How to love a dragon (Len x M...

By maryamabubkar

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In which the great war between dragons and humans. Brings a human girl and a dragon shifter together, in a fo... More

So called life
Take note: Len
Little Ninja girl
Blue eyed monster
Beastly beauty
Lion's den
Up above
Two cloaked figure
Blissful nights
The Tamer
Their tale
Battle hours
Track one
Not alone


45 10 37
By maryamabubkar

Miku POV

It was almost midnight at the moment. And my eyes, legs and body were already killing me despite still not accomplished the mission yet. But I was still determined.

Meiko-sensei was surprisingly ok to work with. She wasn't rude and mean like Len. I mean... she does scream a lot and eventually hits us on the head from time to time when when we made mistakes. But I'd rather have her as my trainer than Kagamine-Sensei.

We were hidden within the shadows of roof of the palace. Watching as the prince got down from his palanquin and enters inside the palace. Four Guards following him.

The prince by the name, "Hitoshi", was around Nero's a age. Probably a year or two older. With long black hair and grey eyes. He seemed like those kind of princes that loved to abuse the power they had. With the way he was ordering guards and servants around anyhow. Nothing like Nero.

I sure would enjoy knocking him out.

"Let's move " Meiko whispers, ushering us to follow her to what I was assuming where the prince's chambers were.

By the time we got there, he was already waltzing in with some maids following him with his food. Two guards standing in front of his doors.

"We'll have to wait until those maids step out. Then we'll take out the guards and get to him" she turns to look at me, "Miku, you'll come with me so we take care of him. Kirito, you'll stand watch. Clear?".

We both nod.

We were hiding amongst the dragon statues at the ceiling. The ledge helping us balance. Ten minutes later, the maids walk out of the room with a dishevelled look. And I scrunch my face in disgust. I don't even want to know know happened in there.

There were pillars leading to the prince's room, so we use them to get closer and over the guards.

Meiko gives us a go ahead as we ready the chains in our hands. Tying them in a loop. We lower them slowly and silently. Quickly looping them around their neck swiftly and yanking them up. Making then choke out a shocked scream. I watch as their movements slowly seize to stop. Before we slowly let them down.

Meiko motions for me to follow her. She drops to the ground. I drop down next to her and she opens the large double doors. I follow her inside. Heart pounding in my chest.

The room was empty, but we could hear the prince's terrible singing from where I assumed to be the bathroom. Meiko-sensei leans on the wall beside the bathroom door and then asks me to lean on the other side of the door. And soon enough, the door opens. Meiko-sensei sticks out her foot making him trip and fall. She immediately goes down with him.

Stepping her foot hard on his back, she grips his hair. Bringing her sword to his throat, "scream, and I'm going to slit your throat" she whispers lowly. As I walk around them. Standing in front of the prince.

His face was wet and so was his hair. I wasn't able to tell if it was sweat or water.

She pulls him up to his feet. Holding onto his hair with his wrist secured in her grip behind his back. 

"P..please.. I didn't do anything.." he pants out. Or more like whimpers. I scrunch up my nose at how pathetic he was, "please... spare me.. I d..don't want to die" who knew this village had a chicken for a prince.

"Oh... we know you didn't do anything.  We only want you to deliver a little message for us" Meiko sensei whispers into his ear. Tugging his hair back and I could tell she was smirking under her mask.

"Yes... I'll do it.. I'll... I'll do anything!"

"Good.. sweetheart, if you please" her brown eyes look up at me. And I bite my lip in excitement, cracking my knuckles.

His grey eyes widen, "wh..what are you-" I give him a hard punch in the face. A very hard one because he passes out instantly. That's for your men hurting Nero.

"Wow" she breathes out, letting go of the prince's limp body and He slumps to the ground. Bloody drool leaking from his mouth with his butt facing up. An ugly sight might I add.

"You have a good arm" she comments and I couldn't help but feel proud. Len never compliments me.

"Len Kagamine was right when he said you were his best student" she says and my eyes widen.

Say what now?

Before I can ask, Kirito walks in, "someone is coming this way" he whispers. His sensei nods his way, bringing out the note Len gave her and pulls down her mask. Both of us stare at her in confusion as she spits onto it. And I hold in a laugh when she slaps it on the prince's forehead.

