The Y/N Multiverse(Real World...

By Williamjwb87

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Just Like Last Time,Beings/Characters From Some Animes And A Young Man From The Real World Have Been Transpor... More

Everyone Here!
Prologue & The Kitchen Gun.
Battle Against EXE
(Y/n)'s Class Shenanigans
Miraculous & (Y/n),The Powerless Hero!
A New Arrival
An Early Christmas Gift
Mega Man Ultra Ep 1:The New Mega Man
Deadpool In Action And Will Is A Guardian
(Y/n) The Superstar Musician
Death Battle Apology
Shows That Will leave
(Y/n) (L/n):The Video Game!
Hellsing Abridged!
I need an Original Idea
Chicken Fight!!
The Elemental Dragon Mercenary
Will's Deceased Girlfriend/Bride
Will's Message
A New Arrival & A Family Reunion
Return Of the Male Reader Ships
Power Rangers: Timeline Guardians Ep 3
Mysterious Person
Class Shenanigans Part 2
Return Of A Certain Somebody
(Y/n)'s Songs For The Girls.
Mr.(L/n) And His Fucked Up Class.
Oc Chapter,Family Of Gods?
Question Time,Boys!
Questions Answered
Class Shenanigans 3
Kamen Rider Omni Arrival & Henshin
The Chaotic Classmates Funny Moments
Heisei Riders henshin part 1
Heisei Riders henshin part 2
Face Reveal
Oni Horn Arrival
Baby Wyatt Is Finally Born!
Funny Moments Of (T/n) As Tatsumi
Return By Death in Action and Explanation
More Questions Answered
Soul Synchro episode 2
(Y/n) And His Soft side
death Battle!!!
The Return Of Memes
Actor au
Power Rangers: Timeline Guardians ep 4
Masked Singer
Warp Dolls
Game On!
Break,New Rooms And Will's Past
How (Y/n) Met...
Will Background
Smg4 Cast Arrives And Trio Transform
Comic Book
☠️Killing Game Finale☠️
Kamen Rider Deku Episode 1
(Y/n) & (T/n)
New Views
Will and recruits
Oh My God!This Is AMAZING!
the Good of the Omniverse
Akame Ga Kill:The dream Theory
Smg4:New brothers
Will's lost Memories
Serious Smg4 Anime:Trailer
TAG Trailer
Powers For (Y/n)!
Break Time
before The Theater
devilartemis Duel and Interactive
interactive Choice#1:Spare Simara
interactive Choice#2:Destroy Simara
Fanart Request
Power Rangers: Timeline Guardians ep 5
Mojo Hero Funny Moments!
Grand Finalé!Goodbye For Now.

(L/n) Parents & Team Strq:Teen Years

3.1K 47 29
By Williamjwb87

Will:Alright,We'll Go to those Questions later but Right Now is That We're Gonna Go Back To The Teenage Adults...If Ya Know What i mean.


(M/n):don't Worry.

Summer:It Won't be Bad.......Maybe.

Tai:Let's Hope.

Qrow And Tai Were Shown in construction Worker Uniform at an Old House,The Reason?Repair And Sell.

Qrow:That's Genius!

Tai:More Like Stupid.

(F/n):I Agree.

Qrow:Alright,Tai,I'm gonna go up to the upper level and run this wire down through the wall. Grab your walkie,I'll call you when I get up there.


Qrow walks away, is heard over the walkie-talkie

Qrow:Tai,pick up. Over!


Qrow:Tai,please say "over" when you are finished talking. Over!

Tai:That's Just Stupid!

Qrow:But Effective.

(F/n):Against Who?Losers?


Qrow:Do you see the wire yet? Over.



Tai Sighs And Says It Seeing That He's Gonna Have to be told to say this A LOT!


Qrow:Okay,I'm gonna start feeding it through. Over.

Tai:Wait,Than Why Ask Me If I Could See It?

