One Chicago Imagines

Per Jordan7901

69.2K 988 55

Some imagines of our favorite protectors of Chicago. Past and Present characters used. Requests open. All ima... Més

1/25th Of A Second - Jay Halstead
122 Degrees - Matt Casey
Authors Note
Pinky Promises - Adam Ruzek
Brady - Jay Halstead
Betrayed - Will Halstead
Chances - Kelly Severide
Last Call - Hank Voight
Authors Note 2
Updates to Come
Dizzy - Jay Halstead
Tested - Jay Halstead
Wrecked - Jay Halstead
Secrets Best Kept - Jay Halstead
Thank You Jesse!
Home - Kevin Atwater (Shameless AU)
Summer In the City - Jay Halstead
f covid
Eighteen - Hank Voight
At Home Care - Crockett Marcel
Eighteen Pt. 2 - Hank Voight
Distraction - Jay Halstead
Block Party - Adam Ruzek
Next Week!!!
Sweet Savior - Crockett Marcel
No Pants Party - Jay Halstead
Family Ties - Jay Halstead x SOA Crossover
Family Ties Pt 2 - Jay Halstead x SOA Crossover
Family Ties Pt 3 - Jay Halstead x SOA Crossover
I Like You Better Sober - Jay Halstead
Family Ties (Final Part) - Jay Halstead x SOA Crossover
My Solider Pt 1 - Jay Halstead
My Solider Pt 2 - Jay Halstead
My Solider Pt 3 - Jay Halstead
Rebound - Jay Halstead
Midnight Hero - Jay Halstead

Brady Part 2 - Jay Halstead

1.5K 28 5
Per Jordan7901

Thank you for 280 reads!! Pt 2 to my last image. Also I went through and edited the first part and changed Y/N's age by one year because I felt this part would make a little more sense if she was a bit younger. I also changed this up about halfway through. Anyway, keep reading, voting, and commenting.

Y/N/N = Your nickname

"She is with family, I became her family after you all dumped her like some animal you didn't want, you don't get to just come to claim her when you feel like it", Jay screamed at him.

6,229 Words

If you had told Jay Halstead five years ago this is how he would be spending his Friday afternoons after work he would have called you crazy.

There he sat on a Park bench watching the kids scrambling around the soccer field, more specifically his kid.

You were sprinting up the field, trying to get in position so that your teammate could pass you the ball. Once you reached the penalty box you looked up and called her name, she nodded to you and passed the ball, and then without hesitation, you kicked the ball that came hurtling at you. You held your breath as you watched the ball fly through the air and as it brushed over the fingertips of the goalie's outstretched hand.

"Goal!", your teammates yelled as they came running to you.

Jay stood up and cheered you on, unable to keep the expression of pure pride from showing on his face.

His new partner sat stood next to him cheering you on as well. You had really liked Erin, but she had to leave Chicago and while that was hard for both you and Jay at first, you found yourself really liking Hailey and you knew Jay liked her too, 'liked her liked her'.

The game continued on, your goal ending up being the winning goal for your team. The game ended and you collected your belongings saying bye to your teammates and ran across the field to where Jay and Hailey were waiting for you.

"I scored!", you yelled as you jumped into Jay's arms. He laughed and spun you around before setting you on the ground so you could give Hailey a hug, neither of them caring about how sweaty you were from running around for an hour.

"We saw, it made your team win the game. I think that calls for celebratory donuts", Jay announced.

"From Smiths?", you asked, stopping in your tracks as you were walking towards Jay's truck.

"From Smiths", Jay confirmed picking up the soccer backpack that you had dropped. This confirmation caused you to take off sprinting towards the truck, since Jay had taken you in almost a year ago you had grown very fond of the donut place around the corner because the policemen and women at the 21st truly upheld the stereotype of cops surviving on donuts.

You reached the truck before Jay and Hailey who were still several yards out. So you stood by your door and waited to hear the clicking of the locks on the doors unlocking. As you stood there you looked at the businesses across the street, remembering the time that Jay had taken you to the pizza place.

