What Once Was

By Sher1201

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~A/N: I suck at summaries but I promise it's worth to check out!~ Charlie has the impression that this is her... More

The Guide
Chapter 1: Death is Just The Beginning
Chapter 2- Familiar
Chapter 3- Young and Beautiful Dream
Chapter 3.5- Some Things Are Better Kept in The Dark
Chapter 4: Just A Normal Day
Chapter 5- Unexpected Keys To The Past.
Chapter 6- Shreds of The Past
Chapter 7- Nightclub Love
Chapter 8-For Now.
Chapter 9- A Step.
Chapter 10- Internalizing.
Chapter 11- Threat
Chapter 12- Let's Begin.
Chapter 13- Ready?
Chapter 14- Written Pages
Chapter 15- Scenery
Chapter 15.5- Role
Chapter 16: Answer
Chapter 17- A Beautiful Dream
Chapter 18- A Cursed Insomniac
Chapter 19- A New Beginning
Chapter 19.5- A Well Polished Apple
Chapter 20- A Plan Set in Motion
Chapter 21- A Word Can Make A Change
Chapter 22- Her
Chapter 23: The Other Woman
Chapter 24: Behind The Stage
Chapter 24.5- Last Minutes Before The Curtains Rise
Chapter 25- Bystanding Guests
Chapter 26-Welcome In The Unexpected
Chapter 27: Brief
Chapter 28: Distant In The Rotten Crowd
Chapter 29- Selfish
Chapter 30- It's Not What It Looks Like
Chapter 30.5- Do It For Her
Chapter 32- About You
Chapter 33- The Green Light
Chapter 34- Little Person
Chapter 35- Say Yes To Heaven
Chapter 36: Say Yes To Me
Chapter 37- Sidelines
Chapter 38: My Lover is Sleeping
Chapter 39: White Curtains
Chapter 40- Ruined Overture
Chapter 41- Playback
Chapter 42- A Nightmare's Premonition
Chapter 43- Recap
Chapter 44- Bourgeoisies

Chapter 31- Things Always Change

477 11 9
By Sher1201

-Charlie POV

I bid the last client goodnight as I guided him to his respective room. He muttered something to me, probably thanking me, which I doubt or some incomprehensible curse. I didn't really care and there was nothing I could do about it. Me and Alastor had set some sort of prenup for the clients, detailing the rules, and the power they had and us too. Of course the staff wouldn't reprieve the clients due to their horrible manners or anything. The more I thought about it, the hotel sounded more like a child care facility.

Anyways we set one print of the prenup in each of the clients room, for them to review in the morning before joining for breakfast as they would express their concerns and questions.

Everyone else had finished before me and returned to the casino, except for Vaggie , who was still out. I was growing worried but I knew she would be okay. But just in case I had sent her a text expressing my concerns, to which she told me she was on her way.

With that, I went to the elevator, the doors closing right after me. As I was about to push the button, I heard a bit of cackling. I stood quietly to listen a bit more closely. Radio static. Al.

He must've been doing a late night broadcast, probably informing the success of the hotel. I rather pressed the button to the last floor so I could see what he was exactly doing,

I knew better than to go and seek for him, but regardless if it was about the hotel then it was necessary for me to go there as well.

The elevator's doors ringed open as I arrived to the last floor. A darker red light illuminated from the bottom of the hallway, as if it was booming. His voice, distant. It's funny because that hallways itself lead to his own segment of the hotel, the brand new addition, the radio tower of his.

I headed towards his tower, and finally stood on the twisted hallway that led towards it. From down here I could hear the rumbles of radio static, as if I could see them in form of shocks of electricity building up within the passage. Hitting and bouncing off the walls.

I headed there, the sounds of my heels echoing throughout the hallway, and the sound of his voice growing louder. His chuckles being heard more louder and clearer. The twisted hallway was somewhat illuminated with red lighting, and a few splotches of hello and orange lights.

The door was creaked open, and I slowly crept up to the door, taking in a peek of him. The room was just an exact replica of the office he had, except that this room, all of the walls were windows, and in here he had more of his radio gadgets.

"Tonight folks was a wonderful night for the Hazbin Hotel, and remember, we are always welcoming new clients. That's all folks!" He said as he presses a button. The 'on air', sign shut off.

He took a deep breath before just leaning back against his chair, humming to himself the similar tune from earlier, the one he sung with Mimzy. From where I looked at him, it was just like I imagined him as when he was alive. Somewhat lonely, doing the job he loved when he wasn't out killing people.

"Please don't get close to the Radio Demon."

Mom's cautionary words echoed in my head once more. After today's talk with Mimzy I supposed it enlightened me; Her love and devotion she had to him, was enough to make her want to kill the girl he was in love with. There were no established boundaries because it was considered to be obsession.

