{DISCONTINUED}My Darling Clow...

By Ashlie-San

660 21 0

You're a new mechanic with a dark secret at the new pizzaplex, your friend afton used to fantasise about this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

24 1 0
By Ashlie-San

~Y/n's POV~

"S-sure.. What about Moon?"

We were sat on the broken, run down green sofa in a dull grey living room which was quite bare. "The room." "Wh-what room Moon?" He growled and I flinched, shifting back a bit in my seat. "You know what I'm on about Y/n, the broken room. Why is it there, and why is it full of that.. Stuff..." My heart nearly stopped, 'he couldn't know- no, HE SHOULDN'T KNOW!? DID I LEAVE IT OPEN-' "Ho-honestly, I have n-no idea what you're o-on about honey.." I stammered, he leaned closer, anger on his face. "Y/n, stop fucking lying and tell me." I froze, eyes spinning in search for an exit. "I-I c-c-can't explain wh-what ha-happens in there or a-anything remotely r-r-related to it, I j-just know it's th-there.." 'Let me out... Let me deal with it~' The voice said as I stammered like an idiot, I felt fear and fear alone.

"You must know more then that though.. What are you hiding..?" I shook my head vigorously. "I-I'm telling you I d-d-d-don't know!" 'FUCK THIS IT'S MY TURN!' The voice screeched and I gripped onto my head in pain. "N-no, don't! N-not agaiiin!!" I screeched, the black was taking over me, and with that, I was out.

~Unknown Pov~

I pulled my hands away from my head with a sick grin. "Ok, so you wish to know about the room? I guess I shouldn't be as weird as I was before.. But I still desire blood.." I giggled and crossed my legs, hands on my knees. "Who are you?" My grin grew at such idiocy. "I have no name. I am but a sick soul who is deprived of all love and seeks revenge on the one person I cannot get to." "Who would that be?" I yawned and put my hand over mouth as I did so before returning it to my left knee. "Well actually it's just a large number of people who bullied us when we were a kid." I said, then realised what I said. "Us?" He asked. "I meant me, common mistake." He shook his head. "I doubt that, tell me what you mean." He was unusually calm, I was a fucking murderer, who could dismantle him at any moment and he was just sat there fucking chilling.

"Me and Y/n got bullied by various people as we grew up, I managed to get some, some I didn't. I'm working on it though, trying to get Buddy to pick up their location." He nodded. "Why do you want to kill them though?" I laughed. "Are you kidding? Damn you're chill. Well Moony-boy, these bastards hurt us a lot, they would chase after us, they cut us, they shot us, they hurt us in both physical and mental ways." I looked away, towards the door with a bored expression. "We never understood why they did this, it took years to figure it out. I was in control, I was just brushing my hair in our room. We were preparing to go the school prom, it was our last year, we were finally 16. Our Mother walked in to check up on us, I looked at her with a smile, she screamed. 'Mom what's wrong? Are you okay?' I had asked gently, going over to her filled worry."

I took a deep breath in. "She.. She backed away out of the doorway, she ran downstairs to my Dad and I started to cry in confusion. I went over to the mirror, scanning myself for problems.." I started to descend deeper into my memory. I had found my eyes fairly quickly, my pupils were two red crosses in jet black eyes. Black tears fell down my cheeks, growing more and more violent. "Wh-what's wrong with us Y/n?" I choked out, tugging on my hair, knees up to my chest. 'I-I don't know- Wh-why did Mom run away?' I held myself tighter. "Sh-she hates us.. She must do.." 'J-just like the bullies..' I bawled my eyes out until I felt numb, unbeknownst to me our Dad had been on a call with the doctors, but they had said they couldn't do anything to 'help us'.

