His Beauty & Her Beast

By CrimsonKnight-

185K 4.1K 358

Legend says a beast like no other was sent from the depths of the underworld to conquer and destroy all life... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note

Chapter 11

6K 148 4
By CrimsonKnight-

Leonardo's P.O.V

They have been using her blood to keep her from me...

They have a sorcerer that knows the ancient dark arts but the only one who knew it was Helena and I trapped her for centuries.... So, who... this power I intended for it to be destroyed but somehow it's still in use...

I open the portal that only I can summon to the deepest and darkest coroner of the castle. "it's been centuries since your last visit" the witch purred menacingly as she began to laugh .... "Did you have a change of heart and finally decide to join me in ruling this world?" she wonders curiously. I had placed one of my most powerful spells having her sealed away in a mirror of everlasting imprisonment.

"Or did someone change your cold heart... maybe your mate-" before I could allow her to smirk I let out a deadly growl as my beast threatened to come out. My eyes turned black. "Aww your little beasty wants to come out and play? Tell me Leonardo when was the last time you ripped the heart of your enemies or tasted the blood of revenge and vengeance? When was the last time you were free?" she said as I desperately keep myself from ripping out her heart.

"if it wasn't for the immortality, I would have killed you" I growl as I she glimmers in joy. "Aw, don't be so petty you and I are the same and I rather enjoy your company"

"I have found a way to kill you and soon you'll be dead, now tell me who else knows of your filthy magic" I growl as she giggled "well I don't know maybe someone ... anyone who knows" she whispers as I growl once more.

Leaving I hear her wicked laugh sealing the door behind me.

"Master, Gabriel as finally awoken" Ms. Periwinkle said as I immediately walk to the infirmary, since the battle Gabriel has been in critical condition while Alice was left with only minor injuries. I go to see Alice by his bedside.

"Where is she" Gabriel whispered from lack of energy. I stayed silent as Ms. Periwinkle wiped a tear with her handkerchief.

He slammed his fist on the bed "Gab don't move too much your injuries will open again" Alice panicked. "I was supposed to keep her safe..." he whispered once more as his eyes began to fog up.

"I will find her but for now rest," I said as I felt anger I would have healed him already but that vile witch has someone using the dark arts causing his recovery to slow down.

I immediately go to my office as I begin to wonder if Fiona might have the answers I summon a portal that takes me directly to her.

"I already know and I have been trying to find out how," Fiona said as she was reading hundreds of books. "Everything leads to a dead end," she said angrily to herself. "Well, what do you know so far?"

"I know there's no way for her to be able to cast any spells while she's in prisoned so I went to who might know how to also use her spells maybe someone who she taught but the only thing with that they would have to be of blood since she was born with this power. Other than Elaine she would have to have some sort of blood-related person to know the magic"

Suddenly a shadow of darkness doomed over us as a loud familiar cackle was released.

"You want your precious mate then come get her she's with Sebastian the vampire king" the voice spoke as I became to get angry I immediately pull the woman out of thin air choking her as her eyes widen desperate to have me release her.

"If you kill me she will die too" she smirked as she showed us a spell that caused Fiona's eyes to widen.

I release her having her catch her breath as she stumbles. "Who are you" Fiona asks as the woman regains herself. "I am Kelia sister of Helena the one you've kept prisoner" she said...it was her

I let out a growl as she immediately vanished, all that was left was her voice "if you want your little mate, in 3 days I will open a portal you will come to find her in exchange for my sister or... ill send you her heart instead" she cackled as I let out a dangerous growl as she disappears in fear.

"LEO STOP" Fiona yells before I'm able to kill the witch before me I turn to her as jumps in fear "if you kill her or even hurt her Elaine could die" she said shakingly as I begin to calm down.

"She placed a curse on her that will kill her if she wishes" she said as I breathe in and out being the most powerful I will break this spell and save her before the 3 days are up...

"I will begin my research on how to unhinge the spell that binds them but I will need time"

"I will leave it to you Fiona."


Sebastian's P.O.V

I have a few of the kingdom leaders joining me today in discussion of a possible war arising. I must convince them this war is necessary in order to gain more power, so whatever is keeping me from it better be important.

I open my doors to my office to see Kelia.

She begins to speak my eyes widen....

"What do you mean you've contacted him!" I yell in anger.

"I wanted to play a game too ... keep me amused so to say" she smirked as she played with a feather pen,

"After all he should be dead in 3 days am I correct?"

My eyes snapped to hers "WHAT!"

"oh, did I not tell you, time works differently here using her blood, tampering with angel blood and magic is quite risky and so time is different here" she giggles as she bites into an apple

"You witch I shall have your head for this" I bare my fangs and my eyes glow ready as she simply pulls out a pendent

"If you kill me she will die regardless unless I release her from the spell I've casted, so go a head and try your best" she smiles as I cringe in disgust. "So have you conjured a plan to free my sister? Or should I just kill the girl and drive the beast mad until he wipes everything from existence from this hopeless world?" she wonders as she walks around me

"or have you been to busy with your pathetic wedding planning?" I growl at her as she continues to speak.