The team had just had a successful win on a drug bust case. They had recovered stolen 1505 funds, taken down two bosses, and brought in a warehouse full of drugs. They saved countless lives due to taking the drugs in, thirty-three kids had already died due to the laced pills.

So this called for a celebration.

You have been living with Jay for about four months now. The transition at first had been rough, you suffered from nightmares and developed a bit of separation anxiety from Jay. But it was a learning process, Jay made sure you were in therapies that would help bring you away from the dark part in your life and dedicated his time outside of work to you and less to sitting on a stool at Molly's.

But tonight was different. He wanted to celebrate this very rare win with his team, but he also knew that you were going to be waiting to be picked up from your babysitter's house and spend the evening with him.

So he came up with a compromise. Once the team began packing up to leave for Mollies to celebrate he explained his situation. And without missing the beat the team all agreed to go to a little pizza place near the district for some food so that Jay could hang out with them for a little bit, and also be with you.

You had quickly won over the hearts of all of the intelligence months ago when Jay started to foster you. They all knew that Jay deeply cared for you and they took bets to see how long it would be until he was filing for adoption papers.

Jay got in his truck and made his way a few streets over to where you currently were at your babysitter's. Cindy Herman watched you before and after school. When Jay was looking for a sitter for you it was important to him that it was someone he trusted, and she already understood the strange working hours that came with being a first responder due to Christopher.

Walking up the front steps of the Herman residence he wrapped his knuckles against the wood of the front door. He heard feet tumbling through the house and the curtain of the front window fly open revealing Lee-Henry and you peeking through.

Cindy opened the front door, sending Jay a smile. You raced into the living room where you kept your bag and back at the front door. Once you returned you saw Cindy and Jay making small talk and Jay paying Cindy for the week even though she heavily protested like she did every Friday.

You and Jay amble your way to the truck, him opening the door for you as you hopped into the backseat. He walked around to the driver's seat and got in the truck. He pulled away from the curb after he made sure you were buckled and began heading to the pizza place. You were staring out the windows singing along to the radio when you noticed Jay missed the turn for the apartment.

"Jay you missed the turn to go home", you told him. Jay would never admit it to anyone but every time he heard you call it 'home' it made his heart happy.

"We aren't going home Y/N/N, we're going out to dinner", he answered as he turned down the busy streets of Chicago.

"Really, where", you asked. Going out to eat was a new experience for you. You definitely never went out to eat when you were at Brady, and even before that your parents never took you.

"The pizza place you said you wanted to try last time we went to the park", he told you as you remembered the pizza place across the street from the park you guys frequented. You liked how the windows had drawings of pizza in them and the fact that they sold homemade ice cream there.

"Yay", you cheered in front of the backseat, extremely excited. The truck eventually came to a stop and you soon found yourself being lifted out of the backseat giggling because you had your own two legs and could walk, but Jay insisted on lifting you out of the lifted truck.

You took his hand in yours as you walked hand in hand across the street to the restaurant. As you walked through the door you quickly spotted Jay's co-workers who you adored sitting at a large table.

You beelined it for them and made your way around the table saying high to everyone and giving them a hug. You made sure that you sat between Erin and Jay and proceeded to have one of the best nights of your life.

The night was filled with nothing but laughter and love. You stuffed your face with more pizza than you had eaten in your entire life and ended the night with a massive helping of your favorite flavor of ice cream, courtesy of Voight much to Jay's protests.

As you ate the ice cream you had curled into Jay's side, he rested his arm around your shoulder not noticing you falling asleep.

The restaurant eventually came to closing time, the rest of the intelligence were heading across town to Molly's while Jay and Erin were going to take you home. Jay had gone to stand up when Erin quickly stopped him, realizing that you had fallen asleep long ago.

Deciding against waking you up, Jay monitored so that he could stand up and pick you up without disturbing you.

He and Erin said their goodbyes to the rest of their team before they made their way across the street to where Jay had parked his truck. Erin helped him get you in and buckled into your seat. They quickly gave each other a kiss and agreed to meet back at home.

This was a night that you would talk about for the rest of your life.

You were brought out of your memories by noticing a man across the street. He looked oddly familiar and was staring directly at you. You looked over your shoulder only to see Jay and Hailey approaching the truck so you shook it off.

