epiphany - lydia martin [book...

By scorpioid

168K 4.9K 523

in which scott mccall has a twin sister and lydia martin finally gets the love story she deserves. [lydia m... More

chapter one. perspective
chapter three. murderous
chapter four. kick in the balls
chapter five. questions
chapter six. 678-999-8212
chapter seven. crush
chapter eight. note to self
chapter nine. confessions pt. 2
chapter ten. heart monitor
chapter eleven. teen wolf
chapter twelve. on the run
chapter thirteen. rescued
chapter fourteen. what?
chapter fifteen. gemini
chapter sixteen. jealousy, jealousy
chapter seventeen. alpha
chapter eighteen. miscommunication?
chapter nineteen. hail mary
chapter twenty. the bite
chapter twenty-one. surprise, motherfucker
chapter twenty-two. what the hell is she?
chapter twenty-three. the turn
chapter twenty-four. search party
chapter twenty-five. bad liar
chapter twenty-six. things still left to say
chapter twenty-seven. fears
chapter twenty-eight. lost
chapter twenty-nine. abomination
chapter thirty. faith
chapter thirty-one. revelations
chapter thirty-two. break up
chapter thirty-three. detention
chapter thirty-four. inconclusive
chapter thirty-five. rave
chapter thirty-six. make up
chapter thirty-seven. who controls the kanima?
chapter thirty-eight. backstabber
chapter thirty-nine. the truth
chapter forty. chess
chapter forty-one. clarity

chapter two. full moon

7.6K 182 32
By scorpioid

"Okay so we're trying to have a good time and if you're lucky, you'll be able to talk to Lydia for a few but we're also trying to keep an eye on Scott to see if he turns into a werewolf and tries to kill anybody." I went over the plan for the party tonight. Stiles had did a whole bunch of research and actually told Scott that he thought he was turning into a werewolf and tried to cancel Scott's date with Allison. To which Scott got so angry that he almost punched Stiles and then left claws marks, unknowingly, on the back of Stiles' desk chair. It was just unusual for him, my brother rarely ever got angry. Like, annoyed, yeah but he would never hit anybody. Of course, Scott didn't believe Stiles and thought that he was being ridiculous. But it all added up. The whole heightened abilities starting with a bite of a large furry animal. Maybe he wasn't exactly a werewolf, but something was happening to him. I just had to see it for myself.

"Exactly." Stiles confirmed.

I nodded as I got out of his Jeep, closing the door behind me. He came around to stand next to me, the two of us looking at the exterior of Lydia's house. It was a nice house. A little bigger than mine. We could hear the party already in full effect, the sound of music bumping and water splashing from the pool in the backyard.

"Is Scott already here with Allison?" Stiles asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. He left to pick her up before you came for me so he should be here by now." Stiles just nodded. "When do you think it's gonna happen? I mean, the moon's been out, and I don't hear anybody screaming for their lives yet so everything seems fine."

Stiles sighed as he started to walk towards the front door of Lydia's house. "I don't know but we're gonna be in for a long night."


Lydia's party wasn't so bad.

Everyone just seemed to be having a good time. It didn't seem as cliquey as I originally thought it was. I was sipping on some cranberry juice next to the snack table as I watched Stiles dance in the middle of a group of people in the living room.

I wasn't one for parties.

I liked talking to people and getting to know them, but I was never a dance in the middle of the room kind of girl. I wasn't shy, just too self-conscious for that. I had no problem watching though because Stiles looked hilarious. He had the dorkiest dance moves and he was absolutely terrible but he obviously didn't care who saw.

He was actually kinda cute but that went away every time he opened his mouth. I always wondered why he'd never had a girlfriend. Stiles was a cute boy. He had a buzz cut, which wasn't exactly the most attractive haircut, but it fit him. His eyes were a light hazel as opposed to Scott and I's dark brown ones. He also had moles that were scattered on his neck. I didn't know what straight girls found attractive but I must've been missing something.

"Not enjoying the party?" Someone said, taking me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see Lydia standing next to me. I looked at her in slight confusion as she held a small smirk on her face. "No, it's great, just not a dancing kind of girl." I explained.

Lydia nodded. "Then what kind of girl are you?" I couldn't read her. She had a look in her eyes almost like she was amused. Or, like she was flirting?


Lydia looked me up and down, her lips puckered as she studied my outfit. "I don't know, you definitely give off the whole bad girl, motorcycle riding, leather jacket wearing vibe."

I literally almost cackled.

Lydia was kind of funny. It was even funnier because I knew she was being serious.

"What's so funny?" She asked, trying to hold back a grin that was forming on her lips.

