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The Proposal Ring: Blackmailed Hero

29 3 0
By PJO_Magazines

Percy's P.O.V.

Sharks, with strange names help a lot. Yes, they do, if you don't believe me. 

Benthedevil, yea that's what i am gonna call her from now. Benthedevil sent me off to Poseidon's palace. 

I got sharks to help me reach there. Benthedevil had sent 2 of her soldiers after me. I am betting 10 drachmas that there were more who were keeping an eye on me from secret. 

Like c'mon. Not bragging, but leaving me only with 2 soldiers would be like keeping a nuclear bomb planted in the midst of Empire State Building, and the bomb detonator was with Dionysus. Now, we cant actually afford that, can we?

The shark on whom I was sitting on was named Shitty. Yes, trust me, that's his name. Beside Shitty was Pity, his sister. She was too . . . talkative for my liking. 

Shitty said they was named by their father Messy, and he was named by his father, Rude. 

He must be the root of all problematic names. 

"We are here master." Shitty said. It was a 7 hour distance from Krakentis to Atlantis. And these sharks can travel master than most ships. 

The huge gates of Atlantis shone brightly in the sea light. As the sharks swan towards the gate, the door opened slowly, letting me in. Behind me, the two people went undercover and entered without anyone seeing them. 

"State your name and purpose." A mechanical voice announced as two spears blocked my way. They were controlled by automatons. Wonder tech if you ask me. 

"Percy Jackson. I am here to visit father." 

The two spears went back to their original position. 

The sharks stopped a few feet in front. I jumped down and continued walking to Poseidon's palace

Atlantis was as wonderful as ever. The first time I ever saw the palace, it was on the process of being destroyed. Now, it was getting reconstructed. Dad decided not to make it in Olympus style any more. Amphitrite herself was in charge of designing Atlantis.

Few people stopped to see me. Few greeted me. My neck was paining from all the bowing that I had to do. 

I turned back and saw that the two soldiers were still under cover. 

I couldn't just give away this wonderful palace to Benthesikyme. No, i couldn't. She would use all forces of Atlantis to invade Olympus and the underworld. It would be a bloody mess. 

Great, i am sounding britts.

Delphin, Poseidon's adviser and dolphin friend was the one who met me in front of the palace. 

"Perseus. Long time no see!" He exclaimed. I smiled. 

"Tough times. Where's Poseidon?" I asked him. 

"Oh, he's inside meeting with Hermes about something. Come in. I am sure he would like to meet you." 

I nodded and walked in following Delphin. He led me through the council hall to the personal meeting room of Poseidon. Grand place if you ask me. He himself has a council hall, a public meeting hall, a private meeting hall, a majestic game room, a Swimming pool bigger than the Olympic Swimming pool (a bit confusing with a swimming pool withing water, but Poseidon said it had hot water supply), several bedrooms and a massive banquet hall. And a whole lot of bathrooms and a kitchen beside the banquet hall. The kitchen of dad's palace was bigger than the one of Olympus. Trust me, i have been in both. 

True enough, father and Hermes were talking about something. Triton was there too. 

"My lord." Delphin announced his presence among the three gods. 

They all looked at Delphin and then me. I felt the gazes of 3 gods on me.

"Hello son." Poseidon said after some time. "What brings you here?" 

Triton simply nodded to me as greetings. He and I don't have a real nice history. 

"Father. I need to speak with you." I added after a second thought. "personally." 

Poseidon raised his eyebrows at my sudden wish. 

"Guess I gotta go now. I will give you report to Zeus." Hermes said. "Hiya Percy."

"Hi Lord Hermes." I gave him a short bow. He vanished in a flash of light. I turned back and noticed the two soldiers were still invisible. I was assure that they were there though. There was a small black and white coupon lying on the bed, that told me about it. I saw those badges on the uniforms of the Krakentis soldiers. 

Triton walked away too.

"Now tell me. What do you want to talk about?" Poseidon asked me. 

I hesitated for a while at first. What I am gonna do wont end me up in good relation with Amphitrite or Triton or even Poseidon for that matter. But I need to do it. For Atlantis. For Olympus. And most of all, for Annabeth. 

"I want to challenge Triton for a battle. For the heirship of Atlantis"

Poseidon's largely ajar mouth confirmed my suspicions.

