Aikatsu Crescent! BRIGHTEST☆S...

נכתב על ידי GrandPrintemps

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When one lunar phase ends, another begins. Meet Kazami Usagi! An up and coming idol who along with her friend... עוד

「Phase 93」Believe☆Aikatsu!
「Phase 94」Like A Star Fragment
「Phase 95」Bubbling Feelings
「Phase 96」Clashing Hearts
「Phase 97」Mission: Get To Know
「Phase 98」Brilliant Star
「Phase 99」Beyond the Galaxy
「Phase 100」Into the Forest
「Phase 101」Primary Meteor Shower
「Phase 102」Vivid☆Smile
「Phase 103」Unique Charm
「Phase 104」 Poppin' Step ♪
「Phase 105」Forest Of Memories
「Phase 106」The Prism's Wish
「Phase 107」Solar Eclipse
「Phase 108」Stella
「Phase 109」Blossoming Love
「Phase 110」Runway to Stardom
「Phase 111」Golden Wings
「Phase 112」Burn Bright, Superstar
「Phase 113」Vibrant Feelings
「Phase 114」A New Era
「Phase 115」Mint and Lilac
「Phase 116」The Rabbit on the Moon
「Phase 117」Illuminating Breeze
「Phase 118」A Divine Stage
「Phase 119」Unexpected Happiness
「Phase 120」Where I Belong
「Phase 121」Our Own Light
「Phase 122」Bubblegum Stage
「Phase 123」
「Phase 124」That Marionette, Now Freed
「Phase 125」The World I See
「Phase 126」Who I Am
「Phase 127」The Number One "Saki" In The World
「Phase 128」Surpassing Myself
「Phase 130」Song For You
「Phase 131」Together
「Phase 132」To the Ends of the Earth
「Phase 133」In Pursuit of Perfection
「Phase 134」Brand New World
「Phase 135」Redefine Yourself
「Phase 136」STARBOUND
「Phase 137」Even if my Wings Disappear
「Phase 138」So I'll Never Stop Believing
「Final Phase」To a Distant Rainbow

「Phase 129」A Seedling In Christmas

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נכתב על ידי GrandPrintemps

"Imagine making your whole brand 'cute' but having a partner who's cuter than you. I'd die of embarrassment lmao."

"I almost feel bad for her."

"Don't. She lied to her original fans about her personality. She had this coming."

"It's so disappointing... ;;"


Saki looked up from her phone. She turned to her side, where a pouting Usagi was standing. The five had gathered in a practice room, each wearing their type's variations of the official school tracksuit.


"Come on, pay attention!"

"Sorry, sorry. Kirakiratter was just singing their praises for the ultra-cute Serendipity. Looking at their comments gives me a confidence boost."

Usagi gave a small, dry laugh. "I'm not so sure you need your confidence boosted in the first place..."

"Well, it never harmed anyone, did it?"

"I guess not~." Usagi hummed. She turned back to the other three. "Alright! Let's start planning for our wonderful, exciting and festive Christmas stage!"


"At past Christmas parties, it's basically tradition at this point for five-idol groups to perform 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' on stage in front of the entire school," Claire reported. "Perhaps that should be our course of action too."

"Maybe~." Minori agreed.

"It's a tradition?" Hikaru asked.

"Mhm. Midnight and MeguruMeguru held a collab stage two years ago. Then the five most prominent Rosebuds at the time took the stage last year. It seems as if this year is our chance to follow suit."

"Woah..." Hikaru whispered.

"Then, who's gonna be the centre?" Minori asked. "'Cause whilst Usaki-chan's the centre of BubbleAsu, Bright-chan's the leader. And Serendipity's a duo so it doesn't really have a centre." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Maybe it should be Ruru-chan then?"

Looking to the floor, Hikaru shook her head. "Not on a big stage..."

"Eh? Then... Saki-pyon!"

"Huh? Why me?!"

"Your hair is green and that's a festive colour."

"And Usagi-chan's hair is red - that's more festive than anything else."

"She's the centre all of the time. You should do it for once."