Were Mom's words referring to this? Al was still considerably popular, and due to this, me being his business partner and with rumors going around, his fans could have the same intentions as Mimzy. The thought of this wouldn't pose a threat, since due to my lineage, I was considered to be half angel so somewhat immune to mostly everything. Mostly. I had heard rumors of there being weapons strong enough to kill those of demons royalty. And I didn't want to test that out. There was no limit to which his fans would go to.

"What am I to do with these feelings of mine?" He asked to no one in particular, unless he had noticed my presence. I wondered what 'feelings' he referred to? Was it perhaps about his past lover and how it involved me?

The silence was loud after he had asked, and I debated even more if I should head in or not. My feet were glued onto the floor, and I was sweating. I didn't want him to think I was nosy, even though I was being nosy but still, I wasn't like this all the time.

"So many things to do, and so little time." He said out loud once more, brushing his hair back with his fingers.  He seemed stressed, even I could see it through that smile of his. I held the doorknob firmly as I debated. I was quite intrigued, and I knew that if I asked him directly he would shut the whole thing off. There was some sort of sincerity in seeing him alone and being himself; Seeing a part I had never seen before because he didn't let me see it. And maybe he had his reasons, but I did hope that some day he would grow comfortable in showing me.

But I knew he wouldn't. He was too prideful for that, and I knew I would be contradicting myself as I knew I needed to keep my distance from him. I had tried earlier, only for that reporter to infuriate me. There was nothing. There needed to be nothing between us. But why is it that I always craved for his attention.

Without being aware, I realized I was now standing inside the room, hand on the doorknob, and the door being wide opened behind me. I simply stood there and looked at him. He still hadn't noticed me I could sense that as his back was faced towards me and faced one of the windows, muttering now to himself as if he had acknowledged and went back to being secretive:

He eventually swirled himself so he could face and his stressed expression vanished and was replaced with a joyful stare.

"Well hello there My Princess." He said as he gave me a small wave.

"Hi.." was all I could manage to reply. It was now that I had noticed some of the decor in the room, like the coat hanger, was actually made out of deer horns and hoofs. Which reminded me that I had never actually see him eating meat. In other words, fall into his predatory and sadistic ways.

"You seem exhausted My Dear." Al commented as he now reached out for some papers that were splayed out on his desk. "I thought you had forgotten about the brief meeting you called upon and rather went to sleep."

"I would say the same about you but that smile of yours disguises so many things." I told him as I mimicked his smile with my fingers that drew a smile on my face. Disregarding the second segment of his comment.

"Well, believe it or not I am quite exhausted, but of course I won't show it." He told me as he placed the now neat pile of ports into a stack.

"I assume because it's a sign of weakness?" I ask him, letting out a small scoff. Of course he would fall into this reasoning.


"So you're calling me weak?" I teased him as his eyes darted to me.

"My Darling you are definitely not weak. I find it healthy for you to display your emotions." He told me as he stood up and brushed dust off of him. "Shall we make our way to the rooftop?" He asked as he looked at the buttons of his suit.

"Yeah." I told him. He pressed a few buttons and the glittering buttons all turned off one at a time. He approached me and as the room grew dark, I could see his red eyes focus on me while his yellow smile seemed more vibrant. In a creepy but reassuring way.

He approached me and held the doorknob, while telling me through his hands to go out first. He shut the door behind us and we headed downstairs once again, only the sound of our footsteps echoing through the hallway. The lights from the hotel floor illuminating the end of the staircase. The hallway was empty, and eerily quiet, but earlier this evening the hallways echoed the fun and excitement.

The last hallway consisted of a few rooms, but also with other rooms such as the library, another office, and a small attic of some sorts, where I had stashed most of the random paintings that had been dumped around. Specially that one of me and Seviathan. I really needed it to just throw it or burn it away.

As we headed back to the elevator, which I swore the hallway seemed stretched out in front of us, we heard something coming in from the library. At first I thought it was nothing until I noticed Al's ears were perked up. He turned to look at me as k did the same, telling each other we both heard it, and we needed to check it out. We walked up to the library's doors, and opened each one real quietly as to not scare off the intruder. We took a peek, and nothing was out of place. The shelves, all replenished with all sorts of books. Random stacks of books set neatly beside each shelf or along the walls. From the light that poured in from the windows, there was nothing that struck out.

"Follow close behind me." He told me firmly as he stepped in, and I doing what he told me. We looked around, and once again nothing out of the ordinary. Though there were moments the shadows were playing with my eyes, and I could've sworn I saw something or someone slip by. There was no other sound besides our small steps. I looked up at Al, who still was on alert mode.

We reached the center of the library, as we stood in the exact middle of a tiled pentagram.

