The Test

By _JustLife

263 16 10

It is year 2147 and the test is about to begin again. I'm about to graduate and am extremely terrified. By th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

69 5 1
By _JustLife

Behind the gate

Graduation was different than I expected it to be. I thought it would be like: you wear blue suits, you have this weird hat, you gtraduate, and then you get sent behind the gate. But it was different. WAY different.

It wasn't like a graduation at all. First of all, it started with no suits. They just told you to come in normal clothes. Then, they gave you tight, black pants and a tight black jumper. You had to wear those over your normal clothes. It was extremely hot, but I did it anyway.

Second of all, there was no graduation. Well, not the type you'd imagine. The first thing that happens is that you get your black clothes and when you're done putting them on, You directly get on the "stage" in front of the gate. I saw the crowd. I saw my mom, crying. She screamed "RYAN, YOU CAN DO THIS, EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY! PROMISE ME THAT YOU WILL COME BACK OUT THIS GATE! PLEASE!" The guards took her away and then I only heard her scream "NO, NO, NO! RYAAAAAAAAN!!!! RYAN NOOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard that over and over until... The shouting stopped, and I heard the sound of bullets, and then a scream. My mom was dead.

I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't cry either. I was shocked... VERY shocked. I knew I lived in a stupid world, but was it really that shit? Are we that spoiled enough to kill my mother? Whatever's behind this gate, I will come back out. I would be the first. I'd do it for my mom... For her soul.

And suddenly, that final moment began. I heard the gate open behind me, and then felt someone push me behind it. I felt someone push a book in my hands but when I looked around, there was no one there... And the gates were closes. We were locked behind the gate. Then I wondered: why? Why kill my mom then lock me behind the vicious gate of death? Just... Why?

I decided to finally look around. Surrounding me, was only jungle. Everywhere I looked, there were trees only. Until... When I looked east, I saw the only building. A tower.

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