Rico's Fantasy Booking: Year 2

RicoTheLegend द्वारा

1.9K 137 766

A Continued edition of my prior fantasy booking story, This time including Submitted Superstars from anyone w... अधिक

Wrestler Submissions!!!
(Side Promo) Triple J & Sam-O-Mac
Fantasy Booking Plans
Road to Hell In A Cell
Pay Per View Results - October to December
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Royal Rumble PPV
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Raw after the Rumble...
Building to B.R.: Chaos is King...
Bragging Rights!
Cruise Ship Chaos!
NEWS! Two Wrestlers appearace changes!
The Road to No Way Out!
PPV: No Way Out!
Road to Wrestlemania
Wrestlemania 39: A Brutal Opening Contest
Wrestlemania 39: Night 1
Wrestlemania 39: Night 2!
The Raw After Wrestlemania
Building Towards Backlash
Wrestlemania: Backlash
Clash of the Century: Rhodes vs Gedling
The Next Night On Raw...
Extreme Rules PPV Predictions!
😎 Money Talks 😎
The Predator vs The King
Money In The Bank: Pre-Show
What Went Down: MITB
Approaching Summerslam...
A Rivalry Renewed!
Queen of the Ring Tournament
Biggest Party of the Summer!
Summerslam: Part 2
HUGE Thanks to Give!

Men's Royal Rumble - Part 1

49 2 13
RicoTheLegend द्वारा

I apologize in advance. I'll be kinda rushing this part of the Rumble to get to Part 2, due to the Big plans laid out in Part 2. I'll be adding some big moments, but not too many big sequences like I would usually do.

Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, children of all ages... It is now time, for the ROOOOOOOYAAL RUUUUUUMBLE MAAAATCH!!! Entries will occur every 90 or so seconds, and eliminations occur only when you are thrown over the top rope and BOTH feet touch the floor. Once all 40 men have entered, The last man standing will win a title shot of HIS CHOOSING in the MAAAIN EVENT of WWWRESTLLLLLEMAAAAANIAAA! Now, let's meet the superstars who drew number One and Number Two!

Entrant #1:


Lee waited in the ring for The second entrant.

Entrant #2:

These two are no strangers to one another. Roderick Strong and Keith Lee, both debuted against the other in NXT years ago, now they're kicking off the 2023 Royal Rumble!

Lee Displays his power by simply Standing and eating every kick Roddy threw his way for the whole 90 seconds. Strong wondered what it would take to Bring Lee down, let alone throw em over the top...

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Entrant #3: Chad Gable

The Head of the Alpha Academy rushes into action, attempting a German Suplex on Lee, who just Tosses him off! Roddy picks up Gable and hits him with a Brutal Backbreaker! Lee and Strong then go back to one on one, With Strong attempting to chop the legs out from underneath Lee.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #4

"The Good Life" by def rebel began playing, and Happy Corbin trotted out with an eager Madcap Moss. Moss was laughing, until... Corbin tore his shirt off. Moss looked bewildered... Corbin grabbed Moss and chucked him against the Barricade!

Corbin stared at the ring, all action halting due to this Turning on his companion. Corbin nods to someone in back, and the song changes...

It's the Return of the Lone wolf! And he's out for blood! Corbin slides in the ring. Gable attempts a Diving Nothing (where he just gets caught midair) and is Intercepted by Corbin, who spins him right into the End of Days! Lee deadlifts Gable up and YEET!!! Gable is gone!

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Entrant #5:
You think you Know me...

The Rated R Superstar entering the rumble once again, A former 2x winner of this very event! Edge in the ring, SPEAR TO STRONG! And a Spear for Lee too! Edge delivering a Spearfest here at the rumble! Going for a- No, Deep Six by Corbin Instead.

Rest holds and corner shenanigans tick away more time...

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Entrant #6

The resident Conspiracy theorist enters at a not-so enviable position Number six. He immediately points to the Mania sign... and vets whacked by a Right hand from Corbin, then Bodyslammed by Lee. Lee and Corbin had a staredown, as two massive men were about to throw down...

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Entrant #7


Reed made his way to the ring, and Lee quickly dismissed Corbin, as these two super Heavyweights were close to having a DREAM showdown! Sami tried getting in between them. "GUYS! WE CAN MAKE A GREAT TEAM, JUST HEAR ME O-" Reed and Lee clutched the back of Zayn's head, then Used their freakish power to hurl em over the top rope.

Lee & Reed then got into a Brawl that involved lots of Powerful shoulder tackles and Powerslams that barely affected the man taking the move. This was an evenly matched Powerhouse Clash!

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Entrant #8:

The Phenomenal... AJ STYLES!

Styles, crafty, world traveled Veteran, but has never won this match. He bolts to the ring, Leaping up to the apron and immediately catching Corbin off Guard with a Springboard Blockbuster!

The Behemoth battle continues as Roddy rests in a corner.
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Entrant #9

The original Bro enters the fray, Going after Strong with quick, barefooted kicks! He then turns to Corbin, there's a well documented history between these two...

Corbin delivers a Harsh chokeslam Backbreaker to Riddle as the match rages on...

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Entrant #10:

It's Kevin Owens! Immediately into the ring, Going after Corbin, Applies the Pumphandle... Neckbreaker by Owens! Now just stomping the Bare feet of Riddle, turns around and pops up Strong into a Powerbomb! The K.O. SHOW has stopped here tonight in Atlanta for the Royal Rumble!

