Naruto Namikaze: Konoha's Gol...

By CarterWalker22

23.3K 376 85

After the attack from the 9-tailed fox, Konohagakure is left in shambles. Their beloved Fourth Hokage, Minato... More

Part Zero: Disclaimer and Introduction
Part 2: Training with Itachi, Meeting Sasuke, and the Flower Girls
Part 3: Ino Knows the Past and the Early Academy Days
Part 4: Lost Friendships, The Massacre, Sasuke's Resolve, and Sparring
Part 5: Ino, Sasuke, and Mira meet Kurama and the Genin Exams
Part 6: Genin Teams and Introducing the Tests
Part 7: The Genin Tests and D-Rank Missions
Part 8: The Land of Tea - Team 8's C-rank
Part 9: Sword of the Thunder God
Part 10: The Princess: Team 10's First Mission
Part 11: Training and Reinforcements Arrive

Part 1: The Nine Tails Attacks and Early Childhood

3.9K 59 22
By CarterWalker22

Flashback to the Nine-Tails Attack:

"I don't think I'm going to make it." Kushina Uzumaki said looking into her son's eyes, with tears running down her face. "So please, take good care of yourself. I will be placing you with the care of your father's former students, so please don't cause them too much trouble." She cried as her life began slowly fading away. "Just remember, your father and I will always love you no matter what, and we could not be more proud that you are our son."

"Sensei... Kakashi, Rin, and I won't let you down. We will love your son as if he was our own brother." A jonin of the leaf exclaimed with tears running down his face

"Hey, now Obito, listen to me. I will be making you the 5th Hokage. However, I want you to promise to me that you will put the needs of the village above all else, even if it means having to do the unthinkable." The fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze said with tears running down his face, knowing that he wouldn't be able to see his son grow up into the man he could eventually become.

"Yes sensei. I will do my best to live up to your legacy."

"Now, go tell Kakashi and Rin of my situation, and please, take care of Naruto for us, and whatever you do, make sure no one knows he is the nine-tails jinchuriki."

"Yes sensei. I will honor your legacy, and make Naruto the strongest shinobi in the leaf, he will love the village just as much as you did, and I will do everything to make sure the village prospers in your departure." Obito exclaimed with determination, knowing that he had another purpose in this world, to take care and train the savior of Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki.

"Naruto, we're sorry we can't be with you, but when the time comes, we will visit you. We concealed our chakra within you so when the time is right, we will meet you and when that happens, I will make sure to congratulate you on your success in life up to that point."

With those words, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki passed on, and Obito Uchiha was named the 5th Hokage of Konoha. He, Kakashi, and Rin took Naruto in and loved him like he was their own flesh and blood. Unfortunately, the elders still leaked the information about Naruto being the jinchuriki of the 9-tailed fox, so he was still hated by the village. Aside from Obito, Rin, Kakashi, Teuchi, the librarian, and a select few ninjas, all the adults look at Naruto as if he was the plague.

When Naruto was Three

*Walking through the village and sees a shop*

Villagers: "Hey look it's the demon brat"

"He will pay for killing all of our families"

"Let's make him feel the pain we felt when the demon fox destroyed half the village"

*All proceed to Naruto and start throwing haymakers*

"Ow, ow, please stop, you're hurting me!" Naruto cried as the villagers showed him no mercy, beating him until he was hanging on for dear life. This was a daily occurrence for him, and unfortunately would only get worse as time went on. He would tell Obito and Rin about what he would experience, but he told Obito not to do anything as they are just hurting from the nine-tails attack and they had not done anything serious yet.

This torturous treatment would continue for another two years until finally, someone stumbled across Naruto getting his daily beatings. This man had long black hair and a pair of sharingan in each eye. He was skilled with many weapons and fended off the angry mob of villagers with ease. He turned around and Naruto cowered in fear of getting another beating. Instead, the villager said:

"Come with me little boy, I will keep you safe."