I just shrugged, shaking my head as I swirled my drink in my cup. "Nothing, I just wasn't expecting that."

Lydia scoffed, "Well forgive me, all I have are assumptions about you. I could go on and on about what I think you're like. So could everybody else at school."

I shrugged, "What are you trying to say here? That I'm a loser with no friends?"

Her eyes widened, "No! God, I'm messing this up, I just mean that - I don't know, everybody always seems to have something to say about you but you don't seem to have anything to say back."

I squinted in realization, refraining from smiling, "Are you - are you trying to get to know me, is that what this is?" I wondered, watching the girl's eyes twinkle as she chuckled.

She was actually kind of cute.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" She asked with a small smile as she furrowed her brows, her dimples protruding. She seemed almost shy or uncertain. Like she wasn't sure how the conversation was going or how I was feeling.

I bit back a smile as I looked back towards the partygoers, unable to handle her gaze. I didn't know why I felt so nervous all of a sudden. "I didn't say that. Just don't understand why you're bothering with me. Like what could the almighty Lydia Martin possibly want with little 'ole me?" I said with sarcasm, but still somewhat genuine.

She rolled her eyes as she laughed, "Don't get all modest now. I'm not the only one with a reputation."

I rose my eyebrows, "And what's my reputation?"

"You know what I'm talking about." She said with a smirk.

I did know what she was talking about. I knew people thought I was some mysterious, stuck-up girl because I showed no interest in being friends with any of them. The truth was, I just didn't wanna let anyone new in because I knew how it always ended. It never lasted. Hell, I couldn't even keep a stable relationship with my own father, why would it be different with a complete stranger? I was fine with the friends that I had now. I didn't care that I kept everyone but Scott and Stiles at arms length, it was easier this way. Safer.

I also just didn't trust Lydia. I didn't know what game she was playing. I mean, she'd never talked to me before, she always just stared at me when she thought I wouldn't notice. We had been going to school together since elementary school and we've probably uttered two words to each other before now.

Was it because Scott was my brother? Now that he was considered "cool" because he was kicking ass at Lacrosse all of a sudden she realizes that I exist?

I sighed, "What are you even doing wasting your time with me? Where's your boyfriend?" I asked curiously, wondering why she wasn't groping him in some corner like they were in the middle of the hallway the other day.

She shrugged, "Who cares?"

I quirked an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you? I mean, that's kind of your job."

The redhead rolled her eyes with a scoff, "Yeah well he doesn't seem to care or want me to look out for him so,"

My eyebrows rose in surprise while I looked away, trying not to make it seem like I was thinking too much about what she said. I don't think she realized that she was sharing details about her and Jackson's relationship to me because her expression changed to one of embarrassment.

Lydia's lips formed a thin line, "I should go find him. I'll see you later, Devin." Was all she said before she walked outside to the back patio.

I sighed, finishing my drink before I set the cup down on the table next to me. I kind of felt bad now. I mean, we weren't really friends but if she was blurting out her problems to a stranger then maybe she actually needed someone to talk to?

Okay, I couldn't think about this right now, we had bigger issues at hand. Like making sure Scott wasn't causing terror to all the other kids at this party right now.

I walked up to Stiles, pulling him from the middle of the crowd. "You seen Scott?" I yelled over the music. Stiles shook his head before his eyes darted behind me. I turned around to see Scott stumbling in front of us, putting my hand out in front of me to hold him upright.

He was sweating like crazy and his eyes were shut. He looked like he was in pain.

"Scotty, you okay?" Stiles asked.

"I'm fine." Scott said as he stumbled past us, clutching the sides of his head.

I looked at Stiles, who was clearly thinking the same thing as me. "What the hell do we do?"

Stiles threw his hands up in panic, "Okay first off we have to follow him." He urged, starting to rush towards the front door. As we started to jog to the door, I noticed a head of dark brown locks that was already leaving.

It was Allison.

I watched as Scott sped off in our car just before Allison caught up with him. I stopped watching when Derek Hale walked up to her with a smile on his face. I followed Stiles into his Jeep, the boy's hands shaking as he wrestled with his keys.

I felt like I couldn't breathe.

So much was happening. We didn't know anything about this or what was going to happen or how to help Scott or just how bad this was gonna be. We were completely unprepared.

I tried to breathe slowly as Stiles sped off onto the road, catching a glimpse of Allison getting into the passenger seat of Derek's black Camaro.


I watched as Stiles pounded on Scott's bedroom door, pleading for him to open up. He had locked himself in his room and we had been trying to get in for like five minutes.

Maybe it was safer this way.

But I don't know, something tells me a werewolf won't have a hard time breaking down a wooden door.