"Seems like it was a false alarm." I whispered over to him. Of course it was. Razz and Dazz had this security system they explained to me once ( I didn't get it ) but as long as it worked for them and for us that was fine. They would e either informed me or deal with the matter themselves.

"I suppose, though.." he went over to a stack of books, one of high was opened and dropped onto the floor. "This book feels warm." He closed the book, "Inventions for Dummies for the 21st Century. I don't think any of us members of the staff would be interested in such a read."

I realized what Al was saying. Someone, had been here, relatively close.

"My Princess, is that little Hellphone of yours vibrating or something?" He pointed over to me as I shook my head.

"That's what I thought. Someone else is here in this room, a fellow I unfortunately do not know his name but do remember him being a small nuisance. Snake guy, you can come out now." He opened two portals, one being next to him and the other in another part of the library.

Something slithery tumbled down from the portal with red and yellow spots. A hat also came tumbling out and a few high pitch groans were heard. "Ow!" A loud hiss was followed afterwards.

"What do we have here?" Al questioned as he lowered his hand down to inspect. I peeked from behind him, and with the light that came through the windows did I recognize the creature known as Sir Pententious. Though he looked a bit weird from before, as he looked a bit paler, and skinnier than last time. His long black hair was now in more knots than I could, and his suit was worn and tattered.

"Sir Petentious..?" I asked quietly from behind Al who was just as confused as me by this revealing.

"Couldn't you have been a more gentler Alastor?" He hissed out as he rubbed his behind to soothe the pain.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had slowly slipped away from embarrassment between you and Al's clash." Truth be told we had all headed inside without really bothering to go check up on him.

"And you all have the audacity to use my own invention as a part of your silly establishment?!" He pointed outside the window, and we could see the glow of the light emanating from his ship down below us.

"I suppose we should've asked...." I turned to Al who smiled back childishly.  "So wait... have you been here this whole time??" I asked worryingly.

"Yeah. To be fair I thought the establishment wouldn't really be open for business so I huddled here and kept myself entertained." I could now see his little egg henchmen who peeked from behind the shelves and stacks of books. "I should say you have a very interesting collection of books here Highness."

"So wait have you just been sneaking around the hotel?" I kept on asking. What had he seen? Oh such an embarrassment.

"Oh yes. And I should say there is so much fun." He said sarcastically as he now stood up with crossed arms. No wonder I sometimes felt watched.

"What a silly fellow you are. Now, are you going to stay, or should we respectfully kick you out." Al asked, straight to the point.

"I do believe y'all incorporated my machine to the establishment, therefore I do believe I have some sort of ownership now." He said demandingly. "And making it a casino out of other things?? You people have no class." He hissed out.

"Watch your tone." Al warned as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Her High das can do as she pleases. Your machine fell onto her family's property therefore she can have the right to own it without your permission. After all this is Hell, there is not really any established rules." Al told him as he gave me a light squeeze on my shoulder.

"Well yes that is true but Al, morally speaking, I guess it is wrong since we just used it without his permission." I told him quietly. He simply stared back at me and cleared his throat.

"Yes I know My Princess. But instead of playing coward he should've confronted us sooner." From the background Sir Petentious seemed to melt of embarrassment by us calling him out.

"Well you do have a point. Say, we could just bring him in for redemption. Maybe that'll make him less of a coward!" I explained to Al.

"Why aren't you a very smart cookie My Princess."

"Why shut y'all's traps, I will do no such thing." He complained to us as he stood between us, breaking our distance apart. "And I'm no coward."

"Well it sort of sounds like you are since you don't want to check in at our hotel. Only the bravest of souls can recognize when it's time o change themselves." I elaborated to him, as his cocky expression changed to that of unsure and in thought.

"Please My Princess, I believe this silly fellow is not capable enough to be a part of our hotel." Al continued, following my lead. I know I emphasized that the clients should come under their own will, but Sir Petentious was different; I rather not deal with his silly attempts at trying to ruin the hotel.

"Yes I am. I should say I come from a line of definitely no cowards." He said as he puffed out his chest with pride.

"I suppose the only way to prove it would be for you to check in. That being said, I'll give you a bonus treat." I told him, Al raised his eyebrow at this.

"Which would be that due to that 'brilliant mind' of yours, I want you to create useful inventions for the hotel. That and the part of the hotel that's a ship had now been incorporated into the building, this i will give you credit for that part of the hotel." I told him.

"Pfft.. sure whatever you say. And as a reminder, the only reason I'm joining your silly cause would be for just the proof I am no coward." He rolled his eyes while folding his hands across his chest. His little egg minions ran to his side, muttering in-comprehensively.

"You'll also get your own room." I added.

"Why can't I just stay here? There's plenty of space for me and my boys." He turned to look at them.