"But-" Saki clenched her teeth, looking back at her phone. She sighed. "...Fine." She smiled and pitched up her voice. "I'll make a super cute and kawaii centre that'll make everyone's hearts dokidoki!" She exclaimed, miming drawing a heart with a finger.

"...I was wondering if you'd stopped talking like that," Usagi muttered.

"If Saki-chan is the centre, I wonder if she'll fit the song, though..." Claire added, her finger curled up and sitting gently next to her lip.

"...Good point," Hikaru said. "I wonder..."

"Then, we should change it, right?" Usagi suggested. "Let's change the song to one that'll fit Saki-chan."

"Isn't it a tradition?"

"Who cares? It's not our fault they're all lazy and copied each other," Usagi protested. "I'm sure our performance will be a million times better if we just do what we want."

A bead of sweat fell down Saki's face. "You do know by now which two idols are in Midnight and the Rosebuds, right...?"

"I know! But that doesn't mean they didn't take the easy route."

"Well, I can't blame them for not making things harder for themselves..." Claire said.

"Usaki-chan's right. We should choose an amazing song that will fit Saki-pyon perfectly."

"That must be the more sentimental side of Christmas music, then," Claire decided.

"Yep, that's gotta be it."

Smiling sadly, Saki unlocked her phone once again and scrolled through her Kirakiratter page, her feigned smile quickly fading as she listened to her friends continue.

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"It's Christmas Eve, Susie-chan!" Minori greeted, grinning at her tank. "I've got you an amazing present that you'll love. And it's only one more day until you get to see it~ how lucky.," she teased. She turned back around to Saki. "One more day left of school and it's just a party. Are you excited?"

"I guess~ But I think I'm getting too old to care much about Christmas anymore."

"You're only twelve."

"I know that! I just... don't feel as festive this year..."

"...Now that I think of it, your birthday's only in two weeks, isn't it?" Minori asked. "Does that mean you get a ton of presents at the same time?"


"Hmm... I wonder if I'd prefer that," Minori mused.

"Probably not. It doesn't feel that special if they happen so close. Getting cake when there's still sweets left from Christmas sucks too. Not that I'm ungrateful or-"

Minori stayed quiet for a second, pursing her lips. "I'll do my best to make your birthday feel special next year."


Minori nodded, smiling. "And I've got you a great present for Christmas this year too! I can't wait to gift exchange."



"W-Well I've gotten you something pretty great too."

"Mhm! I can't wait to see it."

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

Throughout the day, the idols of Celestial Academy were preparing for the big party that would take place that day. Each would help out with their own job, lending assistance in any way they could.

"It smells so nice in here," Usagi said as the five stood in the kitchen. Here, a large group of idols were preparing food to serve at the party. A sweet smell wafted through the air. Usagi placed a hand on her stomach and whined. "Just being here makes me feel so hungry..."

"I'm not bad at cooking," Hikaru said, putting on an apron. "I've done it a lot, so I think I'll help out here."

"I'm looking forward to the food you'll serve," Claire said and Hikaru smiled.

"I'll do my best."

"Making food, eh," Saki muttered.

"A-Actually!" Minori spluttered out, recalling Saki's past attempts. For the muse of a food-based brand, Saki... "I'm gonna help decorate the hall and - and I don't have a great eye for aesthetics I think! So you'll help me out, right, Saki-pyon?"

"You want my help decorating?" Saki quietly asked.

"Y-yeah! You can help me make it even cuter than I would have myself."

"...I wonder if I could..." Saki muttered under her breath. Not having heard this, Minori clasped Saki's hands.

"Plus I'm pretty short and some places will be high up. I'll really appreciate your help with that."

"I suppose it's fine. I don't mind what I do."

"Amazing! Let's go, then!" With that settled, Minori dragged Saki away before she had a chance to change her mind. Usagi chuckled.

"That's Saki-chan for you."

"There's going to be a lot of people attending this party," Claire noted. "I wonder if we can really feed them all."

Not only was this party going to be attended by every student of Celestial and Rosebud Academy, but media guests and other affiliates of the academy were going to attend too.

"Of course we can. I used to be in the baking club at school when I was younger. We only met once a week and I wasn't bad at it compared to most things," Usagi said. "So, I'll create food soooo delicious that eclipse will eat it and be amazed and soon enough I'll be the third member of eclipse!"

