Invincible: SuperBoy Rises (M...

By Victor_TheRiper

166K 5K 1.7K

Mary Grayson, a female teenager who just turn 18 years old, and in high school, she is friends with Amber an... More

Chp.9 You dont seem to understand...
Chp.24 The Big Fight
Final Chapter
Coming Soon


3.7K 143 62
By Victor_TheRiper


Later that day, at Mary's house, Debbie was in her car, as if she was waiting for someone, or something...or in fact, she knew Nolan was at home, so she needed him out of the house for her to investigate she makes a call to him...

Debbie: Nolan? ...Hey Honey, if you have a sec, can you pick up some things for dinner? ...I was thinking salami from that restaurant at Rome, and the wine from province...okay, thank you.

She hangs up, and to see Nolan at the Josie, gliding up and to fly off...Debbie then sets a timer of 20 minutes, which will take him to come back, and for her to investigate the house...and so, she goes. She checks the backyard, the rooms, living room, closet, everything...
It took her 17 minutes to pool all over the house, yet nothing...until as she sat down, and notices the vent on the wall somehow not screws right...she takes a look, yet doesn't seem nothing, but whole looking around on top, she notices a black bag above the window door, just sitting there...she goes over, climbs up and checks the bag, she grabs it and checks what's inside the she does...what she saw in the bag was utterly shocking for her and yet terrifying, it was Nolan's super suit...and it's covered in blood, a lot of blood, dry blood too....then, the timer was done, and yet Nolan has arrived home as she quickly dispose the bag somewhere for him not to see it...

Debbie: H-Hey Nolan.

Nolan: Hey sweetie, got the stuff you need.

Debbie: Oh that's good, thank you hon.

Nolan: Anytime, say, let me help you with dinner yea? Could be fun.

Debbie: S-Sure...

Nolan: Heh, Great.

Debbie started to act like if nothing is going on...and yet deep down, after seeing his super suit covered in blood, she is now more worried and terrifying about she plays along and tries not to say anything about it....
Than, something caught her attention, as she looks out the window...she realizes something on the backyard...a tiny pile of dirt that seem like if someone was digging, and from how far she can see, it seem like it was glowing...glowing green...

Debbie Mind: ...How come I never notice that?

Later that day, it was noon, and as we take a look at Machine Head's building, goons of his were guarding his room, and yet one of them notice something coming towards them...

Goon: What the fu-

And what was coming was Titan, as he crashes through the window, with Invincible as well as he and her took down some of the goons, and yet to burst down to Machine Heads door, and to see him on his table sitting down, minding his business...

Invincible: Machine head, it's over for you, we're taking you in.

Machine Head: Oh hello invincible, Titan.

Titan: Boss.

Machine: You know, you're right Titan, you're strong and tough, and you Invincible, you fly over the god damn place, amazing!

Invincible: Uh...thanks? You know all about me?

Machine Head: I know that you and this big pile of hair would come over and barge into my door, ALSO Italian maple, but the way.

Titan: no way you saw this coming.

Machine Head: Oh see what happens when your brain is nothing but a fucking rock.

Suddenly, Machine Heads assistant, Isotope, appeared, which Invincible thought Titan took cared of him...

Invincible: I thought you took care of him!

Titan: I know what I said.

Machine Head: This little upgrade in my head shows me all kinds of possibilities, which is way it's not worth of me explaining you two morons about it, you're right invincible, I'm out of my league, except...I got MONEY!

Isotope uses his teleportation powers to teleport super villains Machine Head recruited, Furnace...



Tether Tyrant...

And lastly...Battle Beast...

Invincible: Oh shit.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, (YN) quickly arrives in time, and was rushing down the hallway and to see a doctor...

(YN): I'm here for Martha Kent!

Doctor: Are you (YN) Kent-

(YN): Yes that's me! Tell me what happen?! How is she?!!

Doctor: ...*sighs* I'm sorry son, but we tried everything, but we can't cure cardiomyopathy, she has a weak heart and doesn't have enough blood to pump up the heart, reasons for that was shorten of breathe, and swelling.

(YN): N-No, no that can't be! Go back in there and try again now!

Doctor: (YN) please-

(YN): No you don't! I can't lose her! She's the only one I have in my life!

Doctor: (YN)-

(YN): I-I just...can't... no...why today...why now?!

(YN) started to slowly break down a little, as the Doctor tries to confront him about it...

Doctor: Son...I'm sorry...but we really tried everything...and I mean everything...I'm sorry but...she's only got minutes to live.

(YN) stood quiet...and to wipe off the tears from his eye...and replies...

(YN): ...can I at least see her?

Doctor: ...Of course.

The doctor leads (YN) to a room, and (YN) arrives and to see his grandmother, Martha, on bed with pipes on her nose for oxygen, and yet she seems to be weak and yet not able to get up at all...(YN) slowly walks up to her, and sits down aside her...suddenly, Martha slowly opens her eyes and notices him...