You heard the sound of the doors being unlocked and you opened your door climbing up into the truck. Hailey and Jay both continued whatever conversation they were having. But you were still focused on the man you could still see across the street.

As Jay turned the truck on, the man walked away, doing a double-take as he walked away. You noticed that it hadn't bothered Jay or Hailey so you shook it off, deciding it probably wasn't a big deal then if the two detectives didn't care about it.

You quickly forget about your weird encounter as the short drive to Smith's was over. Hopping out of the truck you raced to the front door pulling it open and being hit with one of the best smells on the planet. The sweet aroma of donuts filled your nose as you stared at the glass display case in front of you. You told Jay what you wanted as you wandered to the other end of the store where the big floor-to-ceiling windows were located. You looked out into the street hearing Jay converse with the cashier in the background, telling her about your big victory at soccer today.

Hailey laughed to herself at the total dad move that Jay had just made, telling random people that probably don't care about minor accomplishments his kid had made.

You were still looking at the people going in and out of the shops when you saw him again, the man from the soccer fields. It was now that you knew he had to have been following you. This wasn't a coincidence that he had shown up again, maybe if he had been shopping or getting food but he wasn't, he was just staring at you again.

Creeped out you ran over to the cash register where the cashier was still ringing up the donuts and drinks that Jay had bought. Not wanting to be rude and interrupt him, you decided to tell Hailey. You tugged on the sleeve of the sweatshirt she was wearing so you wouldn't alert Jay something was potentially wrong.

"Hailey", you quality said.

"What's up Y/N", she asked, matching your quiet town, as she could see the panic on your face.

"There's this man, I saw him at the park looking at me, and now he's across the street just standing there, he was looking at me again", you told her, still in the hushed town.

This made the detective come out of Hailey. She rested her hand on your shoulder and waited for Jay to finish paying. Once he was done he turned around and the big smile on his face fell once he was met with your and Haileys distressed ones.

"What's wrong", he said, setting down the items he bought on a nearby table as you and Haily slid into a booth.

Hailey explained to him the situation, from the table you were sitting at you could still see the man, he was leaning against a building staring into the donut shop.

She and Jay devised a plan. Not wanting to spook him so that they could take him in, Jay quickly called Voight to tell him what was going on, while Hailey called Adam, and told him to grab Atwater and pick up the man for loitering.

Adam and Kevin luckily had not left the district yet for the night. They changed into their blues, got the keys to a squad car from Platt who had already been filled in on the situation and they took off.

Smiths wasn't too far from the 21st but Jay was on edge, worried that the mystery man would walk away. He wanted to know why he was stalking you guys, he didn't want anything bad to happen to you, he would never forgive himself if something bad happened to you.

Ten minutes later you were finishing up your strawberry glazed donut that had continued a mountain of sprinkles on it and began working on the blended chocolate milk you had gotten. Jay was still staring out the window and was relieved when he saw a squad car pull up, Ruzek and Atwater getting out. Adam sent a nod in the direction of the donut place towards Jay, who sent him a relieved one back.

Jay turned his attention back to you and Hailey, sending her a smile and nod to tell her that they got him.

You guys finished your treats before Jay announced that he forgot something at work and that even though he and Hailey had this weekend off you guys were going to go into the office for a little bit.

That excited you, you loved the 21st district, you always felt safe there, and sometimes Trudy even let you be the desk sergeant or Adam would give you handfuls of quarters for the vending machine to get junk food.

Walking into the 21st you said hi to Trudy as you followed Jay up the stairs, Hailey behind you. Once you reached the top of the stairs you saw the team sitting at their desks, Hank in his office.

"Hey Y/N why don't you go into the break room and tell Adam and Kim all about your game tonight", Jay told you.

"Ok", you happily said as you took off for the couch in the break room, passing Voight on your way in. He gave you a pat on the back as he passed you, Kim, and Adam entering the break room, shutting the door to avoid you hearing any bits of the conversation that was about to take place.

"Who is Sarge?"Jay asked as he sat on the edge of his desk.

"I don't know, we put him in integration but haven't talked to him yet, figured we would wait till you got here", Hank told him.