"The third member of who?" a familiar voice asked. Usagi jumped, turning around behind her. Standing there was a short girl, with pink hair scraped into a bun and glasses.

"O-O-Onee-chan! N-no one! No unit at all I just- ...what are you doing here?!"

Mai placed a finger to her lips and smiled gently. "Shh. Before anyone else hears."

Usagi took a breath, calming herself. "Are you supposed to be here...?"

"I have a day off and I used to attend here... I asked the headmistress and she said I could help out."

"We're going to be working alongside Amamiya-senpai..." Hikaru whispered.

"Oh, Hikaru-chan. Did everything go well?"


Mai's expression changed. She smiled bittersweetly. "Well, there's always another chance. You'll get there someday."


"Onee-chan, this is Claire-chan," Usagi introduced, wrapping her arm around Claire. "Claire-chan, this is my amazing Aikatsu engineer onee-chan: Amamiya Mai-senpai."

"Nice to meet you~."

"So you're Amamiya Mai," Claire noted. "I've heard a lot of amazing things about you."

Mai giggled. "Thank you. You three are performing today, aren't you?"

"We are. With Minori-chan and Saki-chan."

"Hanasato Saki-chan, right?" Mai asked. "I can't wait."

Usagi pouted. "Jeez, how come you've heard of Saki-chan but not any of us?"

"She's my successor as Pastel Macarons muse. Of course I've heard about her."

"Oh. That makes sense."

"Shiraishi-san has said many great things about her. I haven't seen your performance in person yet either, so I'm excited about that too."

"We'll do our absolute best to put on a performance that'll blow you away," Usagi declared.

"If what I've been hearing is true, I'm sure you will. Anyway, should we start?"

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"I wonder which one is cuter," Minori said, holding two different ribbons in her hand. One golden and one red - both sparkly. She turned to Saki.

"Which one do you like more?"

Saki shrugged. "Why don't you just go with the one you like more? Your judgement's better than mine."

"No, it's not. Besides, I like them both equally."

"Then do you have to pick one?"

"I think so." She paused. "Or I could use them both maybe." She beamed. "Thank you so much, Saki-pyon!" She exclaimed, running to hang them both up. Saki smiled bittersweetly and turned back to her phone, continuing her doom scrolling.

Originally, those comments had started as a rare sentiment that Saki had only found after ego searching a bit too much when she was sick with nothing better to do. But over the days that followed, more and more people were being exposed to the idea and agreeing, piling on and even commenting stuff like that on the Serendipity account's posts. Minori didn't use social media often but eventually, even she would have to notice... Saki grimaced.

Minori already had enough to worry about. She didn't want to add herself to that pile of worries.

It seemed like she'd have to revert to her old ways - and quick - if she wanted to revert their "fans'" negative opinion of her.

She did a small twirl on the spot and pulled her sickliest sweetest smile ever. "Merry Christmas, everyone!" She rehearsed, her voice pitched up again. "Together the five of us are gonna show you a really kawaii stage that'll fill you up with shiawase. If I mess up, I'm sorry, I'm just a little clumsy." She winked and lightly knocked her head. "Teehee!"

She sighed. "I hope my powers can pull me through... I have to do this. It's the least I can do."

"Saki-pyon!" Minori called as she returned. "What are you doing?"

"Just rehearsing for the stage."

"Heeeh~. You seemed pretty different there."

"I thought it'd be a nice Christmas present for our fans if I tried acting a little... cuter."

"You're already really cute though." Minori grinned, pinching Saki's cheeks. "The cutest! And the prettiest!"

"Oyy, Mihnoshie..."

"It's true," Minori said, finally letting go. "Plus you smell amazing. What perfume is that?"

"Iris flower. One of my other friends got me it as an early gift."

"It fits you so well. And flowers are cute too. So the judge's verdict is that you're already cute."

"...Minorin..." Saki muttered. "It'll just be for one performance."


"-Why don't we take a break?" Saki suggested. "It's bad to work for so long without resting."

"Don't try to deflect."

"They've probably decorated the tree by now."

