
By Sydney916569

1.1M 33.3K 13.2K

Leonardo Giovanni became a father at the age of twenty. The new mafia Don was a closed off cold man that left... More

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twenty - nine

16.4K 559 155
By Sydney916569

A knock comes from the door in my fathers luxurious office. I stop spinning in his chair and look around the room. No ones here. Dad went to go get me McDonald's. He told me to hold down the fort until he gets back.

I press the unlock button on the side of his desk so that the person knows they're allowed to answer. He says the stupid lock on the door is for safety purposes but I think it's because he wants to spend money on unnecessary gadgets. I mean he really could just have a classic lock on his door but no he's too lazy for that so instead all he has to do is reach over and press a button.

What a guy?

I turn the desk chair so that the back of the chair is facing the door. I watched a movie the other day where the person sat in the chair and their backs were to the door. I want to live the movie life. So, my plan is to dramatically spin around and shock the unlucky fucker who will be dealing with this scary intimidating boss that is me.

The door opens and footsteps reach the other side of the desk. "Capo." He grunts clearing his throat. I slowly spin the chair around and the mans eyes widen when he sees the most intimidating person he's ever met.

Yeah that's right, he's looking at me.

"Where is boss?" He asks me. He has short styled salt and pepper hair, his nose is fucking massive and he has the greenest eyes I have ever seen. He looks to be about fifty or so and by his attire I can tell he works in the warehouses based on the new rule I put in place.

Yeah that's right, he's wearing a pink button up with flamingos on it.

"You're looking at her." I reply, my arms crossed and my face void of any emotion.

"Right, I apologize Capa." I give a curt nod and gesture for him to take a seat. Dad told me to hold down the fort so I guess that means bossing people around.

"Apologies accepted..?" I trail off waiting for him to tell me his name.


"Ah Carlos! Nice to meet you. My father is out right now so I am here. What do you need?" I cross my arms over the desk looking very business-y.

"Since you don't know me, I am one of the heads of the departments that deals with the drug imports and exports." He lets me know, grateful for that piece of information I nod giving him the go ahead to continue. "Our shipment docks keep getting attacked."

"By who?" I question tapping my chin thinking up solutions in my head. Just be like Nardo Maggie. Think like him and you'll get an idea.

"We suspect Roans group. We can't be sure because they don't perform a full out attack. They silently pluck everyone off making sure no one can get away. Shooting them between the eyes." He points to the space in between his eyes.

"I am unfamiliar with locations but if I'm not mistaken we have more then one unloading dock right?"

"We have three."

"Have those locations been compromised yet?" Look at me go, using big words and all that. If I could I'd give myself a pat on the back.

"No ma'am."

"Okay so here's what you will do, reroute all shipments to the non compromised docks. Set up at the compromised one and pretend to act like normal. They must know delivery times so connect all of the attacks to the times it's happened. Make sure everyone is well prepared and plan a counter attack. Roan and his people have gotten away with way too many attacks on us. It's time we attack back. I'll schedule a meeting tonight where you, my father, and other Capos in charge will work out logistics."

"Thank you Miss Giovanni." He grabs both my hands shaking them with an adorable smile.

I smile widely at the man. "Anytime Carlos. Don't be a stranger!"

He laughs and leaves the room leaving me alone. I call up Sarah my fathers assistant. "Hi Sarah, can you please book a meeting with all the capos and my father to discuss attacks on the docks?"

"Of course sweetie." She answers back going off the line. I sigh leaning back on my chair. My arms stretched behind my head and I smirk.

I am a legend.

I push his chair out grabbing my phone after receiving a text from my father.

Where's Naldo 🔫

Curly Fries or Regular fries?

Is that even a question?

No sorry, I should've known better.

Rolling my eyes I leave his office. I stride through the hallways of the warehouse and think about all of the renovations we still need to make. For starters, a nicer dungeon might be better, at least better duct work so it doesn't smell like a cow died in there all the time.

"Hi Maggie!" Gus the once soldier now french fry stand worker greets me. My father says that it's a demotion but both Gus and I agree that it was in fact a promotion.

"What's up burrito?!" I dab him up grinning ear to ear.

"Nothing much quesadilla. Usual?"

"Yes but two." I rock on my feet and survey the people around me. Most workers are just relaxing in the area that I deemed the hangout spot. There is a pool table, a few old arcade games, bocci ball, and air hockey tables. I wanted it so I can make friends and play games while I am waiting for my Dad.

That's how I met Gus and how he got promoted from body clean up to French fry king as I call him.

"Two servings of fries for you m'lady."

"Bye bye burrito."

"See ya quesadilla."

I wave to him weaving through the crowds of people playing and chilling around. They all nod to me in approval and I give them all smiles back.

Before I came home with Nardo I had no friends. Now I have school friends and mafia friends. I even have a girlfriend!

Life is going fabulously. My dogs are growing and looking cuter than ever. My relationship with Logan is going well, we hang out all the time and text each other before we sleep every night. Ray and his wife have settled in nicely and Luca and I visited them the other day and we watched movies.

