Impress Me Not: The Writer

Por Saturn_Passion

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"This was a bad idea," Benny paced back and forth in the room. "It's not that bad," Will assured him. "Yes... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
New Story Announcement!

Chapter 16

761 62 1
Por Saturn_Passion

"There are only two people that read smut," he told him. "Virgins and the ones who can't get any to fuck them."

He had to admit, that went deeper than he thought it would. That face was so full of anger before he left. Instead of shooting daggers with his eyes, he launched his attack with his words. And, like a sniper, it hit him right where it hurt. He never thought he'd meet someone who was brave enough to say something like that to him.

He shouldn't be impressed. He should be angry, furious even. But there was something about how those words came off his tongue, coming together like their own piece of art. There was something about the passion behind that college boy's shy resolve that fought so hard against him.

Jasper fought with himself on how he should feel. Because he was burning and furious himself, but he also enjoyed the way he yelled. The way he challenged him. That passion matched Jasper's own. His own anger finally shown by someone who didn't even have something similar to his own situation happen.

He thought about that for a bit of the night, pondering the actions and possibilities that lie before him. Of course, he wasn't actually going to expose the writer, as much as he told Damien that he would. He was merely trying to see just how far he would go for such a silly thing. It wasn't like people would actually come barging down his door. That was just preposterous to think. Damien, however, treated him spilling this information as if it was straight from the pentagon. He looked like he would have done anything to keep such valuable information.

Jasper really wanted to know why.

His insides had fought when the blond stormed out of his door, slamming it tight as he disappeared into the night. There was actually a part of him that wanted to go after him and try and talk things through; to see his reaction if Jasper apologized.

That side of himself was a fool if it thought that he would ever apologize for something he did. He had already done that once. He had already chased after someone and begged and pleaded enough times. That was he moment that he realized that he would never do that for anyone else in his life. No matter how much he thought he loved the person, there was no situation that would cause an outcome like that for the rest of his life.

He had learned rather early on that it was best to focus on his studies rather than the emotional endeavors that he toyed with as a teenager. Now it was merely for entertainment, to expel extra frustration he might have. It was healthy anyway, good for the heart.

Why on this wide earth, then, did this truly bother him? Jasper sighed and sat up, sleep a fleeting friend. He had enjoyed the outing. It had an unpleasant outcome, but it was one in which he could remember and tell stories about for time on end. Something for parties that everyone could laugh about with him.

There was a unique circumstance that always tended to happen, without anyone else's knowledge but himself, when he thought about parties. He didn't know why or how, as it was one of the grandest mysteries of the world. Because whenever he did, his phone started singing. And it was a familiar song indeed.


"Jazzzzzzzzz!" the familiar voice blasted his eardrums, along with loud music and too many people cheering in the background. "Wassuuup?"

There could only be one person who would be up at this time, and that was Simon. Jasper immediately rolled his eyes. He could practically smell the alcohol through the screen.

"Nothing much," he told him, smiling a bit.

"Hey, how did that date thing of yours go?" Simon drunkenly slurred. "And are they down to party?"

"I'm alone, Simon."

"Oh shii-et!" that voice somehow was able to come out clear enough for him to make it out. "Was he bad?"

"No, Simon," Jasper sighed. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay man," he told him. "I was just wonderin' if you wanna come over and paaartaay anyway! Might be fun with you around!"


"Come ooon, man!" Simon begged. "I haven't ssseen you in ages-!"

"You saw me last week, at your last party."

"Pssssh! That doesn't count!" his friend argued. "It's Saturday night babay! You telling me your jus' gonna read those porn books all night jerkin' in bed?"

Jasper and Simon were rather close. He was the only one from his childhood that he still talked to. As much as he liked messing with him, Simon was the closest friend he had. Jasper grinned thinking about his request. It would be such a boring night if he didn't end it off doing something at least. And the man hosted the best parties.

"I'm on my way," he told him, hanging up before Simon could say anything else. Having something to do might be easier than simply laying in bed staring at the ceiling. That only led to overthinking and a lack of sleep. Jasper quickly threw something on and grabbed his keys. The way to Simon's house wasn't too far. The frat boy lived in a large house that was close to the size of a mansion, but too small to officially get that title. His parties always entertained him when he had nothing else to do.

The drive there went through downtown, right past the stores Jasper saw all the time. The one that seemed to catch his eye the most was Insomniac Café. He wondered if he would see him again at that coffee shop. There was no way that he was going to leave that laptop alone again, that was for sure. Those stories that he wrote still swam in his thoughts, even though he was trying to not think about any of this. They tempted him more than ever. That was why he had wanted the man so bad. And the more he tried to delete those thoughts, the more frequent they became. It was a virus, and Jasper was still trying to destroy it.

How could someone write these scenes out so well and have no experience with them? Damien looked like Jasper was a crazed buffoon when he toyed and flirted with him. He would have thought that it was rather obvious why he brought him to his house, but the blond was still surprised by it all. Jasper didn't understand it. He would have thought that he had at least fucked once or twice. Now that he hadn't done so at all, it raised some questions that he was dying to ask him.