"...Hnhnhng... but..."

"What do you say?"

"...uee... I wanna go see it."

Saki smiled. "Excellent. Let's go then."

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

The tree was massive, decorated beautifully with rainbow-coloured lights and decorations. Minori's jaw and eyes were wide and her eyes were sparkling.

"It's beautiful."

"Isn't it? I heard so many rumours but I didn't think it'd be this great."

"I didn't either. Do you think this is the tree Midnight and MeguruMeguru cut down?"

"I'm not sure. But probably." She giggled. "I remember my friends losing their minds when that happened - honestly, me too."

Minori's expression turned into a soft smile. "I remember when that happened. I was having a pretty pathetic Christmas but seeing that on TV made me a bit happier." She sighed with her smile remaining and a snowflake descended from the sky. "You know, this is my first Christmas outside of the hospital in a while."


"Compared to then, this year's Christmas has been so much fun already. Getting to spend so much time with my friends, buying presents for each other, going to parties and singing together - it's just as amazing as I'd always dreamed." She turned to Saki and the snow grew slightly heavier. She smiled brightly. "So, thank you!"

"Minorin..." She flinched, taking a step back. "I'm sorry..."

"...For what?"

"I'm sure... if you want to have a happier Christmas then you should probably perform without me..."

"Huh?" Minori asked, her smile fading. "Why?"

"Because I'm going to act overly cutesy. And I know you don't like that."


"I have to. I'm sorry."

"Why? I'm confused-"

The snow grew heavier.

"Remember what I told you? When we first became friends - that time when I overworked you."

"...Kind of? But I was sick so I don't remember if I said anything stupid but if I did-"

Saki shook her head. "That's not it. You haven't done anything wrong. But... I told you back then that I wasn't sure how to act in a world like this."

"...Isn't it best to be true to yourself?"

"You're the kind of person who can be. I'm envious."

"What do you mean?"

"...Lately, people have been harassing me online. Compared to when you took over my jobs, I'm not cute enough. They feel betrayed that I act so differently compared to before... and they're right. Even if it's cringey, even if it's fake, it's better, isn't it?" Saki grabbed onto her arm. Her voice cracked slightly and tears fell down. "I'm sorry but I'm... I'm just worried they'll come after you. It's not your fault you have such a bad idol as your partner. If I can act more likeable then I'm sure people will shut up and leave you alone and you'll become more popular and-"

"That's not what I want at all!"

Saki jumped.

"That's - that's the worst decision you could make!" Minori shouted. "You've always made some weird choices, but, but- but how is lying to yourself gonna make it up to your fans? How could they even call themselves your fans in the first place?!"

"Pleasing my fans is the most important thing! O have to do this!"

"Listen to me! The other day, all I did was mess up over and over again. I even caused this. But you still supported me no matter what - why would you think I wouldn't do the same?!" Minori argued. "You haven't even messed up here - why would you listen to haters like that?"

"Because - because I'm an unlikeable person, aren't I?"

"That's not true, either! Sure, you have your flaws. You might be sassy and you might be a little overconfident and you might even be overbearing but - but they're a part of you! Alongside how kind you are and supportive you are... you're amazing, Saki-pyon. And - and that's why I fell in love with you!" She paused, finally calming down. She wiped away the tears in her eyes. "That's - What I mean is, you're precious to me. Even if you're flawed, I think you're amazing. Not just your pretty parts - and your true fans feel the same. I know, because I'm one of them."

"Minorin..." Saki whispered. Although she was still crying, she hugged her. "Thank you."

Although it took a second, Minori hugged her back.

"Don't listen to what others have to say," Minori said. "I wouldn't ask for anyone else to be my partner."

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"Does it look good?"

"I think so. Will the bangs bother you?"

"I'll get used to it."

For this performance, Saki had opted to wear her hair down for once - including letting down the bangs that were usually clipped neatly away. They covered her left eye slightly but...

If it was just for one performance, she could do it.

It felt... nice.

"Thank you, Hikaru-chan."

Saki stood back up and the five gathered in a circle.

"There's gonna be a lot of famous idols in the audience," Claire noted.

