Midnight In Hogwarts | Harry...

Por Lost_BlueBird

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⚠Sequel to Midnight and Destiny⚠ Year 6. Harry has left the wizarding world as a last attempt to save those h... Más

Capitulum Unum
Capitulum Duo
Capitulum Tertio
Capitulum Quartum
Capitulum Quinque
Capitulum Sextum
Capitulum Septimum
Capitulum Octavum
Capitulum Nonum
Capitulum Decem
Capitulum Undecimum
Capitulum Duodecim
Capitulum Tredecim
Capitulum Quattuordecim
Capitulum Quindecim
Capitulum Sedecim
Capitulum Septemdecim
Capitulum Octodecim
Capitulum Novendecim
Capitulum Viginti
Capitulum Viginti-unum
Capitulum Viginti-duo
Capitulum Viginti-tres
Capitulum Viginti-quinque
Capitulum Viginti-sex

Capitulum Viginti-quartus

515 24 8
Por Lost_BlueBird

Neither Harry nor Professor Dumbledore said a word for a long moment. Personally, Harry was waiting for Dumbledore to say something to lighten the mood again but feared that his chance had passed back at Hogwarts. Everything suddenly seemed much more...real than it did at Hogwarts. They were really here. This was really happening. His anger with Professor Dumbledore suddenly didn't seem so important. The revelation of Professor Snape's 'mistake' suddenly seemed to have happened ages ago.

"This is where Tom Riddle brought his youthful victims," Dumbledore said finally breaking the silence. "There is a village of sorts nearby that the orphans had been visiting. Riddle managed to sneak away with the two small children to terrorize them although I believe that the journey itself would have done that for him. We have a little farther to go to reach his final destination...and ours. Follow me, Harry."

They approached the edge of the rock they were standing on to see a collection of alcoves making footholds that lead down to the rocks partially submerged in the water striking against the cliff. The decent looked dangerous, even for an experienced mountain climber. Cold sea water sprayed on their faces every time a wave crashed against the rocks. Dumbledore pulled his wand out and softly said, "Lumos." Countless golden flecks of light appeared and spread out upon the dark water of few feet below them and the wall of rock behind them. It was then that Harry saw it, a gap in the cliff where dark water flowed in and poured back out with each passing wave.

"I hope you will not object to getting a little wet, Harry," Professor Dumbledore said softly.

"No, sir," Harry answered cautiously. "Are you sure there's nothing dangerous in the water?"

Dumbledore smiled. "Oh, I do not think we shall encounter any dangers around here," he said reassuringly. "Most creatures prefer to reside where there is a guarantee of food." Professor Dumbledore moved to the edge of the boulder and knelt down. "Let us take the plunge then."

Harry watched as Dumbledore slid from the boulder and landed in the sea. It took Dumbledore a moment to regain his bearings as he put his wand in his mouth and started to swim towards the fissure in the rock face. Gathering his courage, Harry followed suit, landing in the icy water with a splash. Forcing himself not to think about the coldness around him, Harry swam after the only source of light around them which was Dumbledore's wand. He was suddenly glad that he had transfigured his clothes. He couldn't imagine the added weight his robes would have provided.

Urging his freezing limbs to move, Harry saw the gap in the cliff take the shape of a small dark tunnel filled with water when the tide came in. Three children could have fit in easily but anything bigger than that was another story. The intense stench of seaweed from the walls made Harry gag and resort to breathing out of his mouth. Dumbledore, however, didn't seem to be bothered by the smell as he continued on swimming as his steady pace. Harry continued swimming in Dumbledore's wake as the passageway curved to the left.

When his fingers began to brush against jagged rocks, Harry knew it was shallow enough to stand. He rose to his feet as Dumbledore did the same. The freezing air instantly hit him, making it feel drastically colder than what it actually was. Shivering, Harry cautiously walked through the knee-deep water until he reached steps that led into a large cave. Now completely out of the water, Harry pulled out his wand and quickly cast a drying charm. The last thing he needed at the moment was to get sick.

Looking into the cave, Harry saw Dumbledore standing precisely in the middle with his wand held high. Harry watched as Dumbledore slowly turned on the spot, his eyes taking in every nook and cranny around him. He's searching for something. Harry slowly closed his eyes and reached out with his senses, hoping that he could figure out what Dumbledore was searching for.