Our Dad hesitantly entered our room, we looked up at him with black stains down our face. "Y/n sweetie.. Do you understand what's going on with your eyes?" He asked, sitting down on the bed next to us. "N-no... Wh-why did Mom run away... Wh-why did she scream..?" More black tears poured, he flinched in fear, it was disgusting.. "We're worried about you sweetie, you have DID as it is, and... What's going on right now isn't human.. No one understands it.." 'DID? YOU'RE GOING TO TRY SAY WE HAVE DID AND THAT WE AREN'T NORMAL?' I screamed mentally, anger building up inside of me. "D-Dad.. You both hate me for what I am don't you..?" I whispered, turning my head to the floor. "Of course not sweetie, we just.." His voice faded away, he couldn't think of a lie.

"Don't bother.. I don't want to be lied to.. You're scared of me aren't you..?" His breath hitched. "S-Sweeti-" I looked up at him, blankly. "You're a liar.. Just admit it.." I felt something in me disappear, I felt empty.. "Y/n.. I... I'm so sorry, it's..." "If you can't say anything just- just go.." I stated and looked away again, picking up the towel from the shower I had earlier and using it to wipe away the horrible liquid. Thankfully I had been in my PJ's at the time, so nothing important had been ruined. The man left the room and closed the door behind him. I started to clean myself up and finally got changed. I felt emotionally drained, nothing seemed to bother me at the current moment. I looked at the mirror one last time, my eyes were normal, except for the left one which had a cross pupil. But the rest was normal, I sighed and put my lacey black eye-patch on.

I looked beautiful, my hair glowed on my black dress which flowed out around my ankles, around the waist of my dress was a white ribbon with a large bow at the back and I also wore pretty black slip on shoes with strap on them as well as white stockings. I also wore black heart earrings, a silver chain necklace with a cross on it and dark makeup. I thought I was gorgeous, so did Y/n. But our Mom, she thought we were a monster, she wouldn't speak to me as I left the house with my Dad, she just ignored me, like I didn't even exist.. Dad however did compliment me, he said I looked beautiful, saying it was a shame no one was dating me. I nodded, although I had no real interest in gaining a date ever again, the last one was a right wanker. He cheated on me, treated me badly. So what did I do?

Well I did the logical thing and broke up with him of course, I did it on our anniversary. It was karaoke night, he was happy, and I was devastated. He was flirting with every woman available, so when I went up on stage with a large grin on my face, I decided to make him pay. "Heavy-handed, rapid fire, infatuation with my filthy pride. To a senseless beating, crippled and barely breathing. I tore off my skin, I'll hang from this noose, This is what happens when I show you my demons. Repeating the cycle that turns love into indifference, when I chase after affection it won't chase after me. I get confused on why we always part so violently, but honestly the day I met you I started crying. Oh... I should've known a little better, good things never last forever!" I sung harmoniously, darkly. The song was called Filthy Pride, by Social Repose, I sung with bitter hate for the boy infront of me.

Then I sung another song, more spite, more hate, no regret. I sung Stupid MF by Mindless Self Indulgence, thriving in his confusion. "YOU STUPID MF IS IT SIMPLE ENOUGH FOR YOU? DOES EVERYBODY UNDERSTAND? ARE YOU ALL STILL FOLLOWING ME?" I accused him plainly of his stupidity, making clear fun of him. But could you blame me? I wouldn't if I were you. Now it was the final song, Hush by AViVa. "Hush now darling, don't say a word, demons calling, they'll eat your soul. I'm not sorry, for what will come. What you don't know. Hold your breath, dim the lights, I won't say you're safe this time. Here and now, you're mine tonight. Hush, hush, keep you're pretty mouth shut, hush, hush. Lose your inhibitions, I'll let you in on my dark side. Show you what hell really feels like, I can keep a secret if you hush, hush.." He was appalled by my performance to say the least, but everyone else cheered at it, saying I had a golden voice. That was a nice thought. I was glad I did that to him, it was well worth it.