How was he able to capture these moments so well? The words came well for the blond that wrote his way into his thoughts. If it were any other situation, he would have forgotten him in a heartbeat and move onto someone who was easier to get. Jasper was sure he could easily find someone at the party.

He still wanted to know more about that unfinished story. The one that he had read first, with the scrawny man who always came back to the mafia leader no matter what he did to him. It was brutal, and steamy, but, most specifically, he was curious about it. He wanted to know why the main character always came back to him. Near the end of it, not even the mafia boss knew why he came back. Damien had left the story on a cliffhanger, right when he was going to ask him. The main character was a silent type. He rarely talked at all throughout the story.

Jasper wanted to know more. His mind and body were buzzing to figure out what happened next, his heart racing as he visualized those scenes vividly. Which was shocking considering he was still driving through traffic. It was so easy to get lost in those scenes no matter where he was with how that writing style was. Damien's writing was so simple, yet precise. It was easy to picture the scene in your head by looking at those words on a screen.

Jasper parked on the side of the street a bit aways from the location and started walking. Simon's house parties were always so packed they filled the neighborhood streets. He was lucky that he lived near downtown, or else all the neighbors would be complaining about the noise. His street was considered the party street. Thankfully, it didn't take long for him to get to the house, and as soon as he did, he was recognized.

"Jazzzz!" Simon put his wide as soon as he walked in. "I knew you'd be here! Welcome to the partay!"

Simon was quite a sight, with short wavy hair and a decent body in which he always went shirtless to show off his nonexistent abs. He had baggy jeans and a bottle of beer in his hands at all times when he was partying. That sight alone was enough for Jasper to relax into the memories of many times before.

"How has your grandfather not gotten pissed at you for using this place for your parties?"

"That old bag-o-bones?" Simon asked, putting an arm around his shoulders to lead him inside. "He's always gone. Why sssshould he ccare about me having a little fun?"

Jasper just shook his head at that, taking a drink from the counter that had too many to count. Simon was one of the many trouble children of his family. His problem was booze at a young age and partying. While Jasper didn't refrain from drinking a little when he was under age, he wasn't one to take it as far as Simon did.

"I'm ssssoo glad you came, bro!" Simon leaned into him, almost putting his whole weight on him. "There's always good music, drinks, and whatever your flavor of the week is."

"And how many flavors have you tried out this week?" Jasper asked. The music was blaring, lights down low as the house heated up through body heat alone. Women, men, they were all dancing, talking, and screaming their asses off.

Phil Spector's wall of sound had nothing on this party.

"You think I keep count?" Simon asked. "Dude, you know how many drunk bitches that are here? Plenty of gay dudes too – not that I like that sssshhit. Great at partying, though! They're all coming over from the gay bar that just had to close."

Jasper looked at the time on his watch, shocked that it was already so late. It wasn't too often that he lost track of time. Not unless he was focused on work or the newest technology that they were trying to create. Nothing else in the world kept his focus enough to fully delve into it and lose the rest of time.

Now that grumpy voice to the author who's words grabbed his interest too much for comfort was an exception to that rule.

"That reminds me," Jasper said, sipping on the drink in his hand. "How's Bunny?"

Simon lived in what could only be described as a frat boy's dream house. He took care of it for his grandfather along with a bunch of his cousins as they all tried to go to school or get their life in order. Jasper had never heard of any other family in which the cousin's were close enough to want to live together. He had met them all when he was younger.

Simon was an old friend of Jasper's, albeit a stupid one. Jasper had used his father's money to aid him towards his education and future successes, Simon used his father's money to throw parties and be foolish.

He was fun to party with, though.

"Probably 'round here somewhere," Simon said, sitting down on a couch. Jasper was sure he already enjoyed some of the women that had come. If not, he was sure that he wouldn't still be talking to him. He'd be too busy trying to chase whichever girl wanted to act like a playboy bunny for him. "He'ssssnot going to want to do anything with you, though, bro. Bunny's got hisss eyes on someone else."

"I wasn't going to ask," Jasper rolled his eyes. Bunny, or Bunin as was his official name, was one of Simon's cousins that lived in the house with him. He was a fling of Jasper's for a while. They had gotten together knowing that their relationship was merely a physical one. And, because it was merely physical, it didn't last long. It was just how Jasper wanted.

He still wanted that. It just seemed to get a little more difficult now.

"Allllright," Simon set down his empty drink on the coffee table and picked up a full one on the floor by the couch. "Whas on your mind, man?"

"You already know," Jasper told him, taking another sip of the drink. He enjoyed the way that it calmed him. What he didn't like was how his body reacted to the liquid, because now he was horny and drunk.

"What happened, dude?" he asked again. "What happened to that ass you were trynna get?"

"He stormed out on me," Jasper answered. Perhaps he should have at least offered him a ride home, or just opened the door to see if he was actually walking all the way back home. He wondered just how angry the blond would get if he tried that. He was too much fun to tease, honestly. "Apparently, he was a virgin, even though he wrote all of those eroticas."