Jay took off down the hallway to integration one, he opened the door and Hank followed him, while the rest of the team minus Kim and Adam who were with you went into the observation room.

The two men sat in the chairs across from the mystery man that had stalked Jay earlier. This man stared blankly at them, he looked pissed off.

"So, care to explain why you were stalking my detective and his family this afternoon", Hank started. The man shifted nervously in his seat. After not speaking a minute after he had been asked the question Hank stood up and reached across the table, yanking the man out of his chair with one hand while with the other he reached into the guy's front jean pocket and took his wallet out.

Hank threw the guy down and handed the wallet to Jay, and Jay took the wallet with a smirk across his face. Flipping through the wallet he came across the guy's ID, and it read, Marcus Cedars.

"So Marcus, are you going to answer his question, or are you going to let us make up the story, I don't know about you Sarge but I'm getting child predator vibes, that could get him a nice suite at Stateville for life don't you think", Jay smugly said as he tossed Marcus's id down on the table.

"You know what Halstead that sounds pretty good, we can even throw in some pills from down in evidence, say that responding blues found them on him", Hank agreed, letting the smirk on his face be evident.

"You can't do that", the man in front of them spoke.

"So he speaks", Jay mocked.

"I'm not a pedophile, you can't do that. I brought in here because of loitering, why aren't I in a cell", Marcus asked.

"Because you were found at two different locations staring at an eleven-year-old girl, sounds like you might be a little messed up in the brain to me", Hank bluntly said leaning back in his chair.

"I wasn't staring at her like that", Marcus defended.

"Ok so then why were you staring at and following an eleven-year-old girl", Jay scoffed, not believing this dude was actually trying to defend his actions.

"I know her", Marcus flat-out said.

This caused anger to flow through Jay's veins. He wasn't blind to what you had to do to survive in Brady. He was the one that helped you through your nightmares about it, his team was the ones that helped you be able to trust males again. And this guy was going to crumb all of it.

"Oh so now you're admitting to the solicitation of a minor, that adds an extra few years", Jay shot back.

"Woah, Woah Woah, I don't know her like that...I think she's my sister", Marcus told the two detectives in front of him. Jay and Hank managed to only show shocked expressions, but everyone in the observation room had their mouths wide open.

They knew that you had siblings you had told them. When Jay got his license to become a long-term foster parent the state made an effort to reach out to his siblings but none of them returned their calls.

"Atwater, Olinksy, go run this guy's name now", Antonio demanded as Haley stood there in shock. She had been here for pretty much the whole time you had lived with Jay. She developed a relationship with you. Months prior you had confided in her that you hoped you could stay with Jay forever.

As Kevin and Al ran into the bullpen to Kev's desk they peeked into the break room to see you still telling Kim and Adam about your game earlier.

"What do you mean you think she's your sister", Jay spit out.

"I got a call about a year ago, at the time my wife was pregnant and we were in the process of buying a house. It just wasn't the right time. But now is, I hired a P.I., and the information I got led me to you", Marcus replied.

"She's happy where she is", Jay told him standing up.

"She should be with family", Marcus shot back.

"She is with family, I became her family after you all dumped her like some animal you didn't want, you don't get to just come to claim her when you feel like it", Jay screamed at him.

"Halstead out", Voight yelled at him. But Jay was still yelling, yelling about how he was the first person to care for her in years.

Antonio had been in the observation room and called for Kevin who had been walking down the hallway. They burst into the observation room and pulled a still yelling Jay out. Al replaced Jay in the observation room as the two detectives carried Jay through the hallway and sat him down at his desk.

Hailey had followed them and now stood in front of him trying to calm him down. You had noticed the commotion going on in the bullpen and raced for the door once you saw Jay. Adam and Kim both reached out to try and stop you from running out but it was too late.

You ran towards Jay's desk but stopped once you saw how angry Jay looked. When Jay had brought you in he had promised you that he would never get mad at you. The detectives looked up once they saw a sorry Kim and Adam come out of the break room, you standing in front of them.

"Jay", you quietly said, not wanting to poke the bear.