"Who are you?" Naruto asked with confusion.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, I was on my way home from completing a mission when I saw what was happening. No one should go through that level of pain regardless of who they are." The boy responded with a smile on his face. "Now I'll take you back to your place and get you cleaned up, then we will report this incident to the Hokage."

Naruto looked at Itachi with pure amazement. Aside from Obito, Rin, Kakashi, and Teuchi, none of the adults would even give Naruto the time of day. They all looked at him as if he was the reincarnation of pure evil. But for him, knowing that there were some other people in the world that would not hurt him, made Naruto smile more than ever.

"Uchiha huh, so you're from Big brother Obito's clan?" Naruto could only ask Itachi.

"Why yes I am. And I am proud to be an Uchiha."

A few minutes later

"We're here. BIG SISTER, I'M HOME!" Naruto yelled, hoping to see his big sister Rin Nohara.

Rin comes out of the kitchen and sees Naruto badly bruised, beaten up, and with cuts and wounds all over his body. She runs to him and starts hugging him, crying.

"My poor younger brother! What happened to you? Who did this to you? I will make sure they pay for hurting you!!!!!" Rin yelled, slightly scaring Itachi.

"It was the villagers, I was returning home from a mission sent by lord 5th when I saw them beating him up. I found him nearly on the verge of death." Itachi said.

"And who might you be?" Rin asked.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha."

"Well thank you Itachi for bringing Naruto home safely. I am forever in your gratitude."

"I will report this incident to Lord 5th now, hopefully these attacks stop. I can't stand people who would harm innocent children."

With that, Itachi left for the Hokage office to report the incident.

Rin looked at Naruto with pure love in her eyes, hoping that her favorite little rascal was at least not emotionally scarred at the incidents. To her dismay, she could sense complete fear within Naruto and that he was truly scared of this world. She knew she needed to tell Kakashi and Obito about the villagers actions, but she feared what they would do when they found out what happened to Naruto.

Naruto began to tear up, finally breaking down and claiming to Rin that she is the best big sister he could have ever asked for, and that he wholeheartedly thanks her for being there for him.

Suddenly, Naruto gets pulled into his mindscape.

In mindscape

"W-Where am I?" Naruto asked, fully terrified of what was about to happen. He found himself in a gloomy sewer system faced with a large orange fox

"Oi kit, who are you?" The demon fox asked him, fully aware of who the little boy was. 

"W-Who are you?" Naruto asked frightened half to death.

"I am the Nine-tails you brat, now open this god forsaken seal and let me out so I can be free again."

"The nine-tails huh, so you're the reason why everyone hates me."

"Unfortunately, yes I am."

"So, what is your real name? I know you are the nine-tails, but everyone has to have a real name. Otherwise, we'd all live in anarchy." Naruto said with a deadpanned expression on his face.

The Nine-tails was shocked at this. Nobody had ever asked him his name before, he sensed that this kid was different in every sense of the word. Not a kid full of hatred, not a kid who will only use him for his power, but a kid that just wants to be accepted into the world, and a kid who wants love in his life. As such, he felt he could trust Naruto to not abuse the power he was given, and only use it for the good of the world, but he had to be sure first.

"Huh? Nobody has ever asked me my name before, so why should I trust you?"

"Because I think you are misunderstood. and I think you have a reason as to why you attacked the village three years ago, so before I go making assumptions on who you are as a living being, I want to be sure of your motives, and why you did what you did."

-in head- This kid is different, my assumptions about him were correct. I can trust him.

"It's Kurama"

"Nice to meet you Kurama, My name is Naruto Uzumaki. It's really nice to meet you. Although, can I ask why you attacked the leaf village?"

"I was under a genjutsu. That blasted sharingan of Madara Uchiha. He was able to control me when we fought the first Hokage Hashirama Senju, so I have no doubt in my mind that he could control me again."