We hear rushed foot steps approaching the room and quickly make our way through the large doors which lead to the balcony. Soon enough, we were on the dark parts of the palace roof again. The guards unable to see us.

Meiko stands up, her hands on her hips as she stared at the guards scattered below.

"Good job students " she glances at us. Giving us a thumbs up "mission accomplished!".


-Three days later-

I walk down the corridor towards the prince Nero's room. Playing with my sleeves.

There were guards standing by his door and luckily, they knew i was his "story teller".

Yes... the great big job the prince had assigned for me was to read him stories anytime he wanted. Charming.

They give me a polite smile and I return it, knocking on the door once I get there. Neru opens the door and she raises a brow at me.


"Um.. hi" she stares at me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks and I begin to get nervous. Not wanting to piss her off.

Because then I would get pissed off.

And I didn't trust my mouth not to say very inappropriate things to her.

"I came to see your brother... you know... I'm-"

"Onichan! It's that blue haired girl again!" She yells cutting me off. He says something back to her and she looks back at me. Opening the door further.

I walk in, giving her a smile and she looks away. Totally disinterested.

OK then.

"Miku-chan " Nero croaks with a bright smile. The bandage on his forehead now off... or maybe it's because his long hair wasn't tied in a bun like usual and it fell messily around his face. Probably covering the bandage.

"Good day your highness " I greet with a bow and he frowns.

"Don't call me that... please " he whispers, patting the space beside him. I stare at the place. If I sat there, my thighs will almost be touching his.

"Come on. Sit" he says patting the space again and I awkwardly make my way towards him. Taking a seat.

"Hey!" Neru's voice yells as she stomped her feet. She glares at me with red angry cheeks "That's my spot!".

"Give it a rest Neru, she's a guest"

"She's just a trainee. Practically a servant!"

"But she's not." I could tell Nero was getting annoyed by his sister little by little.

"Whatever. That's my spot! And I want this low life off!" She yells brattily. Wow.. lovely princess indeed

"She's not a low life Neru. Don't call her that ever again. She's my friend and I expect you to respect her" he says sternly, before patting the space on the other side, "Why don't you come sit here?".

Neru puffs her cheeks and I sigh, getting off, "you know what, it's no big deal. I just came to see how you were doing anyway".

"Don't be ridiculous Miku. Don't mind her. Please sit"

Before I can answer, Neru rushes over and claims the spot for her self. Wrapping her arms around her brother's waist before she sticks her tongue out at me. I raise my brows in surprise. Isn't she supposed to be a year older than me?

Nero stares at her in annoyance but doesn't push her off, looking up at me with a gentle smile.

"Umm.. how is your head?" I ask and his smile widens.

"I'm getting better. The bandage has even been taken off" he raises his bangs for me to see and I nod. Well, it's been about three days now.

"That's good.."

He starts giving me that long stare again. The kind of stare he gave me that day I was unwell in my room and I couldn't help but look away with a blush.

Neru looks between us before she smirks, "oh so that's why you've been giving her so much attention ".

His eyes widen at his sister's words and he glares down at her. Which she returns with a mischievous grin. Just then, there's a knock on the door which catches both our attention.

"Enter" Nero answers and Mayu enters, greeting the siblings with a bow before she turns to me.

"Miku.. Kagamine-Sensei wants to see you in his chambers" she informs me and I nod, turning towards the siblings.

"Uh... I have to go now... I hope you uh... keep getting better" I say, awkwardly stepping backwards.

"Thanks... I hope I uh... keep getting better too" he awkwardly replies. Blushing when he realises what he said.

Neru snickers, "jeez, this is so painful painful watch".

I walk out the room with warm cheeks, catching up with Mayu as she walked down the corridor with her arms behind her back.

"Um.. why does... Kagamine-Sensei want to see me?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"Whay do you think? It's the end of the week. The time he interrogates us on our weekly performance " she says nonchalantly. I stare down at my feet in thought. I hope Meiko-sensei gave him a good report about my performance in the mission. Or else I'll never hear the hear the end of it.

Just as we were about to part ways, she grabs my shoulder, "oh and... just so you know. He's weirdly in a good mood... in his own way" she pats my shoulder, "Don't mess up".

