Is This...Real (Azur Lane Fan...

By Hunter300607

56K 1.5K 2.5K

Not complete Lets cut this short Y/n + reincarnated = nagato (yeah, so just to remind you this is not a rea... More

reincarnated or something else
is this
akagi is SUS
akagi is caught red handed
the search for the spies
the difference in timeline
nagato's end... or no ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what's left of sakura empire
the battle after the battle, and ???
the journey back to azur lane
The defense of azur lane
an unexpected ally
Azur Lane Will Never Fall
Azur lane will never fall...?
Hope is lost

sakura empire has fallen

3.2K 102 26
By Hunter300607

Third person pov at sakura empire base

Sakura empire has fallen...

The word to describe this view is...


Buildings burning. Homes being burned. Trees falling

The once beautiful sakura empire, was no more than ash...

And the ones destroying this beautiful land was...

The sirens...

On the other side of the sakura empire was filled with sinking siren ships and dead sirens

In the middle of the massacre was a high ranking siren, her name is observer alpha

After shooting her laser cannons to a certain someone, she spoke

Observer alpha: eh, already dead

She kicked nagato's sinking body

Observer alpha: you're actually dead ?

There was a hole in nagato's chest

Observer alpha: *sigh* i thought it would be longer

At this point nagato's body was fully submerged in water

Observer alpha: purifier, fun's over lets go back

Purifier: WHAT ?, But i want to kill some more

Observer alpha: no, lets go now !

Purifier: fine...

Suddenly thousands of blue cubes started to emerge from the ocean and formed a sinking battleship with a hole in the middle

Observer alpha: interesting

The battleship was then split in to two because of the hole

Observer: now, lets continue our plans

Observer slowly disappears into a portal with purifier

Third person pov azur lane headquarters

Inside a meeting room, there is many important people in there discussing something, no sakura empire shipgirls were seen

Enterprise: hey Wales, why did you accept them here, they are our enemy

Wales: they were our enemy, enterprise, they just lost their home, besides we will gain more allies rather than enemies

Enterprise: ...

???: What happened to the sakura empire to toss away their pride and beg for us to allow them to rejoin azur lane

Wales: i may just have the answer to that

After wales finished her sentence, the door of the meeting room opened revealing kawakaze

Wales: this is kawakaze, a destroyer from the sakura empire, i was going to ask mutsu to tell us what happened, but she seems to be... Not in a very good state, so i asked kawakaze to brief us on what happened to the Sakura empire

Enterprise narrows her eyes on kawakaze

Enterprise: so, can you tell us what happened?

Kawakaze: of course, as all of you may know
Sakura empire has, fallen to enemy hands...

Kawakaze clenched her fist until her fists we're trembling

???: Yes, how about the base

Kawakaze: when we left, half of sakura empire was... Burning

??? Nodded, then she introduced herself

???: Sorry for my "rude" behavior earlier, my name is queen Elizabeth the queen of the royal navy

Enterprise: so, the ones who attacked sakura empire we're sirens, but who ?

Kawakaze: the whole fleet

Everyone except kawakaze was shocked to hear this

Wales: what was so important to the sirens ?

Kawakaze: we still do not know, we only knew about the first carrier division working with the sirens, we we're deceived by those two

Kawakaze clenched her fist even harder and thought

Enterprise: now that you think of it, where is the first carrier division

Kawakaze: after we found out about akagi and kaga working with the sirens nagato-sama told me to confine akagi in her room, and nagato-sama gave project orochi to kaga

Enterprise: that still doesn't answer my question

Wales: be patient enterprise

Kawakaze: after giving project orochi to kaga, a few days later the attack happened, after the attack nagato-sama asked me to check on akagi while she walked to the main conference room, when i checked her room... she was not there anymore

Enterprise: can you get to the point

Wales: *facepalm*

Kawakaze: and i tried to get kaga, but i could not, i ran to the main conference room to tell nagato-sama, but an explosion happened, before i could get there when i told nagato-sama, she checked to see what happened, she and i saw akagi and kaga beside sirens working together...

Enterprise: WHAT

Wales: *sigh* so they betrayed sakura empire.

Kawakaze: no, if you could look closely enough, they we're... Lifeless, they are being controlled and manipulated

Wales: war never changes no matter the era...

Enterprise: Wales, do you think we should check sakura empire's base

Wales: i think we should, and kawakaze, what happened to project orochi?

Kawakaze: we do not know...

Third person pov somewhere at azur lane headquarters

Inside a dark room, at azur lane headquarters, there was a girl with fox ears curled up at her bed while thinking so many questions, she was mutsu

She still has hope that nagato will come back, but the light of hope within mutsu was beginning to fade slowly, very slowly

She has to be strong to be the temporary leader of the sakura empire

She stands up and opened the door, full of determination and walked away to meet the others

(End of chapter)

(Sorry if its too boring, this chapter is full of explanations to azur lane, and thanks for reading, even though its full of explanations)

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