It happened almost immediately. Powerful waves struck him, causing Harry to gasp loudly and reach out for something to prevent him from falling over. Intense cold surrounded him as his hand grabbed something steady. He held desperately on to the steady support until the waves slowly decreased to a more manageable level. A shudder passed through him as Harry opened his eyes to see that he was actually holding onto Dumbledore's arm.

"Are you all right, Harry?" Professor Dumbledore asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

Harry nodded as he released his grip on Dumbledore's arm. "I'm fine, sir," he said as another shudder passed through him. "I just wasn't ready for that."

Dumbledore tilted his head curiously. "Ready for what, if I may ask?" he said.

Harry glanced around the cave nervously. "There is so much anger and hatred here," he said quietly. "It's acting like a sort of darkness, absorbing whatever it can take. I don't know how else to explain it, sir."

"Can you locate where it is centered?" Professor Dumbledore asked curiously.

Harry let out a long breath as he met Dumbledore's gaze. That was the last thing he wanted to do but he knew that Professor Dumbledore wouldn't have asked unless it needed to be done. Nervously, Harry nodded and closed his eyes again. Bowing his head, Harry focused on the darkness that was slowly pulling him. He slowly stepped forward as his left hand reached out. The darkness, anger and hatred were getting stronger. Harry could feel it flowing into him, choking him in intense cold. His fingers came in contact with something solid and the negative emotions increased. Harry was gasping for breath against the cold as he moved slowly to the left. His head was swimming, causing him to sway on his feet.

An arm circled around Harry's chest, steadying him. A distant voice was speaking in his hear but Harry couldn't make out what was being said. His hand continued to move as if someone else were controlling it towards the darkness. Harry felt like he was trapped in a semi-awake state until his hand brushed against something incredibly hot, awaking him instantly as he quickly pulled his hand back. Warmth suddenly surrounded him as Harry blinked his eyes open and looked over his shoulder to see Dumbledore's worried gaze.

"Are you all right, my boy?" Dumbledore asked softly. "Do you need another cheering charm?"

Harry shook his head as he closed his eyes and let Dumbledore guide him to the ground. He was turned around before protective arms wrapped around him and pulled him into warmth. Harry instantly wrapped his arms around Professor Dumbledore and held on tight as tears threatened to fall. He never thought he would find something worse than the affects of Dementors but he was wrong. Memories went away. Harry doubted this ever would. If this was what dark magic actually felt like...

Professor Dumbledore was the first to move. Slowly, he weakened his hold and shifted so he could get a better look at Harry's face. "I am so sorry, Harry," Dumbledore said sincerely. "I never expected you to react so severely. It is rare to be able to sense dark magic without the use of spells."

"But I didn't," Harry protested as he looked up into Dumbledore's apologetic blue eyes. "I just followed the anger and hatred I was sensing. They were the easiest to grab onto."

Dumbledore smiled and helped Harry to his feet. "My boy, the most powerful magic we cast happens when our emotions support us. Hatred and anger support dark magic just as love and joy support light magic. You may not be able to sense magic alone, Harry, but you can sense what influences magic. It is truly a remarkable gift; one most would do nearly anything to have—"

"—then they can have it," Harry said quickly as he ran his fingers through his hair. "They're welcomed to feel what's soaked in these walls."

Dumbledore smiled sadly as he glanced around. "Yes, Voldemort certainly was thorough," he said offhandedly. "This is only the antechamber and yet it is so well protected. Unless one knew what they were looking for, they would never find it." Dumbledore turned to the wall and pointed his wand and the rock where Harry's had had just been. For a brief moment, a white arched outline appeared as if light was on the verge of bursting through the crack before vanishing.

"You were right, Harry," Dumbledore said with a nod. "The entrance is here, but concealed. Now we must discover how to open it. Knowing Voldemort, I would say that it would not be as simple as saying a password or even using a simple spell. No, Voldemort would want something more substantial from anyone who wishes to enter; something that he views as important."

"Like what?" Harry asked in confusion. "The only thing important Voldemort is to purify the wizarding world of impure blood."

Professor Dumbledore turned and looked at Harry in amazement. "You are correct, my boy," he said then returned his gaze to the wall. "I believe that payment needs to be made in the form of blood in order for us to pass. Rather crude, if I may say so, but not at all surprising. The idea behind the gesture is for the enemy to be weakened when they enter. Alas, once again Voldemort fails to see that there are more terrible things than mortality."

"But if Voldemort fears death, is this really a surprise?" Harry asked curiously.