"Hey Y/N", Jay said, wiping his eyes. Had he been crying? You had never seen Jay cry.

"Are you ok", you asked.

"Yeah", he told you, not fully convincing you. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. He relaxed into the hug and pulled you in tight. He didn't want to lose you, he had vowed to keep you safe.

Not wanting to interrupt the moment his fellow detectives all excused themselves back down the hall to the viewing room, besides Hailey who now stood behind Jay and was rubbing his back.

Eventually, Jay calmed down enough to stand up from his desk. He told you to stay put with Hailey and he walked down the hall. He walked into the viewing room and saw his both fellow detectives grilling Marcus. The information that Kevin had found when he briefly looked Marcus up confirmed that you and he were in fact siblings.

It seemed as if they were at a standstill, that was until a man in a suit came rushing down the hallway, Sergeant Platt hot on his heels.

The man with the suit burst through the integration rooms door and yelled out to Marcus,

"Marcus doesn't say another word"

"And who the hell would you be?"Hank asked.

"I'm Walter Franklin, I am the man who you have been illegally grilling for the past hours", the man with the suit said matter-of-factly.

"We just brought in a stalking suspect", Al replied this time. Walter rolled his eyes and grabbed his client.

"If you have nothing to charge him with, we are leaving", Walter told Hank and Al.

"I can't think of anything else, stay in town though Marcus' ', Hank said.

Walter began to lead Marcus through the hallway, but Marcus stopped once he saw Jay.

"See you in court", he smugly told Jay. At that moment Jay had to use every ounce of strength in his bones to not sock him in the face. Marcus was scolded by his lawyer about his comment and was pulled towards the bullpen.

You and Hailey were still sitting at Jay's desk, she was having you tell her what you were excited about doing this weekend since Jay had it off and promised you a fun weekend. But you stopped mid-sentence when you heard someone call your name.

"Y/N?", the mystery man from before called out, shock written on his face. It was at this that all hell broke loose, Marcus started to walk towards you but Hailey shielded you with her body and Marcus was grabbed back by detectives. You heard screaming and yelling as you got off of Jay's desk chair and hid under his desk, cupping your hands over your ears.

Marcus was dragged out screaming and Jay was once again being held back. Hailey ran over to him and related what she was doing earlier and attempted to calm him down. He spooned, calmed down, and looked over towards where he had last seen you at his desk.

"Y/N?"Jay called out. But you couldn't hear him, you still had your hand over your ears, all you could hear was the sound of your own tears streaming down your face.

Jay walked around his desk searching for you and his heart broke when he saw the sight in front of him, you were curled up in a ball, with your eyes closed, had tears streaming down your face, and had your hands over your ears.

Slowly he crouched down and reached out to touch your arm and bring you back. You jumped once he did that and met his green eyes with your tear-filled ones.

"Who was that and why did you guys all yell", you cried out.

"Hey, hey it's ok he's no one you need to worry about", Jay told you as he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, for the first time in a year worried about someone else taking you from him.

Unbeknownst to you the reason that Jay had made sure he had this weekend off was because he was going to take you to Navy Pier with Hailey and Will, whom you had grown fond of, and then after a day of fun he was going to give you a present, adoption papers.

He had gotten them drawn up almost a month ago and was waiting for the right time to give them to you. But now it has been disturbed. He didn't have to be told that he couldn't follow through with them right now, because he knew by morning Marcus would have most likely filled out counter papers.

And he was terrified, the state almost always prefers keeping children with their blood relatives, the situation rarely matters as long as the blood relative is well off.

Weeks had passed. He never did give you the papers, and he had spent the last few weeks absolutely terrified. He was entering his second furlough week, seeing as he had taken time off to spend as much time as possible with you if something did happen.

Voight had called in a favor that he had with ASA Stone, even though he typically did not handle custody cases he was more than equipped to and owed a favor to the infamous Chicago Sargent.

Jay and Stone had been working together with Intelligence for weeks trying to build the most bulletproof case possible. No one wanted to see you ripped from the loving home you were in.

The judge had granted Marcus temporary overnight visits every two weeks after he passed the home expectation, and after every single one, you came back home to Jay's house sobbing. You hated it, that wasn't your home, your home was with Jay.

