Hermitcraft Oneshots

By BlackMors_

37.3K 992 196

Hermitcraft oneshots. Not much else to say. Started: 20/10/2020 More

So Basically Grian-
A Bad Example
Cup Of Coffee
What Did It Do This Time?
Neither Of Them Knew
What It Did
Time Goes On
Always Night
Midnight Questions
All The Worst Ways
Not My Fault
The Sun
Where She Came From
The End
Together Forever
The Void Listens
Somewhere Else
Before and Now
Too Close And Not Close Enough
A Meeting and Second Goodbye
The Last Letter
Empty Rooms in Old Homes
Questioning Hopes


620 27 0
By BlackMors_



Prompt: N/A

Characters: Xisuma, Xanus

Style: Fluff?

Word Count: ~370

AU: Mortuus AU


It had been a long day. The sun had set hours ago but he was still up, staring at the blocks in front of him. He didn't have time to sleep, he needed to finish this. He didn't have time to waste. They had begged him not to overwork himself again, to take more breaks. He didn't listen. He never did.

It was funny, how easily the hours passed by when you were just placing block after block after block. How easy it was to lose yourself to the process, to the repetition. He didn't notice when the sun had crept below the horizon, and he didn't notice when it crept back up. To him it was just like every other day. Just like every other time he didn't listen. He didn't want to know how many days he had lost track of over his life.

Xisuma recognised the sound of fireworks exploding somewhere above his base. The hermit landed in front of him, but he couldn't make out who it was, his eyes refused to focus. They stood there for a second, hovering in front of him.



"When was the last time you slept?"

He didn't answer. Honestly, he couldn't remember the last time he slept. It had been a while; he knew he would need to sleep soon. Either that, or he would just pass out somewhere like all the other times. It had happened enough times before.

"I think you should sleep, staying awake like this isn't good for you, and that's coming from me."


Xisuma felt himself being dragged along, knowing he couldn't refuse even if he had wanted to. He collapsed onto the bed he was pushed onto, exhaustion keeping him there. It wasn't long before he was lost to sleep.

Xanus rocketed away from the sleeping hermit, if X had been any less tired, he probably would have argued with them for showing up at his base. It was a flaw they both shared, an unrelenting stubbornness. They put their mind to something, and they refused to do anything else until it was done. Unfortunately for Xisuma, Xanus set their mind to forcing him into a healthy sleeping pattern and if that meant knocking him out with a frying pan then so be it.


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