Is it Fate?

By LesbianInNeverland

543K 16.7K 3.1K

Lisa and Jennie are happy. They're engaged and about to have a baby. Just as they're about to get their happy... More

Special Epilogue (Mrs. Kim)
Special Epilogue (SooElla)
Special Epilogue (The Twins)
Special Epilogue: (SooElla+JealousLili)


6.5K 194 65
By LesbianInNeverland

"Ohmygosh, it's happening guys, everybody stay calm!" Rosie said when she got the text and jumping out of her seat. "Baby grab the camera! Oh gosh it's going to be perfect!" She finished with a squeal, jumping around with Ella in excitement.

"Why do I get the feeling you're more excited about their proposal than when I proposed to you?" Jisoo said grumpily.

"Because I always knew I would marry you, and you took too long to ask me." Rosie pouted.

"I had to wait until you were 18 babe!" Jisoo protested. "It's literally the law!"

"Still, you could have asked sooner and we could have gotten married on my birthday." The blonde said seriously.

"But doesn't it at least count that I proposed on your 18th birthday?"

"It was still too long."

Jisoo shuffled out of the room grumpily.

They'd all been hanging out with Jimin and Taehyung in their apartment, waiting for Lisa's signal.

The boys had been a lot of help in making Lisa's proposal date perfect. Jimin's parents owned the cafe that provided all their food and Taehyung's grandmother was a florist and had provided all the flowers.

Jimin got up to follow the other girls but Taehyung held his hand back, shaking his head.

"Oh come on, why can't we go?" Jimin had always been a hopeless romantic and he really wanted to witness the moment.

"It's a private moment," Taehyung scolded him, "Jennie doesn't even know us. We can't intrude on them like that."

Ella had noticed the boys hadn't followed and doubled back grabbing Jimin's hand.

"Hurry up Oppa, we'll miss it." Dragging him with her. "Oppa Tae, you too come on!"

Ella had really taken a liking to them because Jimin could also dance really good just like her mama and Taehyung had really good style and kind of had a little attitude just like her mommy. It was like they were her mommies' twins or something.

Rosie peeked through the door too, "What's taking you guys so long let's go we only have thirty minutes to get there!"

Taehyung reluctantly got up and followed everyone, having no choice.


They all made it to the spot, hidden behind brush, rock and flowers.

Rosie was closest to the scene, laying on her stomach and holding the camera like Lisa had shown her, ready to take pictures of them.

"I bet you guys the bill for dinner tomorrow night that Limario faints before she can even propose."

"I bet she rambles on for a little too long and Jennie doesn't let her finish," Rosie said from her spot.

"I bet my mommy doesn't say yes and just kisses her instead," Ella said triumphantly.

"I'm with the little one on that one," Taehyung said, noticing how Jennie was looking at Lisa.

Ella high fived him.

Jimin didn't even bother to make a bet, he was laying on his stomach next to Rosie, leaning his face in his hands watching excitedly, kicking his feet back and forth giddily.

"They're so cute," he gushed.

"So winner gets to pick who pays tomorrow then?" Jisoo said.



"Hope you brought your money Auntie Jisoo."

Jisoo looked at Ella in disbelief.

"You're gonna pick me if you win?" Jisoo asked.

"You're my royal servant remember? Plus this was your idea."

"You really are an evil genius."

They watched on as Jennie tackled Lisa as soon as she saw the ring and Jisoo facepalmed. She's really going to have to avoid bets involving Limario, that girl is bad luck.

"Told ya!" Ella squealed, high fiving Taehyung again.

Rosie had snapped about a thousand pictures since before Lisa had even started her speech and although they couldn't hear it the look on Jennie's face told all of them she was doing incredibly well.

"I really need to know what Lisa said to her, look at Jennie's face, it's like she fell in love all over again," Jimin said dreamily. He also kind of wanted to know for research. For when he proposed to his boyfriend, not knowing Taehyung had been carrying a ring for Jimin with him for over a year, trying to get the nerve to ask.

"I'm sure you'll get to witness her say some cheesy Limario thing during their vows at their wedding. It's kind of her thing," Jisoo grumbled, before getting up. "Come on, let's go ruin their moment."

"Give them a second babe."

Jisoo looked on at the scene.

