Coach Knowles


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"Maraj! You're late.." Some woman busted in the gym but trailed off when she got closer. "Who's this?" "This... More



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I woke up to Onika laying on my chest. Usually when we sleep in bed together, I'll wake up to her on the other side of my bed facing away from me. Somethings different.

I wake up really early every day to work out. The team had another game today and I work out extra hard when I'm coaching.

Onika had her arms around me extremely tight and she was laying the rest of her body laying over mine.

I try to pry her arms off of me but she wouldn't budge. I didn't want to wake her up because it was so early and we stayed up most of the night doing stuff.

I flipped is over so I could just raise myself out of her hands but she wrapped her legs around me too.

I had no choice but to wake her up. "Onika,"I whispered and shook her. She just turned and went back to sleep.

I didn't want to shake her any harder, I can forget my own strength sometimes and I don't want to hurt her. So I got louder.


She jumped awake then jumped a second time. She probably got the wrong idea from the position we were in.

"I wasn't- I wasn't doing anything, you wouldn't let go of me and I'm trying to get up." I quickly explained myself before she kneed me in the balls.

"Don't get up." She pulled be back down and tried to go back to sleep.

"I have to go work out. Just go back to sleep." I tried to pull myself up but she was so strong, she raised up with me.

"Later." She whispered in my ear and sent shivers down my spine.

"I'll die Onika." I whispered back. "I won't be gone for more than two hours."

"Shhh, I'm trying to sleep." She was already half asleep.

When I heard light snoring I knew I wasn't getting out of this. I'll just have to sneak a workout in later.

I carefully lifted the both of us up and turned us over. I didn't want to crush her with my body.

It didn't take long for me to fall back asleep, I was still tired from my lack of sleep last night.

I woke a couple hours later, probably because I felt Onika move off me. I opened my eyes and she was bent over my bed looking for something on the floor.

"You took your underwear off?" That probably seems like an inappropriate question but some parts of last night were a blur and I don't know if we might've done something.

"I wasn't wearing any. I don't like panty lines."

"Oh- what are you looking for?"

"My phone." She lifted herself off the floor, "Hold on. Amir was just calling me, I need to call him back."

While she was calling him I went to brush my teeth. As I was coming out my bathroom, she was getting her stuff to leave.

"You're leaving?"

"Imanis crying because she doesn't want to eat cereal for breakfast and Amir's mad because he can't find a specific pair socks so I have to go."

"Oh. Well I had fun with the whole... you know."

"I know, I tasted it. What are you doing later?"

"Wha- I-" She caught me off guard with that and I couldn't stop stammering. "I'm going to take a nap after the game and then go to the mall. I have some stuff I need to get for Texas."

"Can I come? The nap and the mall."

"Yeah sure, I can call you when I'm on my way and we can meet here."

"That's fine. I would kiss you bye but I haven't brushed my teeth yet, I'll just do it when I get home."

"I don't mind." I gave her a short kiss, I didn't want to go overboard after last night.

"For someone that doesn't like germs, you do a lot of nasty things."

I didn't know she noticed my thing about germs. I didn't think it was that obvious.

"I don't mind germs when it comes to women. I guess that's why I always end up in sticky situations. Literally."

She laughed, "Let me leave before I find out something nasty about you."

She actually did leave and I could finally work out. After so was finished working out, I took a shower and drove to the school.

We win again by a buzzer beater, 66-65. I did promise them I would take them to get food but they were all so tired and worn out so I was taking them another day now.

I texted Onika as I was leaving that I was on my way back home and she texted me back that she was leaving her house.

When I got home, her car was already parked in my driveway. I got out of my car and knocked on her window.

She rolled her eyes and rolled her window down. "Don't touch my windows with your sweaty hands. I just went through a car wash."

"Sorry." I moved back so she could get out of her car and she hopped out.

"Nap time?" She seemed excited to be taking a nap with me. A lot of her behavior this past day has been really strange to me.

"Yeah, I'm super tired. I need to finish my sleep from last night."

She took my keys out of my hand and started walking toward my door. I followed behind her and into my house.

She knew the way to my room so I was just letting her lead the way. She walked into my room and flopped onto my bed.

"I'm about to go take a shower but you can get comfortable in my bed."

"Okay." She pulled her phone out and got under my blanket.

My showers are long but I was trying to rush so I didn't keep her waiting. I got dressed in my bathroom and when I came back into my room she was half asleep.

I crawled into my bed next to her and she turned around and laid on my chest.

"Can I ask you a question?" I'm usually confused when it comes to her but I was more confused than usual.

"Mhm." She was falling asleep faster now that she was on my chest.

"Last night, you wanted to do that, right? Like- did you want to do that?"