"Go away." I heard Scott mutter.

"Scott, it's me." I said, hoping that I could somehow get through to him. He opened the door but the latch was still stopping us from entering. "Just let us in, we can help."

"No!" Scott refused. "Listen, you gotta find Allison." He told us, a slight lisp in his voice.

Stiles blinked, his eyes scattering over the floor, "She's fine, all right? I saw her get a ride from the party. She's - she's totally fine."

I squinted, shaking my head. I couldn't help but feel like something was off about that. I mean, I didn't wanna say it but what the hell was Derek Hale doing there? He obviously wasn't a very social guy, he looked like he'd rather die than attend a party let alone a high school one.

Maybe he knew Allison. They did come into town around the same time. I mean, I would hope she was smart enough not to get in a car with a total stranger. Especially, a man, knowing the track record of their species.

"It's Derek. Derek Hale's the werewolf, he's the one that bit me, he's the one that killed the girl in the woods!" I heard Scott say, his voice slightly higher indicating that he was scared.

Stiles glanced at me in disbelief before he turned back to the door, his voice low, "Scott... Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party..."

In an instant, Scott's door slammed, leaving Stiles flailing as he tried to push the door open. I pulled Stiles off of the door as I ran for the stairs, "Okay come on, we have to find Allison or tell her parents or something, we're never gonna catch up to Scott."

"What are we even gonna say? What are you gonna say? 'Hi Mrs. Argent, my brother was supposed to take your daughter on a nice date to a party but it turns out that she was kidnapped. By a WEREWOLF!'" He said sarcastically, climbing into his Jeep.

I rolled my eyes, "Well we don't have to include the werewolf part."


Stiles ran up to the steps leading to the front door of the Argents. I decided to just stay in the car and watch. I didn't need to see the look on Mr or Mrs. Argent's face. They literally just got to town a week ago.

I bit my lip nervously as I saw the big, white door swing open and Stiles starting to explain what happened. I could tell from his hand motions and the confused look on Mrs. Argent's face.

I tried calling Scott multiple times but I knew it was no use. I just hope he didn't get himself killed doing God knows what. I swear to God that kid was gonna give me a heart attack.

I wondered what he looked like as a werewolf. Like if he was all big and hairy and did he look like an actual wolf. I know it wasn't the time to be thinking about this but it was easier to distract myself by thinking of irrelevant things than to think of the fact that this was gonna change our lives forever.

I saw Stiles walking back to the car, a look of utter disappointment on his face. "We're leaving." He said as he got in the car.

I furrowed my brows, "Wh - what happened, why did you just come back?"

"Because Allison was right there upstairs chilling like nothing ever happened." He waved his hand toward the house.

My eyes widened, "Really?"

"Uh huh. I started this whole entire speech about how weird and crazy and bizarre everything was gonna sound and then Allison came out and I looked like a freaking idiot." I started to laugh a little, somewhat relieved that she was at least okay.

I laughed at how in distress he looked. "I'm sorry I know that was embarrassing, at least she's okay." I giggled, almost forgetting for a moment that Scott was still out there. Stiles nodded as he sighed, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "So where are you going now?"

He shook his head, "I have no idea."

I sighed, "I swear we're gonna need to put a tracker on him. Get him microchipped or something." I joked. Stiles chuckled in response, shifting in his seat as he focused on the road.

It was so dark out.

It was kind of scary. I couldn't imagine doing this by myself. I was only 5'5" tall, I stood no chance against anything that wanted to come our way. Neither did Stiles to be honest, he was literally skinny and defenseless, but he was nearly six feet so that had to count for something.

"The roads look so eerie." I thought out loud. Stiles nodded as he hummed in agreement, the two of us just looking for anything, something. I guess this was the plan.

Drive until we find him.

"Thank you, for doing all of this with me." I said, catching Stiles' attention. "It's sweet. I mean, I know Scott's my brother so I would have been doing this regardless but you really don't have to. So thank you."

I saw Stiles' eyes soften as he looked over at me, the boy shaking his head as he swallowed. "Yeah, of course. No problem. Scott's my best friend, he's my responsibility too, you know."

I nodded, staring at the road. A silence fell upon us, the only sound being the road moving under the car. I wanted to turn the radio on but I didn't wanna ruin the peace that we had going. I was almost afraid to move so that I wouldn't disturb it.

"I saw you talking to Lydia tonight." He brought up. I looked at him, trying to gauge his emotion since I was unable to by his tone. He seemed like he was trying to be nonchalant.

I nodded, "Yeah. She just sort of came up to me and started talking."

He rose his eyebrows, "Really? About what?"

