The Life We Left Behind

By FuzzyFowl

4.6K 106 302

Roni can't help it, she's just a sucker for blue eyes and a hot guy in a uniform. There had always been a cer... More

Detective Rogers
Are you asking me out on a date?
It's like I know you from a past life somehow
Happier together
Welcome back, Regina!
You're not that evil
Up for a road trip?
You need to stop living in the past!
We almost had it all
Catching up with an old boyfriend
It's all coming back to me
Do you get it now?
Welcome to Storybrooke!
You can stay at the mayor's mansion
The new Killian Jones
Settling in
I don't like it when my moms are fighting
The last Thanksgiving
Underneath the mistletoe... again
The truth about my feelings for Regina is...
Almost there... and yet, so far
The White Elephant
It's a date!
What if your happy ending is sitting right in front of you?
You drive me crazy, I want you so bad!
If you belong together - you belong together!
I love you, Regina
I just want to be alone with you!
Meet me in the restroom... NOW!
Conversations with a gravestone
We have an announcement to make
Privacy? Not here...
Reunion with old friends
A tiny, shocking and impossible surprise
Operation Stork
The Christmas Miracle
Let's make a baby!
Too far away
Head over here for the sequel >>>

The morning after

113 3 15
By FuzzyFowl

She woke up when a bright light was flashing into her eyes for a split second and she opened them, blinking. The light turned out to be the winter sun, that she might be seeing for the very first time today since returning to gloomy Storybrooke, reflecting on a shiny piece of metal placed on her pillow next to her face that she was gently holding with her hand. His hook.

She felt his arm wrapped around her, holding her, felt his warm body pressed against her back and his calm breath in her neck that instantly sent a tingling sensation down her spine. Her heart began beating faster and faster as the memories of last night came back to her, she even blushed a little. Even though they had spent many a night together as Roni and Rogers, even though she knew his body inside out, knew what he liked and how to give him the most intense pleasure that made him hold his breath, bite his lip and gasp her name in awe, this time it had been completely different. For the first time she, Regina Mills, had slept with Killian Jones... the Wishrealm version. And it had been that kind of a night after which her life would never ever be the same again. There was only a before and an after. And this after, her new life, was just beginning right now, like this, snuggled up in his arms on this sunny winter morning.

Very, very carefully she tried turning around without waking him. She wanted to look at him, see his face. Somehow she still needed this as confirmation that all this was real and had actually happened. Finally.

Then, to her surprise, she was greeted by the most beautiful, ocean blue eyes and the warmest, happiest smile. „Good morning, love!"

„Good morning! You're awake!"


„How long have you been looking at me?"

„Not nearly long enough to wrap my head around what happened last night."

She snickered and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. „I know, it's all... it just feels so... unbelievable that we actually did this. I mean, after all these years!"

„And not while being under a curse! We weren't even drunk, and I didn't even once call you by the wrong name."

She whispered. „On quite the contrary, I seem to recall... I don't think I've ever heard anyone scream my name that often in one night. Unless I was torturing them."

„Well, what can I say... I was lucky enough to discover that Regina still has quite a few more tricks up her sleeve than Roni."

He gently ran his hook across her cheek, a sweet and romantic gesture despite the fact that it was basically a murder weapon.

„How do you feel, love? How did you, I mean... how do you feel about last night? Did I hurt you with this?"

She shook her head. „No, I don't think so. I wouldn't know, to be honest, in the heat of passion, but... I loved it, Killian", she cupped his face between her hands, gently running her thumbs over the stubble of his beard, that shimmered slightly red in the light of the morning sun instead of the usual black, and smiled at him, „Last night. If I had the words to describe it I would, but... I'm not sure I can. It was so, so special. And I'm just... happy. Really, really happy."

He looked like a boulder came tumbling down off his chest in this very moment, his smile becoming wider and more sincere. „That's good to hear, really. And... likewise! I mean, I figured since I would have probably been turned into a toad by now if you had disliked it, but still. It's good to hear. And, I guess that means... it might happen again?"

„Not might, please! It must! I can't do this anymore, I don't have the strength to run away and fight my own feelings anymore. I need this... I need us", she swallowed and tried to hold his gaze even though right this moment she was mortified by her own openness, how she was serving him her heart on a silver platter, just not quite as literally as she had Robin Hood back then when they had started being together and she had asked him to protect her heart from her sister, „I meant what I said yesterday. Again. I love you, Killian. And... I want to be together with you, even though it scares the hell out of me."

Eagerly he nodded. „Me too! I want you, Regina. Not just for a night, or a day. For every day! Forever. I love you too. I have for so long, and more than you can imagine, more than any woman, more than... bloody hell, more than Milah, even. If you allow it, then I'll never ever let you go again."