~_~  ~_~  ~_~  ~_~ 

"Oww, who are you and what do you want?" I exclaimed when I felt a huge body thud against me and pin me on the wall. 

"I am Lady Benthesikyme's assassin and Lieutenant in command." A sharp female tone whispered in my ear. I didn't feel too well with this. Especially the fact that this lieutenant's body was way too close to mine, closer than what I would normally like. 

"Ok, what in Zeus are you doing here in Poseidon's palace, especially at 2AM in the night, and also in this position? Also what's you name?" I asked her. This was a tad bit disturbing. 

"First, I am here to give you the Kraken's blessings. Next, this was the most specific time to come to you. And why in this position you ask? Well, because else you would be escaping. For my name, you could call me 'love' or 'honey'." She said in a fast pace.

"Oka- Wait. I will call you what?" I asked incredulously wondering whether i heard right. 

"Didn't know the hero of Olympus had hearing problems. Call me 'Love' or 'Honey'." 

I must have been pretty stupid for I stood there gaping like a fish for quite some time. Well, I may not be the best with girls, but I am pretty sure, this random person from Krakentis who suddenly popped up and is pinning me on the wall is flirting with me. Oh Poseidon, what am i in for?

"What is you real name?" I asked her after a while.

"Me? Oh how incredibly kind of you to ask. My real name is Li Xiu Chen. Call me Li if you want." 

I took a few seconds to process that information. 

"I will call you Chen. You are Chinese?" 

"Well, duh."

"You just . . . have an American accent. Took a while to realize."

"Maybe because I have been living in Krakentis even since I was 2 years all. And Krakentis is near America." 

This lady's sense of sass was on the dangerous point of crossing mine. Oh, I hate her. 

"Fine, just give me the Kraken's blessing or whatever, Li Chen.(pronounced as lichen by Percy)"

Chen's eyes flashed dangerously towards mine. 

"Never, ever, dare to call me that in your wildest dreams inside your dreams." 

Ok, scary lady this one. She took out a small flask from god knows where in her jeans, and opened the lid.

"Eat it just before the match. Will last only 36 hours. Should be more than enough for you to defeat Triton. And remember. One bad move, the head of that Annabelle Chase will be in the front door of your apartment of Manhattan right beside your mom's."

I gulped and nodded. The horrifying visions of the Annabeth dying - no, stop mind. You cant just drift me off to that. 

She smiled at me satisfied and left the wall not before leaving a kiss on my cheek. I was pretty much gaping more like an idiot after that. 

~_~ ~_~ ~_~ 

I couldn't get a blink of sleep that night. So much worry and tension. My fight with Triton was tomorrow, at 4 in the evening. And it was still unknown, what we would have to do. Poseidon will declare it. I needed a plan to get out of this mess. And there was a small plan brewing in my mind. 

Just to clear my mind, i took out a drachma and threw it on the floor. There was water everywhere, so there wasn't any need of extra water. 

"Oh Iris, Goddess of rainbows, accept my offering and show me Annabeth Chase in Camp Half-Blood."

As soon as I said it a rainbow shimmered and showed me Annabeth. My Annabeth. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed, with a book beside her. Her blonde curls of hair falling on her face. I cracked a small smile seeing the book. Annabeth and books. I swear she likes books as much as I like blue cookies. 

"Sleep well, Wise Girl." I whispered softly and waved my hand vanishing the sight from my eyes. I am not afraid to say that there were traces of tears in my eyes. 

The reason for all this, it was for her. For the proposal ring. For the Chaos Silver. I swore on the Styx that I would find what I came here for. 

Then the idea hit me in my mind. 

Chaos Silver. 

A weapon made of Chaos Silver can hurt both mortals and other people. It can fade any second generation god in an instant . . . 

Just what I need. But. . . 

"I swear on the Styx, that I won't make a weapon with the Chaos Silver. All I will do is to give the sufficient amount required to Hephaestus who will make a proposal ring for Annabeth. Rest of it will lie just there."

That was what I promised Athena. Well, whatever. I will be doing this for Atlantis and the rest of the world. Most of all, for Annabeth. If it includes breaking an oath on the Styx, then so be it. Styx can't just offer me death for such a simple thing. Maybe really grave punishment in my after life or an eternity in the fields of punishment. But at least after I live my life with Annabeth. 

I needed my father's help first. 

Hello people. What, someone cutting onions? Maybe. 

See you in next issue. 


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