Dumbledore smiled at Harry as he pulled back the sleeve of his robes, revealing the forearm of his injured hand. "Not a surprise, Harry," he said as he pulled out a short silver knife. "Just a disappointment."

Harry stared at the knife nervously as Dumbledore lowered it to his arm. "Sir," he protested instantly. "Please, let me."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled at Harry. "It's all right, Harry," he said reassuringly. "I appreciate the offer but your blood is worth more than mine."

In a blink of an eye, Harry grabbed the knife out of Dumbledore's hand. "Don't you dare say that!" Harry said angrily. "No life is any more important than another!"

Professor Dumbledore's smile remained on his face as he rested his hand over Harry's. "You are truly a remarkable young man," he said proudly as he gently pried the knife out of Harry' hand. "You have already put yourself through enough tonight. Allow me to do this." There was a flash of silver as blood spurted against the wall. Dumbledore then took his wand and traced the tip over the deep cut, healing it instantly.

A silver outline of an arch appeared again and remained as the rock sprayed with blood vanished. The opening revealed nothing but darkness causing both wizards to light their wands before stepping through. Their wands illuminated a large cavern that housed a great black lake so large that it was impossible to see where it ended. There was nothing to see other than a strange greenish light that glowed in the distance from what could have been the middle of the lake. The reflection of the light in the water was completely still, almost as if it were dark glass.

Harry remained completely still as his eyes took in everything. He felt...strange. He couldn't think of any other way to explain it. There was something in the air, something that seemed to make everything around them feel so constricted. It took every ounce of self control not to instantly reach out to find out what it was. The memory of what happened in the antechamber was still fresh in his mind. He didn't want to be consumed by the darkness again.

Pulling his jacket tightly around him, Harry followed Professor Dumbledore as they walked around the edge of the lake, their footsteps echoing throughout the cave. This entire excursion was really starting to creep him out. Before now, the actual evilness behind what they were facing never crossed Harry's mind. He had learned about Dark Magic. He had seen it preformed. He just had never actually felt it before. "Something's very wrong here," Harry said softly.

Dumbledore glanced over his should and smiled compassionately at Harry. "Yes, I feel it too," he said. "Try not to think about it, Harry. I realize it may be difficult considering your abilities but it is far better than the alternative."

Harry nodded and tried to focus on anything other than the darkness around them. It was rather difficult since there really wasn't anything to focus on. "What could cause this, sir?" Harry asked. "It couldn't be the Horcrux, right?"

"I have a theory," Professor Dumbledore said casually. "I believe the magic we are sensing is connected to what awaits us should we attempt to seize the Horcrux. That is why we must refrain from venturing into the lake. The longer we can avoid Voldemort's backup defense the better."

Harry had to agree. His mind was already working furiously on possible 'defenses' that could be hiding underneath the surface. Whatever it was couldn't be anything that needed oxygen since there had been no sign of anything coming up to take a breath. Was it some sort of large water monster? A serpent? Harry wasn't so sure. The Horcrux had been kept here for nearly sixteen years. How would Voldemort be able to control it, especially considering everything that has happened since then?

"Aha," Dumbledore said as he came to an abrupt stop. Harry had to quickly jump to the side to avoid running into him and nearly slipping into the water doing so but was quickly pulled back by a hand on his arm. Dumbledore retained his grip until he was certain Harry had once again regained his balance. "I am sorry, Harry," he said. "I should have warned you. I believe I have located our means of venturing out into the lake."

Harry watched as Dumbledore ran his hand through the air and gripped something invisible. No matter how much Harry squinted or tried to reposition his head, he couldn't see anything but it was obvious by Dumbledore's firm grip that something was there. Dumbledore carefully moved closer to the water but remained on the rock. While clutching the invisible object, Dumbledore raised his wand and tapped his fist with the point.

The affect was instantaneous. A thick greenish copper chain appeared out of nowhere, reaching from Dumbledore's clenched hand into the water. Harry stood frozen as Dumbledore tapped the chain with his wand causing it to start moving. It slid though his hand and to the ground where it coiled neatly. The clinking noises of chain hitting chain echoed throughout the large cave as something started to surface from the depths of the black water. Harry quickly moved to Dumbledore's side in fear that it was something dangerous but was startled to see that it was nothing more than a tiny boat floating towards them.

"Do you think it's safe, sir?" Harry asked quietly.