"It's a little nerve-wracking but... at least I'm not alone," Hikaru said.

"Mhm! We're with such an amazing group so there's no way we can fail."

"Alright, let's do our best out there and send off the year with a huge hop for our idol careers!" Usagi exclaimed.

"All together..." Saki started.


The five walked onto the stage, wearing coords from this year's Christmas collection.

The Promised Ice Coord.

The Remember Ice Coord.

The Starlight Ice Coord.

The Floral Ice Coord.

And finally, the Precious Ice Coord.

Saki took a deep breath, holding her hand over her heart.

Soon, it would be a brand new year.

It'd be a brand new chance for her.

For them all!

Reach out to grab it

The diamonds descending from the sky


Shining bright, illuminating memories...

Their auras appeared, combining. The five performed with large smiles on their faces, their voices harmonising pleasantly.

It's that time of year

Where voices combine and sing together

It's that time of year

Where we reflect on memories we share

The pure white landscape

Is like a blank canvas to paint

I'll colour it!

In my happiness and tears

I'll colour it!

With dreams and hopes!

I'll cast my magic

A spell on you~☆

Nurture the sparkle in you

The five danced during an instrumental break, with playful yet somewhat graceful movements.

(A winter dream!)

The pure white landscape

Is like a blank canvas to paint

I'll colour it!

In my happiness and tears

I'll colour it!

With dreams and hopes!

I'll cast my magic

A spell on you~☆

Nurture the sparkle in you

As the audience filled with cheer, the five idols smiled.

"Thank you, everyone! And Merry Christmas!"

"That was so great~," Mai said. "I can't wait to see what they manage to achieve in this next year."

"Hm, I suppose it is somewhat exciting," Akemi said. "I wonder what their future holds."

"Me too," Mai agreed. "I wonder if they'll be able to bloom... wouldn't that be great?"

"I wonder about that."


"Wouldn't you say their scarcity is the whole appeal? It'll only ruin it if many people hold them."

"...I suppose," Mai quietly said. She smiled brightly. "Either way, I'm excited!"

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"Here you go!" Minori exclaimed, holding out a small box as they waited for their families to pick them up. "Merry Christmas, Saki-pyon!"

"Merry Christmas to you too, Minorin!" Saki cheered back, holding out a package. The two grinned at each other and opened their gifts.

"A snail pillow!" Minori exclaimed, her eyes bright. "It's so soft and cute and kinda looks like Susie-chan a little - oh! That means Susie-chan had a new friend too!" She hugged it tight and turned to Saki, her expression glowing. "Thank you so much! Now you gotta open mine!"

"Okay, okay~." She opened up the small box, unsure what to expect. Maybe... sweets or something? Well, no matter what, she wasn't particularly fussy.

When she realised, she gasped.

"You like it?"

"Minorin..." she whispered. She smiled. "I love it."

It was a charm bracelet, with a couple of charms on it.

"You can add charms for each memory you make. The heart's there to remind you how much we all love you. And the snail is to represent Serendipity. I got you another charm too but you're gonna have to wait until you're a teenager for that."

With a gentle smile, Saki put on the bracelet and held it up to the sky, watching it shimmer in the moonlight.

"Fufu~ I can't wait."

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"You seemed to enjoy that," Izumi said to Akemi as the two left.

"There's something sweet about low-quality performances," Akemi said. "I'm sure they'll remember it for the rest of their lives - after all, it's the last performance they'll have like that."

"...Which means?"

"Preparations are nearly ready. And the new year is the time of change, so they say." She smirked.

"Next year is going to be my year."

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

A/N: Thank you for reading!

We've finished the round of main character-focused chapters... kinda. I'd still consider future chapters character-focused but well... plot will be fully kicking in.

Not next chapter though. You'll still have to wait a little bit~ fufu~ (that 'kinda' earlier is there for a reason).

I hope you enjoyed this slightly less happy Christmas, published in March. At the very least that means each Christmas in this was published in a different year, ahah.

Well, once again, thank you! Maybe next chapter will be happy to put a break between kinda heavy character focused chapters and plot focused chapters. Or maybe it won't. Who knows~ fufu

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

המשך קריאה

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