Tai:Wait,If you haven't started feeding it,Why'd ya ask me if I could see it?

Qrow Didn't Respond On His End Until he did.

Qrow:Didn't copy that. Over.

Tai:I said why did ya ask me if I could see it if you haven't started feeding it. Over.

Qrow:Oh that's better, I can hear you now. Over. Do you see it yet? Over.

This Pissed Tai Off And He Got Angry At Qrow And Said...

Tai:You know, you're a jackass And For the record,I don't wanna hang out with you anymore when this is over.

Qrow:Aw,Tai,Come On!

Qrow:When this is what,Tai?Over.

Tai:I said, "I don't wanna hang out with you anymore when this is over"

Qrow:When this is what? You've got to finish your sentence. Over.

Tai:That's it,my sentence is over.

Qrow:Your sentence is what,Tai? Over.

Tai:My sentence is....

Tai Realizes The Situation And Says It Out Loud.

Tai:Wait a minute...I have to say over, even if the sentence ends with the word "over?"

Qrow:Ends with the word what,Tai? Over.

After All That Arguing,The wire FINALLY descends through the wall.

Tai:Oh,I see the wire.

Qrow:You see the wire what? Over.

Qrow:Oh No.



Tai Yanks on the wire, pulling Qrow down with it And Face Planting into the ground.

Qrow:Damn,Didn't Have To Do Me Like THAT!

Tai:I Know but I wanted to.

The Other Members Of Team STRQ Have Finally Arrived And (F/n) Talks Through A Walkie-talkie And Says....

(F/n):Guys,What's Going At Your End?Over.

Raven Pulls Out her Walkie-talkie And Tells (F/n) What happened.

Raven:Nothing,It Was Just Qrow Annoying Tai,Just Get Back To Work.

He Doesn't Respond But Raven Just Raises The Walkie-talkie To Her Mouth Knowing What to Do.


(F/n):Copy that,Over And Out!

Ruby:That Was Funny!

Yang:Yo Will,Can You Show More?

Will:I Was Gonna Do that Anyways.

(F/n) And (M/n)/Ram Were Walking Around Until They Decided To Do A Little Spicy Activity.

The Next Scene Shown The two Cuddling In Bed Naked But Thankfully,They Were Covered Up And Nothing Was Shown.

Sadly,The Audience Had To see The Two Go At For 6 Hours Nonstop......Pretty Impressive For Normies but Their Children.....




(T/n) Passed Out And His Eyes Were Literally On Fire While,Bailey Had Her Eyes And Ears Covered As Soon As It Got To Undressing And With the Parents.....

(F/n) & (M/n):WILL!




And One Can Still Hear Them Complain About they Saw.


With The Re:Zero Cast,Everyone Is Wondering How Ram Is And If they Look Close Enough They'll See that She's Got a Red Face.....A Little Wet Spot.


(F/n):That Was Nice.


The Two Relax And Fall Asleep With Smiles On Their Faces.

Ram:Will.....After This.....Can You Show Me How I Met The (F/n) In our Time?

Will:Teen (F/n)?Okay But Next Chapter...Maybe.

Tai and (F/n) Were Hunting And They both Separated And Soon,Tai Was Targeting A Deer Grimm but He Couldn't Pull The Trigger.

Tai:I Got A Kind Heart And Sometimes,Even A Grimm Can be in it.

He Looks Into His Rifle Again But only to see the Deer Based Grimm Point Above,He Looks And Sees A Herd Surrounding Him with Metal Bats In their Arms.

Deer#1:Should've Taken the Shot,Dumbass.

They Proceed to beat the Ever living Shit Out of Him as he Screams in pain.

(An:Kinda Like This⤵️)

Tai:Oh Come On!


Everyone Proceeds To Laugh As Tai Grumbles In Annoyance At those Deer Grimm.

Will:Alright,That was Funny But Let's Get To the Next One.

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