"Madara Uchiha huh, I've read about him in books before. He was a legendary shinobi of the past who rivalled the first Hokage in strength. But according to the date of the attack, he should be at least 80 years old. I doubt he had much in the tank after that to truly control a genjutsu. I think it was someone else pretending to be Madara, and using his name to cause destruction in the world." Naruto deduced.

Kurama could not help but be impressed at the young boy's intellect. Now the question was who was the impersonator that wanted revenge on the Leaf village, and who had the strength to control Kurama to the point of attacking the leaf.

However, one paining thought lingered in Naruto's mind. He knew that Kurama must have some knowledge of who his parents were. So he simply went and asked him: "Hey Kurama, do you know who my parents were?"

Kurama looked at the boy and said "I do, but that's not my place to say who they were. But I can tell you this: Your father had many enemies due to his former heroics. Telling you who your parents are right now would only put you in severe danger. This level of hate is nothing compared to high level ninja coming after you and wanting you dead."

Naruto looked back and said "I-I understand."

"I truly am sorry kid, I know you deserve to know who your parents are, but trust me when I say, it's best for your own life if it was kept secret, at least for now."

Naruto looked back with tears in his eyes. All he wanted was to know who his parents were. He knew he had family in Obito, Rin, and Kakashi, but they were like older siblings to him, not one that he could call mother and father. But to hear that if information about his heritage were to be leaked, his life would be in jeopardy, was too much to bear.

Naruto broke down crying "Why did they have to die? Why couldn't they just be hear with me? Is it too much to ask for a mother and father?"

Kurama looked back at Naruto, feeling sorry for him and the hardships he had to go through in his early life. 

"Before I go, this sewer seems really depressing. Would you like me to change the scenery?" Naruto asked Kurama

"Yes please! And please give me some other foxes to play with. It's lonely down here."

"As you wish you goofy old furball!" Naruto joked

"Oi brat, I'm the motherf***ing Nine-tailed fox, so don't go around calling me a furball punk!" Kurama scolded, like he was offended by the kid's actions.

-in head- Yeah, that's never going to happen. "Ok Sure, whatever." Naruto responded.

With that, Naruto imagined that Kurama was in a beautiful and lush forest, and even gave him another fox as a partner to play with, making her a female fox. In exchange, Kurama offered Naruto his powers, offering to train him to master his chakra when the time came.

"Oi Naruto, tell you what. As a thank you, I will train you to master my chakra when the time comes. Right now you are too young to begin harnessing my chakra, and using it now will put not only you, but the whole village in danger."

"Thank you Kurama, I will gladly take you up on that." Naruto responded, with the biggest smile on his face.

"Just promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"That you will only use my powers for good. Only use my powers when it's the last resort, and when many lives are in danger. Otherwise, I would think you are only using me for my powers and not trying to better yourself."

"I promise Kurama. I will not use your power for evil."

With that, Naruto exited his mindscape and returned to the real world. There he saw himself in his bed with Rin and Kakashi looking over him.

In Naruto's home

"Oh good, you're up." Rin breathed a sigh of relief

"Hey big sis, how long was I out for?" Naruto asked

"About an hour." Kakashi stated

"Oh. I found out why everyone hates me and why everyone hits me. What do you know about the nine-tailed fox attack 5 years ago?"

"H-How did you find out about that?" Rin and Kakashi asked simultaneously.

"I met him in my mindscape. Now could you please tell me what you know? Just remember I can know if you're lying because Kurama will let me know the truth."

"O-Ok. Tell you what. Why don't we wait for big brother Obito to come home, then we three will answer all of your questions within reason." Kakashi said to him, hoping to reach some sort of compromise.


Meanwhile, in the Hokage office:

*knock knock*

"Come in!" Obito called

Itachi enters kneeling before Obito.

"Ah Itachi, good to see you. What brings you here today?"

"Lord 5th, I would like to report some misbehavior in the village today. As I was coming home from my mission, I saw a mob of villagers with knives and pitchforks beating up this kid, calling him a demon, and trying to kill him. If it wasn't for his superhuman healing abilities, he would have been long dead by the time I got there." Itachi explained the situation to Obito, who could not help but hold back tears. 