Professor Dumbledore smiled. "Yes, I believe so," he said. "There had to be some way to cross the lake without suffering the wrath of what lies beneath the surface. What is the point of leaving something as important as a Horcrux here without a way to retrieve it?"

That partially made sense. "But how would whatever's in the lake know friend from enemy?" Harry asked as the small boat reached the shore.

"A very good question," Dumbledore conceded. "I think we must accept that we will eventually face what is under the surface when they realize we are not Lord Voldemort. We should continue to be cautious but prepared to defend ourselves at a moment's notice. Now, I think we will need to test the boat's stability. Voldemort would not have cared about the weight that occupied the boat, just the magical power. I shall get in first."

Harry waited as Dumbledore carefully climbed into the boat without touching the water. The boat rocked slightly but remained upright. As Dumbledore crouched down, Harry took the opportunity and carefully climbed into the boat while avoiding the water. The boat rocked more severely as Harry crouched down and grabbed hold of the boat. Slowly, the boat stopped rocking and began to move towards the green light at the middle of the lake.

Neither Harry nor Dumbledore moved as the boat slowly moved across the water. Both of them seemed to be too worried that any movement would cause the boat to tip over. The only noise in the entire cave was the faint rustle of the boat's bow cutting through the black glassy water. It didn't take long before they could no longer see the walls of the cave. There was nothing to see now other than the green light the boat was taking them towards. The light from their wands barely lit up anything other than their faces.

Looking out at the water, Harry tried not to think of what could be swimming directly underneath them but it was difficult with nothing else to look at. Trapped in darkness was ideal for the imagination to take flight and Harry's imagination was currently in overdrive. Nervously, Harry glanced down at the water beside the boat and gasped as the wandlight illuminated a marble white hand floating inches below the surface. The hand was connected to an arm that vanished in a sleeve that was swirling in the water. Harry stared transfixed as he watched the arm lead to a body which led to a head. It was a dead man with eyes like nothing Harry had ever seen before. They were fogged over with what could only be described as a cobweb-like mist.

Dread filled Harry as the pieces started to fall together. There were dead bodies in the water. There was dark magic in the air. Harry could only draw one conclusion, a conclusion that made his stomach churn. "Professor?" he asked as he slowly pulled his eyes away from the water. "In the water...are they...Inferi?"

"Yes, Harry," Dumbledore said quietly. "However, we have nothing to fear from them at the moment. There is nothing to fear from an unmoving body just like there is nothing to fear from darkness. Lord Voldemort fears both which is why he chose these defenses. If it frightened him, it would most likely frighten his enemies. What Voldemort has yet to realize is that we fear the unknown that is associated with death and darkness. The unknown of what those bodies would do to us once they come to life is what frightens you, Harry. At the moment, however, they are causing no harm so there is no reason to be afraid."

Easier said then done. Harry really wasn't looking to jump into a philosophical discussion about fears. The bodies underneath the surface may currently be harmless but they were still bloody disturbing. At least that's one way to ensure no one goes swimming.

"Although," Dumbledore added. "I am sure that they will be less than peaceful once we take the Horcrux. A word of caution, Harry, Inferi fear light and warmth just as many creatures that dwell in the cold and darkness. If the need arises, fire is the best weapon against them." Dumbledore glanced over his shoulder. "We are nearly there," he said with a smile as he returned his gaze to Harry. "Remember to avoid the water and keep your wand at the ready."

Harry nodded and waited as the boat slowly came to a halt, bumping slightly against rock that made up what appeared to be a small island in the center of the lake. Once the boat steadied, Dumbledore slowly rose to his feet and climbed out of the boat. Harry cautiously followed suit doing everything in his power to avoid the water. He hated to admit it but a part of him wished that there was a monster under the water instead of dead bodies. Bodies used to be living and breathing people with families that probably wondered what happened to them.

The island was extremely small and bare except for a stone basin housing the greenish light on top of a pedestal. It strongly resembled a Pensieve but Harry knew there would be no memories found here. This wasn't a lesson in Professor Dumbledore's office. This was real and knowledge made everything feel all the more terrifying. Discussing theory and guesswork could never compare to the anxiousness and fear that accompanied Harry every step of the way as he and Dumbledore approached the basin.