"Ouch!" Simon said dramatically. "Hey, I mean, everyone'ssss watched porn at some point, but issss kind of normal for us to not watch it as much when you're dating. Unless they don't want to fuck you as much. Kuni'ssss girlfriend 'sss like that, and he'sss absolutely miserable. You remember Kuni? He's-!"

"I remember him, Simon," Jasper rubbed his head. "That's not the point here."

"Right, right," he still sounded drunker than a sailor, slurring his words like he was almost making his own language. "Wha's the point 'xactly?"

Jasper paused. He didn't quite know the point of telling him all of this, other than to get it off his chest perhaps. He always had a purpose to most of his actions. Jasper thrived on schedules in his head, and anything that he could do to make things go smoothly so that he could work efficiently.

But he truly didn't know the point of the conversation, other than as a means to attempt to relax. There was just something about the events of the day that bugged him. And no matter how many times he replayed it in his head, he couldn't figure out which scene that the feeling came from. Was it what Damien had told him last? Or simply just the way he looked when he was talking to that waiter in German? That was enough to make his blood boil.

It wasn't like him, though, if he pondered on himself. He didn't care about how many others would talk to his fling for the night. As long as he was the one they came home with, he didn't mind who tried to flirt with them or make them smile.

Yet he did with Damien.

"I don't know what to think about this," Jasper finally answered, shaking his head. "The more I think about him, the more I want him. Unfortunately, I might have just dug myself a hole that I can't get out of."

"Nah," Simon gave a giant, heavy slap on his back. "Look dude, theresss never a sssituation you can't turn into a be'er one, unless you knock someone up, which can't happen unless you munch fur pie now-,"


"-And we all know tha's not gonna happen! I mean-there was this whole thing 'bout one of the dudes I usssed ta party with and how he turned gay, an' Bunny apparently knew all 'long- I don't believe him for a ssssingle sssecond. Cus if he really did believe that guy was gay, he woulda been on his assss like grassss on jeans."


"I mean - trust me dude, the guy had jus' 'bout everyone wanting him, and he was a player, like evryone here." He laughed at his own words, slapping his knee. "Only he only dated chicks, which's like the reverse you – or 'ss it the anti-you? Either way, there'sss no waaay Bunny can fool me with the gaydar bullssshiiiit."

"Simon," Jasper sighed. He swore the more that he drank, the worst he became at talking. Yet he alcohol somehow compelled him to keep talking.

"Look, man," Simon finally came to his senses for a second. "What I'm trynna say 'ss that there'sss probably a way to turn it round. And trussst me, I've had plenty of virgins."

"I still can't believe he's a virgin," Jasper shook his head. "You should see the shit he writes."

"Virgins are fffreaks man!" he told him. "Trusst me, that innocent act goes away fassst when you get with 'em. You wouldn't believe the shit they read or watch."

"Yes," Jasper frowned. "But he writes it."

"I dunno what to tttell you there, man," Simon laughed. "But it sounds like you found your flavor of the week. Good luck trynna get him. From the sssounds of it, you really pissssed him off."

"I don't think it's possible to get him back at this point," Jasper sighed again. "Perhaps I'm better off trying to find a new flavor."

"Whatever you want," he told him, gesturing at all the people there. "There's plenty of asss here too!"

Jasper just shook his head and let the music engulf him. His thoughts were still louder, no matter how close to the speakers he went. Jasper didn't even try. Instead, he let his friend go on with all the others that demanded his attention, some of them women that obviously wanted something to compliment the alcohol pumping in their veins. At least all the sounds and lights got him out of most of his thoughts. It would be best just to spend the night there, enjoying all the outlandish events that came with Simon's parties.

He even saw a few of those cousins of Simon's. Bunny wasn't anywhere to be found, unfortunately, but it wasn't like that would quench the hunger that he now had.

Jasper's thoughts went back to what had happened earlier that night, the music and cheers turning to static. He couldn't help but think back to that blond and those blue eyes that somehow always grabbed his attention. Those fingers of his got his attention too, now that he thought about it. Jasper wouldn't have noticed the writer in that coffee shop if he didn't hear the soothing sound of keys being typed. It was fascinating just to watch the words on the screen form so fast, those fingers working at lightning speed to produce them. It was as if they were fighting for their life.

He wanted to know what else those fingers could do, or the rest of that body.

It was obvious that the intelligent decision would be to count his losses and move on with his life, like he usually did on the rare occasion that he was left alone on a night like this. At least he would always have those words that he wrote. That was something he could take from this.

Jasper finished his drink and leaned his head on the back of the couch, sighing as the alcohol warmed his body up. It was just enough to relax him, and that was all he needed.

As long as he stopped thinking about this man that kept lighting his body up.

Author's Note: Hi guys! This chapter actually took a lot for me to get out and write, surprisingly. This was my second draft, as the first one just didn't have the right feeling I was going for. Since I was actually able to finish it sooner rather than later, though, I get to surprise you all with an extra update! While I'm currently working on another book during the weekend, I figured I'd also give all my readers for this story some love and show you guys this wonderful, drunken masterpiece.

Also, it's a lot more difficult to write a character who's plastered than you'd think lol.

I hope you all liked this chapter! Thank you for any votes or comments. I'll see you all soon!


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