"Chipmunk, you know I always follow your lead with this stuff, but I feel like if we give them another second they're going to end up traumatizing Ella." Jisoo said as she watched their kisses get more desperate after they pulled away and said something to each other for a second.

"Yeah, you might be right," the blonde said before getting up too, the newly engaged couple looked seconds away from ripping each other's clothes off.


Lisa had been laying on top of Jennie, kissing her so hard it made Jennie feel breathless when she realized something.

She pushed Lisa gently as she pulled away.

"Wait Lili, what about Ella? I'm sorry baby. I can't say yes to you without talking to her first. Let me just talk to her first." She pleaded, hoping Lisa wouldn't change her mind because of her hesitation.

She'd already fucked up bringing Kai into Ella's life like that after all, but Lisa was different. She was so much more important. Lisa was such a big part of their lives. Lisa meant the world to Ella and Jennie wouldn't dare do anything to jeopardize Ella's relationship with her, even if it cost her the happiness she'd always wanted.

Lisa just grinned down at her.

"Look at your ring baby." Lisa grabbed it from its spot on the ground. Jennie having made Lisa accidentally drop it with the force of her body when she tackled her. Lisa pulled it out of the case as she grabbed Jennie's left hand.

Jennie hadn't even gotten to look at it correctly before. It was exactly the same as Ella's.

Jennie looked up into Lisa's eyes, tears welling up again.

"You already asked her." She whispered. It wasn't a question.

"Of course baby. I wouldn't do this without her blessing."

Jennie gave Lisa enough time to put the ring on her ring finger before launching at her again and kissing her. Rolling them over again and straddling her. Lisa had forgotten their friends were watching because Jennie just had that effect on her, lost in feverish, desperate kisses until they heard a voice.

"I'm guessing that judging by the fact you're both seconds from ripping each other's clothes off and traumatizing my niece that she said yes?"

Jennie looked up to see Jisoo smirking and then noticed the group coming up behind them in shock.

Ella ran to tackle Jennie.

"You're getting married mommy!" She said happily.

Lisa got up and hugged them both too.

Chaeyoung was no photographer but she knew this was a perfect moment to capture as she snapped pictures of them with Lisa's camera.


Jimin and Taehyung introduced themselves to Jennie, gushing over them. Jimin ran to Lisa to ask what she had said to Jennie as she proposed. Taehyung stayed with Jennie, immediately complimenting her outfit.

The others looked on curiously at the fact that Jennie, who was really offstandish with new people and Taehyung, who was usually either very shy or mean mugging depending on the person, were both talking each other's ears off happily like they were long lost siblings.

"What is happening?" Jisoo asked.

"They're twins, auntie." Ella said simply.

"Oh, right. Sure. Makes sense." Jisoo said sarcastically.

"It kinda does," the blonde said, tilting her head as she observed them.

"I totally see it." Jimin and Lisa said at the same time.

Ella looked at them, "you guys are twins too."

Jimin and Lisa looked at each orher.

"Huh? I guess I'm not mad about it." Jimin said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, me neither." Lisa answered.

"Come on twin, let's get your fiancée and my future fiancé."

It was already late so they all said their goodbyes but not before Jimin invited them over for dinner the next day.

"Lisa told us how she was going to propose so we set something up for you guys. It's black and white so dress like that if you can."

"Yeah, just come up tomorrow, we'll have food and music."

"Taehyung plays the saxophone." Jimin gushed. "Oh and Rosie, maybe you can come up on stage too? Jisoo bragged about you the entire time she was here last time saying you have the voice of an angel and that you play pretty much every instrument."

"She'd love to," Jisoo said as her blonde blushed.

"Text me with your outfit choices," Taehyung told Jennie.

"Obviously. You too." Jennie replied.

The others stopped being perplexed at the way they'd hit it off so much. They supposed they did both have the same classy expensive looking fashion style and the same tendency to give resting bitch face that it was almost like they were the same person.


Jennie and Lisa let Ella stay at their aunties' hotel room that night because Jisoo had a game tournament in the morning and wanted Ella to play with her, Ella had quickly become a part of Jisoo and Ryujin's team in several games. Ella helped them win most of their matches so they started calling her their Ace.