Together they looked down into the basin and saw nothing other than glowing emerald liquid. Harry instantly extinguished the light coming from his wand, held it over the basin and silently cast the revealer spell that he had used countless times in his sessions with Madam Pomfrey. He had never seen a potion like this before and had a feeling that it wasn't going to be something pleasant. He certainly wasn't disappointed. There were ingredients listed that should never be put in the same potion. It was certainly some sort of poison and, judging from the lethal components, a rather powerful one.

"Diagnosis, Harry?" Dumbledore asked curiously as he pushed back the sleeve of his robe to reveal his blackened hand.

Harry let out a long sigh as he ran his hand over his face. "It's some sort of highly toxic but slow acting poison if I interpreted the ingredients correctly," he said nervously. "We should go back. I don't have the supplies to attempt an antidote and even if I did, I wouldn't know where to start. I've never seen something so complicated before." Harry glanced over at Dumbledore and was slightly alarmed to see an unsurprised look on his face. "Sir, we really should abort. We're not prepared for this. We can go back, get the necessary supplies and be back here in a few hours—"

"—and risk someone discovering we have been here," Professor Dumbledore pointed out. "I understand your concern, Harry, but you pointed out the very fact that allows us to continue. A slow acting poison gives us enough time to return back to Hogwarts and to Poppy." He reached out with his blackened hand and tried to touch the potion but some sort of invisible barrier made it impossible. "I understand your concern, Harry. However, sometimes risks need to be taken. This is a risk I am willing to take to stop Voldemort."

Before Harry could continue his protest, Dumbledore raised his wand, twirled it once in midair and conjured a crystal goblet out of thin air. "Drinking this substance is the only way to reach the Horcrux therefore that is what must be done," Dumbledore said evenly as he slowly turned his head to look directly at Harry. "What I am about to ask of you, my boy, will be difficult to say the least. I need you to make sure I keep drinking no matter what I may say or do. Do you understand?"

Harry stared at Dumbledore completely speechless. How in the world could he do that? This went against everything he had learned about being a Healer. "Sir, please don't ask me—"

"—I know it will be difficult, especially with your empathy, Harry, but this is something you must do," Dumbledore said firmly. "This must be done to further the fight against Voldemort. Will you ensure that we succeed in our task?"

Harry bit his lower lip as he looked away. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to force a man he saw as a grandfather to slowly poison himself but Professor Dumbledore was determined to see this through so what could he do? Grudgingly, Harry nodded slightly, silently praying that he had not just made the biggest mistake in his life.

"Thank you, Harry," Dumbledore said softly then lowered the crystal goblet into the potion. It sank into the green substance easily. When it was filled to the brim, Dumbledore lifted the goblet to his mouth and drained it. Silence filled the air as Dumbledore closed his eyes and remained completely still for a long moment before plunging the goblet back into the basin, refilling it and drinking once more.

Harry stared at Dumbledore, unsure of what to say or do. He could only watch as Dumbledore once again refilled the goblet and drained it. His breathing was starting to quicken and sweat was starting to appear on his brow. Dumbledore's moments were slightly shaky now as he filled the goblet for the fourth time and raised it to his mouth. Harry instantly re-holstered his wand and moved towards Dumbledore to help anyway he could. Waves of pain and fear were flowing off of Dumbledore and were quickly growing in strength.

Dumbledore started to drink from the goblet slowly. His body started to sway slightly forcing Harry to grab Dumbledore's arm to steady him. Pain, fear and despair ran though his body like fire. It took every ounce of strength Harry had not to fall to his knees and cry out in pain. Without a second thought, Harry focused on the need to take away everything Dumbledore was feeling, to help him in the only way he knew possible.

Harry slowly raised his free hand and rested it against the side of Dumbledore's face as intense warmth filled him, flowing towards his hands. His eyes slowly closed as his head lolled backwards slightly. The magic coursing though him was now in control, something that hadn't happened in a long time. His breathing became labored as his muscles started to ache. Dumbledore's pain quickly couldn't compare to his own or perhaps it was that Dumbledore's pain was decreasing so Harry only felt his own. It took too much energy to know which option was true.

A distant gasp could be heard but Harry was too weak to think anything of it. His grip on Dumbledore' arm loosened. His body started to sway back and forth. Something wrapped around his waist and held him upright. A distant voice echoed in his head as something tried to pry his hand away from Dumbledore's face. Eventually, Harry's hand was pulled back and the intense warmth instantly vanished. His head slowly started to clear and the pain started to decrease to a more manageable level.

"Harry?" Dumbledore asked urgently. "Harry, please look at me!"