Then she walks away.

I take in a deep breath to calm my racing heart before walking to the direction of Len's chambers.

By the time I got there, I'd already calmed myself enough to gather a little confidence. 

I knock on his door twice and I hear a soft 'enter' from inside. I open the door slowly, peaking in before I enter completely. He was at his desk. Going through some papers, which I assumed were mine.. before he ushers for me to come closer. Hesitantly, I do. Stopping a few inches from his desk.

"Good day sir" I greet and he answers with a nod. Getting the papers together.

"Let's get this over with shall we" his blue eyes glance up at me and I nod. Suddenly feeling nervous again.

I'd almost forgotten that we haven't settled the issue about me breaking into his chambers a few days ago. I hope he's forgotten about it.

He gestures for me to take a seat on a near by stool and I do. Clutching onto my pants.

"So far, your reports this week" he looks through the paper, "have been relatively good. The most impressive one being the mission you went with Sakine three days ago".

I nod, feeling a little bit proud of my self.

"She said you did a very good job. And she wrote a report about the ratings on your stealth, speed and keeping the job clean" he lists. Keeping some of the papers on his desk, "I'm glad you didn't embarass me".

Was that his way of telling me I did a good job? I wasn't sure. But i was going to take what I could get.

"Based on your performance this week, I'd say you don't really have many flaws on your report. But there is where you're lacking " he raises his hand, "and that is hand to hand combat. You've focused so much on being a master with weapons, you've completely forgotten about the original and most important weapon. Your limbs. You can't always have your weapons you know".

I nod in understand, my stomach twisting in knots. I couldn't wait to get out of here. And i think he noticed that fact from my body language because he looks me up and down.

I was at the edge of my seat. My legs shaking and my fingers gripping my pants. He narrows his eyes.

"Is there a problem Hatsune?" He asks and I quickly shake my head. He stares at me for a moment before turning his entire body to face me.

"You can't wait to leave, am I right?" He leans close, "you want me to forget about your punishment for breaking into my chambers. Am I right?".

Ah jeez, he remembers.

I keep quiet. A large blush on my cheeks when I remembered I kissed him. What did he think of me now?

"I saw it Hatsune. The drawing I'm sure was the reason you broke in. I saw it" he hooks his leg to one of the legs of my stool, drawing me closer making it scrape the floor.

"I don't know what's going on in your head Hatsune... but you better get such thoughts out of your head because I'm way out of your league"

I grit my teeth, "with due respect sir" I start, "sure I didn't want you to see that drawing because It was embarrassing. But you should know I drew it a long time ago".

My eyes bore into his, making sure he got the message, "long before I knew who you really were".

"And what would that be Hatsune?" His voice seemed to go a little deeper as he leans closer, looking at me with mocking eyes, "Who am I really?" He asks. And it was either the light was reflecting into his eyes or his eyes really just glowed a brighter blue. Just like I had imagined last time.

He grips my chin, "how dare you think you can come in here and steal from me?"

"Steal? It was mine! I didn't-"

"I was talking about the kiss Hatsune. I could care less about your book" he cuts me off and my eyes widen. My face heating up in embarrassment.

"I... I did it to escape-"

"There were many ways for you to escape from me at that moment Hatsune. I wasn't holding your wrists very tightly and you could have just used your hand to cover my eyes" he cuts me off yet again, gripping my chin tighter. His face leaning closer and he stared intently into my eyes, "So it was either your Ninja skills aren't as great as I thought they were, or you just wanted to finally have a taste of your sensei... just like your book".

My face flushes even harder as I stared with wide eyes into his. Unable to move as I was frozen under his gaze.

Minutes pass with us just staring at each other. My heart not slowing down for a second when my eyes drop down to his slightly parted lips. Just for a second but it seemed to pull a smirk on his lips. Releasing my chin and pulling back. And I'm able to breath again.

"I could just plan out your punishment tomorrow, but its a Sunday and there's somewhere I need to be. So during our next training then" he leans into his chair, "you're dismissed Hatsune ".

I rush out the room as fast as I can. Feeling those cold cerulean blue eyes boring into my back.

Current thoughts on Len?

Has the hate increased or decreased? Or is it still the same?

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