"Because we will be using the library, staff only until further notice that the clients can use it as well." Alastor explained.

"I suppose. Fine then show me to my room. I must admit that sleeping on the table had been incredibly horrible for my back." He massaged his back as he told us.

"Great. Goodnight silly fellow."

"I have a name you know!" And with that Al snapped his fingers and a portal opened up below Sir Petentious. They tumbled down onto to the room they were assigned. I was surprised the egg boys didn't crack from the fall. I turned to look at Al who grinned back.

"That wasn't very nice." I slightly scolded him.

"My Princess, who said I was nice?" He asked me as he lowered himself to meet my gaze. I could feel my cheeks slightly heat up from the way he was looking at me so intently yet so, teasingly. But he was right, he wasn't considered to be the nicest demon everyone has ever met.

"Right." I turned away from seeing him and looked over the place. It was a bit dusty and messy. I had actually quite forgotten we had one. My parents didn't really call it one which is probably why I forgot about it. It was more like a book of collections; From books to painting to photos, it really wasn't library material. But I was quite surprised that Sir Petentious had found books that had caught his interest. "We should get going before the others start growing worried." I told him as I turned to face the door."

"Yes My Princess." He said, before turning towards me. I felt like he was also curious about what was in here.

We stepped out and I shut the door behind us, reminding myself to put some sort of lock for the room so clients would not meddle around. And so we headed for the elevator, which would take us back to where the casino was.

It was a quiet ride, as me and Al didn't quite look at each other, or started a conversation of some sorts. Which struck me as a bit odd but I supposed he had recognized how I was taking some distance from him. I couldn't bare rumors to start spreading around more than they already were. But I could feel his eyes dart over to me every now and then, maybe because I did so as well and noticed some small details about him.

"Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" He asked, though it seemed like he had spoken to no one in particular.

"Yeah, it honestly went better than I expected. Not gonna lie I thought at the end of the night the hotel would've been on fire or something." I chuckled. Sometimes this world seemed so cartoonish. Things would happen as if they were already predetermined to end in something comical.

"I can see how that could've happened." Al commented back.

Back to silence.

Though I did start to wonder that since the event of tonight's had been broadcasted, and with the rumors, I assumed that Al's own little fan base will pop up very soon and call me out. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to kill me; Mimzy had made that clear earlier tonight. Did Al know about this? Obviously Mimzy had had to do something to end down here, had that been murder? Maybe she had succeeded into killing the woman whom she had referenced earlier but didn't tell me for whatever reason.

But if she had, and he knew, I highly doubt he would have remained friends with her. Once again I grew curious about that girl Al had clearly adored; And I wanted to know more, but how did I pop up the question. Obviously it wasn't any of my business but I wanted to see Al in that light of having been pure enough to have fallen in love.

"What are you thinking about My Princess?" He asked, now turning his head over to me. The ride felt longer than it should've.

"Mimzy mentioned something earlier that I can't  shake off of my head." I admitted, truthfully, yet vaguely enough.

"If it's about regarding her feelings towards me and expressing her hostility toward you, please don't worry your pretty little head about it, I have things u der control." He petted the top of my head comfortingly.

"It-it's not that..." I muttered. I knew that she didn't pose enough of a threat but I still needed to be cautious enough around her.

"Then what is it My- " He said as he turned his body towards me.

"She mentioned a woman you were fond of." I met his gaze, as he slowly pulled back his hand from my head. I could see his eyes slightly widen and him growing stiff.

"Is that so..." I could his grip of his staff slightly be tighter. I obviously caught him off guard, and his smile was clearly strained to the point it could easily loosened.

"Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong but I've been some sort of open book for you since we started working together. And hearing about that piece of your own life is refreshing. It's nice knowing you're more than the demon who stands right before me." Which was true, I was being honest, and I just wanted to get to know him better. "Don't get me wrong im not angry for you not telling me this, Heaven, you don't owe me any explanation or background of your life. But.. I just want to know more of you."

"Do you want to know more of me so you can help redeem me?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"N-no it's just like i said. I know you're not here for that. Besides you're my business partner, I don't want you leaving any time soon." I shook my hands in front of as defense. I could sense he was clearly annoyed by my upbringing, but I didn't want him to think otherwise.

"I'm just teasing you My Darling!" He chuckled as he patted my back. He leaned down to me, and his face was next to my ear. "I'll tell you more if you would like..." He whispered, and the doors to the elevator ringed open. The rest of the staff, along with Mimzy, stood outside of the casino, all turning their heads towards us. Al had slowly pulled away, his eyes still holding onto mine. "But we are 'working'." He gave me a sly wink as we stepped out of the elevator.

My heart fluttered in excitement as I realized I will learn something new about him. I would link that person to a name. I would realize who had made Al be capable of love. I was so close to the truth.. I was sort of fearing it.