With a twisted giggle I returned to the present. "Oh what shit times they were huh? Hahaha... Oh I'd kill a bitch again if I could.." I said with lust, imagining a knife in my hands. "So.. That's why you're fucked in the head then?" He asked bluntly. "I suppose that is one of the reasons yes, how rude of you though.." I pouted slightly, but couldn't hold it. "So yeah, sad story, boo-hoo couldn't care less, lemme out I have animatronics to mentally fuck over." I said getting up, he pushed me back down and stopped me from leaving. "You aren't hurting them." "I'm not interested in the items Y/n bought, I just want my clowns, my sweet works of art." He still refused to move. "Come on... At least let us change our bandages~" He pulled back. "Foxy!" He shouted, the pirate appeared within seconds of it. "Yes matey?" "Can you get us the first aid kit please?" "Of course!" He ran off like a puppy, leaving me with this idiot.

"Unfair." "Shut it." "I could dismantle you." "You wouldn't." "Why you think that?" "Because you have no real reason too." "You're a dick?" "I listened to your sob story." "You won't let me out." "I won't let you hurt people." "Dick." "Pussy." "Fuck me daddy~" I said lustfully along with a horny expression. Moon slapped me. "HEY THAT HURT!" I shouted. "Shut up you big baby." I huffed and looked away. "Hey N/n you wanna take over? He's pissing me off." I mumbled quietly. 'Yeah sure.' She said and we switched, I showed no pain as it was voluntary. And I was left to peaceful murder plans, which I quite thoroughly enjoyed.

~Y/n's? POV~

I blinked a few times to adjust, she was thinking about murder as usual in the back of our mindscape, Afton tried to join in but she told him to fuck off. Then cheekily he tried to take over, I also told him to fuck off. Moon was opening the first aid box he had requested and turned back to me. "Take your shirt off and let me change the bandages." He stated plainly, I complied without a word. I let him change my bandages and then quickly put my shirt back on, uttering a small thank you. "Now that I've heard your sad sob-story and your 'friends' madness I would like to know if you have anything to do with it and about the clown." I bit my lip. "Buddy is a good person.. He only ever wanted friends, but she made him mad, she... did bad things to him, his parts were altered and I can't do anything about it, if I interfere... Well, it won't be good.. I have no motivation for murder, let alone interest, unless it's Afton, I would love to kill him permanantly, but then again so would most of us here."

I chuckled quietly, sitting lazily on the sofa as if we were having a perfectly normal conversation. "Though I do admit I have killed someone purely out of lust before." I giggled darkly. "Oh but that person deserved it as well, I claim justice to that one.." My gaze settled on the cracked walls as bloody images crossed my mind. "That was before Afton died if you were wondering, and when she was still sane, I guess I'm the one who really fucked us over." My head lolled over to him with a sinister grin, his expression was easy to read, fear. Just, fear, it made me laugh even more. "That face is just like theirs was, such beauty... Such purity..~" I crawled across the sofa and placed a hand on the side of Moon's face plates.

"I would love to see that face permanantly, it suits you so much, yet it seems so wrong..~" Desire was burning through me, my body heating up from the dark emotion. "Let me outside Moon honey...~ I wanna go play..~" I said with a very lustful expression and tone. Moon put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away, looking disturbed as hell. "Y/n this isn't right, st-stop it.." Foxy trudged in. "Yarr what be going on me mateys?" I looked over at him and he flinched. "Uh lassy.. your expression be quite.. C-concerning..." My eyes narrowed a little. "Foxy, go back to the others, I need to deal with this in peace, thank you very much for your help though." "O-okay matey.. Sh-she is okay though r-right?" He said with concern. "I'm fine foxy..~ I just need to talk to Moon about very concerning matters..~" I growled a bit at the end and he flinched, nodded alright and left.

My gaze returned to Moon, he grabbed hold of my arm and pushed me down on the sofa. "Kinky~" I moaned deliberately and he held my other arm down as well. "Y/n.. This isn't you, this isn't the you that I know, what the hell is going on?" He growled, turning me on even more. "You aren't usually like this, you don't seek pleasure like this, or anything violent, its not like you at all.." My eyes closed, his heavy breath was near my face. "Moon...~ Don't you know what you're doing to me~?" My eyes reopened with the continuous sinful gaze, his cold metal hands held my wrists down tighter. "Y/n.. Stop acting like this, be normal... Just, why are you doing this?" He said with desperation.

