Unexpected Guest ⭐

By jenica1988

79.5K 2.7K 772

~*COMPLETE*~ Little sister of Laura Barton is living with her while her Clint is working with the Avengers a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - Final
Author's Note

Chapter 5

3.7K 131 41
By jenica1988

It had been a few days and I was coming home from Max's. I took a cab home since Max was at work and I just wanted to get home. I walked in the front door and everyone was hanging out talking around the kitchen table.

"Hey." I said and they all smiled seeing me.

"Aunt Andie!" Lila yelled excited to see me and ran at me. I picked her up and hid my wince of pain when I did.

"I saw that." Clint said and I just looked at him.

"Not sure what you are talking about. I slept on my neck wrong and it's tense." I said and I put Lila down. Steve looked at me intensely and I just ignored him.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said and headed upstairs. I went into my room and easily got my shirt off.

"So, what else besides the back bruises?" Nat asked standing at the door looking at my back all bruised up. I sighed as she walked in and shut the door. I lifted my hair and showed Nat the cut on my hairline that had stitches.

"Also a jacked-up shoulder." I said and Nat groaned. She grabbed my left hand and saw the diamond ring gone.

"So it's over?" Nat asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, he just doesn't know it. He had to go to work for a couple days so I left the ring and a note." I said and Nat sighed.
"Well look at it this way, if he comes here to do something you have a house full of Avengers." Nat said and I huffed a laugh.

"Right because they would all protect me...." I trailed off as I heard footsteps outside the bedroom and rushed to get a shirt on. Laura knocked and walked in.

"What's the damage?" Laura asked. I showed her.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen." I said and she shook her.

"We got you." Laura said and I smiled in the hug. I showed her my back and hairline and she groaned.

"You dumped him right?" Laura asked and I nodded.

"What happened?" Laura asked as I sat on my bed.

"He just kept going off about Clint not liking him and I told him I was tired of talking about it and he needed to drop it." I said.

"He got angry thinking I was on Clint's side, whatever that was." I added and Laura groaned.

"Listen, let me tell Clint okay. You two need to keep your mouths shut. This is for me to explain to him." I said and they nodded.

"Now I am going to shower." I said grabbed some things to take into the shower with me. Once I got in the bathroom I turned on the water and just broke down into tears in the shower where I knew no one would hear. The past few days were pretty bad and I was just happy to be home, even with the Avengers in the house which still annoyed me. Once I finished in the shower I put on a tank top and some normal shorts and walked down to find Clint. I made sure no one saw my back.

"Welcome back." I heard someone say actually standing behind me, I turned and saw Steve.

"You are good at sneaking up on people." I said and he just shook his head slightly.

"Part of the job." Steve said and I nodded. I walked away from him and found Clint.

"Can we talk?" I asked and then saw all the Tony and Bruce around.

"In private?" I asked and he nodded I had him lead the way as he went outside and he headed to the barn.
"Let me see." Clint said and I showed him my back and my hair line.

"My shoulder is also jacked up. Also before you ask, I left him." I said and Clint sighed.

"This is why I wouldn't have let you marry him. I need you to see that." Clint said and I nodded.

"I do now, sorry I didn't see it before. I think I was blinded by what I thought was love." I said.

"Why didn't you fight back? I mean you kicked Nat's ass the other night." Clint asked and I laughed.

"This is me fighting back. I would be worse if I didn't." I said and Clint shuddered at the thought.

"Does he know you left?" Clint asked and I shook my head.

"He will in a few days. He had to go to work today for a few days." I said and Clint groaned.

"Well let him try and come here." Clint said and I walked up and hugged him and he gently hugged me. He kissed the top of my head.

"I will always protect you kiddo. I love you." Clint said and I smiled.

"I love you too." I said and we broke apart.

"Now, how long are the tin man, jolly green and iceman going to be here?" I asked and Clint laughed.

"I would hate to think what your nickname is for me." Clint said and I laughed.

"Don't worry about it. How long Clint?" I asked and he sighed

"A few weeks probably." Clint said and I groaned.

"Wow..." I said annoyed.

"Come on, things are going down and we needed some place to go. Can't you just try and get along? Make it easier on everyone?" Clint asked and I shrugged.

"I'll think about it but I'm not making any promises." I said and Clint smirked.

"That's all I can ask for." Clint asked.

"They need to pull their weight though. Not just sit around and look pretty." I said and Clint laughed as we left the barn.

"I'll make sure to tell them you said so." Clint said and I smiled.

"Also, no more talk of Max okay...from anyone. I just want to forget about him." I said and Clint nodded.

"I'll let everyone know." Clint said and I smiled.


The next morning I woke up before the sun was even fully up and got in some running clothes. I made sure not to disturb Nat. I put on some tennis shoes and headed outside.

"Not used to seeing you awake this early." I heard a familiar voice say and I saw Steve standing off to the side of the porch.

"You following my sleep schedule Cap?" I asked and he got flustered and turned red. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"I just wanted to go for a jog this morning. Need to clear my head." I said and walked off the porch and headed down the driveway. I was quickly joined by Steve and I looked at him in shock.

"How did you catch up so fast?" I asked and he laughed.

"Super solider, super speed." Steve said and I nodded. We continued to jog in silence. I laughed finally.

"Steve, you can run at a normal speed for you. I wont hold you back." I said and he shook his head.

"This is fine, sometimes it nice to go slow." Steve said and I groaned knowing I did just want to be left alone. After we ran for awhile we made the loop and headed back home. Once we reached the porch I was out of breath but Steve didn't even seem affected.

"That's it, I don't run with you anymore." I said and he smiled as we sat on the porch stairs.

"Listen, I know you don't like us or what we do for a living but we aren't the bad guys." Steve said and I sighed.

"Never said you were Steve. I just don't like Clint is always in danger. He has a family to come home to and if he gets killed....-" I trailed off cutting myself off so the tears didn't appear.

"We protect each other, I will make sure nothing happens to him." Steve said and I gave a small nod. After a couple of minutes of silence I sighed.

"Listen the comment I made to you the other say when I went to leave about you not having someone. I don't know yours story, hell you may have a wife and kids as well. I just wanted to say sorry." I said and Steve looked at me over exaggerating shock. I huffed a laugh.

"Now I want to take it back." I said and he shook his head.

"Thank you for the apology." Steve said leaving it at that.

"Don't get used to it iceman." I said getting up and going inside. I heard Steve give a small laugh as he staying on the porch.

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