"Let's get going now." He said as he shooed me off the elevator and made the way to the casino.

"Hey everyone! Let's all go inside so we don't awaken our guests." I opened the doors to lead them in.

"What about toots?" Angel asked, as he had now changed back to his regular attire.  Him asking about her also caught me off guard as I thought the two didn't really get along. I checked my Hellphone and still no text or call from her.

"She's probably still dealing with that lousy reporter, and should be done any minute now." He nodded his head and went in with the others. Mimzy of course, was the second to last to go in since Al hadn't walked in either. Al held the door, so I could walk in.

"Do you consider this working?" I asked him as I looked at the others whom were already asking Husk to prepare their drinks.

He looked over to them and adjusted his monocle. "Well My Dear, when we are with them it seems like we are. But don't worry your pretty little head, I'll tell you." He said as he shooed me inside hurriedly. I was also surprised how opened he was to actually telling me his past with this mysterious woman. But I also felt special he trusted me with such information.

The casino, now emptied and cleaned thanks to Niffty,  seemed as still wonderful as it when it was full. The machines still ringed with their chimes and music, and the glittering lights added to the atmosphere.

We walked over to the bar, where Niffty and Mimzy chattered between themselves and giggled like school girls, while Angel tried making a move at Husk who was making the drinks. Me and Al sat further from the others, and his shadow eventually came and made us company.

"Where have you gone off to?" I asked him as I had rarely seen him sue to all the commotion. He just shrugged it off and whispered something to Al, whom just nodded hurriedly.

Razz and Dazz were sitting over by the corner,  looking over at Al's shadows whom were taken a break.

"Princess. Son of a bitch. What do y'all want?" Husker asked as he leaned over the bar to ask us. I turned to Al; Personally I was going to get some juice or something as I didn't want to have a hang over the first day of business.

"I suppose a glass of water doesn't harm anyone." He said with a wink. Husker turned to me.

"I suppose I'd you have some apple juice I'll take some." I asked him.

"Do you want it in the juice box or in a fancy cup?" He asked me with a chuckle.

"A fancy cup." I told him. Honestly my throat did feel a bit parched from all the talking, and my legs had grown tired from all the walking around. I just hadn't noticed until now.

I turned to Al who seemed distant as well. Perhaps he too was taking his distance, or maybe he was bothered about me wanting to know about her. And I didn't want to bother him more if that was the case so I just sat put, though I could feel Mimzy throwing daggers at me from where she sat. I could tell she wanted me to look at her as every now and then she would burst out laughing and waving her arms around. Maybe not for my attention but for Al.

"Here y'all go." Husker said as he placed both drinks in front of us. We thanked him and back to silence the two of us went.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked him as I took a sip.

"Yes My Princess. How about you?" He said as he took a deep breath. He faced me then, and his eyes seemed tired.

"Yea me too. Al, you should get some sleep." I told him worriedly.

He shook it off. "Please, and leave you with them? A hard pass My Dear. Besides I rather enjoy this company of yours than go back to my empty room." He said as he leaned his head on his right arm that was on the bar. I suppose he referred to Mimzy most of all.

"Right but, I don't want you to be tired for tomorrow and for your well being."

"It's not like I can die again, right?" He chuckled.

"I suppose you're right." I sighed as he was somewhat right.

"Besides back then, I wasn't much of a sleeper, I used to and somewhat am an insomniac." He pointed to his eye bags.

"Ohhh well then-

"Can you die Princess?" We turned to Mimzy who already had flustered drinks probably from drinking. And I didn't know how to exactly answer the question that out of context was rude and confusing.

"Mimzy! Control yourself! You can't just ask that!" Niffty scolded her as she hit her with her dust feather duster.

"No cause I'm actually curious as well. I know that those of royalty can't be killed so easily." Angel added as he took a swig of his drinking. Though his comment seemed less aggressive and more curious than Mimzy's.

I turned to Al, somewhat to seek reassurance if I should answer as if he knew the answer. Or maybe he did know.

"Well... since my dad is none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, and my mother being Lillith, technically the first woman, due to their heritage leading back to that of God and angels, only an angelic weapon could technically half work. At least that's what I've known that can kill other royalty members. But for me and my parents we could be considered to be immortal, an example of this would be the other archangels, and even Adam, the first man whom I believe is the leader of the Executioners." They all shook their heads in understanding.

"What brings up the question?" I ask Mimzy.

"I'm just curious as you are the Princess of Hell. We, well the sinners, don't really know that much about the royalty. It's not like we have to know, but it is a relatively curious topic to explore. And who better to ask than literally the Princess." The four of them then went back to their own little conversations, and quickly forgot about me and Al. We were back to silence.