I trust my dad more than anyone in my life. He's my best friend. I never dislike any moment when I am with him. We talk to eachother like we are buddies and sometimes I even forget he's my dad and not just my best buddy. I am reminded of that when he gives me hugs and congratulates me on my school work.

For the first time in my life I have felt loved and not judged by anyone in my life. I can finally be me, without the fears of being hated or abandoned.

That's why I am making my way down to where we are holding Ethan. I managed to convince my dad that he deserves to sleep in a nicer place than just the cells. Now he stays in a heavily guarded room with over fifteen guards blocking any access to the door.

When they see me they step aside and unlock the door for me. Stepping inside I see Ethan laying on his bed reading the book I gave him last time I was here.

"I brought dinner!" I smile at him handing the now smiling boy in front of me his dinner.

"Thanks Mags." He chuckles, sticking a fry in his mouth. "I haven't had fries in years."

Giggling I shove five down my throat and nearly choke. "Just don't eat five at once." I cough, my eyes slightly watering. Laughing he reassures me that he won't.

"How's the book going?" I nod my head gesturing towards the hardcover copy of The Hunger Games.

"Good, Peeta reminds me of myself."

"My dad said I am like Katniss Everdeen but personally I think I am like Haymitch, a crazy drunk." He snorts out a laugh and I giggle along with him.

"Nah you definitely remind me of Effie. Super perky and constantly worrying about your hair. Or the mahogany table?" He suggests with his eyes crinkling as he smiles.

"Personally I prefer farmhouse tables, it reminds me of my past life when I was a rodeo stripper down in Texas." I say seriously not serious. He looks at me and I look at him and we both bark out laughs nearly choking on our fries.

"Nah I can see you riding those bulls."

"Please, those fucking things would throw me across the room."

"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugs.

A comfortable silence washes over us. I look around his new room. It's decent, the walls are white and the bed is a little rickety. He has a few books I gave him and a sketch pad I stole from his locker at school. The window in the room looks out at the forest in the back of the lot.

"I sketched up some of his bases, I thought it might help." He breaks the silence sitting up to pick up the book. He flips through the pages and I stop him when I see a beautiful photo.

"Who's that?" I stare at the beautiful women in the photo. I know who she is because she is basically a copy of Ethan. Their eyes crinkle at the corners when they smile. She looks so carefree and effortlessly beautiful.

"My mom." His voice slightly cracks at the end. My heart breaks for him. His mom to him is my dad to me. If I were taken away from Nardo I don't think I would make it.

"You will get back to her." I grab his hand giving it a little squeeze. He wipes a stray tear and looks back at me with red raw eyes.

"No I won't." He shakes his head. "You've done more for me than I could ever imagine Maggie. This room, the food, books, and your company was unnecessary. I am glad I can live my last days here, away from Roan."

"These aren't your last days. I told you my father won't kill you."

"I have done bad things for Roan. I won't ever forgive myself for it. I am trying to do better, by helping you guys kill him. By doing that I am signing my death certificate."

"I won't let you die." My lip wobbles. This boy is technically my step-brother. We're family. Knowing that my family member is giving up makes me ill.

"I wish you were the dictator of that Mags." He sighs leaning against the wall. We sit in silence again. The silence says it all, the hurt, the desperate need to change his fate, knowing that whatever I say won't change the older boys guilty mind.

"Here's the maps and other information. Go show your father." He clears his throat ripping the sheets out of his book. Standing up I grab both sheets and pull him into a hug.

"See you soon E."

"Bye Maggie."

I leave the room wiping the tears from my eyes. The door gets locked and the guards part to see my father standing there looking like he's waiting for me. I walk over to him and grab his outstretched hand.

"He made you cry?"

"No," I swallow the lump in my throat. "The circumstances, that's all."

"I won't kill him if you don't want him dead." His eyes soften seeing my upset face. We make it to his office and I sit back on his office chair. He goes to sit in the other chairs at his desk.

"I hate him." My lip wobbles and tears start streaming down my face. This isn't fair.

"Ethan?" He rolls his chair over to me pulling my hands off my face.

"No," I shake my head. "Roan. It's no fair." I sob. He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his shoulder.

He ruined Ethans life and he messed up my childhood. He drugged my mom up and made me kill her. He made me homeless, forcing me to sleep under the bleachers for shelter. He beat me black and blue. Threw me out into the snow and locked me out of the house all night with no coat or mittens. He is killing our soldiers and now Ethan is next on his list.

"Dad I am so tired," I croak out still crying into his shoulder. He rubs my back holding me close as he whispers reassuring words to me. "I just want him gone. I can't do this anymore."

"Oh my baby." He sighs rocking me back and forth. "I promise you, with my whole heart that it will be over soon. That he will face an end he deserves and that you and Ethan get justice."

"How soon?"

"Soon, baby, soon."


Omg so I edited and posted chapter thirty instead of this one. I'm am so sorry if I caused any confusion.

Anyways I hope you all have a great day!

Lots of love 💕

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