lexi greys twin. Callie X Oc

By lizzie_olsens_

45.7K 1K 52

what if lexi had a twin sister, but unlike her sister she wanted nothing to do with meredith. it wasn't that... More

Under editing
chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter 6
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Update schedule
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifthteen
No update this week
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
No update
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter 23
The end

chapter two

4.1K 86 2
By lizzie_olsens_

Callie's pov-

"Zona! You have to have the surgery." I cried out for what felt like the millionth time tonight. "Please, you aren't just going to lose your leg if you don't have this surgery you are going to lose your life!"

"No! They are lying I'm gonna get better and keep my leg." She screams back at me.

"Arizona Robbins, please our daughter has already lost her father she cant lose her mommy too." I say as I place Sofia in her lap, trying to convince her.

"She isn't! I'm not dying calliope." She screams one last time before completely blocking me out to pay attention to our daughter.

"We need to go, I told meredith and Derek I would look after zola. Lexi's twin is looking after until I get there." I tell her as I pick Sofia back up.

As I get in the car, I allowed myself to break down.


"I'm here baby. I'm not leaving you. I'm not leaving." I reassured her as I wiped my tears off my cheeks, trying to compose myself for my daughter.

She needs me more the ever right now.

I collect myself before driving to the 'frat house'.


"Zozo!!" Sofia shouts as she runs into the play room, I follow after her when I enter the play room i see a brunette meredith sitting with zola in her lap reading a book.

"Wow, are you sure you aren't Meredith's twin?" I ask trying to make a joke but she just looks unamused.

"I may look like her but I'm Lexi's twin sister." She says lifting Sofia into her lap after my daughter kept on trying to get in to sit next to Zola. "I only have one sister."

I guess I shouldn't of made a joke about her not being her twins twin after she just died.

"What about molly?" I ask, I remember Lexi telling me about molly and Payton.

"Homophobic." She sighs, flipping to the next page in the book for the girls to see

"Oh! You are the gay sister!" I blurt out, remembering when lexi told me about her to make me feel better.

"Um I guess I am, and you are?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Callie torres." I say as I go sit next to her and the kids.

"Oh the 'you cant pray away the gay' girl?" She says with a smirk.

"Lexi told you about that?" I say shyly.

"Nope, I was visiting lexi that day and I was hiding so no one would see me when it happen so I asked who you were. It was kinda badass."

"Thank you. So do you have any kids of your own?" I ask her but when I do her face drops.

"No, never really been with the person I want to do ivf with. What about you? Any other kids exept this cutie?"

"No, I would love more but the way my wife is heading it probably wont be anytime soon or at all."

"Was she on the plane aswell?" She asks sadly before looking back down at the book and reading the next page.

"Yeah, if she doesn't get her leg amputated she will die and She's refusing to have the surgery." I said, trying to keep a smile on my face as Sofia looked up at me. 

She nods sadly, we sit like that for a while before her phone goes off.

As it was closer to me, i pick it up and show her the name.

"Its Addison, can you answer it for me?" She asks as the girls pull her attention back by pushing the book into her face.

"Hey Payton! I've been trying to get a hold of you for ages." A familiar voice says through the phone as I put it on speaker.

"Sorry addie! Alots happened in the last two hours. Say hi to 'you cant pray away the gay' girl" she says as she starts to play with Sofia while zola comes over to try look at the phone.

So she told her friends about that moment, I must of really impressed her or just really embarrassed myself that day. 

"Oh the girl you-" Addison starts but Payton cut her off.

"Callie, yes the girl I asked her name. Also the woman holding my phone while I play with her child." She says trying to keep Sofia from pulling her long brown hair.

"Oh Hey callie! We haven't talked in so long!" That's when it finally clicks, this is Addison Montgomery.

"Hey Addison." I smiled and remembered the last time I saw her, when she saved Sofia and my lives.

"Anywhere Payton, when are you coming back?" She asks.

Payton pauses for a moment, looking around the room before focusing on a picture of zola and meredith.

Like she's debating getting to know her or not.

"Probably in 3 days, get all lexi's things together then order the necklace so I can do that easily before I leave." She sighs out.

"Payton.. you know you can stay there if you want, get to know meredith-" Addison started but was cut off by Payton.

"No! I have said over and over I dont want to! My dad left her, he left me but atleast I got a couple years with him before I was kicked out! Those are the only things we have in common." She says getting Sofia and Zola up and standing up herself.

Sofia didn't like that though, so she stared making grabby hands and whining until she finally picked her up.

"I have done fine only having one sister since I was 11, I can figure out having none."

