✎1.1 | a song for you

By everrestars

143 4 0

❝What tore them apart, brought them together again.❞ In which fate intertwines the lives of Foressa Leighanna... More

aesthetics & playlist
02 | Chapter Two
03 | Chapter Three
04 | Chapter Four

01 | Chapter One

23 1 0
By everrestars

  BREWER'S WAS A quaint tea shop located in the heart of Los Angeles.

  Foressa had discovered the shop purely by chance when she had been wandering around the city one day, desperately home-sick and craving for an authentic brew of traditional Chinese tea. It was then that she stumbled upon the tea shop providing a versatile range of Chinese-drink delicacies. Quickly, it became akin to a second home for her.

  Foressa glanced up at the pedestrian light, tapping her feet against the ground. Still red. She shivered; the weather was particularly frigid today. In a decisive manner, she coiled the jacket around her tighter in a vain attempt to preserve the warmth her body emitted. The cold still snuck its way past, an unwelcome visitor creeping into her bones.

  After a pregnant pause — and under Foressa's scrutinising eyes— the light finally switched to a desired green. With a cursory glance to both sides of the road, she shoved her hands deep into her pockets and crossed, inwardly cursing Candance for making her walk in the ludicrously cold weather.

  If she caught a cold, or worse, hypothermia, she knew who to send her medical bills. Huffing in annoyance, Foressa recalled the ambiguous phone call that had transpired earlier. Candance had remained vague concerning the details but insistent that this was a discussion that needed to be done 'as soon as possible'.

  Upon spotting the familiar signage, Foressa hastened her pace. The prospect of a thermal radiator in the shop practically had her drooling.

  The one-storey lot's exterior walls were painted an ombre style of green and yellow, embellished with an automatic sliding door. Strangers often passed by without a second glance, its generic appearance unappealing to them. However, that was what made it all the more special in Foressa's perspective. One tended to appreciate the beauty in things more if they were left to one's own discovery.

  An audible sigh of relief expelled itself from her as the automatic doors shuttered open, engulfing her in warmth. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to stew in the warm, friendly ambience. Chatters surrounded her, her ears perking up to catch snippets of conversations that didn't quite make sense without context.

  She embraced the confusion, knowing that was the beauty, the principle, of life. Foressa considered the snippets like puzzle pieces; some didn't fit together and not every puzzle piece was meant to be understood by one single person. 

  It applied to several circumstances in reality, too. Some people just weren't meant to be together, and no matter how hard one tried the piece would eventually be disposed of and find its place in a different set of pieces.

She swallowed a lump in her throat, shaking her head clear. Foressa stopped herself before she could venture into dangerous territory.

Spying Candance already comfortably seated at one of the lower private booths, she jogged up to said booth, sliding in with ease.

  In accordance with the simple outlook of the shop, the cafe maximised the space by using a combination of island tables and a private booths stacked atop each other. There was a set of built-in stairs besides each lower booth that led to the higher booths.

  She flagged down a passing waitress, rattling off an order of a 'Gok Boh' before turning to face her manager,

  "If I catch hypothermia, I'm sending you my medical bills." She informed.

  Candance raised an eyebrow in amusement, pointing out, "The temperature hasn't even dipped to its lowest point yet."

  A furtive dart to the gargantuan thermometer stuck on the wall of the booth showcased that Candance was correct. It was only 15 degrees celsius; certainly not the lowest it could have been.

  Foressa jutted out her chin defiantly. "Frosty weather is still frosty weather; my immune system makes no differentiation."

"Right, then feel free to do that." Candance chuckled, sliding a thin folder across the table. "Here. Have a look through this."

  Foressa perked up with curiosity, placing two fingers on the folder to drag it over to her. Some of her voracious enthusiasm dissipated however, as she discerned the top headings to be that of another contract.

  "This was what you were being so vague about? I braved the freakishly cold weather for a contract that could have been sent over an email?" Foressa bemoaned.

  "Look harder," her manager persisted. Foressa lifted her eyes to Candance's. There was a type of nervousness that seemed to be radiating off of Candance now, one that wasn't present earlier. Her brows rose in concern. Just what exactly was so unique about this contract?

  "Fine," she exhaled the word, flipping open the manilla folder with a dramatic flourish so that the documents of the folder now were in full view. "I'll bite."

  Her smile dropped instantly.

"The weather probably should've been my first warning" she thought to herself wryly as her eyes skimmed the contents of the pamphlet swiftly, "Nothing says pathetic fallacy and ominous than freezing weather."

  It was another contract, but a second glance had her realising details that she hadn't spotted earlier.


Dear Foressa Tan & Management,

  My name is Blake Foong, I am the manager for the internationally acclaimed boy-band, Chaos Ensues. I hope that this letter finds you easy, and that you are safe and well.

  I write to you with a proposition : a collaborative world tour.

  I am sure it has come to your attention of a recent viral tweet that garnered over 10 million likes and even more in engagement.

  Prior to this viral tweet, Chaos Ensues had already made plans to tour a select few countries in Europe for a period of 12 months, commencing on the 1st of January 2021 and ending on the 31st of December 2021. After careful research towards the traction the tweet has gained as well as considering the outcome of what would occur if we were to deny the request, our team has decided it would be best to appease it.

  Thus far I have taken the liberty of listening to your latest single, Paradise, as well as checking the few others you have released. There is no doubt in my mind you would make an excellent addition to our tour.

  Therefore on behalf of the members of Chaos Ensues and our team, it is my honour to invite you as an opener for our upcoming performances as well as collaborate with the band to produce a shared album to be released shortly after the tour.

  This would be an opportunity for you to not only experience the world of music in a new light but also provide you with a new scope and avenue of audience to listen to your music.