Harry blinked his eyes open, letting out a slow groan as he slowly raised his head and looked into Dumbledore's worry-filled eyes. It took a few moments for Harry to comprehend what was going on. He was now sitting on the ground with Dumbledore's arm wrapped around his shoulders. When did this happen? "Um...sir..." Harry said uncomfortably.

Dumbledore smiled as he rested his hand against Harry's forehead. "I see you have secrets of your own," he said softly. "I trust this is what you and Poppy have really been working on this year?"

Harry bit his lower lip nervously. "Occasionally," he said cautiously. "It hasn't been like this though since—"

"—Remus' miraculous recovery?" Dumbledore offered. "I understand your reluctance to reveal an ability such as this, Harry. I gather this ability comes at great personal cost." Harry's gaze fell as Dumbledore tightened his hold on Harry's shoulders. "As grateful as I am that you helped me return to reality, I must insist that you refrain from trying this again. I need you to stay strong when I falter. I need you to be the voice of reason when I hallucinate. Your strength may be what keeps us both from being killed."

Harry reluctantly nodded and let Dumbledore carefully pull him to his feet. He was still sore but it wasn't anything like he had felt when he attempted to heal Remus. Once Dumbledore was certain Harry could stand without assistance, he picked up the goblet and refilled it with the green potion. Harry watched as Dumbledore drank four goblets full of potion before he started to react to it. Once again Dumbledore was breathing heavily and holding onto the basin for support but he seemed more resolute now to finish his task. Shakily, Dumbledore opened his eyes and stared at Harry as he filled the goblet again and drank. The waves of pain and fear were returning and battling with a powerful wave of determination or was it stubbornness? Harry wasn't sure.

Slowly, Professor Dumbledore drained the goblet and shakily moved to take fill it another time when he stumbled. Harry once again quickly reached out and grabbed hold of Dumbledore's arm to steady him. Dumbledore closed his eyes and leaned towards the support Harry was providing. "I'm all right, Harry," he said groggily as he gripped onto the basin. "Remember what I told you."

Harry closed his eyes and nodded. Please forgive me, sir. Letting out an uneasy breath, Harry reached over and pulled the goblet out of Dumbledore's hand. His hand was shaking as he carefully filled it with potion and raised it up to Dumbledore's lips. There was a slight hesitation before Dumbledore started to drink. With Dumbledore's height, the angle was difficult for Harry but he somehow managed to get Dumbledore to drain the goblet.

Breathing heavily, Harry quickly moved to fill the goblet again but was halted when Dumbledore suddenly fell to his knees. The abrupt movement nearly caused Harry to lose his balance and fall over. The waves of pain and fear were overpowering the determination now. Releasing Dumbledore's arm, Harry quickly refilled the goblet and let out a relieved sigh when he felt the goblet scrape the bottom of the basin. They were nearly there. Turning around, Harry dropped to one knee and held the goblet to Dumbledore's lips. "Professor, please drink," he quietly pleaded.

Dumbledore weakly shook his head. "No...don't want...don't want..."

Harry inhaled deeply as tears filled his eyes. He had never heard Dumbledore sound so frail before. The pain flowing off of Dumbledore was now overpowering the fear. Harry couldn't imagine what Dumbledore was actually feeling or thinking. Unable to think of any way to make Dumbledore do what needed to be done, Harry decided to throw caution to the wind. "Please Granddad," Harry begged. "Drink this...for me."

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment before he opened his mouth and slowly drank the potion. Harry had never hated himself more than he did now. Dropping the goblet, Harry knelt down and started running though the steps months of Healer training and one month working at a hospital had instilled in him. He checked Dumbledore's pulse to find it slightly erratic, checked his forehead for any sign of a fever but found none and examined Dumbledore's eyes to find the pupils slightly less responsive than normal. All in all, Dumbledore could be worse off but Harry knew time was still against them. The sooner they returned to Hogwarts, the better.

Dumbledore slowly focused on Harry and smiled. "You—you called me 'Granddad'," he croaked.

Harry grinned back. "And I meant it," he said. "You've always been like a grandfather to me, sir. I thought you knew that." Harry checked Dumbledore's pulse once again and found that it was becoming more erratic. "We need to get back to Hogwarts. Can you walk, sir, or should I—"

"—no, Harry," Dumbledore said as firmly as he could manage. "I shall manage. Some water, however, would be appreciated."

