look, on his face.

"Rodrigo is one of your brothers, he's the fifth one, after me."

"T-thank y-you" I said.

"No problem, it was fun decorating your room, anyways."

"I'm gonna get going now, I'll see you at diner, at six." River said and left.

This room is so much than I could've thinked.

Why are they so nice, to me?

Are they just pretending?

Maybe I should relax and start exploring my room and take a shower.

I start walking around and found a big walk in closet.

The walk in closet was white and hadn't had any clothes in it.

It was so big.

I continued and found, my own bathroom.

I look at the clock on my desk and decide to take a fresh shower.

It's now 4h40 wich gives me some time before dinner.

I hope the water isn't cold like it used too, at my old house.

I strip down my clothes and look at my disgusting and fat body.

I can't believe I've gotten much fatter than last week.

Last week I weighted 40kg and this week I probably weight 50kg.

I get into the shower and think of what would happen to me, when my parents get out of jail, as the hot water runs down my body, sliding through my scars and burns.

I get out of the shower and decide to wear my black hoodie and my black sweat pant.

I look at the clock and it's almost time, for diner.

I took much longer than I thought I would, in the shower.

I went to where some books are placed, beside my bed and started to read one.

Thks book is really interesting, whoever bought this book has great choice.

I'm reading "A curse so dark and lonely" for half an hour, before I remembered that I don't know where the kitchen is.

I should maybe start looking for it, before dinner wich is, in ten minutes.

I get out of my room and try to find the same stair cases that led me upstairs, earlier.


I can't find those stair cases.

I'm definitely lost.

Maybe it's on the left, yeah it's probably there, cause I haven't went there to check.

As I walk to the left I see a big door, just like the front door of this mansion.

What is this door?

Why is it so big?

I know snooping around is bad but I get really curious, sometimes.

I get closer to the door and try to open the door but it won't open.

This door is locked.

As I was going to try and open the door again, a hand tapped my right shoulder and made me scream.

"Wow, hey sorry, it's me River" he said and I looked at him surprised.

Why did he do that?

Couldn't he just say my name and not scare me?

"I'm sorry to scare you but what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I-I was l-looking f-for t-th-the ki-kitchen" I say, still scared.

He was about to give me a panic attack.

"Well, I can,assure you that you are totally in the opposite place."He says laughing a little.

"W-what t-time i-is i-it?" I ask, stuttering.

"It's already six fifteen" he says looking at his watch.

"We should get going, we're already late, btw, never come near this door" he says.

I nod my head and we start getting to the kitchen.

I feel so dumb, I was so far, from the kitchen and the stairs weren't even that far away from my room and yet I got lost, in finding my way to the kitchen.

Oh no, all of my brothers will see me at dinner.

What if they don't like me?

As I walk in, in the kitchen with River in front of me, the conversations drops and everyone starts looking at me.

I don't like this, I don't like, being the center of the attention.

Please stop staring at me, please stop staring at me. I say to my myself, in hope they would stop.

As I look to all of their faces, I can see a pair of twins.

One that catches my attention is a boy looking like my age, looking like me.

He also looks shocked when he sees me wich, I don't know why cause the others don't seem shoked.

Gabriel, Gabriella's twin

"Guys, stop staring at her, you're all scaring her" River say.

"Come on, Gabriella, I'll show you, your new seat."

I follow him and he leads me to a seat between the boy that looks like me and Lorenzo sitting on the middle seat of the dinning table.

"Before we start eating, I want all of you to introduce yourselves, asyour names and ages to Gabriella" Lorenzo says breaking the silence.

"Hello Gabriella, my name is Mateo and I'm 28 years old" He says with an emotionless face.

"Hey Gabriella, I'm Angelo and I'm 26 years old" he says with a big welcoming smile.

"You already know my name but I'm 23" River said with a smile.

"Hi sorelina, I'm Ridrigo and I'm 20, it's nice to see you back, after all those years." He says, but what does he mean, after all of those years, did I meet them before?

" Xander, 18" Xander says not really caring.

" Xavier, 18" the other twin says, with a cold and rude tone. Wow, maybe I shouldn't get close to Xander and Xavier. They both look scary, not that all of my brothers don't, but they sure do give the chills, when they talk.

I look at the one sitting beside me for him to introduce himself to me but he doesn't. He keeps looking at me and examining every inch of my face then starts talking to me.

"Hey Gaby, I'm your twin, Gabriel and 14 years old"

Wow, okay I did not expect that.

I had a twin all along and mother didn't even tell me about it.

That explains why we look more like each other.

His voice is so comforting, when he talks.

After zooming out for a little, they all look at me.

I guess they want me to introduce myself too, just like they did.

"H-hi, I-im Gabriella." I say stuttering.

Gosh, I wish I could stop stuttering.

"Let's start eating, I'm really hungry" says Rodrigo, as he lean in, for the pasta.

Everyone does the same and start taking some foods and placing on their plates, while I'm the only one not taking something.

Mum, always said that I have to ask permission, before I start to eat.

I wait for one of them to give me permission but no one does.

Well it's better like that, or else I would get much fatter if I eat.

After they all put something, in to their plates, Lorenzo starts talking.