  It is my deepest wish and hope that you will consider this request. Should you require further information or negotiations, please do not hesitate to contact me through referral of the contact information below. If you graciously accept this invitation, I will be in contact with further follow-up details.

Warm Regards,

Email : blaketan@gmail.com

  Comically, Foressa focused on the elegance of Blake's signature, finding appreciation in the curves of the letters, the swells that ebbed and flowed. It was the only factor placating her, to avoid the swell of bitter hatred rising within her.

  "How do you wonder he signs in such a perfect manner?" was her first question to Candance.

  "Out of the entire document, that's what you're choosing to focus on?" Her tone was incredulous, watching Foressa with a wariness as if the girl was a ticking time-bomb. In some aspects, Candance had a right to be wary. Foressa hadn't proved predictable when it came to approaching the topic of the coveted boy-band.

  Foressa ignored Candance, continuing her odd fascination with the band manager's signature. "Do you suppose he uses a fountain pen? Or is it ball-point? It's probably a ball point — I have my doubts that he can succinctly inscribe his signature without partial ink stains if using a fountain pen."

  Candance caught on to the deflection tactics.

  "You're probably correct," she conceded. "Although... what do you say about the proposal itself?"

  "What's there to say?" Foressa finally broke character, acknowledging the contents. "Reject it," she bit out the words with more venom than was necessary. Given their rising stardom and popularity in the industry, it wasn't the first time a collaboration had been proposed between them.

  "You've seen the tweet too, haven't you?"

  Of course Foressa had seen the tweet — a good 10 million other people across the world had too.

  It was an overnight viral sensation. The netizens were relentless in tagging her with in the tweet comments, any attempts at feigning ignorance wouldn't have sufficed. Not that she could have. Unless one had been living under a rock, they would know have at least heard of Chaos Ensues if not being an avid supporter..

  Chaos Ensues was a global phenomenon but even that couldn't succinctly describe their success.

  The four boys — Noah Kehv, Mason Kohl, Kayden Zhen and Xander Dane — were the members of the now-coveted band that debuted 3 years ago, taking the world by storm.

  Their debut records had topped the global charts and their fanbase grew at an unbelievably rapid pace, to a size that other rivalled that of other established celebrities whom had worked years on, decades even, to acquire.

  Foressa wasn't daft. An offer of collaboration was not something to be taken lightly. It was practically the equivalent of success delivered on a silver platter— and then some.

  "Then you too understand the severe traction it has garnered. Ten million people aren't an easy satiated audience, we can't simply "cover this up" like we have in the past," Candance air-quoted.

  "If we ignore this, the fans will grow suspicious. Questions would start to formulate: why would two talented entities have such an adamancy towards not collaborating with each other?"

  Candance paused, allowing the underlying definition behind her words to become acknowledged by Foressa.

  Foressa's hands instinctively balled themselves into fists at Candance's insinuation. If she didn't appease the fans, they would begin digging harder into her past.

  That went against everything Foressa stood for. When she debuted at seventeen, she made it her life's mission to keep her private life out of the media's eyes. That included personal family history and her interpersonal relationships with others — both past and present.

  In the present day, this secrecy was still maintained. Even google search engines would only reveal her basic information and her music records. Her life before fame hit was obscure, kept in the dark. Foressa would go to the ends of the world to ensure it was kept that way.

"There isn't a choice in this, is there?" she questioned rhetorically. Blake's proposal was merely a disguised command sweetened. Amongst the medley of emotions coursing through her veins, fury was the most prominent, and equally the most easiest to identify.

"I'm obligated to say that there's always a choice," came Candance's prudent reply. "But, you and I both know the best outcome for this."

  Foressa's tea — having been delivered discreetly whilst she was reading the proposal — was getting cold, the effervescent steam beginning to vanish as the cup cooled to equilibrium.

  "You're telling me all four of them agreed to this?" She raised an eyebrow sceptically. Unless all four members were suffering from retrograde amnesia, it struck her as peculiar that they would've relented so easily given the abysmal past they shared.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Candance took a sip out of her own cup of tea.

  "For all I know, he's done this behind their backs. You know Blake, he's always had an eye on the reputation of the boys. If he foresees that their reputation is endangered, he'll do everything it takes to prevent that possibility from materialising; much like with this contract."

"  Now that makes much more sense." Foressa thought to herself. Self-preservation; she understood that at least.

  Rubbing two fingers against her temple, she pushed back the proposal towards Candance.

  She let out a shaky breath, a sense of desolateness beginning to settle in her stomach.

  "Foressa," Candance started again, tone switching to one of comfort, sensing the turmoil Foressa was certain was showcasing itself on her face.

   "I know that your past with them is unpleasant, but think of the opportunities this could bring. You're a top, rising star. Without a doubt you will continue to grow further in the coming years but this collaboration could amplify your career further and faster, if you play your cards right. And, you'll finally placate the fans. This will be the last time you ever have to do something like this. One year, that's all. "

  From a pragmatic point of view, Foressa knew Candance's statement was unerring. From a personal point of view though, Foressa knew innately that this was a disaster waiting to happen.

  "How long do I have to make a decision?"

  "Latest is the end of the week." But try to let me know before then won't you? The unspoken words lingered in the air around them.

  Foressa didn't deign with a verbal reply, not instantly at least. Instead, she stood up, pulling her coat tightly around her once more. For once, she would have to forgo the flavourful tea that was still three-quarters full.

  She stared down at her manager. 

  "I'll let you know when I can." she concluded, gathering herself up and exiting out. The air had gotten chillier, and Foressa couldn't help but feel as it was the deities warning her of the things to come.

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