"How was it growing up knowing you would one day be the ruler of Hell?" Al asked me, his attention solely on me.

"It was.. something. My parents were overprotective, as I said they didn't let me leave the premises of the palace as much as I could, only in certain situations. I had no siblings so I grew up mostly alone until Dad created Razzle and Dazzle. My parents.. they adored me of course, we would often go for family trips and go to the other rings and visit the respective princes. I didn't know as a kid that Hell was where sinners were sent to for their immortal actions. I watched the development of Hell, and thought it was a beautiful world; which I mean it is in its own ways. I know that this ring, everything is too red, but the others are so beautiful, they have their own different environments and color schemes. Have you seen it? - "

I stopped as I realized Al has and never would see the other rings.

"I'm so sorry! I know! I know! I know!" I apologized to him quickly sputtering my apologies out.

"It's alright My Dear. There's no worry about it. Besides, red is my favorite color, this ring would in no doubt always be my favorite." He chuckled, as I was still flustered. In some way I get as if I've insulted him.

"Besides, you haven't seen my own world." He pointed upwards.

"Yeah my parents.. obviously didn't let me go there either.." I told him with a defeated sigh.

"Well My Dear, what's stopping you now? You could go to satisfy your younger self." Which was true but what was there to see? From what I heard it was just like here except of course with different landscapes and colors and other things.

"I think... that my curiosity to go there, was not for the world itself. But it was for you..." I told him as I stared straight at him. His smile grew slightly bigger and his eyes seemed to relax. That's when it hit me I didn't finish saying my sentence.

"I meant you-ou guys! The famous sinners!" I pointed to the huddled group who laughed between themselves.

"Dad would always complain about you guys. Saying that you were all in the same and that God had been a fool for creating y'all.. except Mother. I think his hate stemmed from Adam most of all. Mom says that Adam was an asshole. Or maybe Dad said thst because humans were a part of his exile." I told him as I remember my Dad's rants about how the humans were pathetic, after I had told him how they were like.

"I see. So then, I shall take it that they're not very fond of Vagatha." Al commented.

"I.. I actually I mean.. I can't tell you they're find of her but-

"They clearly are if they accepted her as your partner." He pointed out.

"Truth be told, my Mom does like her. As for my Dad, he's just okay with it. I don't know how they managed to agree to let her be my partner due to her being a human." Which now did have me thinking. Then again I couldn't really recall how I introduced her to them.

"I see.. so then.. what is your own opinion of us pitiful sinners?" He asked as he leaned towards me with a grin. "What do you think about me? Do you think I'm just as terrible as how your Father made sinners to be?"

Clearly he wanted to know what I thought of just him and not the others. And I didn't know what to say. I know how I felt towards him, but I couldn't manage to say it.

"Hey, it's quite rude for the host to ignore the rest of her guests!" Angel said as I was about to answer Al. I grew flustered as I turned to face the others who stared at me (specially Mimzy) , and then to Al and I noticed our proximity.

"You guys were the one that brushed us off!" I called them out.

"Because you both decided to sit further from us." Husker said as he took a swig.

"There's plenty of space over here! Al be a dear and sit next to me! I have after all reserved you a spot." Mimzy added with a wink.

"Let's sit on the floor instead! I cleaned it thoroughly and we can play spin the bottle!" Niffty grinned.

"Why that's an excellent idea! Come on y'all!" Mimzy sat as she hopped off from her seat, everyone following her lead, even Husker but he brought a couple of bottles with him.

"I suppose we should be good sports and go with them as well." Al said as he hopped off, and offered me his hand for support as I hopped off.

Al sat next to Mimzy, and I sat on his right side, and Angel sat on my right side. Husk drank a whole bottle of vodka in one swig and placed it in the center.

"Before we play, everyone grab their drinks." I instructed as everyone did so. "I'm sorry for it being late, but I wanted to thank all of y'all as tonight was a a success. Yes somethings just happened but besides that, we all did great with our roles and I'm so proud of y'all and happy that all of you are a part of this and I couldn't ask for a better team. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone clinked their glasses and drank from our drinks. I leaned over to Angel who wiped his mouth with his arm.

"If you need anything, or need to talk stuff out, let me know." I patted him on his back as he nodded. I didn't want to attract attention.

"Well what are we going to play?" Niffty asked excitedly.

"Truth or dare sounds good!" Mimzy added with a sparkle in her eye. Suddenly it felt like we were kids rather than grown adults playing a somewhat child's game.

"I'll go first!" Niffty chirped in. "I ... dare... all the men in this room..." I could've sworn she started salivating at the mouth, as her eye looked at all three guys in the room. "To... t-to stripnaked." She ended her sentence rapidly and smiled shyly as if she had not just let her intrusive thoughts win.