Marcus had snagged one of the best custody lawyers in Chicago and they too were attempting to build a bulletproof case against the detective.

The morning of the hearing Jay didn't have to wake up, he had never gone to bed. He sat up all night and stared, he stared at the adoption papers, at photos of you two, and at the door to your purple bedroom.

Hailey knocked on the apartment front door around 7 am and let herself in with the key Jay had given her months ago. She called out for him and saw him sitting on the couch in the living room, looking like hell.

"Jay are you serious' ', she whispered, not wanting to wake you. He had done this every time you had to have an overnight visit at Marcu's house but at least those times he could sleep peacefully the next night and not have to worry about how he looked.

But now he had eye bags the size of half dollars under his eyes and he had to stand in front of a judge and convince him that he would be a better guardian in less than two hours.

Hailey made him get up and go shower while she walked into your room and gently woke you up. You rolled over and stretched.

"Hailey why are you here", you asked, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you sat up. You weren't complaining that she was here, you were just confused.

"I'm going to help you get ready, pretty lady," she told you, sending you her signature smile. You got out of your bed and walked out into the kitchen, Hailey following you. She got you a bowl while you got out some cereal and milk. You assembled your bowl of cereal while Hailey began brewing coffee for herself and Jay.

Jay walked out of his bedroom freshly showered and wearing a dress shirt and slacks. They had told you about what was happening but you chose to not really understand. You didn't want to think about what would happen if Jay wasn't your guardian.

This past year that you lived at Jay's was the best year of your life, and you hated it every time you went to Marcus' house. It wasn't like living at Jay's, it was like living in some of the old foster homes you had lived in before Brady. Hailey glances at the time before she said,

"Hey Y/N you should probably go get dressed", Hailey told you.

You stood up and put your bowl in the sink before you went to your room to get dressed. You put your dress on before you called out to Hauley letting her know that she could come in and help you with your hair.

While you were finishing getting ready Jay stood in the kitchen, seeing countless texts from his friends letting him know that they would either see him at the courthouse or just give their support.

Will had let himself into the apartment and walked into the kitchen, he had never seen Jay so upset. They made small talk before they heard you walking down the hallway, you and Hailey discussing what you guys should do for dinner tonight, not wanting to think that there was a possibility that you wouldn't be here tonight.

You all walked down to Jay's truck, the Halstead boys in the front, you and Hailey in the back. The ride to the courthouse was silent, except for the radio in the background.

Walking into the courthouse you saw tons of Jay's friends waiting to be let into the courtroom. ASA Stone stood with Voigth talking about different cases Intelligence had had in past weeks, but they stopped once you and Jay approached them.

"How are you today?", Stone asked you.

"I'm ok", you answered.

The doors to the courtroom opened and everyone filed in, you and Jay sitting at the front desk with Stone while Hailey, Will, and Voight sat in the front row behind you.

"All rise", one of the courthouse employees called out.

You stood up grabbing Jay's hand as the judge entered the room. You were now terrified. The hearing began, starting off with both lawyers introducing their sides to the judge. Then Marcus was called to the stand and his lawyer asked why he would be the better guardian, and then Stone countered it with the facts that he had abandoned you and hadn't picked up the call earlier in the year because it wasn't the right time for him at the moment.

Then it was Jay's turn on the stand.

"So Mr. Halstead is it true that eleven months ago you changed your life and decided to foster an eleven-year-old girl", Stone asked.

"Yes", Jay answered.

Stone went on and had Jay explain how the last eleven months had gone. He had him tell the judge about how he had to console you during your night terrors, how he was the one that gave you a normal life after you had just been existing and not living while you lived in Brady.

Walter Franklin stood up in front of the judge and began to berate Jay in front of everyone. Using the fact that he had been in the military and had documented trauma and that he worked crazy hours due to his dangerous job.

Jay didn't budge, he defended himself throughout the entire time, never losing his composure because he kept his eyes on you, and did not want to give Walter any more ammunition.

Then it came down to the point that both you and Jay had been dreading the entire time. It was your turn to get on the stand. Due to your age, you were allowed to get on the stand and say who you wanted to live with.