"Water," Harry said as he pulled out his wand and picked up the goblet. "Right." He pointed his wand at the goblet and focused on the correct charm. Aguamenti! The goblet instantly filled with clear water. Harry moved to hand the goblet over when he noticed the water vanishing almost as fast as it appeared. He attempted the spell again but once again the water vanished before the goblet could reach Dumbledore's hand. Frustrated, Harry tossed the goblet aside and conjured his own. It certainly wasn't as fancy as Dumbledore's but it did its purpose. It allowed Dumbledore to have that much needed drink of water.

Dumbledore slowly drank the water almost like it was the most treasured substance known to man. Harry gave Dumbledore the time needed as he rose to his feet and glanced into the basin to see a golden locket shimmering at the bottom. It seemed so harmless that it was nearly unimaginable to believe that inside it was something as dangerous as a piece of Voldemort's soul that needed to be destroyed. This was clearly a lesson in the 'looks can be deceiving' area.

Pulling his gaze away from the locket, Harry helped Professor Dumbledore stand and remained still while Dumbledore regained his equilibrium. Dumbledore tiredly smiled at Harry before his eyes shifted to the basin. The relief on Dumbledore's face was undeniable. That expression only encouraged Harry's eagerness to return to Hogwarts. He couldn't imagine what the potion was already doing to Dumbledore's body.

Leaning partially against the basin and partially against Harry, Dumbledore reached in and slowly wrapped his fingers around the locket. The affect was immediate. The sound of water moving filled the cavern. Slowly, Harry and Dumbledore turned their gazes towards the lake and saw countless white heads and hands emerging from the dark water. Everything suddenly felt so cold as Harry slowly turned around and saw that the Inferi were rising from everywhere. Harry and Dumbledore would soon be surrounded by dead men, women and children who would do everything in their power to kill them.

"Well, this is a predicament," Professor Dumbledore said softly as he stuffed the locket into the pocket of his robes.

Harry quickly turned and looked at Dumbledore incredulously. Perhaps the potion was already starting to affect his brain. "A predicament?" he asked. "Sir—"

"—remember what I told you, Harry," Dumbledore said as he moved to face the Inferi that were climbing onto the rock.

Harry turned back around to face the Inferi that were coming from the opposite side and raised his wand. Please work. Incendio! One Inferi fell back into the water but the others continued to advance. Incendio! Another Inferi fell back into the water but the others continued forward and were getting closer. Closing his eyes, Harry desperately grabbed onto whatever strength he had and forced it through his wand. "Incendio!" he shouted.

Opening his eyes, Harry saw a wall of fire blocking himself from the Inferi but it wouldn't stay for long. He needed to think of something else, something that would be stronger and longer lasting. Unfortunately, Harry forgot about the Inferi that were coming from other angles until a slimy white hand grabbed hold of his left wrist. Instincts took over. Harry turned quickly and broke free of the grip as he raised his leg and kicked the Inferi across its sunken face. Flipping backwards to give himself more space, Harry raised his wand and cast the only other spell he could think of. "Lumos Solem!" he shouted.

Sunlight poured out of his wand, filling the entire island they were standing on. The Inferi instantly stopped their pursuit and began to retreat to the dark water. Harry took the opportunity to look over his shoulder for any sight of Professor Dumbledore and saw him staggering slightly towards the basin. There was a cut on his face that was bleeding slightly and he looked incredibly pale in the magically created sunlight. Harry hurried to Dumbledore's side to help although deep down he knew there was little he could do.

The sunlight was slowly fading which meant time certainly wasn't on their side. "Professor, are you all right?" Harry asked breathlessly as he quickly checked Dumbledore's pulse again. "Did they hurt you?"

Dumbledore shook his head as he forced himself to stand upright. "Nothing a few healing charms won't cure, my boy," he said tiredly. "Are you all right?" Harry nodded. "That is a relief. Very clever spell work, Harry. I think their determination took us both by surprise. Now, we should be on our way before your spell completely dissolves."

Harry didn't need any more encouragement. He immediately moved to help Professor Dumbledore to the boat, every step slightly darker than the previous. Dumbledore was doing all he could to remain standing on his own two feet. Harry now realized that Voldemort's defenses had actually been well planned. Dumbledore was the strongest wizard Harry knew and if he was faltering...