"Oh aren't you a smart cookie!" Mimzy coord at Niffty but looked over at Al who smiled through the whole thing.

"Niffty, I think I can speak for all of us dick havers here that we won't do that... at least pay me first I can just do it for free." Angel said as he rolled his eyes and stretched out his arm to her for money.

"You have a dick? I thought you were a woman? She asked confused.

"Enough of these shenanigans, next person." Husker said. We turned to look at him awaiting his own truth or dare as he was the one that responded somewhat respectfully.

"Fine... uh Mimzy, Truth or Dare?"

"Let's see, dare."

"I dare you to go and admit to a client you have a feet kink."

"That's literally so random." Mimzy nervously chuckled. I could see Angel shift around a bit.

"I didn't ask for your commentary, I told you your dare now go do it. If you chicken out we'll just shout it to all of the clients." Husker added. I was somewhat impressed by his own idea. Mimzy now grew serious and knew he was serious too. So she stood up, and we all did the same. Al opened up a portal for the first room of the first client. Mimzy awkwardly thanked him.

"I just want to clarify I don't have one and if this spreads out y'all better defend me."

"We don't kink shame in this hotels. Go do it!" Angel added, as we all huddled up, and watched Mimzy step out. She knocked on the door and awaited the client. It took a good couple of seconds until a two headed client opened the door... who had eight legs.

"The hell do you want?" One of the groggy heads spoke out.

"I..." she cleared her throat, and shut her eyes. " I have a feet kink!" She quickly covered her face and stood there for a couple of seconds rather than hurrying back to the portal.

The demon just stared at her and down at their feet, wiggling their legs out.

"Okay? And I have a piss kink, so good for us." And he shut the door in her face. She jogged back to the portal and we applauded her for her bravery. She kept muttering curses at us and her flushed cheeks made her look like a tomato.

"Truly a good way to start a show." Al commented over to her.

"I swear I don't have one Alastor!" She retorted back. Though she seemed very insistent she didn't have one, it seemed sort of suspicious. "You won't get away with this Husker!"

"Who's next?" She asked as she looked around with watery eyes.  We looked at her dumbfounded as it was her turn.

"Right..." she wiped off her tears and looked around.  And she looked over at Al and a small grin spread across her face.

"Alastor.. truth or dare?" With that hint of mischievousness in her voice I knew that if he picked dare, he would be dared to kiss her. Which I didn't mind but I mean she didn't have to force him. But I doubt he would choose truth since he was so .. secretive.

He pondered for a moment and all of us leaned closer to him, awaiting his response.

"I suppose I'll choose .. truth." He responded sincerely. I supposed he also weighed in the options. Mimzy smirked at this as we turned to all face her, surprised by Al's answer.

"Since you're being truthful,  between me and Her Highness here, would you want to be your partner?l I felt as if an arrow had shot through my chest as to pin point me. Everyone else 'ooed' in curiously as Al stood there unfazed. I slowly turned to look up at him. I knew I was with Vaggie, and he knew that as well, so obviously he had to choose Mimzy who was single, even if it was just to feed her ego and not be entirely truthful. I looked over to Mimzy who with crossed arms stared daggers at me. Al had to choose her, for both of our own sakes.

"My Princess." He Said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. It didn't hit me until for a couple seconds what he said and both me and Mimzy exclaimed surprisingly.

"Alastor how could you say that!" Mimzy whined as her eyes started tearing once more.

"Yeah! How could you say that! I have a girlfriend Al!" I told him,  angrily of course as he knew about Vaggie. But I also thought about how he chose me.. and how maybe the rumors were true. Was he .. pursuing me? Then I thought back to Mimzy's reference to the other woman who Al had been before and I could feel my chest tightened.

"Well dear you did tell me to be truthful here. Theoretically speaking , yes I know Her Highness is with someone already but if opportunity arises, I don't see why I wouldn't try to pursue her as she is everything I want in a partner." He told me as he squeezed my shoulder.

"B-but Alastor you honestly can't be with her! She doesn't deserve you! I do! Cant you see? I'm the one for you and she's the other woman!" She cried out to him as she pointed at me menacingly. I wouldn't be surprised if she charged at me with knife in hand.

As for me, I stood there awkwardly and hopeless. A tiny part of me did feel somewhat flattered that Al had chosen me. Of course I liked Al, he was a great friend I could confide with, and someone with whom I matched energies with. And then I overthought to the possibility of me and him.. being something. And I felt absolutely horrible to even think about it. I loved Vaggie, I truly did, but sometimes I caught myself thinking about how long the both of us had lasted being together. Me and her are so different sometimes; There are moments we sometimes don't see eye to eye on things that make me think how we make it work.. and until how long more of this can we take. As to contrast with him; We've known each other for such a brief period of time yet we are so much alike. The thought of me and him didn't sound as crazy as one would think.

