Remember Me (Illumi x reader)...

By chi_gecko

51.5K 1.7K 1.4K

Illumi was (Y/N)'s childhood friend. They went to school together every day, hung out at each other's houses... More

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916 40 14
By chi_gecko

(This has yet to be rewritten.)

It was a long day; the more papers I went through, the more tired I became. Illumi had passed by my desk a few times to order me around about who knows what. I wasn't paying attention to him half the time because I was still pissed about how he threatened me after our introductions. Madame S came by not too soon after he left to ask about how I felt about him working with me, honestly though, it's not like I had the choice to say I didn't like him; she would have just told me to deal with it so instead, I lied, and told her that everything was great and that I looked forward to future work with him. Yeah, right...

I had gotten through half the pile of paper work on my desk and it was already lunch when I had finally lifted my head to look at the time on my phone. I wasn't really hungry so I had just drank water and munched on a snack that I had packed for myself, of course however, Illumi had something to say about that when he noticed me. 

"You should eat more, I don't need you losing energy on me and trailing off during a mission. That would be a nuisance." 

"Well, you should shut that big, gaping mouth of yours. It is a nuisance."
Is what I said. . . In my head. I was too tired to argue with this overconfident smart-ass and, I honestly just wanted the day to be over by then, so I just turned my head and ignored him so that I didn't have to deal with this any longer.
The next few hours were mostly a blur, I continuously zoned in and out while going through the rest of the stack of documents on my desk. Checking my phone every once in a while, just in case Chrollo had texted me and my notifications were defective, but nothing.


When work ended, I was the last to leave,  like usual. Or so... I thought. 
As I was neatly fixing everything in my bag after putting on my coat, a loud, ear splitting crack echoed down the hall towards the empty office I was in, making me jump. Clutching my bag to my side after slinging it over my shoulder, I quickly made my way to the assassin's quarters to see what had happened. However, the closer I got, the more I could see a bright light from the large training center. 
Everyone should have left here by now, and this area should have been closed and locked. I walked into the large, brightly lit room and looked around. The large rectangular lights buzzed as they hung, suspended from the high ceilings lined with metal rods and silver panels. The rubber bottoms of my boots squeaked as they trailed against the smooth wooden floor while I looked around. 

That's when I looked at the far end of the chamber and noticed a wooden mannequin, destroyed; One of it's arms had fallen off due to rough impact and was now laying at the side of it's now mangled and torn body. The top half had bent back due to lack of support and a large hole had been made in the center of it's chest, wooden debris scattered all around it. 
The closer I got to it, the more I noticed small details; like how neat the hole actually was. It wasn't messy at all, not as if some brute had punched it open. I also began to notice how some of the wood was burnt, small burn marks scattered around it's body, especially the neck area. However, those marks were too precise and clean to have been made with a flame. Perhaps they were done with electricity? I pressed my fingers against the burn marks, noticing small holes, as if this mannequin had been pierced with needles. 
Well, regardless, I found what made that sickening noise. Now, I just need to figure out who did this. 

Turning my back to the mannequin, I examined the rest of the room. Nobody. There was nobody else here. 
A little nervous, I walked in a thin hallway opposite from the one I came from and looked through a window into a room with the training center's control panel. It was dark and the only things illuminating the room were a few colorful lights from some of the buttons. Wrapping a hand around the metal doorknob, I tried opening the door, only to be met with it being locked.


I moved to the side again to peer into window once more but was met with the sight of a tall figure behind me in the reflection.
 As I recoiled in fear, a large hand was pressed against my mouth, my back against their chest. Moving my hands up to remove theirs from my mouth, I felt a pinch at my neck. Looking back in the window, I saw three metal needles a few centimeters away from my skin and a familiar face. 

I think Illumi recognized me as well because his hand relaxed and was brought away from my mouth, as well as his needles from my neck. 
"Why are you here?" he asked. Of course, there was no emotion in his tone whatsoever. I had already swallowed the lump of anxiety in my throat, stepping away from him and raising a brow. 

"Well, I'm usually the last one to leave and I heard a loud crack so I came to check what it was." I stated. He collected all his hair to one side and dragged it over his shoulder with his arm, neatly placing his needles in a small tube and nodding his head silently. "What are those?" I asked, examining the needles as he put them away. 

His eyes rose back up to meet mine "They are electric needles Madame S gave me. I apologize for the inconvenience,  However, I did not think someone would take so long to leave." 
I shrugged, a little surprised that he apologized, even though it didn't really seem genuine at all.
"It's, uh, fine." I stumbled over my words a bit, kind of feeling awkward. At least I knew where those burn marks were from.

After putting his needles away, Illumi walked back out into the training center and picked up the mannequin's arm before adjusting the mannequin itself to stand upright. 
I watched him before feeling my phone vibrate and taking it out to see that Chrollo had sent me two messages.


{Chrollo: Hi Y/n, I'm really sorry for not showing up to work today. Something troublesome took longer to take care of than I thought and I couldn't make it. 

{Chrollo: I was wondering if you'd like to go out for supper tomorrow? You can tell me all about your new coworker <3

Sure :Me}


I smiled and put my phone back in my bag.

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