They were only steps away from the boat when Harry felt something wet and icy grip his ankle. Slowly, Harry turned his head and looked down to see dripping dark hair, sunken cheeks and frosted over eyes staring at him. Instinct once again took over. Harry quickly let go of Dumbledore's arm and turned to point his wand at the Inferi. It was then that Harry noticed that the Inferi had been following them but at a distance. Incendio!

The hold on his ankle vanished but other Inferi were stepping up to take its place. Harry suddenly felt an arm wrap around his shoulders as a crimson and gold ring of fire appeared, surrounding the rock. The Inferi started to bump into each other while attempting to escape the flames but they were trapped. Harry gripped the sleeve of arm holding him to find it dry and warm. It was Dumbledore's arm. Harry let out a sigh of relief and let Dumbledore pull him to the boat.

The ring of fire slowly shifted to focus around Harry and Dumbledore as they stepped in the boat. The Inferi quickly took the opportunity given to them and slipped back into the dark water. The fire continued to burn around them as the boat began to move across the water. Harry slowly reached out and gripped Dumbledore's wrist and felt a reassuring pat on the back of his hand from Dumbledore. There were just some things that couldn't be put into words. Right now the assurance that Dumbledore was still there with him was enough for Harry.

Closing his eyes, Harry carefully sent a few waves of healing magic to Dumbledore through the hold Harry had on Dumbledore's wrist. It wasn't enough to repair any damage being done but it would at least give Dumbledore a little more energy for their journey back. Harry was already starting to think of possible plans to get back to Hogwarts. He was tired, sore and out of his mind with worry concerning Professor Dumbledore's deteriorating health.

The boat reached the bank with a small bump. Dumbledore stepped out first with a little more sturdiness to his step. Harry leapt out after him and followed as Dumbledore led the way out of the cave, the circle of flames remaining around them every step of the way. Clanking and tinkling could be heard as the small boat slowly sank back into the water with the chain following it. Their pace wasn't exactly fast but it was steady. The moment they entered the antechamber, Dumbledore lowered his wand and the fames vanished.

"We must hurry, Harry," Dumbledore said softly. "I don't know how long I will last." He looked at the wall of rock before them. "The archway has sealed again. It will need another payment will need to be made."

When Dumbledore pocketed his wand and reached for his knife, Harry intervened. "Wait, sir," he said quickly the raised his hand to Dumbledore's cheek and brushed his fingers against the bleeding cut. With his fingers dripping with blood, Harry brushed his fingers against the stone and stepped back as the archway opened. He raised his wand and lit the way out of the outer cave.

Now was the hard part. Harry let Dumbledore pass and slip into the icy seawater that filled the crevice in the cliff. When Dumbledore started to swim, Harry quickly entered the water and followed closely with his wand held between his teeth. He needed to keep a close eye on Dumbledore because if the Headmaster grew too weak, Harry would have to swim both of them to shore. They were soon swimming side by side, Harry's wand providing the necessary like they needed to find their way back to the cliff. Their pace was once again slowing but Harry refrained from commenting. They were moving forward and that's what was important.

Harry reached the boulder first, pulling himself up before helping Professor Dumbledore. Soaked and shivering in the cold air, Harry quickly cast a drying charm on their clothes before re-holstering his wand and helping Dumbledore to his feet. Dumbledore swayed for a moment until he regained his senses and wrapped and arm around Harry. Once again, there was no need to say anything. Harry knew what Dumbledore needed him to do by the gesture. Closing his eyes and holding onto Dumbledore as tightly as he could, Harry focused on Hogsmeade and immediately felt the familiar sensation of being compressed into nothingness. He couldn't move or breathe for a long second and then it was gone. The smell of salt and sea was gone...and replaced by the smell of burnt wood and smoke. Harry quickly opened his eyes and gasped at what he saw.

The Three Broomsticks was nearly consumed in flames, flames that were spreading out and passing to the neighboring shops. Loud rattling and shouts filled his ears as Harry slowly turned his gaze to the gates of Hogwarts and saw at least a dozen figures in black cloaks throwing spells at the gates in an attempt to break them open. Harry quickly withdrew his wand and let out a shaky breath. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry noticed that Dumbledore was doing the same. In a blink of an eye, their priorities had changed. Despite how they may feel, Harry and Professor Dumbledore couldn't leave Hogsmeade to ruin or take the risk that the attackers may break through the gates...

...no matter what the cost may be.

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Disclaimer: I don't own harry potter or anything affiliated.
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