"Mhm." She put her hand into my boxers with her eyes still closed.

"Onika I'm trying to have a conversation." I grabbed her wrist to stop her from grabbing anything she wasn't supposed to.

"Stop please."

I let her go as soon as she said that, I didn't mean to scare her by grabbing her like that. I just wanted to stop her hands from getting deeper in my boxers.

"I'm sorry."

"Yes I wanted to do that, I wouldn't have if I didn't want to. I like you and I'm your girlfriend, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. All I did was move my hands up and down for a couple minutes."

She's not my girlfriend but I would let it be. "Okay, goodnight." It wasn't even night but we were both going to sleep.

"Goodnight." She moved my hands lower until they rested on her butt.

"Are these my sweatpants?" I could tell by the feel of the fabric, these were definitely mine.

She started fake snoring. I don't even know how she got these, I never let her borrow them.

I fell asleep soon after and I woke up when I felt Onika move again.

"Onika." My voice is so raspy when I wake up, I sounded like a motorcycle.


"What are you doing?" I didn't want to open my eyes, I was still so tired but I keep getting woken up.

"Nothing." She said it in a cute voice like a kid getting in trouble. She pecked my lips and laid back down on my chest. "Go back to sleep."

I tired too go back to sleep but I couldn't so I decided to get up. Onika had leggings on under my sweatpants and we both brushed one mud teeth before going downstairs.

"Let's take separate cars."

"Why?" This is her second time wanting to take separate cars.

"Because I'll probably want to go home after the mall and we live in different directions of the mall. It's a short drive, let's just go."

"Okay." I can't force her to get in the car with me, she's a grown woman.

We got in our own cars and drove to the mall separately. When we got there, we parked right next to each other.

The second I got out of my car, Onika was by my side. She took my hand and put it around her.

"Are you okay?" Everything has been so weird.

"I'm fine, let's go before it gets too late and the mall closes. Where do we need to go first?" We started walking towards the entrance of the mall.

"Some shoe stores first. I'm in desperate need of new shoes."

After trying on what felt like a million shoes, I got a call from Robyn. We haven't talked too much but coaching was a lot easier now that we're talking.


"Hey, where are you?" She sounded out of breath but she's pregnant so she could just sat up.

"The mall, why?"

"Can I come? I need to get away from this stupid ass nigga and he won't leave my house. I can't go back to jail Bey, my mom would beat my ass."

"Yeah, of course. I'm here with Onika but you can come." I probably should've asked Onika if she wanted Robyn to come but she was just going to have to deal with it. Robyns pregnant.

I could hear kegs jingling. "I'm on my way now."

"Bye, I'll see you soon." I hung up and out my phone back in my pocket.

I was sitting down so I could try on shoes and Onika was standing over me. She crossed one of her arms over her chest and shifted her weight to one foot. "Who was that you just invited out with us?"


"You guys are friends again? Since when?"

"Yesterday, it's a long story." I couldn't say why, it wasn't my business to tell.

"Hm okay. Can we get food?"

"We just got here." We've only been here long enough to go to one store and she already wants to go eat.

"But I haven't eaten all day. Please?"

"You sound like Imani but, okay. Let me put these shoes back and we can go."

I put all the shoes back and we walked to the food court, I had my arm around her again. After a 5 minute long argument, Onika let me pay for her food.

I got a southwest salad from Chick-fil-a since I haven't tried a lot of the other restaurants and I wasn't interested in anything new.

We found somewhere to sit and Onika sat so close to me she was basically in my lap.

I picked all the chicken individually off my salad and only used half the packet of dressing.

"You should try to expand your pallet some." Onika got a bento box from a Japanese restaurant, she had a big variation of food to choose from.

"No thank you." I hate conversations like that. I hate people commenting on the way that I eat or what I eat.

Robyn texted me that she was outside and I told her to come to the food court. I looked up for her and when I noticed her, I waved her over.

She ran over and sat across from Onika and I. "Y'all had sex?"

I nearly choked on air, "What?"

"You can't even say hi first?"

"You guys definitely had sex while we weren't talking. I know it."

"We didn't have sex, we-" Onika cut me off by elbowing me in the ribs.

"I knew it. Onika is the least clingy person in the world and she's sitting with one of her legs over yours, girls always get clingy after sex."

I looked down, I didn't even realize her leg was on mine. I don't know why she's being extra clingy with me but we didn't have sex so that can't be why.

"We didn't have sex. We're also not talking about this."

We stayed at the mall for a couple more hours. They followed me around while I shopped for the stuff I needed. I bought some stuff for Imani and I forced Onika to accept some things I bought for her.




What's going on with Onika?

How is their Texas trip gonna go?

Did Onika do what she did with Bey because she wanted to?

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