Lisa held Jennie's hand as she walked her to her hotel room.

"Come inside Lili," Jennie said, not wanting to part yet.

Lisa was reluctant but couldn't argue because Jennie pointed out how Lisa had promised her more cuddles earlier.

Cuddles quickly turned into Jennie straddling Lisa as they made out.

"I can't believe I get to marry you." Lisa said.

Jennie didn't even answer, so lost in Lisa's intoxicating scent and the love she felt for her that as soon as Lisa broke their kiss to speak Jennie just moved to kiss Lisa's neck instead. Tangling her hands in Lisa's hair.

Lisa groaned, grabbing Jennie's hips.

Jennie's robe had fallen to her elbows on both sides and Lisa started kissing her shoulders. Moving to Jennie's collarbones and it made Jennie moan.

Jennie was very intent on taking Lisa's shirt off after that so she could rake her eyes over Lisa's delicious abs and then kiss them when Lisa stopped her.

"Lisaaaa." Jennie shamelessly whined, pouting full force. "Please?"

Lisa smiled at her and kissed her on the lips before answering.

"Not yet Nini."

"Why not?" Jennie pouted harder.

Lisa almost gave in because Jennie's pouting was lethal but she needed to do this.

"Because if you do this I won't be able to control myself."

"I don't want you to control yourself though. I want you." She said still pouting.

They hadn't really had a chance to be alone since they started dating until now so Jennie wasn't one to waste an opportunity. That's when Jennie found out that Lisa refused to bang Jennie until their wedding night and Jennie was not happy about that. At all.

Especially after the way Lisa had just spent the entire evening making her swoon, making her feel so loved and proposing in the most perfect way. Jennie really, really wanted to make love to Lisa.

"I want it to be special baby."

"It's always special with you though," Jennie whispered into her lips, seriously meaning it. "It always has been."

"Jennie, I want our first time being together again to happen with you as my wife. I want to make you mine again in every sense of the word."

"I've always been yours Lis."

"I need it to be real baby, I want us to be married before I take you again."

"But our wedding is so far away!" She whined again, "we haven't even picked a date yet. Actually you know what, let's just get married tomorrow, or right now. Let's go right now," she finished eagerly. Incredibly serious about it.

"Baby," Lisa scolded.

"What." Jennie pouted again.

"You already know I want our wedding to be special too."

"Ugh. I know. I do too it's just—I feel like we've been waiting for forever. I just want to be your wife already."

She meant it, this wasn't anything like her shotgun wedding with Kai. She wasn't making a hasty decision. This was desperation to belong to the one person she'd always belonged to as soon as she could because it had been a long time coming.

Jennie put her forehead against Lisa's, sighing heavily as Lisa put her hand up, tenderly caressing her cheeks.

"I want you to be my wife already too baby. I've been waiting so long for you, but you deserve a perfect wedding because to me you're perfect. I can wait for that. I can wait to make you mine again just so you have your perfect day." Lisa reasoned.

"I kind of hate you right now." Jennie said, not meaning it at all because Lisa just had a way of making her fall just a little bit harder when she spoke. Even though she was dying to be with Lisa again.

Lisa smiled back at her in response.

"No you don't."

"No, I don't, but I do hate the fact you have to be such a noble romantic all the time."

"No you don't."

"Fine I don't but you don't have to know about it!"

She got it. She really did but she was beyond sexually frustrated. She needed Lisa to just touch her already dammit. Besides, hadn't six years also been long enough of a wait to be married to her? Damn Lisa and her romance, but also damn Lisa and the beautiful way she always managed to love Jennie. How could she argue with that, with the way Lisa wanted to make sure she took care of Jennie in the most tender way possible. This was going to be so hard.

Lisa just kissed her back in response.

She was glad Lisa at least spent the night and cuddled her, despite her refusal to touch her in the way Jennie needed her to.

Jennie had laid on top of Lisa, staring at the ring Lisa gave her for hours just to make sure it was all real. Jennie still felt like this might have been some long fever dream, but it couldn't be because the ring was so perfect and so Jennie that she was sure she couldn't have done a better job of picking it out herself. Jennie felt like Lisa sometimes knew her better than she did herself.


Jennie's going to come for me for this one 😅 I'm scared

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