She walks off upstairs, zola running after them.

"I'll try to talk to her." I say before we both hang up and I go to Lexi's room.

When i walked in i saw the most adorable thing, Payton was dancing around with both girls on her hip.

There was one of Lexi's CDs playing but the girls giggles and once in a while squeals drowning it out untill it was just a tiny background noise.

"You really are good with kids." I say, sitting down on the bed. "They both love you."

"I love kids." She says, kissing Zola's cheek lovingly.

Sofia gets jealous and starts tapped Payton's cheek to get her attention and once she does she taps hers.

Payton laughs before kissing Sofia's cheek.

"Are you sure you dont want to get to know mer?" I ask as I sit on the bed. " she really wants to get to know you."

Payton just ignored me as she put both of the toddlers down and grabbed an empty box.

"Auntie pay!!" Zola whines trying to get her aunts attention back.

Payton wasnt really paying attention anymore and didn't recognise that zola was trying to talk her.

"Auntie pay!!" She screamed, annoyed that she wasn't getting her attention.

"Zola?" Payton says putting the box down and swapping it for the one year old.

"They always made sure she knew who you were. You are her aunt and you both deserve to be in eachothers life." I say when she gives me a confused look at the name.

"I um- I have her from here if you want to go home, I'll take her to see meredith tomorrow when I go to clear lexi's locker out" she says as she places zola on the bed next to me.

She starts going around and grabbing a few things before going into the little draw that lexi had for zola.

It had a couple pairs of clothes and diapers, everything she would need if merder dumped her with zola for the night.

"How did you know about the draw?" I asked, I only knew about it because mark would always go on and on about lexi and how sweet she was and how good she was with Zola.

"I came up with the idea, she was always going on about if she looked after zola for a night she would hate having to ask for pjs or clothes and other things when they were you know. So I told her about the solution I came up with for when I babysit addies baby boy."

She continued to pack a bag before picking up zola.

"Want to go have a overnight holiday at a hotel bubs?" She asks kids her hand gently.

"Mhm! I go get bunny first?"

"Of course, you go get it then come back when you are done."

Zola runs off, with Sofia hot on her heels wanting to see what her best friend was doing.

"Are you going to get to know meredith?" I ask, trying to figure out if her taking zola is her wanting a relationship with the family or just her neice.

"Stop asking me that. All I want to do right now is go to hotel and get some sleep before having to go collect more of her stuff from the hospital! The place she promised me was safe after the shooting. The place that I had to go visit my twin in a psyche ward." She screamed toward the end, tears starting to fall down her face.

I gently pulled her over to the bed and wrapped her in my arms as she cried.

"She was meant to come to LA for her intern year and join me. But then she found out about meredith and wanted to know her." She sobbed into my shoulder. "If I didn't give in and let her, she might still be alive."

"Hey, no we aren't going to do that. There is nothing you could of done. In all the time I knew lexi, never backed down when she really wanted something." I told her gently, rubbing her back slowly trying to get her to calm down.

"Everything was normal a couple days ago, then I got the call that my sisters and a few other doctors were missing. And than yesterday I got the call my sister was dead." She sighs sitting up, I chose to ignore the sisters part.

"Auntie pay." Zola says as her and Sofia walk over to us.

"Hey zozo." Payton replied, wiping the last of her tears.

"You ok?" Sofia asks climbing into her lap with zola.

"Yeah, sweetheart. You okay?" She asks using one hand to tickle her.

"Yeah!" She says inbetween giggles.

"I can give you and zola a lift to your hotel, what one are you staying at?" I ask helping her take the bags, while shes carrying the girls.

"What is the best hotel around here?" She asks me while we walk down the stairs.

"You haven't got a hotel yet?" I asked confused.

"No it was a last minute thing coming here, and normally I would stay at her old apartment with George but when she moved out I would only vist for a day or stay in my car..." she says letting her sentence fade, like she was thinking back to her past visits.

"Well its probably to late to book one, how about you and zola come stay with us, I live across from the hospital and the girls can share sofias bed like normal. You can sleep on the sofa." I tell her, I mean its 10 at night both girls should be asleep and also all the cheap hotels are going to be full by now.

"If that's okay." She says with a smile, helping the girls into their seats.

"Ofcourse, it is. I mean you can stay until you leave if you want, saves you having to pay for a hotel." I suggest as we climb into the car.

"No, one night is fine, I'll get a hotel tomorrow." She says with a shake of her head. "But thank you for the offer."

I nod at her before we both get in the car and start the drive to mine and Arizona's apartment.

Edited: 04/02/2024
2006 words

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