You were escorted to the stand by one of the officers in the courtroom, you had to be sworn in that you wouldn't lie.

Sitting in the chair staring out into the courtroom you were shaking. You saw the Intelligence team, as well as members of firehouse 51 and people from Med smiling at you.

But most importantly you saw your favorite people looking at you, Will, Voight, Hailey, and Jay. They were the most important people in your life.

Now it was time for the judge to address you.

"Paige Y/L/N out of Mr. Marcus Cedars and Mr. Jay Halstead, who do you prefer living with, and why?", the Judge asked you. You took a deep breath to keep yourself from bursting into tears.

"Well, your honor, I want to continue living with Jay Halstead. He brought me into his home and made me feel like we were family. I didn't feel safe before I was in Jay's home, now I do. If I had my wish it would be to live with Jay", you told the judge.

It was announced after you talked that it was time for a recess. You were allowed into a back room with Stone, Jay, Will, and Hailey. You ate some lunch while the adults were too nervous to do anything.

About an hour later you were called back into the courtroom, the judge had made his decision. You sat in the chair that you had sat in for hours earlier. Jay rested his hand on top of yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Everyone stood up as the judge walked out of his chambers and sat down as he announced everyone could.

"I have listened carefully to both sides today. And I have made a decision. Y/N Y/L/N will remain in the custody of Jay Halstead, Marcus Cedars is not granted visitation", the Judge announced as he stood up and walked out of the courtroom.

You jumped up and into Jay's arms. He spun around, unable to keep his happiness contained. His friends all flocked towards you congratulating him and you. You jumped into Hailey's arms as she mimicked what Jay had just done.

It was announced that tonight was friends and family night only at Molly's so celebratory drinks could be had, and they'd let you in and fire up the grill.

The ride to Mollys was not like the ride to the courthouse. No, this ride was filled with laughter as you guys happily sang music at the top of your lungs. Once you got to Molly's you were shocked.

The inside was decorated and had 'Congratulations' decor all over. Everyone was offering to buy Jay drinks and was just having a blast. Someone had turned to Jay and yelled out a speech, soon that's all you heard.




Jay recently stood in the middle of the cleared area and held you close to his side.

"ok, so first of all I want to say thank you to everyone here. You guys are a major part of the reason that I was able to get through all of this. Your support and encouragement mean the world to both myself and Y/N here. And to Y/N I promise that I will always support you and let nothing bad happen to you, I love you", Jay announced, cheers erupting.

He led you and Hailey to an open booth, Will grabbing your basket of food Jay had ordered for you from the counter before he slid into the booth next to Jay. You ate your food happily as the adults at the booth sipped their beers.

Will and Hailey nodded at Jay as you finished up your food.

"Hey Y/N", Jay began \

"Yeah", you said as you wiped your hands.

"You know that I really care about you right", he said.

"Well duh, you've told me a bunch today", you laughed out loud.

"Yeah. Well a long time ago Hailey told me something, a wish that you had", he told you.

You furrowed your eyebrows unsure about what this could be about, maybe it was the wish you had told Hailey about how you wanted a pet fish.

"Is it a fish!" you asked, getting excited. This caused the adults to laugh, Jay shaking his head.

"Well we can work on getting you a fish, but I was thinking about the one where you told Hailey that you wanted to live with me forever", he told you. You remembered this, this was before you had to go to court.

Jay looked at your wide eyes before he set some papers in front of you, in big letters you read,

Adoption Papers

"You wanna adopt me?", you cried out with excitement.

"If you'll let me?"Jay smiled.

"Of course", you explained. Will moved so that you could hug Jay.

A couple of months later you stood back in the courthouse, except this time you were standing in front of the judge with Jay and Hailey by your side, they had quietly officially gotten together around the same time of the first trial.

After reading through the paperwork the Judge looked up to see your party standing in front of him, the same people who were at the first one, all sitting behind you guys.

"I am pleased to announce that Jay Halstead is now the legal guardian of Y/N Halstead"

Not Edited

Pretty happy with how this turned out. I think a Med image will be next. Thank you again for reading, Keep reading and voting!

Continua llegint

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