"Gabriella, why aren't you taking something?" He ask, looking at me.

"C-c-can I-I?" I ask.

At this point, everyone stops what their doing and listen to our conversation. They all look at me.

Did I say something wrong?

"You don't need permission, to eat" Lorenzo says looking directly at me.

That's something new, they are being really nice with me, not even my bullies nor my parents were that nice to me.

Lorenzo takes my plate and passes it over to my other brothers so that they can put some pasta, in it.

I already know that I won't be able to eat that much, after the amount of pasta I saw in my plate.

"After eating, you'll come to my office and we'll have a little talk between us" Lorenzo said.

What did he mean by talk? When Chad used to say talk, he always meant by beating me till I bleed.

"Just about the rules and schools" Lorenzo says.

I calm myself and try to eat some pasta.

Some of my brothers start talking to each other after a while.

"Lorenzo, ha visto la porta e stava per aprirla ma prima che potesse l'ho chiusa a chiave, ieri." River said something in a different language wich I didn't understand but I think that it's Italian.
("Lorenzo, she saw the door and she was about to open it, but before she could, I locked it, yesterday.")

"Cosa ci faceva lì?" Lorenzo said or even asked.
("What was she doing there?" )

L'ho trovata lì a chiedersi in giro cercando di aprirlo.
(I found her there wondering around trying to open it.)

"Ne parleremo un po" I think Lorenzo said or replied.
(" We'll have a little chat, about that")

"Lei capisce l'italiano?" Mateo said, joining the conversation.
("Does she know Italian?")

At this moment the whole table went silent and no one was eating except for Gabriel and I.

"Non lo so" River says and looks at me.
("I don't know")

Why is he looking at me? No why are all of them looking at me?

"Gabriella, what languages do you understand?" Rodrigo asks me.

"E-english a-and -f-french." I reply to his question.

I know english very well and for French I know a little bit.

Each year my parents used to send me to a French school for 2 weeks during the winter breaks cause they didn't want me to be at home.

I don't even know why the school they sented me, was always open every Christmas breaks.

My brothers look at each other and start eating again.

"If you're done eating, follow me to my office." Lorenzo says, out of now where.

I didn't eat a lot but that's okay cause I'm full.

Lorenzo probably knew that I wouldn't eat much cause I stoped eating for some minutes and played with the food, instead.

After some time, we arrived at his office.

Lorenzo's office

As we entered, he sat, on one of the three chairs in the middle and so did I.

"Let's talk about the rules." He say, and looks at me, for a response.

I nod my head.

"First rule, never lie, always tell the truth. Second rule, no dating. Third rule, always tell one of your brothers where you are and where you'll be going. Fourth rule, no talking back to any of your brothers. Fifht rule, no swearing. Sixth rule, when I'm not at home, you will listen to your brothers and do what they ask you from oldest to youngest. Seventh rule, never open or get near the door you were infront of, when River found you. Eight rule, I expect you to have good grades at school. Ninth rule, I want you to give verbal responses starting now. Tenth rule, no drugs, vape, smoking, alcohol. Lastly, curfew's at nine when their's school the next day, and eleven on weekends. If you don't follow any of those rules and break one of them, their will be punishments. Did you understand?" He ask.

I nod.

"Verbal response?" He asks, as he wanted me to talk.


"Before you leave, I want you to know that you are family to us and you can talk to any of us if you need to, tomorrow Gabriel we'll tour you around the house after breakfast." he adds.

"If you don't have any questions, you can leave and go straight to the left, where you'll find the stairs. I'm sure you'll be able to find your way back to your room, from there." He tells me.

"O-okay" I reply, as I get up and leave his office.

As I walk to my room after finding the stairs, I bump into a wall and fall on my butt.

As I look up, I see Xavier and Xander with angry expressions.

"Hey! Are you blind, can't you see where your going?" Yelled Xavier

"Look at where you're going, you attention seaker!" Xander replies.

"Idiot" Xavier says and leaves with his twin.

"Worthless child" Xander says still walking and laughing with his twin, on his side.

What has gotten into me?

I should be careful, next time and look where I'm going.

" Hey, get up" a voice says.

I look up and see that it's Gabriel.

"Don't listen to them, their both jerks" Gabriel says while offering his hand, to help me up.

"Let's go to my my room and get to know each other" he says.


As we entered his room, I was surprised of how clean and beautiful it is.

I've heard that boys don't keep their rooms clean as much as girls do.

We sat on the bed and started asking questions.

"So what's your favorite desert?" He asked.

"S-strawberry ice cream."I replied.

"Oh really, I love that ice cream!"

"Your turn, ask me a question" he says.

"Umm okay, what's your favorite color?"

"Easy, red."

We started talking a little more than we decided to watch "End game" , wich I didn't know what it was cause I wasn't really allowed to use internet, back with mum and dad.

We decided to watch the movie in Gabriel's room and eat popcorn, with it.

Before the end of the movie, I fell asleep on my twin's shoulder, because of the long day.

Hey guys! Just wanted to tell you all that I have written some things in Italian and that I do not know any Italian, therefore I apologize if I had written some mistakes.

Word count: 2720 words

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