A fuzzy warm feeling spread through her entire body as she was listening to him. A part of her still wanted to push him away and close herself off to the possibility of love, just as she had done countless times before. But where had that ever gotten her? The truth was, she was sick and tired of being alone and watching from the sidelines all the happy couples around her. And it just felt way too good lying here in bed with him, and in his arms.

„Well, if that is so, Captain, then please stop talking and kiss me, finally!", she whispered in his ear.

He didn't think twice about it but pulled her even closer and pressed his lips on hers, hungrily, continuing right where they had left off last night. Melting into his arms, she climbed on top of him, straddling him, letting her hands run all over his body, and within less than a minute, he was entering her in one smooth motion, and she threw her head back, clinging to his shoulders and gasped as she began riding him, gently at first, then more and more passionately.

Eventually she was resting on top of his chest, lifting her head to look at him. „Just promise me one thing, will you?"

„Anything, love."

„Promise me you'll never leave me. I... I can't lose another man I love. I just can't."

He sighed. „That is quite a promise to make. But I can tell you one thing: I'm really, really good at surviving. And now, next to my daughter, I have another reason to stay alive... love! So I can give you my word, Regina, that I will do whatever it takes to stay by your side, to be there for you and protect you. Even though, by all means, you certainly don't need my protection, Your Majesty."

She knew he was right, no one could make such a promise. So in the end she smiled at him and decided to make do with his answer. With a sigh, she checked the time. „I'm already late for work..."

He let his fingertips run along her spine and down the curves of her backside and whispered: „Do you really have to go?"

„I'm the mayor, Killian, people are depending on me, I can't come and go as I please."

„Not even today? The first day with your new boyfriend?"

„New boyfriend, huh? Someone is already feeling quite cozy in this bed, it seems."

„Well... what would you call me then?"

She thought about it for a moment, then reached for her phone to make a call. „Fine!... Snow? It's Regina", she coughed demonstratively, „I was wondering whether you'd be free today to fill in for me at the office... Yeah, I don't know!... Probably just a nasty cold I must have caught somewhere in this dreadful weather", she coughed again, even louder this time, „Thank you so much, you're a dear!... I will, thanks! Okay, bye!"

With a triumphant smile she put back her phone and declared. „Looks like we have the day to ourselves. You're welcome!"
As a reply he simply pulled her in for another kiss. Then he looked her, somewhat puzzled. „Why did you lie to her and tell her you were sick?"

„What do you mean? She's my stepdaughter! What should I have said? That instead of working I prefer frolicking around in bed all day with my ‚new boyfriend'?"

„I have a feeling that if anyone would understand, it's her."

„Well, you may be right about that, but still. I don't know... somehow I don't feel ready yet to tell the others about this, about us", she sighed, „They've been insufferable so far whenever it came to our relationship, and they kept sticking their noses way deeper into our business than is even remotely comfortable, all of them, and first and foremost my dear son! And somehow... at least for now, I don't want to share this with them yet. I want these first few days to belong just to us. It's still so new... let's discover it together? Away from prying eyes who watch our every move and meddle in our relationship whenever they get the chance."

„Aye!", he nodded and kissed her hand, „I very much agree with that."

„Plus... I don't know, somehow I'm in the mood for playing with them", a mischievous twinkle appeared in her eye, „To get back at them for how annoying they have been the past few weeks since we got back here. Why don't we pretend we still hate each other?"

„What do you mean... ‚still'?"

„Oh, you know what I mean. Like we're still fighting. Wouldn't that be fun?"

He laughed. „So the Evil Queen is still in there somewhere, I see. But, it's vicious, and I like it!"

He moved his face closer to hers and she gently licked, then bit his bottom lip before kissing him once more.

„So, Captain, looks like I have the day off! What shall we do with it?"

„Oh well, there are certainly a few... activities I could think of", he smirked and gave one of her butt cheeks a squeeze, „But for now, I feel we need to recharge. How about breakfast?"

It was a good idea and certainly well intentioned, but in the end they didn't get very far. Halfway through making breakfast downstairs in the kitchen, they couldn't resits and keep their hands off each other for much longer. And so while the bacon was sizzling in the pan, Killian took his new girlfriend on the kitchen counter and she gave herself to him almost wantonly. She was wearing nothing but her silk pyjama top that he had unbuttoned for better access to her breasts, he on the other hand was wearing a pair of PJ pants that were now pulled down to his ankles as he held her, protecting her head from banging against the kitchen cabinet along with the thrusts of his hips.

One night, and he was already addicted to her body, to making love to her, his queen. And those deep, soft moans and noises that she made, or the way she gasped his name were by far the most delicious sounds he had ever heard.

They both were so caught up in the heat of the moment that neither of them heard the sound of the front door, but they did hear a very familiar voice yelling from the hallway: „Hey Mom! It's me! Are you in the kitchen?"

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