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Entrant #11:

The Powerhouse of Positivity joins the match! E slides in, Pulling Reed off of A downed Keith Lee! Reed and E face off, But a series of rights from Reed sends E back. Reed positions Lee, He climbs to the Top, Getting set up for a TSSSUUUUUMAMIIIII!!! The splash lands with full force, but Reed isn't done! He climbs up again, looking for a second one... but Big E, outta nowhere with a Springboard Forearm, Rocks Bronson Reed, who tumbles down to the floor, Eliminated by Big E!

And we rest more...

Corbin had Edge locked in a Cloverleaf submission hold until Lee Double Axe Handle'd Corbin from behind.

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Entrant #12:

Edge's face lights up. His best friend, Christian, has returned! Christian immediately Spears Corbin, Then goes to help his buddy up. The whole crowd seems to be Loving this, Chanting "E AND C! E AND C! E AND C!"

Riddle, for the second time in the history of the Rumble, attempted to third wheel the moment... and was subsequently Double Edgecution DDT'd.

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Entrant #13:


Veer makes his long anticipated debut, stepping between the ropes... and then Edge & Christian Clothesline the big man, Sending him over the top and to the floor in less than 5 seconds!

The two take a celebratory moment, but Christian gets Turned around and hit with a Stunner by KO! The Stunner was so powerful that Christian toppled over the top and hit the floor! Enraged, Edge grabbed Owens, trying to toss him out. Owens held on, Landing on the Apron, But Edge had rebound off the opposite end of the ropes, Connecting on a Spear to Owens, Sending him crashing right into Veer! Veer, Christian, and KO all Eliminated in a matter of about 90 seconds!

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Entrant #14:

2021 king of the ring... All Hail King Woods! Woods rushes to the ring to help New Day Bretheran Big E! L

More of the same rumble madness goes down, Notably Strong targeting Edge's back and Neck with 3 straight End of Heartache moves...

Strong was laughing at Edge, who was now writhing in pain outside the ring, having rolled under the bottom rope.

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Entrant #15:

Roddy froze. It couldn't be...

But it was! Bobby Fish was back, and he looked Mad! Roddy tried reasoning. "Let's just talk about this-" but Fish responded with his signature kick, "Sleepin with the Fishes"! "YOU WALKED OUT ON US, RODDY!" He yelled. Fish tossed Strong over the top, but he lands on the Apron, so Fish grabs one of Strong's ankles and locks in a Fish Hook Deluxe! Strong hangs over the side, His shoulders on the floor while Fish does his best, most brutal ankle breaking submission hold! When Fish let go, Strong's legs fell to the floor, Officially eliminating him.

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Entrant #16:

Kofi Kingston joins the match! And all three members of the New Day are now In this Match!

Nothing really happens in the next 90 seconds other than a "New Day Rocks" chant breaking out.

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Entrant #17:

The Viper... WWE's Apex Predator... 2x rumble winner, 10x WWE Champion, 14x WORLD champion, youngest ever Intercontinental Champion... Future hall of famer, Randy Orton!

Orton slides in, right away gets to work with a Powerslam to Fish! And- RKO to Lee! ... RKO to Corbin! ... RK- nope, Edge pushes back, Orton reversed the Edge-O-Matic, RKO to Edge! And... his gaze has fallen upon Riddle.
Randy Sighed. "Bro!"
Translation: They're teaming up for now.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #18:

Representing the Street Profits, It's the Always entertaining Montez Ford!

Ford springing into action, Diving off the top- RKO BY RIDDLE! Talk about losing all your momentum... STYLES WITH A PHENOMINAL FOREARM TO RIDDLE OUT OF NOWHERE!!!

Styles is then cornered by Big E, E looks for a Clothesline, Styles ducks it! AJ slips by E, AND OH! STYLES DUMPED E OVER THE TOP, HE'S GONE!! Cagey maneuver by Styles, pays off by getting rid of one of the toughest men in the competition!

More mass Pandemonium continues until...

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Entrant #19:

The #1 Guy, Otis is here! Otis makes a mad dash for RK-Bro! He shoulder tackles Riddle, then Reverses an RKO attempt by Orton. Corbin clubs Otis in the back, Then another backbreaker!Backbreaker!

Corbin lets out a Primal yell, but then is shoved from behind by Riddle and Orton! Corbin stumbles over the top and hits the floor! RK-Bro Eliminated Corbin!

Corbin, rather than seek revenge just sat and grinned. "Well Played." He shook his head.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #20

The Blackheart... Tomasso Ciampa! Ciampa sliding in, Immediately going for Fish, two men who had their share of NXT run-ins in the past!

Meanwhile, Woods Attempted to Throw Riddle out, But Riddle hits a knee whilst on the apron to save it! But Kofi hits a Trouble In Paradise out of nowhere, Riddle eliminated!

Lee was swinging away at Otis in a corner! Lee then grabs Otis and begins to carry em in a cradle position... then he powers him up to a Fireman's carry! What power! LEE SAMOAN DROPS OTIS TO THE OUTSIDE!!! OTIS ELIMINATED BY LEE!!!

In wake of Riddle being Eliminated, Orton was furious. He turned Kofi around and RKO'd him, yelling "STUPID!!", referring to Kingston's choice to Eliminate Riddle... as well as a good ol callback to past encounters. Woods tried a sneak attack, but Orton sensed it coming, instead reversing and sending Woods over and out to the floor, King woods Eliminated by Randy!

The men left standing after Part 1:
1. Keith Lee
5. Edge
8. AJ Styles
15. Bobby Fish
16: Kofi Kingston
17: Randy Orton
18: Montez Ford
20: Tomasso Ciampa

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