"You always do this! Just to go back to the other woman! Why can't you see that no matter how hard you try to fix things they won't go your way!" She turned over to me furiously and despair as Al who as always smiled seemed to not take into account her feelings. I could feel his hand on me starting to burn.

"For once I thought everything was going better because she wasn't here! But look at you clinging to the next piece that looks like her!"

"Mimzy, please refrain yourself before you say something you won't be able to take back." He warned as he lifted his hand off of me. The others remained quiet as well as we stared between them.

"It's the honest truth Alastor! Can't you see? That other woman won't love you the way I would!" She pressed her hands on her chest as she uncontrollably sobbed. The sight reminded me somewhat of me and Seviathan.

"Mimzy , you don't love, you're just infatuated with me."

"Please as if you have no right to talk! Back then, you were as sadistic as ever and it seemed like I was the only one that noticed it. The only reason why you were with that woman was to kill her! She was merely prey and you decided to play with your food; You gave her this false sense of comfort before you killed her!" She yelled out, and the silence after it seemed louder. I looked up at Al, to see if I could catch a glimpse of the truth. Had he really killed her? The supposed woman who had taken his heart? Sometimes with the way he treated me did I forget his sins, and what drove him to be here. That he was a literal serial cannibalistic killer. Yet while I looked at him who seemed unfazed did I hope for a Mimzy to be wrong so that my image of him could somehow be preserved.

He wasn't denying it.

I backed away from him which made him look at me, I could see disappointment briefly strike his face.

"Al..." I whispered to him. "I-I don't feel that way towards you. Though in some way I do feel flattered, I must remind you that I'm with Vaggie whom I love very much..." What I said was the truth, yet I felt like I was lying. I felt guilty at the thought that I had hurt him.

He didn't say anything, anyone in fact, it was us just standing around with the ringing slot machines in the background.

"I know Charlie Dearest, that you don't belong to me. Though if things had been different then perhaps... there could've been more." He chuckled and created an applauding sound effect. He made a point to avert his gaze from me.

Yet no one applauded for his comment and it just became more quieter. Mimzy surprised in her sniffles, but there wasn't anyone consoling her. I thought perhaps Niffty would as I knew they were somewhat best friends.

But all I could gather from their expressions was pure pity.

"I've had enough from both of you!" She shouted, I suppose I was the second person in this case. She walked up to me and I put my hands up in front of me defensively, awaiting for her to start throwing in slaps and punches. But she just stood there and stared hard at me with swollen eyes.

"You Princess are just as selfish as any other person. Your persona of pure and innocence doesn't fool me. But apparently it fools him enough to fall head over heels for you. Little Miss Perfect just walks in and just, does nothing but exist and you're quickly infatuated with her! It's just like last time!" She said and simply walked away and headed for the door.

Just like last time.

Vaggie stood there blocking the door, with a familiar creature in her arms. Mimzy, unbothered, just brushed past her.

"Al, why don't ya go after her." Husker simply said while Al stiffened up once more. Radio static was slowly being heard.

He turned to face me, as if asking me, 'Should I? Please don't make me go.'

"What you did was messed up Al." I simply told him, I was disappointed in him no doubt. But his words from earlier came back to me. '

'Who said I was nice?'

He scoffed and shook his head.

"What did I miss?" Vaggie said as she stood next to us now.

"Hi Vaggie! Im glad you're back!" I told her as I tackled her into a hug, glad she came back safe and sound.Though I could feel the stares from everyone else burning my back. I stepped away and from my peripheral vision I could see Al who had turned away.

"You missed nothing Toots." Angel chirped in. Nothing. Well something did happen, but I couldn't pinpoint what exactly.

"Say what are you holding there Miss Vaggie?" Niffty asked as she ran over to us. It was uncomfortable seeing the others pretend that nothing happened. But I guess into their own lives it was just a silly banter that didn't affect them in the slightest. Just the three of us. And now we had to pretend like nothing happened, because I didn't want Vaggie to know. If she knew there would be no doubt in my mind she wouldn't go and tel my parents, or throw threats at Al, and I couldn't afford that to happen specially because I needed him business wise.

"This little creature is KeeKee. Y'all should recognize her as the hotel's key." Niffty and Angel looked at KeeKee with such curiosity while Husker drank in the background. The creature did turn to look at me, it's black eye bringing back some sort of familiarity. My Mom did tell me that the key was more than just the key, and I guess this is what she referred to, though I wondered why KeeKee had now just 'awakened'.

Al however, didn't seem amused. He didn't like dogs but I think KeeKee was supposed to resemble a cat, so maybe he wouldn't harbor harsh feelings toward her. His back was faced towards us, looking out to the stage.

Once again things changed; They can never remain the same.

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