Martha: ...(YN)...

Back at the fight, Invincible and Titan work together to take down the villains Machine head gathered, Invincible was dealing with Tether Tyrant and Kursk while Titan deals with Battle Beast, somehow Titan's punches to Battle Beast doesn't affect him at all, and Battle Beast easily beating up Titan like nothing with his bear hands and his gold hammer weapon...then, magmaniac started using his hot lava towards Titan, burning his rock body, as Invincible grew angry about it...

Invincible: You guys are fucking dead!

She somehow went crazy against them as she rushes at Tether Tyrant, grabbing his armor limbs, and to slam him towards Kursk, and to rush at Magmaniac and to brutal land a punch towards him and knocks him down....

Invincible: Who's next?!

Suddenly, Battle Beast lands a punch towards Invisible and knock's her down easily...

Battle Beast: Hello, girl.

Invincible try to fight off Battle Beast, but he was just too strong, so strong he's able to take our Invincible as well like nothing, striking Vicious punches and kicks to her...suddenly Machine Head gets a reaction from his chip...

Machine Head: Wait, I'm getting something...No!

Suddenly, the walls burst down as luckily, the new guardians of the globe has arrived for some help...

Black Samson: Cecil got an anonymous call, we'll take it from here!

Invincible: ...G-Guys...

Machine Head: Nrgh!!! Everyone...Murder these assholes!!!

And so, the villains and the guardians charge at each other and head on against each other...
Back with (YN), he then gets to speak with Martha one last time before her passing...

(YN): Grandma...You can't leave me...

Grandma: ...I'm sorry hon, body can't handle it no more...

(YN): M-Maybe I can fly around the world and find something to heal you up, yeah! That can work-

Martha: (YN)-

(YN): I'll do my best to find any medicine for you so you can-

Martha: (YN)!

Martha raised her voice, and (YN) kept quiet...

Martha: (YN)...I know it's hard for you, but...I'm sorry, there's nothing that can cure this.

(YN) started to feel emotional, as his eyes got watery and yet didn't want her to die...

(YN): G-Grandma...*sniffs*

Martha: (YN)'re a good boy...your father raised you very well, and so did I...please take care of yourself...and keep on saving other peoples life' that for me.

(YN): ...Okay...I will.

Martha: Mmm, good.

Suddenly, (YN)'s attention went over to the TV as he sees the news showing a incident going on at a tall building, and that building he's seeing right now looks like Machine Heads...and he knows what is going on...

(YN): Mary..!

Martha: ...Go.

(YN): What??

Martha: Go and help your friend, she needs you more than I do.

(YN): ....

Martha then places her hand onto (YN)'s and says to him...

Martha: Don't worry, I'll be here still once you come back.

(YN): O-Okay!

(YN) slowly approaches to her grandma, hugs her and kisses her on the forehead as he exits the room and rushes down the hall to go and save Mary...
Back at Machine Head's building, we then look at a whole mess and massacre that has happen, blood everywhere, half of the guardians beaten up to the floor, Monster Girl, Black Samson, and Invincible, as she is badly beaten up and wounded by Battle robot and the others were trying to take him down...and by the looks of Battle Beast, he doesn't seem happy at all with the fight he's having...he seems boring...

Battle Beast: I was promised that this world would get me a worthy opponent, it seems I was wrong, these "heroes" are weak and boring to me! The disappointment.

Battle Beast was standing on top of Invisible, one foot on her, as she can't move at all, beaten up by him....Battle Beast stares at her and lifts his weapon up in the air...

Battle Beast: You girl, you're death will be nothing but a weak mercy.

Robot: Invincible!

Robot and the others tried to help I Vinci blew out, but the other villains block their way...Battle Beast was ready to use his weapon to kill Invincible right on the spot...

Battle Beast: Killing you is an act of mercy.

Invincible: ...(Y-Y...(YN)...

As Battle Beast was about to end her....suddenly, he froze for a bit, and to look out the window somehow...he gets off Invincible and approaches to the window..

Machine Head: Hey, what's going on?? Why you stopping??!

Battle Beast takes a closer look, and to see someone approaching towards him with such speed, and this someone was coming in so fast, he then bursts through the window, and swinging a punch towards Battle Beast and sending him off flying out the biking and falling...this someone was none other than SuperBoy...

Robot: SuperBoy!

Red: About time your ass arrived!

SuperBoy realizes to see Invincible badly wounded and hurt as he checks up on her...

SuperBoy: Invincible!

Invincible: ..Y-You came...

SuperBoy: ...Of course I did.

Invincible slowly places her hand onto SuperBoy's face, and yet to lose unconscious from too much blood and beaten up badly...he carry's her and to takes her to robot to hold her and to walk away to the broken window that Battle Beast was sent flying out...

Robot: Where you going?!

SuperBoy: ...Just take care of her, and deal with these bastards....I'll deal with this beast myself.

He then jumps out the window...and to confront and go head to head against Battle Beast himself....


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