He knew exactly who the kid was that Itachi was talking about. He knew exactly what the situation was, but it never reached this bad that the villagers tried to kill him before. Obito felt disgusted at the village that his sensei gave his life to protect. Not only that, but all those who came before him. Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage, the one who united the Senju and Uchiha clans to start the village. Tobirama Senju, the second Hokage, the one who made advancements to the leaf and made it the most powerful shinobi nation to date. And Hiruzen Sarutobi, the one who kept the village afloat in its darkest times. Obito could not help but feel enraged that the village had just betrayed his sensei's legacy, quite possibly the brightest kid in the village, and a kid who just wanted to live his life as a normal person.

"I can't believe the villagers would take it this far. This is not the village that Minato sensei knows. This is not the village that he wanted to protect, but so help me god if I don't make this village see the difference between a scroll and a kunai, then what Hokage am I?" Obito told Itachi, who was his most trusted confidante aside from Kakashi.

"I see, so what should we do?" Itachi asked

Obito sighed and stated "I will start by making it Hokage decree that if anyone touches Naruto, I will personally send them to the Kamui dimension. From there, I want you to train him Itachi. You are the only one I trust that will treat him with the respect he deserves. You can bring Shisui along with your training too."

"Yes Lord 5th, I won't let you down. However, I would like to request if it's alright, that I train him along with my younger brother Sasuke. I believe this will not only dramatically help him grow stronger, but having a friend and a rival in Sasuke will do wonders for him."

"I accept your terms Itachi. Now I need to make a decree to protect the future of the leaf."

"Alright Lord 5th, I will take my leave."

"Lord 3rd, I would like you to summon the shinobi and civilian council immediately." Obito turned to Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third hokage, asking him to call upon Konoha's council, in order to protect the life of his sensei's son, his friend, and most importantly, his little brother.

 "Right away Lord 5th." Hiruzen stated

At the Council meeting

The heads of all clans in the leaf village along with the civilian council and the village elders have gathered in the room, wondering what all the commotion was about.

"Why are we here lord 5th?" The head of the Nara clan, Shikaku Nara asked, with his trademark bored look on his face.

"I am inclined to agree with Mr. Shikaku." The head of the Uchiha clan, Fugaku Uchiha stated.

"Well, if you would all calm down, we can start the meeting." Obito said, disappointed in the immature actions of the heads.

"Right lord 5th, so what is this about?" They all asked simultaneously

"Well, it was brought to my attention that the villagers were attacking and trying to kill a little kid. For what reason? Because they think he's the nine-tailed fox that attacked the village 5 years ago. It honestly sickens me that this is happening in our village. This is not the village that Minato gave his life for. Minato didn't give his life for the scums in the village." Obito said with a disgusted look. He was truly ashamed at the actions of the village, and he was determined to make it right. "I've said this before: but anyone who breaks the laws and rules of the village are scum, those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, but those who would willingly try to kill a little child just for existing are the worst scum of all."

The response was met with mixed reactions throughout the room. Some, like Hiruzen, Shikaku Nara, Fugaku Uchiha, and Inoichi Yamanaka, the head of the Yamanaka clan, felt that Obito was correct, and anyone who was beating on a little kid, no matter who they were, especially if they didn't try to fight back, were indeed scum. However, people like the village elders, Mebuki Haruno, the head of the Civilian council, Tsume Inuzuka, the head of the Inuzuka clan, and many others present were not happy. They felt that they needed to place their anger on someone, and Naruto Uzumaki, the current holder of the nine-tailed fox, was the best option.


"Exactly. It was the Nine-tails that destroyed the village, not Naruto. Think about it this way. Naruto was not even an hour old when the nine-tails attacked. So how do you think he has the ability to destroy the village as a NEWBORN BABY?" Obito retorted.

"Still, that doesn't take away that Naruto is the reincarnation of the nine-tails, a being of pure evil, and someone who will harm the village one day." The village elders exclaimed.