"Tick tock vampire boy its either the Beasts Blood or hers" she vanishes as she cackles

I smashed the mirror in front of me in rage, blood dripped from my hand as I flicked it away. I must make her mine before the time is up and kill the beast

I truly have no intentions on releasing that venomous witch from her imprisonment, in-fact I will be imprison the both of them they could parish for all I care. I will be taking Elaine as my wife and making her queen along with turning her.

I burst through Elaine's door seeing her sitting on her bed holing a book, "We will be wed tomorrow at dawn"

Her eyes widen as she began to tear up her innocent face begins to slightly redden as tears stream down her delicate face. My face immediately hardens as I see her eyes glow in anger. "I WILL NO LONGER BE YOUR PRISONER HERE" She yells in anger. As I expected her powers are beginning to unfold, my eyes glow crimson as I bare my fangs. "YOU WILL SUBMIT MATE" I growl at her as I turn towards her we then collided with one another.

I throw her to the bed as she grabs the nearest object and hurdles it towards me, I immediately grab it only to realize she had her blood on it causing my skin to burn and my hunger to grow.

I immediately run after her down the halls "ELAINE" I began to lose my temper as guards try to keep up with us. She runs into a room slamming the door behind her. "OPEN THE DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT" I yell as I hear her shaky breath on the other side I could sense her fear and adrenaline.

Suddenly I hear glass break from inside the room Elaine is hiding in, immediately I break the doors down as I growl senescing something else's presence I look to see Elaine look at me as she stands on the window ledge ready to jump. "DON'T MOVE" I growl super speeding to her as I try and grab her from falling but fail, I let out a deep growl as I notice a fairy carrying her I immediately grab a sharp piece of glass and aiming it towards one of the fairy's. Hoping it would end them.

They miraculously dodge it and exit the barrier using Elaine's blood.

I growl as I clench my jaw someone was going to die for treason today.

I compelled each guard for information including Ben but they all knew nothing of her plot to escape.

"When I find you my love.... Blood will be shed."

Elaine's P.O.V

I have escaped... I am no longer a prisoner.

*Flash back*

I suddenly look to one of the kings fairy's fly towards me as she relays a message. I gasp as she begins to tell me what she over heard between Sebastian and Kelia.

"Can you help me!" I say in a panic as she nods.

*Flash back over*

"Elaine I'm sorry but I don't think we will make it" the fairy said as I look to see blood suddenly dripping. I gasp as she faints I let out a scream as I grab her as we begin to fall. Suddenly a bright light is shined upon us as I open my eyes I noticed we are safely on the ground I look to see the fairy as I touch her pulse I let outa sigh of relief thankfully she's still alive.

I hold her close as I notice we are in a unknown part of a forest. Suddenly I hear something coming towards us and a soothing voice "have no fear child"

I see a beautiful woman dressed in white with long silky brown hair as she sits on the back of a large wolf while holding a staff with a glowing green emerald.

she then raises her hand as a glow and sparkle of green magic is emitted towards the fairy healing her wound. "Who are you?"

"I am Serenity Queen of wolfs" she spoke softly as she helped me up "Come we have a great deal to discuss I will insure your safety on my lands" she said as I hesitantly walked behind her

"A war is coming my dear one that no one can stop, the vampire king Sebastian has convinced some of my allied kingdoms to join him and forced a few others, threatening if they did not join then their kingdom will be attacked, in fear they had no choice but to join." She spoke.

"So many lives will be taken but for what purpose" I said feeling sadness and anger swell inside me. "Sebastian wants to be king of all and will stop at nothing until the beast is dead insuring no other power can stop him" she said as she got up.

"I need to find him, can you help me?"

"I will do my best but we must hurry before word is let out that you are here then their will be nothing Sebastian from sending his army to find you" she said as we quickly hurry down a stairwell leading us towards a underground tunnel, "just follow the tunnel it should send you right into the heart of town square there you will go to the craftsmen he can send a one way portal into the dark forest, but before you go you must take this" she said handing me a cloak and a perfume bottle, "the grounds will be swarmed with soldiers from Sebastian's army in search of you, this will disguise you temporarily and allow your scent to be of wolf and don't worry about your friend I will keep her safe"

I nodded as I began to run down the tunnel until I reached a set of stairs leading me to a opening I slowly creep out noticing I'm now in the town square, I immediately freeze seeing soldiers pass by me I keep my head low as I feel the tension rise, thankfully no one notices, I immediately find the craftsmen

"I've been expecting you" he said as he closed the door behind us "the army has been relentless but my queen Serenity already informed me to your arrival and situation now take this teleporting Crystal, when you break it in half just wish in your mind where you want to go but be warned once you use it I cannot bring you back" he said but before I'm able to speak the doors to the tavern break down as soldiers begin to swarm

"HURRY GO!" the old man yelled I see Sebastian red eyes glow from afar, before he could reach me I immediately break the crystal instantly teleporting me. I fell to the floor as the changed cold air now impresses my body.

I look around to see I'm now in the dark forest I let out a breath as the snow falls causing me to shiver, I then gasp as I realize I still have the wolf scent on me I try my best to rub it off until vines from an oak tree insnares my body the frost from the tree closes in on me causing my body to reach hyperthermia at an accelerated rate. I look down to see a lake where I'm then dropped feeling my body go numb as my mind wonders is this my fate, I just want to see him... one last time...

I close my eyes as I release my last breath....

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