I shrugged, "Nothing really. She just asked if I was enjoying the party. I asked her about Jackson and she kind of gave away that they've been having problems lately so you might be in luck."

Stiles seemed unfazed. He just nodded. I would think he would've been more excited? I mean, sure this doesn't mean that Lydia and Jackson are gonna break up but Stiles tended to get overly excited about a lot of stuff, especially Lydia.

I sat up, turning my body towards him fully. I tucked my leg underneath my body, "So now that we've got lord knows how many hours together, why don't you tell me why you like Lydia so much?" Stiles let out an airy chuckle as he shook his head, obviously hesitant.

I just realized that me and Stiles really don't talk a lot. I mean, he is Scott's friend and we've known each other since elementary school but we've never really talked. I knew how old he was when his mother passed away but I didn't even know his favorite color. It was weird. Even when we did talk, it was always about stupid shit. But then again, Stiles wasn't really the kind of person who usually wanted to have deep, vulnerable talks.

"Why do you wanna know so bad?" He wondered.

I shrugged, brushing my hair behind my ear, "I don't know. I've always wondered what you saw in her. I'm not like bothered by it or anything just curious. It's not like we have anything else to talk about."

Stiles bit his lip as he took a right at the stop light, getting onto the main road. He sighed, running his hand over his shaved head. "I don't know, she just has every quality that I would want in a girl."


He shrugged, pursing his lips. "I don't know I just like when girls are confident in themselves. I know it's hard for actual confidence to come by especially for girls so I admire it when I do see it. You know, girls that are intelligent and funny, but still sensitive and sweet. I think it's really attractive when a girl is perceptive and observant."

I nodded, taking in everything that he said. "And so you think Lydia is all of those things?" I asked for clarification. I didn't even know he had talked to Lydia enough to gather up all these qualities and traits about her.

Stiles' lips parted, "I - I just meant like in general, I guess." I nodded. The whole point of me asking him that question was to figure out what he liked about Lydia but I didn't bother saying anything.

"What kind of girls do you like?" He asked awkwardly, as if he was unsure if I was okay talking about the subject.

I chuckled, shrugging, "I don't know. I feel like we kind of have the same type honestly. I also think confidence is attractive. But then shy girls are also really cute too. I just like girls. I feel like I have a really specific type of guy that I like but I can be attracted to any of kind of girl."  I explained. I didn't find myself with too many crushes on guys if I was being honest. I found a lot of guys attractive, but I didn't know if I wanted to date them. Like Jackson, I could admit that he was a really good looking guy, but I wouldn't date him. Partly because his personality is shit, but because I didn't know if I even liked guys like that.

Stiles nodded, swallowing thickly. "And what kind of guy would that be?" He asked, a hint of nervousness in his tone.

I wondered why he cared. He didn't seem to just be moving the conversation along, it seemed like he genuinely cared. I shrugged, "I don't know. I like tall, soft looking guys. More calm and reserved. I'm starting to think I just like looking at guys and not the actual guys, you know?"

Stiles shook his head, "No, I don't."

I chuckled, "Well I don't know, I just don't think I could really ever see myself dating one let alone marrying one."

"Oh." Was all he said.

We didn't talk for a long time after that. The sun was starting to come up and we still had no sign of Scott. I knew I had the biggest eye bags in the entire world right now. I know my mom is gonna be so worried but I didn't wanna tell her anything until I knew for sure what happened with Scott.

Finally, when we were on the dirt road by the preserve we saw Scott walking on the trail. He was wearing only jeans and his sneakers from last night. He looked a mess.

Stiles stopped next to him, allowing the boy to get in the backseat. I frowned as I handed him a sweater that was in the back of Stiles' car. "Are you okay?" I asked in concern. "You're all dirty."

"Yeah I'm aware, Devin. I'm fine." He murmured as he leaned his head against the door window, obviously sad. He didn't speak for a good five minutes until he said, "You know what actually worries me the most?"

Stiles stared at him, "If you say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head."

"She probably hates me now."

I sighed, "I don't think so. But you might want to come up with a pretty good explanation."

Stiles shrugged, "Or, you know, you could just - Tell her the truth and - Revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a frickin' werewolf." Scott stared at him with an unimpressed look. "Okay, bad idea." Scott leaned his head over again, clearly feeling defeated. "Hey, we'll get through this. Come on, if we have to, we'll chain you up on full moon nights and feed you live mice. I had a boa once. I could do it."

It took a moment but Scott let out a chuckle. I smiled before I sat back in the seat, thinking about how good I was gonna sleep when I got home.


first lydia and devin convo, really tried to tease and showcase their dynamic a lil :)

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