Obito was furious at the stupidity of the council. So much so that he had to go over their heads to issue the new law.

"That being said, I am issuing a decree. If anyone dares to lay a finger on Naruto Uzumaki, I will personally use my Mangekyo Sharingan and transport them into the Kamui dimension. Anyone who treats a child the way Naruto is being treated on a daily basis should not be allowed in the village. And the same goes for any child. A child has the right to be protected, loved, and admired for who they are, and not beaten up every day for something out of their control. Hate the nine-tails all you want, but don't take it out on Naruto. He's quite possibly the best thing that has happened to Konoha in a long time, and we would be foolish to let him go." Obito stated coldly. 

"Did you know, despite being beaten up every day for the past year, despite having bruises on his body that no kid should ever have, he keeps smiling? That's because one day he hopes it would get better. One day he could prove to the village that he belonged. Did you know that despite the villagers hating him for something he is not, he still told me not to take their freedom away? This kid is a saint in every definition of the word."

Obito's words rang in the thoughts of everyone. They knew that Naruto would get beaten up every day just for walking down the street, regardless of who was with him. And they knew that Obito was not going to take this lightly, so they all reluctantly agreed to the decree.

As soon as the meeting was concluded, Obito made the announcement.


There was a major protest from the villagers as they felt that their anger could not be taken out on the newest vessel for the nine-tailed fox. They began charging into the Hokage office screaming "THE DEMON DESERVES THIS. HE DESTROYED HALF THE VILLAGE 5 YEARS AGO! HE KILLED OUR FAMILIES! HE SHOULD BE THE ONE BANISHED, OR BETTER YET, DEAD!"

This continued all throughout the day.

Later that evening

"I'M HOME!" Obito called from the front doorstep.

"Hello big brother!"

"Hey babe!"

"Was good Obi!"

Obito made his way to the kitchen and told everyone about the new decree. "From now on, nobody will hurt Naruto, and if they do, I will send them to Kamui."

Rin and Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Naruto tight. Finally, their brother would not be tormented by the leaf for something he didn't do.

However, Naruto was still upset. He knew he didn't have anything to do with the Nine-tails attack, but he still felt responsible for the village's hatred against him. As such, he did the only thing he could think of. He began to ask questions.

"Big Brothers and Big sister, can you please tell me what happened on the night the Nine-tails attacked the village?"

They all sighed. After all, they promised Naruto this much. "Ok, but first, do you know what the term Jinchuriki is?"

"It's a person with a tailed beast stored within them." Naruto responded.

"The last jinchuriki of the nine-tails was Kushina Uzumaki, or your mother. When she was giving birth to you, the seal keeping the nine-tails within her was weakened, and that weakened seal allowed the nine-tails to break free and start causing havoc all over the village." Kakashi said with tears in his eye (Keep in mind he does not receive Obito's Sharingan in this case as Obito is alive and in Konoha).

"While the nine-tails was off fighting Konoha, I was helping the Fourth Hokage fight the mastermind behind the attack, someone we could only deduce as Madara Uchiha based on his sharingan patterns and him being the only Uchiha who could control the nine-tails." Obito stated.

"So what you're saying is that the nine-tails attacking the village was not coincidental but part of an elaborate plan." Naruto could only ask coldly.

"Unfortunately, yes. But it seems like the villagers won't listen to reason as they are blinded by the hatred for the fox." Obito said.

"I understand. So how did my mom die? And where was my dad during all this?" Naruto could only ask as he began to get angry.

"Your father was with your mom the whole time." Kakashi interjected. "As for how they died, they died using the reaper death seal and sealing the nine-tails into you."

"Wait, but that doesn't make sense. According to Obito, the only two males present when my mom was giving birth were him and the Fourth Hokage." Naruto was puzzled, until the realization dawned upon him. "Unless..."

"Yes Naruto, your father was Minato Namikaze, or the Fourth Hokage."


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