"Because it's been so long since I've had the taste of blood..~ I don't feel human without it..~" I lifted my right knee up a bit and started to rub at his crotch plates. Moon gasped, his face full of surprise and a hint of pleasure. "H-hey don't you dare try that on m-ngh...~" His head dropped, eyes closed as he tried to suppress a moan, my knee only rubbed harder. I knew full well that if I continued this his penis would come out of the plates it hid behind and he would be down for almost anything. "Let me go out and I'll stop~ It'll only be one perso-" I gasped, his knee moved mine away and he started to do the same thing to me. "Oh Moon..~" I moaned desperately, eyes closing, fists tightening.

"Y-you aren't killing anyone on m-my watch.. No matter what I h-have to do to st-stop you!" He growled as best as he could, I giggled though my pleasure. "Oh I think I know what you're capable of Moon...~" His grip on my hands loosened and I quickly removed them from his. With no hesitation I pushed him over so I was pinning him down. "If you will do anything..~" I started, both of us had lustful gazes on eachother. "Then chase me..~" I pushed him down harder then ran for my life, bolted out the door past all the animatronics. I growled in anger as I noticed a lot more animatronics were on then before, in the distance I could hear Moon shouting; "FUCKING GET THE BITCH ALREADY!!"

'Yes, this was what I wanted... What a thrill..~' Up the stairs I went, straight into the cursed room. I locked it behind me and slumped against the door for a breather. "Wh-why are you h-h-h-here?" I looked up, Buddy store at me, his voice glitching massively. My name was being screeched in the distance. I grabbed my clown outfit and mask and changed at the speed of light, unlocking the clowns chains as soon as. They were banging on the door now. I banged on the bit of wall next to the dresser, revealing a lift that went underground. I pushed Buddy in and joined him, the two doors closed and we went all the way down. "I had to get away from people Buddy, we're gonna go out for a bit." He store at the floor with sadness. "You don't need to do anything sweetie, it's not the other one in control, it's the 'normal one'.." I giggled softly and his gaze lifted upwards. "Y-y-you're still g-GOnna k-kill though a-a-aren't Y-YOu?" I nodded.

"I'm only going to go after escaped convicts, I do believe in justice after all.." He looked at his clothes with despair. "Sh-she's worse... She doesn't d-d-d-do stuff like you..." "I know Buddy, I'm gonna fix your voice box, and clean you too before our little outing.." I had a pile of fresh clothes in my arm for him, my head started spinning as we descended, close to our destination. "Buddy?" His head snapped towards me. "Who do you hate more, me, Afton, or her?" His eyes flashed red a bit. "I-I... D-d-d-don't like A-AAFTon o-o-or h-h-h-her.. Y-y-you look after m-m-m-me..." I stroked his bloodied cheek, having to lean upwards on my toes to do so. "I thought so.." I giggled a bit. "You really are a good clown, I don't approve of their use for you, you should be an entertainer, carefree, happy.. You will be soon.." "Wh-what do you m-m-MEaN?" "I'm preparing a special building for you and some others.." "O-oh.. o-o-o-o-o-oKAy.." The lift made a ping and the doors opened up to a dark area, filled with the smell of oil and metal.

I led Buddy through blood splattered hallways and towards the nearest work place. I removed his clothing and opened up his chest. I then cautiously removed the voice box from it and tweaked it a bit before returning it. "Speak." "Can I have my clothes back please miss?" I smiled, as good as new. "Of course sweetheart." I handed him the fresh set and he changed into them quickly. I put on my black and purple octo-watch and handed him one as well. "You know the drill, if we get seperated then you need to keep track of me on this, especially when it comes to returning. He nodded silently, we headed up to the steps which lead up to the back yard. The bright daylight shone on our flashy clothing, this... Was going to be perfect..

(3200 words, any suggestions? What did you think of this chapter? Hope you enjoyed at least part of it.)

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